thewatcher727 · 1 day
Writing A Review Tip: What To Look For When Writing A Review
More writing a review tips
Writing a review isn’t just a matter of saying, “Good job, nice work!” While it’s a nice sentiment, it’s not really helpful in terms of actual criticism. There are a lot of things to look for when you’re writing a review.
Spelling & Grammar:
This should be at the top of your list. Too many spelling and grammar errors can really take the reader out of the immersion. When you spot words that are misspelled or incorrect, point them out and suggest the correct form. However, also keep in mind that some words can be spelled differently depending on the language. For example, in the UK, "color" is spelled "colour." So, it’s not incorrect—just a different regional variation.
A big rule in writing is to show, not tell. You can balance the two of them out, but make sure you're telling us a story and not something from a Wikipedia page. Check if the descriptions are clear and engaging. The amount of description depends on the type of writing, but generally, as long as they paint a clear picture without overwhelming the reader, that’s the way to go.
Pacing refers to how fast or slow a story moves. The pacing can vary depending on the context. For example, the story might slow down during a heartfelt conversation between characters, or it might be fast-paced during scenes of non-stop action.
Are the characters acting consistently? For example, if John is always happy in one chapter but suddenly becomes constantly angry in the next without explanation, that would be inconsistent.
There are two important things to remember with dialogue. First, it should be clear who is talking and who they’re talking to. Second, the dialogue should sound natural. If it doesn’t sound right when you read it out loud, it probably doesn’t sound natural on the page either.
The story should flow nicely. While there can be room for filler depending on the context, you generally want to make sure the overall story is moving forward.
Tone refers to how the story feels. Is it lighthearted, or does it tackle darker, more mature themes? You want to make sure the tone is mostly consistent. Sometimes a character may joke or make a quip to ease tension, but that shouldn’t disrupt the overall serious tone of the story.
Is the story keeping you engaged and excited to read more? As a general rule, if a story doesn’t capture interest within the first few chapters, there’s a good chance the reader won’t stick around for the rest.
Is everything consistent? For example, if the chapter begins in the morning and there’s only one scene, but by the end it’s suddenly night without explanation, that’s going to raise questions.
So, there you have it! When you’re writing a review, just keep these things in mind and you’ll be good to go!
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elliott-forgott · 3 months
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His shoulder hurts.
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currently-haunted · 24 days
My pieces for this year's invisobang for the fic Endangered Species by @mobliterated !!
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and the collab art with @captainbunnysaurusrex
Thanks for this invisobang <3
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bohacowa · 2 months
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Wing!AU where Sakura dyes his feathers
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crow-aeris · 3 months
Bruce: I just want you to go to college! you dont even have to be a doctor, a business degree would be fine!
tim: and I just wanted to not die by the joker, but we cant all get what we want, can we?
bruce: 🧍🏻
tim: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(this is for TBUBF, btw for those who couldnt tell)
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promptsbytaurie · 10 months
anything with wing clipping. i once tried to do research on it for a fic and,, it is SO angsty
i got u fam <333 (i have way too much brainrot on this bear with me LMAO)
tips for writing ✨wingfics✨
!!please credit/tag me if you use this!! i'd love to see what you write!!
physical differences:
area where wings connect to their back is insanely sensitive!!
feathers falling e v e r y w h e r e
wings are big!! if the wearer hasn't had them for long, or is younger/inexperienced, they're gonna knock shit over
~birb noises~
they're actually really good singers with insane lung capacity, a lot of them are/could be opera singers
thin bones, so they're super light and even though most think it's embarrassing to be picked up so easily there's always One Dude who's like 'carry me everywhere'
smaller birds = smaller people. most wings correspond to a specific species, and hummingbird varieties are notoriously short (though never say that to their face, they will probably murder you <3)
unless the avian is a kind of waterbird (penguins, sometimes eagles) going into water will clog their wings and they could drown!! adding onto this i imagine that avians have special bathtubs and brushes and stuff so that they can properly clean their wings
on the flip side if an avian does NOT clean their wings they can get tangled or matted which a) is super painful b) could impact their flying and c) could cause sickness !!
dislocated wings >:(( this happens about as often as dislocated shoulders do with regular people. this can be caused by a couple things like blunt force, trying to manuever/twist wings in ways they aren't supposed to go, or flying too often/straining wings.
psychological differences:
preening!! it's intimate, but doesn't have to be romantic/sexual. obv there is room for very fluffy and romantic moments but it can be either way
flock!!! it's kinda like a family or a pack
the urge to Make a Nest and Only Let the Flock In
once the Flock is In the Nest then the Flock Will Not Leave Ever
molting!! old feathers fall out to allow new ones to grow in !
molting is basically the bird version of a period except all birds have it once or twice a year. they're more emotional, super sensitive, and extra clingy during molting!!
if an avian gives you one of their feathers it's basically a version of marriage, except it doesnt have to be romantic. its essentially a promise, like a 'we're with each other forever' kinda thing.
just as humans have discrimination, i imagine that avians have it too. more common species like songbirds, ravens, or crows are probably valued in society way less than those like eagles, doves, or parrots, and there could also be stereotypes against species like vultures or condors.
on wing clipping:
in my mind wing clipping is a lot like trimming your fingernails realllly sloppily, except the difference is that you should NEVER clip an avian's wings.
what i mean by fingernails is that the nails themselves don't hurt but if you do it sloppily there are Consequences: clipped too short -> irritated skin. clipped inconsistently -> sharp edges, snags on everything INCLUDING other feathers
huge violation of boundaries/self!! clipped wings -> can't fly. flying is integral to avian health and if they can't fly their mood and mental health will fall drastically.
clipped feathers take a long time to grow back, and therefore clipping has long-term effects. it also damages the feathers themselves (obviously) in ways that sometimes can't be healed
if an avian's wings are clipped their trust goes DOWN and their insecurity goes UP. its likely that if someone else tries to touch their wings they will freak out
clipped wings also make avians more jumpy and paranoid because they've lost their major way to escape/protect themselves: flying away.
angst potentials in wingfics (spoiler: there's a lot):
like i said, clipped wings -> can't fly. write about an avian's first time flying again. (not super angsty but still)
SUPER angsty: write about the actual act of wing clipping.
an avian is neglecting their wing care and tries to hide it.
relationship between a 'noble' avian (eagle, dove, etc) and a 'basic' avian (crow, raven, etc) and society's dislike of the relationship.
or maybe avians are a minority in a human world, and an avian has to hide their wings to be safe.
hope this helped!! <33
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boiled-cats · 4 months
Thinking abt screen proportionate sahsrau + my winged Aventurine thoughts…
Aventurine: I’m not dumb enough to fly into a window like a bird
Also Aventurine: *forgets how to land and crashes face first into your desk* *crashes into a wall while practicing tight turns* *misses your shoulder and crashes into your computer monitor*
Imagine once he gets the hang of it tho and uses you as a perch…
Just a lil bird guy… sitting on your head or shoulder…
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ectoentity · 7 months
So, the Haunting Heroes server did a Who Wrote That game with the theme of "wingfic" a while back. I did an entry and I liked it enough that I decided to expand on it. Gonna start posting scenes here whenever I get them done, and eventually piece it together for ao3. This first part is the intro, but the rest probably won't actually be in order.
Update Mar 11, 2024: Here is the Subscription Post
Ectoplasm Gives You Wings
(Working title)
DPxDC, T-rated genfic.
Everyone knew ghosts had wings. It was in every ghost story throughout history, regardless of culture. It was one of their defining traits, like going through walls or fading into invisibility. The unquiet dead soared through the night on birdlike wings, occasionally leaving unnaturally large feathers as an omen of impending death.
As soon as the newly-working portal spat Danny out, he knew there would be no hiding what had happened. His ghostly form came with a pair of large wings that didn't go away when he turned back human. In his ghost form, they were mostly black with bars of white near the bottom edge. The reverse was true when he was human. It was an indication of what had happened to him that he couldn't escape.
Tucker and Sam tried to play it off to his parents as a meta mutation that had suddenly appeared. They'd heard of it happening before on TV and through the internet. Besides, there were winged people in the Justice League. Danny's parents had never talked about them being secret ghosts.
Danny would never forget his parents' horrified faces as they came downstairs and found him. The way their eyes skipped over his face entirely and focused on the wings behind him. His dad frozen in place, expression slack with shock. His mom's face going from horror to determination as she set her jaw and reached for a bazooka.
Danny and his friends managed to escape them and run all the way to Tucker's house. Running was harder with a new pair of limbs hanging off his back like so much dead (hah) weight. It was clear that Danny couldn't stay here. His parents might be cranks, but once they realized the portal worked they would have evidence to prove Danny was a ghost. At least, sort of. Would they try to experiment on him, or just try to help him pass on? Danny assumed it would be the latter, but he had also assumed his mom wouldn't ever draw a weapon on him.
Tucker and Sam helped him to pack a camping backpack full of spare clothes he'd left at Tucker's, a handful of important essentials like a first aid kit, and a sleeping bag. They left for a while and came back with a cheap cellphone, a handful of prepaid phone cards, and a surprising amount of cash. Who would have thought Sam was secretly loaded?
They argued all night about where he should go. Danny barely knew his Dad's side of the family, let alone whether they'd take him in. His mom's sister Alicia was somewhere in Arkansas, but Danny couldn't remember the name of the town. Besides, he hadn't seen her since he was about nine. What if she believed Maddie over him? Tucker and Sam suggested their own family members. Danny turned them down. He didn't want to be a burden to his friends' families.
In the end, they decided that he would blend in best in a big city far away from Amity. The next day, Danny climbed on a Greyhound bus headed to the East Coast. He couldn't hide the wings, no matter what he did. The best he could do was wrap the sleeping bag around himself like a blanket. Thankfully, no one on the bus seemed to care. They all had their own issues to worry about. Most seemed content to watch their phones or the scenery instead of looking too closely at the weird kid wrapped in a big, lumpy sleeping bag.
As the hours dragged on, Danny was increasingly greatful that everyone was minding their own business. There was something else wrong with him. His hands kept slipping through the sleeping bag. Going through solid objects, like a ghost.
The plan was to find a place in Metropolis that provided resources to meta kids. But by the time the bus reached Gotham Danny was exhausted and anxious. His hands had started to go through things. What if he went straight through the bus while it was driving? He had to get a handle on this. He could always go to Metropolis the next day.
Danny got off the bus. The city around him was gray and dreary, from the concrete sidewalks up to the cloud-covered sky. It felt like the sky was too close, more of a ceiling than an open expanse. Something about it gave Danny a strangely claustrophobic feeling. He tried to shrug it off as the lack of sleep catching up to him. The last time Danny slept was the night before the portal accident. That had been well over twenty-four hours ago. He needed to find a safe place to sleep.
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thegoldenavenger · 2 months
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A little tianliu sketch hehe
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hi! Do y'all have any recs for any aziraphale/crowley wing grooming/preening/massage fics where one of them gets turned on? Preferably without an already established romantic/sexual relationship between them? Thank you!
Hello! Here are some smutty wing kink getting together fics for you...
indelible by greased_lightning_rod (E)
Crowley hiccups. It turns into a burp. “Angel,” he repeats, and if it sounds soppy, well, what do you expect. Crowley is three winds—sheets—anyway he’s shitfaced. It’s not like Aziraphale doesn’t know Crowley’s in love with him. It’s not like it’s a secret. It’s not like Crowley hasn’t lived with the mortification of being known down to the molecule every day for six thousand years. Why is he here again? Oh yes. “I need your help.” * It turns out glitter is miracle-proof and, also, that it itches. Crowley needs some help preening. He gets a bit more than he bargained for.
The Other Wing Grooming by Black_Bentley (E)
Just some wing grooming turned into arguing turned into wing grooming turned into lovemaking
One Good Turn Deserves Another by entanglednow (E)
In which Crowley judges the state of an angel's wings, Aziraphale misbehaves, and both of them get what they want.
rebirth by NaroMoreau (E)
There's something odd happening with Crowley's wings and Aziraphale is desperate to know what.
Trick-or-Truth by Supergeek21 (E)
Aziraphale is spending his first Halloween post-Apocanot the same way he always does, playing festive guardian angel to the party-goers of Soho, until an unexpected trick-or-treater arrives on his doorstep with plans of his own.
First Made Holy, Last Made Sweet by LightningInABottle (E)
Neither of them have a side anymore, so when Crowley extends the offer of his flat for the night, Aziraphale can hardly refuse. Hopefully they'll be able to solve a strange prophecy and work through their own tangled feelings before the sun rises.
- Mod D
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piratefishmama · 8 months
shit I wanted to ask more about your thoughts on that dynamic with Steve and Eddie but I clicked ask to fast because I'm impatient :)
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I'm thinking for this there'd be no upside down, so Eddie wouldn't get chomped, but he's so SCRUFFY. And Steve knows him, because he's very hard to miss in school but he never really had the balls to approach.
Eddie and his big ol wings are kind of. Intimidating. Beautiful, but very intimidating.
It's through the kids that Steve finally winds up talking to him, kids Steve will always be roped into babysitting upside down or not, Eddie still rules the roost in the DnD club, wings giving him the extra somethin somethin to create dramatic flare, are they a cape for a dastardly villain that he uses to cover half his face to create mystery or intrigue, or maybe he gives an extra demonstration of ruffled feathers for an Aarakocra npc!
And more often than not Steve finds Eddie's feathers on the kids, he's pulled a few out of Dustins hair, plucked one or two out of Mike's clothing, he's gathered a little collection (yes he absolutely keeps them they're PRETTY) by the time he finally collars Eddie to help him with sorting them out.
He may have done. A little research into wing maintenance. And maybe... maybe he got the right tools to fix them up, the best oils and things, just... yknow... as a friendly friend thing. Definitely not a "I've harboured a maybe slightly large crush on you for a WHILE" thing. Definitely not.
And Eddie let's him. Or rather he sits there very still, doesn't even joke about it, just sits there like eyes wide mouth zipped shut, trying very hard not to make a PEEP even though ohboyitfeelsverygood
And this happens a few times, eddie tries to make it transactional so it's not like. A thing. Steve helps him with his wings, he gives him a joint or two as a freebie. Transactional, only Steve keeps tucking the joints back into Eddies jacket when he's not looking so it's not transactional and Eddies having a crisis and that inly gets WORSE when he finally can't keep the little whines down when Steve strokes his fingers through his feathers and now he's running away and Steve can't get a moment alone with him anymore and angst!! Pining!!! Misunderstandings and confusion!!!
Steve calling Eddie Angel, though. Cause. Yeh.
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thewatcher727 · 17 days
Writing Description Notes:
Updated 9th September 2024 More writing tips, review tips & writing description notes
Facial Expressions
Masking Emotions
Eye Contact/Eye Movements
Body Language/Idle Movement
Speechless/Tongue Tied
Mental Pain
Physical Pain
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holly-makes-arts · 8 months
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My brain has been absolutely consumed by paulkins and I stumbled upon this fanfic by @daylightisviolent that was a WINGFIC and oh god I LOVE WINGFICS anyways here’s a lil drawing
Let’s pretend I know how to draw children. And furniture. And wings.
A lil bonus below the cut!
Paul wears glasses when tired because I said so.
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elliott-forgott · 2 months
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Anime eyes mfer.
For Ed’s wings I chose a Harris Hawk because black and red coloration matches Ed’s outfit, they’re alternatively called ‘wolf hawks’ how fma-coded is that name it’s so badass, best eyesight of all hawks, Riza HAWKeye, theyre used in falconry which the military would love because it means they would be a) widely available and b) the bird-part of the chimeras brain would be pre-trained to be obedient and follow commands, they’re one of the only kinds of predatory birds that have a pack mentality which would have a hierarchy which they could rearrange into an officer/subordinate system easily, they have this really funny behavior where they stand on top of their pack mates to get a better view.
And Ed always needs a better view because he’s because he’s so—
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Prompt 96
While on a hunt, Jaskier is hit with a spell. Geralt races over to his crumpled form and reaches out to shake him awake, only for Jaskier to push himself up, and for two large wings to sprout from his back. Ah shit. Geralt and Jaskier are dealing well with the spell, if you ask them. Geralt and Jaskier hold hands while Jaskier tries very hard to learn how to fly. It's more like panicked flapping that sometimes lets him hover just barely taller than Geralt, but that's just because he's only started learning. Jaskier complains how unfair it is that he gets the chance to fly and feel the wind and see the views only for the spell to make it so that he doesn't instinctively know how to fly properly. Geralt reassures him that with practice, he could learn. But why practice if you're going to lose them soon, anyways? Eventually, Geralt notices Jaskier is much faster to dodge in hunts with his wings. He darts out of the way miraculously fast, and now that they've been practicing every morning, Jaskier can fly decently high to watch over the fight, getting all of his inspiration from a safe distance. It calms a lot of Geralt's worries. Jaskier asks him one day if he can help him, because his wings are getting itchy and he can't reach the entirety of them, and Geralt agrees. Geralt likes preening Jaskier's wings. He likes the calming silence occasionally broken by Jaskier's humming. He likes the soft feel of the feathers. But moreover, he especially likes the little sounds Jaskier makes as Geralt's fingers work away. Jaskier tells Geralt one day that he doesn't want to lose his wings. Geralt nods, and yet they're still on their way to find a magic-user. Jaskier is worried Geralt doesn't want Jaskier to have wings. Maybe Geralt hates all the extra maintenance Jaskier needs now... He's stupefied when they finally find someone powerful enough for Geralt to deem workable, and Geralt asks for a glamour for Jaskier to wear, so that Jaskier can perform with no fear of witchunts after himself, but can soar with his wings when alone and safe with his witcher to protect him. Jaskier is so busy being awestruck by the phrasing of Geralt being "His Witcher" that he barely even processes how sweet the glamour idea is.
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crow-aeris · 4 months
"I don't know why you keep insisting on these flowers," Tim sighs, rolling his eyes as Kon gently yet reverently braided vines while Bernard stuck flowers into his wings.
"You look pretty like this," the fox sparrow says, a soft smile across his face as Kon nods vigorously, "Don't you agree, Kon?"
"He's right, y'know. You should just let us do this for you, Tim."
The falcon sighs, but allows himself to relax into his partners' hold.
"Where is Timothy?" he hears Damian's voice ask distantly.
"Frankly, that's none of your business," he hears Bernard snark, "He doesn't want to see you right now."
An annoyed growl rumbled through the air, but his dear yet dense boyfriend reciprocated with his own flimsy, sing-song-y growl characteristic of songbirds.
"Bear?" Tim mumbled sleepily, lifting his head as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
"He's handling it, Tim," Kon tried to assure him, stroking his hand over just the right spot to render Tim into a thoughtless puddle, "Roa knows you need the sleep, Jesus."
He grumbled, swatting at the purple martin's face before slumping into Kon's hold.
"Does this happen every year?"
"Yeah, just about. Tim usually lets everyone in except Damian and Bruce."
A soft hum, and Tim was out like a light.
When he wakes up, the apartment was dark.
Tim pushes himself upright to peer blearily into Kon's ever-shifting, slightly glowing too-blue eyes, "...Where did Bear go?"
"The kitchen," Kon smiled in amusement before hoisting Tim to his feet, accidentally knocking off the matching flower crown he was wearing. Nevertheless, the kryptonian picks it up, places it back on Tim's head, and they continue onwards.
Tim yawns, but when they resch the kitchen, he blinks in surprise at the two-layer rainbow cake.
"Happy gay month!" Bernard grinned with a smear of blue icing across his cheek and a proud expression upon his face.
Tim smiled, reaching forward to kiss his boyfriend's cheek while Kon shook his head and grabbed a rag to help clean the sparrow's face.
As Kon helped cut into the colorful cake, the sound of him and Bernard bickering good naturedly filling the air between them, Tim couldn't help but feel like this was an amazing start to the rest of summer.
Happy pride month!!!
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