pianokantzart · 6 months
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I have no explanation, @untoldsoup's sexy twink King Boo design simply struck a chord with me.
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xx-akubara-xx · 6 months
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A super fun commish piece for the ever-amazing @untoldsoup I completely adore these Boo and Human!Bowser designs! If you haven't read their comic yet- I greatly recommend it!
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mefiman · 9 months
It honestly started out as a practice sketch to draw @untoldsoup's Human/Gijinka Bowser but I got serious and even drew Bowuigi because why not? So yeah, some fanart for the lovely artist! I LOVE their "Change" comic and awaiting the sequel "Built to Burn" while prepping for my final exam.
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kirby-the-gorb · 7 months
reply roundup!
I've done basically nothing but lay down and be exhausted since kirb2k over 2 months ago, but I did at least get the kirbox orders fulfilled. I have an immunology appointment in another 2 1/2 months and maybe they might do something to help me feel better. (it's a bad time. I know it seems to be most of what I talk about, but it is kind of all-consuming. even this roundup wore me out.)
also there are sometimes comments that make me smile but I don't have anything to add to them so I just read them and smile and don't put them in the roundups, but I promise I do see them all, like the many yeehaws (and yes haws and heehaws) for [cowboy kirb] <3
on [the last roundup] @hive-heart said: Hope things get better, kirby guy 💕 thanks for the reply :) also yeah! Sitting by the window during a storm is quite nice
they haven't lol, but thank you!
on [kirb2k] @ceylonsilvergirl said: HAPPY Y2K EVERYBODY!! I am joke, but it did give me serious “turn of the century’’ vibes. oof… that sentence hit me like I drank out of the wrong grail
that was intentional, that's also why we started with the macarena in the 1990s :>
on [errands] @crypptiid said: ME! MY ROLLATOR IS BLUE AND EVERUTHING @sunflowerinthemidst said: oh look it's me only my walker is hot pink 1😅😂
nice! I should really repaint mine if I'm ever feeling well enough lol
on [the last roundup] @gudetamalover said: :O!!! I’ve been noticed! My surgery went very well btw, thank you! [details removed for privacy.] I love your art so much btw, it brings me and my mom so much joy! I love this little pink dude, he’s got a permanent place in my heart ❤️ 
man that sounds rough, good thing it got ironed out quickly! and I'm glad it brings you both joy <3
on [errands] @pilcherthegreat said: oooo might add this one to my Kirby brigade tattoo 👀
oh hell yeah that sounds so cool! (for anyone else wondering, tattoos on your own body count as personal use and are totally fine by me!)
on [screaming] @persimmonlions said: i always forget how much i do not like the chaotic cacophony of a crowd until i am in a mall, like ‘oh yeah i DO get overstimulated no wonder i constantly skipped classes when i was 10’. anyway i got back home at 3 and proceeded to sleep for 6 hours
ugh omg yeah especially when you actually reblogged this 2 months ago and there were still holiday crowds and all the extra decor and stuff, the mall can be So Much.
on [macarena] @unconventionalvoidaxolotls said: holy heck, go kirby go! oh yeah this is a great first post. beautiful
ehehehe it's an honor :3
on [plushies] @the-void-is-a-disappointment said: finally getting around to reblogging this but thank you bunches for the commission!he looks so comfy and cozy i love it, he deserves this
he does! he does deserve to be so cozy and cute! (and thank you again for the support!)
on [bloodstream] @lord-chiopet said: Kirby in my blood could fix me
well he certainly wouldn't make me worse lol (fun fact: you kind of already have a bunch of kirb-likes in your blood! macrophages are a type of white blood cell that engulf and isolate or destroy foreign matter like splinters, viruses, and even tattoo ink! they're basically eating anything that tries to get into your blood that's not supposed to be there -u- )
on [fire] @jupiterlandings said: kirby I am hurrying to you with blankets and a tent and a warm meal, we may be in the wilderness kirby but we can still look at the stars even when the night is cold. and even if we can’t see them they’re still there and they’ll send the sun to look after us tomorrow. it’ll be ok kirby we’ll be ok
waah this is just such a sweet thought ;n; thank you for sharing it.
on [frown] @shapeshifterwithafez said: get well soon OP :c <3 this kirby nevertheless brings joy to my dashboard thank you!
I will not but thank you! I'm glad he brings joy regardless :)
on [worm] @thecosmickitty said: Hey fam just wanna say i love your art. Thank you for sharing (:
aww thanks!
on [mcas] @untoldsoup said: Im sorry about the health issues 😞 hope you get the treatment your looking for
I appreciate it <3 it's still gonna take a while one way or the other, but hopefully eventually someone will do something.
on [float (up)] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] a ufo to abduct him, then on [rainbow] they [added] an alien kirb to greet him, and on [freckles] they [added] the view out the ufo window :) this little saga was very cute and did cheer me up a bit, thank you <3
on [float (down)] @angst-and-fajitas said: Ah he's floatin away
the kirb's not made for helium balloons! (a reference to [this vine], and good news this upload is actually from the person that made it!)
on [sacrifice] @joekingv1 said: *sits next to baby and waits to see what happens*
I really wanna draw a short comic for this but it seems like I'm not gonna feel up to it anytime soon -n-
on [stars] @gidkog said: *GASP* at world’s ass…
oh no you're right :x that was not on purpose lol
on [earring] @roboticutie said: yay!!!! he's here again today :D thank you!!!
your enthusiasm is sweet! he will be here every day! :)
on [sora] @ducksandlemonsandbigoldfish said: Kiev Kernel Kirby I hate autocorrect
this made me laugh lol
on [sora] @canvascoloredin said: congratulations! I've played all the kingdom hearts games (except Melody of Memories, Sorry Kairi), and started when I was around six but haven't had the time to buy a console I can play 3 on. Have fun for me!
I haven't played melody of memories yet either, the rhythm for all the rhythm minigames was always so janky that I'm kind of worried about how it might play tbh. but I am having lots of fun, I'm sure it's enough for both of us!
on [tattoos] @theraphos said: high five kirby i just recently resolved to finally get myself a tattoo this year also
nice! I hope it goes well :)
@turpial-thoughts asked: hi
on [worry] @graycoin said: I hope the wait is worth it.
yeah me too :s (thanks. and for all your other sympathetic comments whenever I complain about it as well <3 )
on [float (side)] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what they think about when they go floating*
probably very little I imagine. even less than usual lol
on [bread] @joekingv1 said: *asks baby what they got while secretly hiding some extra treats for baby, Bear and Cake*
this one is just very cute, I had to read it aloud to my partner when I saw it.
on [sea] @graycoin said: This gets across the vibe very well. I get why you'd feel that way, I think. It's understandable. I'm glad people are trying. You deserve it.
thanks. I've always had a hard time conveying like, internal stuff for some reason, so it's nice when it seems to make sense to someone else.
on [sea] @ceylonsilvergirl said: Kirbo is in the storm, tossed by the waves, threatened by lightning at any moment in the dark. not even the stars to shine through the clouds. but he’s still floating, and that has to count for something
surely it must count for something TnT <3
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the-blind-geisha · 5 months
I like how you draw king boo (both forms)
Oh goodness, thank you so much~! ♥✨♥ ✨ That means a lot coming from an amazing artist such as yourself! I adore the way you as well draw him and King Bowser. ♥
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jelly-fish-wishes · 4 months
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Happy early birthday to @untoldsoup
Drawing King Boo was so much fun! Just a round marshmallow hehehe.
And I should draw soft Bowser more often 🤔
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kenneduck · 2 months
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Finished commission for @untoldsoup of their Bowser and King Boo designs~ I HAD SO MUCH FUN AHH! PLEASE READ THEIR BOWUIGI COMIC!
Commissions open~
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katlyntheartist · 5 months
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Commission for @untoldsoup of his human King Boo design.
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untoldsoup · 1 month
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So a few people suggested starting off with ko-fi because it's low pressure and less stress. So here it is! I'm actually gunna try and use it lol.
It looks like you can add photos and stuff so i can maybe put sketches and things on it. And since it's tip based It's less anxiety for me.
So no pressure of course to tip!! I will always have my full comic pages on tumblr for free (and tapas, but idk if anyone really uses tapas but the comic is on there too, tho tapas crunches the resolution lol)
I'm just gunna add this cool tip opinion for fun ❤️
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snapple16 · 10 months
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Ladies, gentlemen and those in between! I present Solaris redesign courtesy of @untoldsoup , for Through the suffering and Pain! Thanks again!
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megaroomba · 4 months
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Got commissioned by THE @untoldsoup , thank you so much, gosh this was such a fun piece to draw!!!
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xx-akubara-xx · 7 months
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"Just one bite."
This was a lovely commish for @untoldsoup ! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to draw this ship! 💖💖❤️💖💖❤️💖❤️💖💖❤️
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mefiman · 8 months
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AAAAAAAAAAA @untoldsoup asked me on Discord if he could draw my Bowuigi babies, Valentina and Rossa and I said yes, go right ahead!
Aren't they so beautiful in his style?! 😆 I'M STILL SCREAM SQUEALING!!! 😍❤️ I'M SO TREASURING THIS MASTERPIECE!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Even though I said that more than twice, THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN, SOUP SENPAI, YOU TRULY MADE MY NIGHT!!! 💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
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the-blind-geisha · 2 months
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Artist: @untoldsoup
Thank you so much for making my silly idea even better! QwQ
Because I keep commissioning these two, my idea well is a bit dry, so I am glad I've had some awesome artist friends / mutuals who can make my ideas FAR better!
I love this piece SO much! Thank you again for drawing Princess Violetta with King Boo!
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jelly-fish-wishes · 2 months
Check out this recent commission I did for @untoldsoup !
I freaking loved doing this one 🥰
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untoldsoup · 11 months
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I just joined the bluesky thing. Idk how to use it yet or what I'm doing but I'm going to give it a shot!
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