#violence against children
violottie · 5 months
...i begging yall do not get desensitised to reading these. this is horrific. this is evil. children... were shredded... SHREDDED. do you understand what that means? do you get how evil someone has to be to do that to another person? can you process that sheer malevolence and wickedness it would take to do that??!! to a child?!?!!!
"Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud from Rafah, southern Gaza: About seven people, a mother and her children were killed earlier today. We’ve seen video from the hospital where their bodies were taken. The children’s bodies arrived in plastic bags. They were shredded in the air strike on the home. The only survivor of the attack is the father. ⁠
"This pattern of killing entire families is nothing new after nearly seven months of war. Entire families have been obliterated in Israeli air strikes. Just in the past 30 minutes, there was a strike at the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. We’re trying to get more updates on that attack." from Al Jazeera English, 03/May/2024:
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aronarchy · 9 months
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furiousgoldfish · 2 months
Hitting children will make children believe harming them is normal. I remember as a child, I would cause pain to myself without thinking twice, or even considering there could be anything wrong with it; after all, everyone else was eager to cause me pain and treated it as normal. I grew up thinking that any form of being harmed, and self-harm was normal behaviour because it was so common and normal for me. I couldn't understand when others would get upset seeing a mark or an injury, it was just what was done, a normal part of my life.
A child used to being hit will not question when their bullies hit them, nor when their friends do. They will feel normal with a partner who violates and hits them because it's what they're already used to. And is this the point of parenting? To have a child who doesn't think twice before harming themselves, and having others harm them? Is this what you want your child's life to be, abusive friendships, relationships, and self harm, treated as normal, dismissed and even ridiculed?
If you are not able to teach your child that anyone lifting a finger at them is wrong, you've failed your job as a parent. If your child sees violence as an everyday occurrence, they never had a parent, they were left on their own in the hands of violence.
Self harm can cause addiction and ultimately death, it's not something to normalize or laugh about. It's not something to teach your child as acceptable or normal. It's not something you do to gain a rush of power and control, while your child learns that being beaten down is correct to do to them if someone is angry, or annoyed, or just having a bad day. To consistently use violence against a child will put them in the endless fight-or-flight state, their life will be one of constant anticipation of violence, and inability to relax. This not only means they won't be able to enjoy their life, have normal growth, have a normal childhood, focus and learn as they want to, make connections with other people, or feel safe, their brain chemistry will change into the one that doesn't allow them to relax or calm down until they've experienced pain.
A child who needs pain to feel normal is not the end goal of parenting, it's a despicable thing to do. It's against human nature. If you did this to your child, I have no words bad enough to describe you.
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
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There have been reports after reports of gas poisoning at girls schools in mostly Qom, a religious city that is important to the regime. The weird thing is that the poisoning is only happening in girls schools (students are separated by gender at school). Many believe it might be intentional and the regime is trying to keep girls from coming to school by making it unsafe for them.
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taviamoth · 3 months
A little child suffers from serious burns all over his body after the bombing of his family’s home in Gaza.
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alborneih · 3 months
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In Gaza, we are forced to stand for long hours under the sun to fill containers with unhealthy water for cooking and washing. We endure harsh conditions imposed by war. This water causes us kidney pain and abdominal diseases. We will continue to strive to live despite the immense challenges we face.
We thank God in every case
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documenting-apartheid · 3 months
JUNE 19th 2024- Australian activist Robert Martin shares a video he made in 2015 (8 years ago) urging the United Nations to list Israel as an abuser of children. He describes visiting Palestine after Operation Protective Edge in 2014, which massacred 547 Palestinian children, 535 of them killed as a direct result of Israeli attacks. Nearly 68% of the children killed by Israeli forces were 12 years old or younger.
Martin describes how under apartheid, Israeli police abduct Palestinian children on bogus charges of stone throwing as a way to terrorize the Palestinian populace. Children are blindfolded, driven around for hours, and illegally taken into Israel where they are often physically and sexually abused, then locked up without charge and deprived from seeing lawyers or their parents.
In June of 2024, Israel was finally put on the on the UN blacklist of countries that harm children.
Source: @ Robert-Martin72
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justsomeunsurefancat · 7 months
Rape, murder, and disappearance! This is the reality women and girl are facing in Gaza in the hands of the Israeli occupation!
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beardeddetectivepaper · 3 months
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claraameliapond · 2 months
Taylor Swift pays tribute to children killed in UK stabbing attack at dance class, saying she's 'completely in shock' - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-30/taylor-swift-pays-tribute-to-southport-stabbing-victims/104161890
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violottie · 5 months
"At least 12 killed, including a mother with a baby strapped to her back, in twin bomb blasts that hit two camps for displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on Friday 2nd May." from African Stream, 04/May/2024:
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This brave brother allegedly took the baby away from his dead mother's corpse; effectively, saving the baby's life, according to local reports.
The United Nations condemned the attack that targeted the camps in Lac Vert and Mugunga, near the city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, the UN said in a statement.
The attacks, in which at least 20 people were injured, were a "flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law and may constitute a war crime”, it said.
Many of the victims were sleeping in their tents when the area was attacked.
The United States has accused the military in neighbouring Rwanda and the M23 rebel group of being behind the attacks. Yet the U.S. remains a staunch ally of Rwanda despite its many violations of human rights in DRC and its support for M23.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
From The Telegraph:
Gaza’s displaced women and girls face severe danger of physical and sexual violence, the UN has warned. Overcrowding in shelters, coupled with “increased stress levels” among refugees due to a lack of food, water and privacy, has “created increased gender based violence (GBV) risks,” a spokesperson for the United Nations Population Fund said. Women and girls are also vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence “while travelling to and lining up for hours to use wash facilities including water points, water distribution sites, and sanitation facilities that are limited in number, and located far from where they are seeking shelter,” the spokesperson added. Outside of war, Gaza has long suffered from high rates of gender-based violence. In March 2022, the UN said that 37.5 per cent of married (or previously married) women in Gaza between the ages of 18 and 64 had experienced violence in the previous 12 months. And according to 2019 data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 41 per cent of women in Gaza had been subjected to domestic violence.
This is a problem throughout the Arab world. In Egypt, for example, 99.3% of girls and women surveyed reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime.  82.6% did not feel safe or secure in the street. 86.5% don't feel safe on public transportation.
But when it happens in neighboring Gaza, suddenly the Jews are at fault. The Lancet has blamed Israel for Gaza men beating their wives, using a very flawed methodology.  UNRWA has made that same claim, as has the UN.
Yet violence in Palestinian society is endemic. Here are results from 2019 about how prevalent violence against children under 12 is.
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The Telegraph didn't quite blame Israel for gender-based violence that is expected or already happening in Gaza, but it is setting the stage. 
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the-lady-maddy · 1 month
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taviamoth · 3 months
🚨 Last Wednesday, a 42-year-old Jewish American woman named Elizabeth Wolf in Texas attempted to drown two Palestinian children, three and six years old, in their apartment complex's pool.
The woman asked the mother where they were from and if the children were hers before attacking them.
When the mother came to rescue the children, the attacker ripped off the mother's hijab, beating the mother and attempting to keep her away as the attacker continued trying to drown the 3-year-old daughter. The 6-year-old was able to escape but was lightly injured.
A neighbor attempted to rescue the children as the attacker was taken away while screaming "Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family."
Remarkably, the attacker was released on bail despite the attempted double murder and assault.
The mother stated: “My country is facing a war, and we are facing that hate here. My daughter is traumatized; whenever I open the apartment door, she runs away and hides, telling me she is afraid the lady will come and immerse her head in the water again.”
This act of anti-Palestinian violence follows from the killing of 6-year-old Palestinian boy Wadie Al-Fayoume in Illinois in October, the shooting of three Palestinian youth in Vermont in November, and a number of attacks against Palestinian diaspora in the US.
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alborneih · 3 months
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Before the war, we had a small garden behind the house, in which we grew flowers and vegetables, but now it has become devastated and destroyed
We have beautiful memories in our home, and we will stay and rebuild those memories with your support
We thank God in every case
Reconstructing memories
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agentfascinateur · 9 months
Since October 7, more than 1,000 children have had one or both legs amputated, according to UNICEF.
Many of these operations on children were done without anaesthetic...
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