#ed not sheeren
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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fkathindjinn · 4 hours
obesity october if i don’t lock in fr
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calsandmemes · 6 months
My brain is so dumb
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sophia-131989 · 7 months
I'm so jealous of people my age who are naturally skinny. Everyone I know is smaller than me and they can eat whatever they want and don't have to worn about gaining and they don't dislike their bodies. Meanwhile I gain 5 pounds after smelling chocolate.
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miksmind · 7 months
using Tumblr whenever I think about eating
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p0rcelainclown · 7 months
Love the feeling of an empty stomach
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hellokitty-84 · 7 months
Think about the look on their faces when they see how skinny you‘ve gotten.
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longstembroccoli · 6 months
knowing that i could be ⭐️ving right now but instead my body is processing food actually hurts i want to die lol
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notsohoneymoon · 8 months
I'm too jealous of those who "forget" to eat. My days are built around food........ fck you brain, think about something else
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lolita-lifeless · 8 months
the amount of calories in alcohol should be ILLEGAL
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mini vision board 🤍
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calsandmemes · 6 months
When someone’s spreading misinformation on nutrition and you gotta hold in the fucked up amount of knowledge you have on the subject
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genderless-nymph · 9 months
Why the fuck
is the quality of my day based off if I eat or not!! I get so depressed after I eat SO WHY THE FUCK DO I STILL EAT
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svramblrdegg · 6 months
The feeling of fasting getting easier >>>
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bexsi · 10 months
Ways I keep myself from 3ating!!
Chewing gum
Drinking a lot, and I mean A LOT, of water
M4sturbating (idc if this is tmi but this is probably the most helpful thing for me)
Scrolling tumblr/tiktok/twitter
Talking to/playing games with friends
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blackswan707 · 7 months
⭐️ving myself/fasting for a very long time is the hardest but very addicting feeling fr
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