#tw ed mention
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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laikabu · 1 month
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lylahammar · 7 months
I’m so happy I’m fat 🥰 I love grabbing substantial handfuls of my tummy and feeling its comforting weight 💕 I love shaking my body around and feeling myself jiggle like pudding 💖 I feel really sexy when I wear bodycon outfits and fill them out, or let my fat rolls peek under my crop tops ❤️‍🔥 I love that my my body is a comfortable place for my girlfriend to lay, and that I can carefully squash the lights outta her when she wants pressure 💘 I love that my body fat keeps me warm when the power goes out during a winter storm and our house gets down to 32 degrees inside 💗 I’m so glad that I got over my teenage obsession with staying skinny and grew into a fat and happy adult 😊
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ciderjacks · 3 months
ppl calling Chilchuck a twink. Incorrect. That is not a Twink that is an old man with an eating disorder. Same with Mithrun except he’s mentally ill in a different way. Laios is too buff to be a twink. Senshi, obviously not. Furry elf who’s name I forgot is also too buff, maybe a twunk but debatable. Shuro is also probably too built when he’s not forgetting to eat bc of white women, and Mickbell is another mentally ill middle aged man.
the only true dungeon twink is Him
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ugh-skinni-aesthetics · 7 months
*My stomach growls in public*
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angel-mutt · 2 months
i love you fucked up girls. i love you girls who struggle to keep relationships i love you girls who self isolate i love you girls with addictions i love you girls who overeat i love you girls who undereat i love you girls who need a therapist but dont have one i love you girls who need medication but dont have any i love you girls with npd i love you girls with bpd i love you girls with severe health problems (mental or physical) i love you girls who stay in unhealthy or abusive relationships. i love you and i wish the best for you. i love you fucked up girls.
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the-singular-peep · 18 days
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Some vent/comfort art of my own emotions (peepmotions if you will….)
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 9 months
Amberfuzz is not the type of cat to cry. Or smile. Or… Well, any sort of emoting, really. She’s been this way since kithood; when her father stood shaking over the frozen frail body of her littermate, she sat by his side and observed his grief in silence. Catching her first prey only brought a calm reverence over her face as she quietly thanked her teacher for her exuberant praise. When Glowstar appointed her as his second-in-command, she was truly honored to be considered! But she didn’t jump around like an excitable fawn. It’s simply isn’t her nature.
Meeting Shinefreckle was like getting caught in a flash rainstorm. It left Amberfuzz befuddled and uncomfortable, and soaked to the bone. It made her irritable and snappy, and wishing for better days.
But it was also eye-opening for Amberfuzz. The older molly was everything she isn’t. Shinefreckle was bubbly, and naive, and she felt everything at an eleven. She’d squeal at the sight of lady bugs, she’d weep during the sad tales Heatherdash would regail over the evening meal, she’d loudly berate the apprentices for grabbing moss littered with pine needles. She was a whirlwind of sunlight and storms and she could grab attention without having to lift a paw.
Amberfuzz hated her for it, just as much as she envied her for it.
She never expected to get close to Shinefreckle, but it wasn’t long before they were sharing meals and sharing tongues on the regular. Shinefreckle was good at conversation in ways that Amberfuzz lacked; she could chitter on about the littlest things, investing in mostly one-sided conversations and pausing every so often for Amberfuzz to offer commentary. When Amberfuzz’s turn came to speak, she’d sit and listen with full attention, nodding when needed, gasping and smiling and giggling like anything she said was the single best thing Shinefreckle had heard all day.
She’d never admit it, but Amberfuzz preened under the attention. She’d even started smiling more, much to the confusion of the other Colony cats.
Losing Cliffclaw destroyed Shinefreckle, in more ways than could be seen. Eating was no longer a priority. She grew thin and unsteady as her frame became more bone than muscle. She couldn’t leave camp without an escort, and she rarely left at all at that point. When bathing took too much energy, her fur grew matted and dirty. Eventually Amberfuzz set about doing it all for her; she’d force her to nibble on her prey, she’d take her on small walks along the cliffs, she’d pick the tangled twigs from her fur. Despite her best efforts, however, Shinefreckle looked worse and worse as the days rolled on.
And then, Shinefreckle developed a cough. It was manageable at first, but despite a moon of treatment she just couldn’t seem to get better. She eventually had to be carried to the medicine den.
Amberfuzz doesn’t cry, but her eyes stung as her ears tuned into the rasp of her friend’s breathing, the only sound in a dusty room. Her own air hitched in her lungs— and what a foreign feeling to her— as the stench of sickness flooded her senses. Her nose burned as she tucked her face into Shinefreckle’s neck, pressing close enough to feel her heartbeat lightly tap in a withered rhythm.
She doesn’t cry. She never cries. She will not cry—
Shinefreckle’s voice rattled where it caught on her cough, her head raising just enough for Amberfuzz to see her tired eyes. They crinkled at the corners from a weak smile.
“I’m here, Shinefreckle. You’re in the medicine den.”
Shinefreckle’s gaze flitted about before coming back to rest on the other. “It seems I am,” she croaks.
“Don’t move too much,” Amberfuzz said, and pressed a paw to her flank. “Heatherdash says you’re very sick. You need to rest, to get your strength up.”
She expected Shinefreckle to scoff, or to whine, or to make a fuss like she usually would. Instead, the molly’s eyes drifted to the side, like her thoughts were leading her somewhere else entirely. It took quite some time for her to float back.
“I’m tired, Fuzzy. I don’t want to fight anymore.”
Amberfuzz frowned at her. “Don’t say that. You’ll see, you just need a few days of proper rest. You’ll be well in no time—“
Shinefreckle shook her head, and her body shuddered through a series of coughs. “N-No. I won’t be.”
“But it’s okay,” Shinefreckle said, and bumped her head gently against Amberfuzz’s temple. “It’s alright, Fuzzy. Just sit with me a moment. Can we please sit together?”
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She smiled a soft smile, the kind that a mother would use to ease her wailing kit. It filled Amberfuzz with a sadness she couldn’t describe, one that she could only feel her way through, hanging heavy and wet in her chest. She flexed her jaw, scowling through the tears that dampened her cheeks. “Okay,” she said with a tremble in her voice. “Okay.”
She held Shinefreckle until her rattling chest finally stilled, until her eyes fluttered shut, until the first streaks of dawn tickled at the medicine den’s entrance. She held her on her final descent down the cliff, refusing anyone who offered to help carry the load. She only let go when it was time to lay Shinefreckle on her bed of rosemary, right next to Cliffclaw’s grave. Only then did Amberfuzz let go.
Amberfuzz doesn’t cry. But the buzz of a lady bug’s wing is sure to stop her in her tracks. She talks more to the rest of the Colony, and even shares stories of her own in the evening time. And if you’re lucky, on the right kind of day, her stone face will crack at its edges in a smile.
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throwanaway · 5 months
gonna start doing this- day 1
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cw: 215lbs
gw (current): 200lbs
ugw: 115lbs
hw: 270lbs
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catinasink · 2 months
local tboy has realized the eating disorder has, in fact, disordered his eating. more at 12
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sunnibits · 2 months
do u guys wanna hear about the most cursed creation I’ve made recently on my arfid recovery journey
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youreaspecialflower · 4 months
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It is with great hesitation that I seek entrance into tgirl rummy tuesday. I've spent a lot of time unwell and uneasy about my body and my weight, and have only recently been able to think about it without full panic in my mind. It really hit me last night when I saw a picture of myself from 2018, when I was at my thinnest, and realized "oh, she was fucking struggling". I have for a long time idealized the suffering I went through then as virtuous, moral, and something to strive for, and all the weight I've gained since then as this all encompassing shame that is so painful I cant even hold in my head long enough to interrogate. And it's only been a day but hopefully this is a watershed moment in my journey of healing and self love. I still massively struggle with negative thoughts and negative self image, and my roommates have to hide their scales from me, but fuck it. Here I am in my swimsuit, tummy out, for what may be the first time in a long time online. Maybe some girly girl hype will help me out on this journey.
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detentiontrack · 3 months
I weigh 230 pounds and I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. I can be on my feet for hours and hours, I can exercise, I can move around without my cane. Back when I weighed 160lbs, doctors told me I just needed to lose weight and my chronic illnesses would go away. So for 8 years, I starved myself and did everything in my power to be thin. It wasn’t until I gained 70 pounds and actually started eating real food, that I started feeling better. Fatphobia in the medical field literally kills people and makes them sicker. You can be fat AND healthy. Skinny doesn’t always equal health.
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
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I just, I don't even know what to say
Ok, serious chat for a moment. Warnings for mentions of an ED and medical mistreatment.
It's so frustrating to still see shit like this when I grew up in the days of fat free everything and Weight Watchers ads every 5 minutes on TV.
Why is it fat people that everyone agrees to dogpile on? We're bullied incessantly for something that a lot of us can't even fix or help, because people who AREN'T fat assume we're just lazy pigs. Like yeah, please just disregard my physical debility and MULTIPLE hormonal issues and just assume that I just shovel food into my mouth constantly. Oh, you say I can't have an eating disorder because I'm fat and "those people" are skinny? BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!
It's bullshit, full stop. I still struggle with my ED, but the older I've gotten the more open and honest with myself I've become. I've never sought treatment for it because, again, I'm still fat. The one time I did bring it up to a doctor, he said "well if you do have an eating disorder then you aren't doing a very good job." I wish I were making that up.
Fat is in my genes, and there are so many other contributing factors it isn't even funny. It's so pounded into our heads that we NEED to be thin (mostly targeting women, let's be real) in order to have value, and I'm so fuckin sick of still hearing about the latest severely unhealthy fad diet or what fucking celebrity is on ozempic.
Which, by the way, I did have pushed on me a couple years ago when regular people could still get their hands on it. It made me feel so much worse. Every dose would trigger a binge, and I would feel horrible for days afterwards. I told my doctor (different from the other one I mentioned) this, and she told me that it was just something I was going to have to deal with because look, you've lost 20lbs since your last visit!
I felt worse than I had in YEARS, but it didn't matter because my body was becoming more socially acceptable. Do you want to know how many times doctors have tried to shove weight loss surgery down my throat? Countless. No matter how many times I say I'm not even there to talk about my weight, and that those surgeries are NOT for me, someone always brings it up. It's crazy how hurtful being ignored for knowing your own body is, because someone else thinks you need to change.
I wish this was something I had figured out when I was younger, but alas. I wore a hoodie over my clothes for 6 years straight, regardless of how hot it was outside, just to try to hide. I made myself miserable, ate barely anything (which would just trigger a binge, of course) and had it beat into my head constantly that my weight was the most important thing about me.
Here's the thing it took me way too long to learn:
You know what the number on the scale is? It's just a number. Your weight, high or low, is simply a tiny part of who you are as a human. If others choose to judge you based on it, that's not a failure on your part. It's on theirs. Being fat is not a crime, nor is it deserving of the insults and sneers we get in public spaces. People will always find a reason to stare, to whisper and giggle, and the best thing you can do for yourself is not give them the time of day.
I realize that's not easy. It's taken me 30+ years to reach a point where I've realized that going out in public is a necessity, and that the only reason I think people are staring at me is because advertisements like this punched the concept into my fragile little mind as a kid. At the end of the day, this is the one thing all fat people need to know:
Being fat is not a moral failure.
There is nothing wrong with you just because you need bigger clothes, mobility aids, or help from others. I don't care what anyone says - your weight is no one's business but your own. You want to lose weight? Go for it! More power to you, you'll get nothing but support from me. But there's nothing wrong with not wanting to do that either. That's really what it comes down to - the assumption that there's something inherently wrong with us because we're bigger than other people.
That's the part that needs to stop. And if anyone ever needs a reminder, my asks are always open. You're beautiful, I promise. 💜
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao
(I'm sure some asshole anons will come at me for "glorifying obesity" or "promoting unhealthy lifestyles". I assure you I am not. I am simply trying to help normalize a different mindset. If you're upset that fat people exist and that I'm saying they deserve the same care and compassion as anybody else, then you need to do a little bit of internal examination there. I promise fat people have not hurt you by virtue of existing in larger bodies ♡)
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snortoborto · 1 month
What is with fandom and insisting that twink™️ is the BEST and the ONLY body type? Sorry, but making canonically mid-size (not even fat, yall could NOT handle that), middle-aged men look like teenage boys should be a crime punishable by death.
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loverboyromanroy · 1 year
wasn't it so fun that roman's example of ken's over-stepping big brother-ism was specifically about food and not getting to eat the food that he wanted to eat which was a direct parallel to ravenhead's opinion piece about being "force-fed" what you don't want from an imposing government, an opinion piece that roman gave the talking points on. wasn't that neat.
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