#that's a thing
radiance1 · 8 months
Vlad has been asleep for a few centuries now, in a goddamn coffin that he specifically made just for that like the weird rich person he is. He was also, the phoenix king.
Or at the very least, one of them.
Honestly, Danny couldn't give less of a flying cheerio how long Vlad would sleep for if it wasn't an inconvenience to it.
But it was.
You see, he's the ghost prince, prince of the infinity realms, dragon of infinity, son of war and ward of time, etc, etc.
And somehow, he has bloody paperwork.
Even though the Infinite Realms fell into Anarchy eons ago.
So he honestly doesn't know why he has paperwork, and it's so much that Danny has been spending centuries doing it and he's so tired of it and then he remembered, hey? Who likes can do mountains of paperwork without breaking a sweat and could finish this way better than Danny could?
Vlad Masters.
Hasn't seen the guy after his mother died, don't know where exactly he is, but he isn't in his lair (yes Danny managed to get in, don't ask how) and Danny is going to find this man by the Ancients because he cannot deal with those anymore.
He barely even made a dent!
Anyways, so Danny goes over to Earth because he hasn't been there for a hot minute, and that's probably where Vlad is and uh, woah there is this really Earth cause it's lookin mighty different to how he saw it last time-
Why was the Earth currently covered in flames? Black flames that look mighty familiar to someone else's that he knows actually. You know, someone who should have been sleeping the centuries away instead of, oh he doesn't know.
Taking over the mortal world?
It even seems that Vlad got himself a goddamn cult too! How neat! How much time did it take you to assemble all these people Vlad? You even gave out pieces of your power when you could've been, oh, he doesn't know.
Helping him with paperwork?
So, he's kinda mad about this, pissed, actually. So, he goes to find where exactly Vlad is in this reign of madness, finds a literal crack in reality and just heads on through because he couldn't care less about that actually.
What he finds is not what he expected.
Cause you know Vlad? Phoenix king who is probably trying to take over the mortal world instead of helping him with paperwork and was supposed to be sleeping inside a coffin?
Yea scratch that. Because that isn't a coffin.
When the hell was Vlad sleeping inside a magical barrier-
And who the heck was that spamming Vlad's signature black flames while laughing manically, and who in the infinite realms were those guys who were currently fighting said spammer.
"What exactly, in the Infinite Realms, happened while I was doing paperwork?"
So, the Justice League is now combating a new world ending threat. Some cult who wants to cleanse the world in the name of their deity so they could hand it to him once he reawakens.
Which, apparently, might've been around for centuries, slowly preparing for this day which, dedicated, but not the good kind of dedication really.
So, back to the fight, they're fighting this possible immortal who's been taking over the bodies of each new head of the cult for centuries and, well, he genuinely had power to back him and his cult up.
Not really a shock there, to be fair, since he claimed his powers to originate from the sleeping deity who blessed him with a portion of his power.
Vlad didn't, bro just stole a portion of his power and claimed it as a blessing lawl. Not that the cult knew that-
So the Justice League managed to break their way into the place holding said sleeping deity that also acted as the base for the cult leader and, well. Yea he truly does have the power to back himself up and, if the magic users had anything to say about, a very magically powerful deity he follows too.
So they're kinda screwed if said Deity wakes up, they don't even know when he will actually, neither did the cult leader. He just will 'eventually' which isn't as descriptive as some (read: Batman) would like.
First things first, beat up and disband the cult, figure out a way to prevent the sleeping deity's awakening later.
So they were fighting a battle (shocker I know) with their forces spread between their world and the pocket dimension and things weren't looking quite as good as they hoped. Lots of causalities, both civilians, heroes and even villains alike, a whole lot of magic and powers being thrown about and the monologuing of the cult leader who was floating above said sleeping god.
You could even think it to be symbolic in some way, that he thinks himself above a god.
So, safe to say, in all of this chaos they weren't exactly expecting a new voice to join the fray.
"What exactly, in the Infinite Realms, happened while I was doing paperwork?"
And the owner of said voice, to be a goddamn dragon.
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turtles-allthewaydown · 3 months
I gave in to the brainrot and wrote a Dungeon Meshi fic. It's 6k of thoughts about Chilchuck, if that's something that interests you.
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not-poignant · 11 months
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Daily excerpt from Underline the Black 67:
‘Going forward,’ Temsen said, ‘I think you need to find more ways to communicate with each other. Additionally, it would be nice if you would stop verbally abusing him in the heat of the moment, and at any other times you’re doing it. I know that was the best you could manage, because I saw you earlier, and I know full well you could have torn a person limb from limb while snarling like a bear about it. But…calling him pathetic? Worthless? Heroic moment for you, Gary.’ Gary was surprised Efnisien had shared that, then he remembered Temsen could be a ruthless interrogator when he wanted, omegas, betas, alphas – it didn’t matter, he’d crucify them all to get information. ‘He already believes he is those things,’ Temsen said. ‘At the least, you owe him an apology too.’ ‘I know,’ Gary said, closing his eyes. ‘I know.’
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tlacuaxyoz · 11 months
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Went for a walk in the middle of the rain and saw this qt. Any frog expert knows the species?
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tofuingho · 1 year
There's an episode of M.A.S.H. where Colonel Potter says that his wife would be cool with buying nudie mags for Hawkeye.
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kartsstuffig · 1 year
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i don't remember what i've posted and haven't at this point.
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also some art for @boyrobottz hi judas :3
made smth silly on free draw the other day (my sister dragged me in) so uh cw for lots of eyes where they shouldn't be ig
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just-osgood · 1 year
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
And while there is an element of like- yes someone caught out of time and the unique tragedy of everything being so slightly different. Its tiring in a way that’s hard to describe, where the food isn’t bad but it’s different than what’s familiar. It’s just. Far too easy for me to look at her and see myself in some of her things. -☁️ (sorry, I sent the other one a bit soon)
Same! I can't wait for their hangouts both it's gonna be insane!
(Also yeah, the inherent tragedy in your safe food being out of fashion for 50 or so years, must've been hell)
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lilithfairen · 2 years
It's always really telling to see the kind of stories that RWBY "critics" write themselves.
Especially when every single one of their stories revolves around treating girls like they're selfish bitches who are completely incapable of cooperation, relishing in graphic violence against women, and being the kind of person who insists RWBY is "ableist" and then writes a story where disability is a punishment for the antagonists.
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The cheapest of the Beiguang merch we bought.
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talisidekick · 7 days
A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.
His response: "No, it's my name now."
I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.
Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.
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calocera · 6 months
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my pet mold spore
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willgrahamscock · 6 months
not now kitten, daddy's about to have a mental breakdown from seeing the prices at the grocery store
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vilea777 · 6 months
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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macdenlover · 4 months
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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telebeast · 18 days
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unoriginal joke
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