#veteran guard
inkyquince · 8 months
Yknow how you don't even ride big guys? They're just bouncing you by themselves?
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angrelysimpping · 1 year
Someone did this to an obey me ask…
NPCS tripping and landing face first in PCS cleavage? (PC doesn’t even have to be female, since male PCS can have breasts in game!)
(When requests are open x)
Requests aren't probably gonna b open for a while but....I really liked this and it's been sitting in my drafts for aaaaages
Red-faced, nearly knocks you down pushing away from you. At higher dominance, they're more likely to laugh it off. At lower dominance, they scuttle away, unable to look you in the eyes for the rest of the day.
Anxious Guard
Freezes before jumping away from you. Tries to admonish you as if it's your fault, but can't stop stammering.
A bit flustered from tripping at all. Avery prides themself on being calm and in control. Probably won't acknowledge it. Don't bring it up.
Bitter from having tripped in front of you and mostly doesn't acknowledge it. Mutters something about you putting your tits to good use to make their money.
Also doesn't like the fact that you've witnessed them trip, but laughs at having ended up face-first in your breasts. Gives one of them a playful squeeze and tells you to wear something tight on stage.
A mess. Apologizing, asking if they hurt you. Face pink and stuttering. Cannot look you in the eyes.
Another one who gets flustered by you seeing them trip at all, let alone into your cleavage. Also, this fucker it big. You are on the ground, their face in your chest. They are taking advantage and acting like this was their plan all along.
Pink faced. Badly suppressed stutter. Insists on giving you an examination to make sure they didn't hurt you. Proceeds to grope your tits for half an hour.
Death by tits. Feels like they've died and gone to heaven. Just stays like that for as long as they can before they realize they might have hurt you and starts asking if you're okay.
Relaxed Guard
Also a bit flustered for having tripped in front of you but laughs it off, groping one of your breasts as they go.
Starts apologizing immediately, hands fluttering over you as they try to see if they hurt you but not wanting to cause you any discomfort. Higher confidence Robin will ask if it's okay if they "kiss it better."
Scarred Inmate
Plays it off by pinning you down and groping you. They didn't trip, they just wanted their bitch under them and this was the quickest way to do that.
Pure Sydney is blushing. Blushing so hard. Unable to move. Stammering mumbled apologies. Corrupt Sydney is just as red but gives your sternum a kiss before moving away from you.
Veteran Guard
Also a fucker who probably knocked you to the ground when they tripped into you. Grumbles at you to watch where you going before giving one of your tits a harsh squeeze before climbing off you.
Flustered as hell that they tripped and takes it out on you. Grabs your tits and makes some crude comments. Likely to pull at your top so they can bite your chest. Probably will bite hard enough to make you bleed.
Trys to play it off, laughing even though their face is a bit pink. Playfully bites one of your tits through your top.
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voices-of-favor · 2 years
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Guess who had the initiative-
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robinvous · 2 years
#HobbyStreak Day 8
back to building my veteran guard and was hoping to prime them all tonight, but spent more time (unsuccessfully) looking for a missing leg than I did building them :(
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todaysdocument · 21 days
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Steward's Mate at His Battle Station
Record Group 26: Records of the U.S. Coast GuardSeries: Photographs of Activities, Facilities, and PersonalitiesFile Unit: Art by Asplund through Dickerson
This image depicts artwork of Coast Guardsman J.R. Smith, painted by Coast Guard Combat Artist Tore Asplund.
Public Relations Division
U. S. Coast Guard
Washington, D. C.
Their routine job on shipboard is serving the chow lines, but at the call to general quarters steward's mates have posts on the deck guns or as talkers in the battle communications systems on Coast Guard fighting ships. This portrait of a typical Coast Guard steward's mate* is by Coast Guard Combat Artist Tore Asplund, chief boatswain's mate, of New York City, an invasion veteran.
*J. R. Smith
Drawing shows a young African American man in a battle helmet.  Around his neck is a large microphone for radio communication.
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thewenglishwarlock · 6 months
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Flamer friend finished up for the guard killteam, over half of the team done now :)
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elle-oh-ell3 · 10 days
as this beating heart of mine grows ever more antique, 
and the sun warms my back, 
still i mourn. 
i mourn for having to mould around people, instead of them moulding around me.
i mourn for little me, 
how her room is dark and her cries are loud. 
i draw her towards that beating, 
antique heart of mine,
and promise that she will one day too,
be warmed by the sun she can see seeping through the cracks in her door. 
the day her tears cease, 
is the day the dark corners of my mind, 
so resembling my childhood home, 
fade away. 
i don’t know if that day will ever come. 
her laughter will simply overbalance her dim fill of my conscience, 
and the light she can see outside will bleed through.
shh. it’s okay. 
i mourn on this bright morning, 
but that beating, antique heart of mine grows ever more full. 
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moderat50 · 20 days
Trump Disrespect Veterans Again
Trump uses veterans' cemetery for political ads; breaking the cemetery and Defense Department rules. His representatives insult a cemetery worker who was tryng to do her job. 78 yr old Trump again shows his belief that rules and laws don't apply to him
"he angered veterans when he said the civilian Presidential Medal of Freedom is "much better" than the military Medal of Honor because recipients of the latter are often badly wounded or dead."
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Stephen Robinson at Public Notice:
Donald Trump is down so bad that his campaign is bringing back Republican dirty tricks from 20 years ago. Kamala Harris is packing arenas and rising in the polls while Trump whines about crowd sizes during incoherent press conferences and in insane Truth Social posts. Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, is a breakout star — a sharp contrast to Trump’s pick, JD Vance, who can’t shake the notion that he’s a creepy weirdo. Put it together and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Trump team is targeting Walz with a sleazy smear campaign that recalls the infamous “swiftboating” attacks against John Kerry. The approach isn’t a coincidence, either: Chris LaCivita, Trump’s senior campaign adviser, coordinated the “swiftboating” smears back in 2004.
Last week, Vance claimed that Walz abandoned his National Guard unit just before it was deployed to Iraq in 2005. “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him,” Vance said during a speech. He’s also accused Walz of exaggerating his record of service. Although the New York Times describes these charges as merely “provocative,” they’re actually repulsive lies. Walz retired from the National Guard after 24 of years of service. He put in his request months prior to the unit’s deployment, but Vance suggests Walz was asked to go to Iraq and he quit in response. Meanwhile, other equally shameless Republicans, including former Army officer Tom Cotton, pushed the false narrative that Walz callously ditched his unit to pursue a political career. “JDVance is right,” Cotton posted on X. “Tim Walz’s unit got orders to Iraq. He could’ve gone with them, but didn’t. He let his troops go to war without him instead.”
Here are the facts: Walz joined the Nebraska National Guard in 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. He was eligible for retirement after 20 years of service in 2001 but re-enlisted after 9/11, according to an interview he did for a Library of Congress oral history project. Walz officially launched his congressional campaign in February 2005, more than a month before the National Guard announced the possible partial mobilization of 2,000 troops. His last day with the Guard was May 16, 2005, and his unit received its official deployment orders on July 14.
Yes, Walz has stated in an interview that he “decided to retire to focus full time on running,” but he was 41 years old with a 4-year-old daughter. During an appearance on The Bulwark podcast, former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Iraq War vet, pointed out that Walz already did what 99 percent of Americans don’t — willingly volunteer for service — and there’s nothing dishonorable about retiring. If Walz’s retirement would’ve compromised the unit, the military could have issued a stop-loss blocking his request. That didn’t happen. In addition to the swiftboat-style smears, Republicans have accused Walz of “stolen valor” for past remarks that suggested he served in active combat.
The origins of “swiftboating”
Unlike President George W. Bush, Kerry served in Vietnam and spent several months commanding a patrol craft called a “swift boat.” He was injured three times in the line of duty, including getting hit by a piece of shrapnel that remained in his thigh when he was on the campaign trail in 2004. Despite Kerry’s decorated service, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) was a right-wing political organization that formed in direct opposition to his presidential candidacy. The group financed the book “Unfit for Command” and released a series of ads that attacked Kerry’s service and questioned his military honors, including his three Purple Hearts. Delegates at the 2004 Republican National Convention sunk so low as to mockingly wear adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on their chins, cheeks, and backs of their hands — suggesting that the injuries Kerry received during the war were a joke.
Backed with money from Clarence Thomas’s billionaire buddy Harlan Crow, LaCivita rounded up right-wing veterans willing to trash Kerry’s service, often in direct contradiction to statements made prior to his presidential run. George Elliott, Kerry's former commanding officer, had previously praised Kerry’s combat performance and stated in June 2003 that his Silver Star medal was “well-deserved.” But after Kerry formally announced his candidacy, Elliott — now a member of SBVT — released an affidavit in June 2004 claiming that Kerry “lied about what occurred in Vietnam,” which he later retracted, as well as another affidavit in September 2004 claiming “had I known the facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star.”
Why it won’t work this time
With Iraq being a major political liability for Bush, Kerry centered his campaign around his military service. He began his DNC acceptance speech with the line, “I’m John Kerry, and I’m reporting for duty.” A decorated veteran as the Democratic nominee was intended to challenge the perception that the party was “soft” on defense, particularly during a time of war. The “swiftboating” smear leveled the foundation of Kerry’s pitch to voters. He’d supported the disastrous Iraq War, so the rationale for his candidacy was that he’d make a superior commander in chief to Bush. But with his service record in question, he was less able to draw the intended contrast. Kerry enjoyed a narrow lead in the polls for most of the summer, but it evaporated shortly after the swift boat smears began and he went on to narrowly lose to Bush in November. (It’s still the last time a Democratic presidential candidate lost the popular vote.)
Walz, however, is not at the top of the ticket, and his appeal extends far beyond his military service. Arizona voters may still describe Sen. Mark Kelly as a “former astronaut,” but Walz is seen as a former high school football coach and longtime congressman. Harris/Walz supporters hold up signs at rallies that state simply “COACH,” and Harris promotes that image by regularly using the term to refer to her running mate. Walz even concludes his stump speech with what feels like a motivational locker room pep talk. These attacks on Walz’s military record aren’t new, either. When Walz ran for governor in 2018, two retired command sergeant majors in the Minnesota National Guard, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, submitted a paid letter to the editor at the West Central Tribune that accused Walz of “conveniently retiring a year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq.” But these allegations don’t hold water for anyone who has bothered to look into the timeline of his service. The Kerry campaign avoided a direct response to the attacks for far too long, which is rightly considered a mistake. Democrats learned a hard lesson from “swiftboating” — don’t assume that voters will see through the GOP’s transparent lies. So this time around, the Harris campaign and its surrogates moved swiftly to counter the charges.
The Trumpists are launching desperate smears against Kamala Harris VP pick Tim Walz’s military service record to pull a Swift Boat 2.0.
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sher-ee · 1 month
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inkyquince · 9 months
There's something about freakishly tall men. Towering over. Freak tall men. Using their height against you. You have absolutely no hope of getting away from hands pining your hands above your head, thighs pressed against your crotch, mean mean mean. MEAN freakishly tall men.
So Bailey, but freakishly tall. So so mean, so so freakish. The way he's leaning over his poor little orphan, his body curving unnaturally, hissing in their face.
Morgan. A towering beast in the sewers, following close to his prey, silent despite how fucking big he is. Of course you cannot get away, he's too fucking big, just lugs you around. Picking you up around your middle, huffing his hot breath against the top of your head, dragging you around no matter how much you squirm, your feet never touching the floor.
Veteran Guard, a fucking monster as he stalks the halls of the prison, cap nearly brushing the ceiling of the narrow halls, filling up the entire fucking space. You have no hope of getting away from him. His eyes gleaming from under his cap, a predator, can grab you and pin you down, and encompass your entire body. Lying on top of you, suffocating you, broad chest pressing against your shoulder blades, his legs extending over yours, his breath hitting your temple as he pins you down.
Also all of these men, would fucking have you ragdolling as they grip your waist and bounce you up and down on their cock, unrelenting as they pound your hole, ruining it as they just use you endlessly. You can barely even hold onto their shoulders as they break you in for them.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
you know what, fuck self control, what kinda English majors they'd be based on my time as an English major
Alex struggles a bit with sussing out deeper themes sometimes but damn are they good at discussing the aesthetics of the works.
Anxious Guard never clearly makes their point in argumentative essays. Takes creative writing classes but never commits to the degree itself, worries about it being a "useless" degree.
Avery is more cold and analitical in their analysis of the text than most people are. Often points out flawed relationships and acts as if one character is getting taken advantage of, it's that character's fault becuase the problems are "obvious."
Bailey gripes about the price of textbooks (don't we all?) and starts buying and selling textbooks themself as a way to make a quick buck and undercut the University. Middle of the road essays. Doesn't give a shit, just make their passing grade and moves on. Fucker is selling essays that get top marks. Has some blackmail on some of the professors.
Briar propositions the professors for better grades. Half the time doesn't even need better grades, they just want to make the professors squirm. Does the same with their fellow students, exchanging sexual favors for essays and test questions. Always focuses on the sexual aspect of any works they have to analyze.
Darryl works so hard, bless them. Often uses the University provided services to help with their essays. Studies poetry but hardly ever writes their own.
Again, Doren is in English education but they also take loads of poetry and drama classes. Works in the tutoring center. Worked for the essay revision service for a bit but didn't stay on for personal reasons.
Eden in Victorian lit, Eden in Vioctorian lit, Eden in Victorian lit!!!! It just feels right to them. Struggles with other classes but Victorian lit comes to them easy.
Harper always praises the moraly dubious and/or unreliable narriators. Just, how they're written. Not their actions, no, they would never. Don't believe them. Likes medical settings and anything thats a bit of a trippy read.
Kylar is a lil poetry major. Always writes the most sappy love poems. Turns every assignment into a love poem, somehow. All their poems have an underlying theme of obsession, and they're the only one who doesn't pick up on it.
Landry is very middle of the road. Doesn't stand out. Midling grades. 100% lifting the test answers from the professor's offices. Hangs around th campus coffee shops. Gothic lit enthusiast.
Leighton likes all those "taboo" classics and loves driving group conversations to those topics. "Helps" freshmen who have to take their English 101. Works for the university helping people write essays. Actually good at their job, even if there have been some complaintes about them acting a little inapropriately, all rumors that get brushed aside.
Niki is so fucking good with imagry, it's a little scary.
Quinn doesn't even try. They just costs by, and still make solid grades. Has been known to dominate group discussions. Often wins debates.
Relaxed Guard plays devil's advociate all the goddamn time. Doesn't even believe half the shit they say and write, just does it to see if they can pull it off.
Remy is cut and dry. Often pointedly ignores symbolism. Often hangs around the library, but it's unkown what they fuck they're doing there because they're never studying or looking for books or any of that, really.
Robin focuses on children's lit. Very good student, works hard, always starts on essays right when they get them.
Sydney is doing too much. Creative writing degree, focuses on religious symbolism and works. Works in the library. Goes to office hours. Takes on extra assignements. Regular at all campus coffee shops.
Vet Guard is that one person who always focuses on battles and wars. Picks their side on debates and will not change their opinian for anything.
Whitney bullshits their way through essays and class discussions and it fucking works. Hardly ever shows up to classes. Somehow still passing.
Wren bounces around. Mostly in the creative writing department. Chooses classes based on what they find interesting insted of focusing on getting a degree. Loves the poetry classes, tares Kylar's poems appart in group crituqe. Works in the coffee shop in the library, scribbles lil one off poems on napkins. Also writes tiny poems on the paper cups along with their number, handing them off to customers with a wink.
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she-wolf09231982 · 6 months
A War Miniseries of Their Own
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Help set a timeless example that serving with pride is also a woman's prerogative in every branch of the military. Sign the petition link attached to support A War Miniseries of Their Own!
Just signatures! Not asking for any money!
This is my own personal petition I’m pushing for. I’m a veteran who is looking to do the HBO War series justice by retelling the story of the military women in America’s history. Who better to play the part than a veteran who’s already been through the training? Please support your fellow Tumblr girl and sign 💚🪖🫡
(Just imagine the fanfics you could write if this takes off!) 😉
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obvsdisturbed · 6 months
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my color practice piece of the year. it goes to my cadian salvador and his tzeentchian companion (they invited themselves here).
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gallinusspacebirb · 3 months
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He needed a ref too so there!
I spent some time on the outfit's details but it was great practice tbh
Actually in the process of redesigning many ocs, but those who did not have refs before now have ones!
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todaysdocument · 6 months
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Colored Troops - Buffaloes, 367th Infantry, Colored, Return Colors to Union League Club
Record Group 165: Records of the War Department General and Special StaffsSeries: American Unofficial Collection of World War I PhotographsFile Unit: Colored Troops
WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION CO. N.Y. 165-WW 127 98 PHOTOGRAPHER REC'D 4-16-19 TAKEN 3-14-19. DESCRIPTION: "BUFFALOES" 367TH INFANTRY, COLORED TROOPS RETURN COLORS TO UNION LEAGUE CLUB. Men drawn up in front of Union League Club just before the Colors were returned.
This black and white photograph shows a color guard standing on a city street in the rain.  They hold two flags.  Behind them is a large crowd with many people holding umbrellas.
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