#x daughter!reader
Bobby's Goddaughter
Summary: Bobby’s Goddaughter decides to move to LA and makes a visit to the 118.
A/N: so this was supposed to be short and sweet but apparently I got way too carried away. Apologies for any mistakes! Hope you enjoy :)
Word Count: 1.7k
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As you stepped of the plane in LA you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. Which you then realised was probably the most cliché thing you could have done in that moment, causing a smile to land on your face for the first time in months.
The anxiety of uprooting your entire life to move closer to your godfather, who you hadn’t spoken too in what you were beginning to realise was getting close to years, let alone told that you wanted to live closer to him, was starting to hit you harder by the minute. It wasn’t that you hadn’t wanted to speak to your godfather but since he had moved to the 118 your contact with him became sporadic, especially living in another state.  Your parents had both passed away shortly before Bobby had moved and although he was the closest thing you had to a dad, a name you had often attributed to him, after he moved it was easier to distance yourself from the man you suddenly became petrified of losing. Which with hindsight, and the help of a great therapist, you realised was your way of attempting to minimise any connection so you couldn’t get hurt, only to cause yourself pain by isolating yourself.  But if you knew one thing about Bobby it was that he would understand, he would forgive you and he had proven time and time again that he was always there for you.
The move to LA, and to your godfather, had been prompted by a series of events. Firstly, you had quit your job, deciding that law wasn’t your calling, and instead retrained as a firefighter. Then your boyfriend had cheated on you, leading to a prompt breakup. Which was followed by the nail in the coffin, or what you liked to refer to as the final straw in a fuckin mountain of straws, you lost your sobriety after being called out to a fire and a bag of white powder was thrown in your face, which you later found out to be opioids. Your addiction had started after your parents died and Bobby moved to LA, not that he knew that, or that you had any desire to ever let him know. Despite not seeing him in a long time you knew your godfather and he would only blame himself and you were not about to burden him with any more guilt than he already carried.  
So, when you saw that the 118, which you knew was Bobby’s firehouse, had a position open you instantly requested a transfer from your current house, figuring that a fresh start could only do you good and it was about time you stopped being scared to care for people.
As Bobby and Athena kissed the four firefighters stood slack jawed, unable to remove their eyes from their captain. Once the kiss had broken apart, the room remind silent for a minute until a whistle from the other side of the room caused the firefighter’s gazes to land on you. Bobby froze momentarily at the sound of your voice recognising it immediately before a small smile slipped onto his face as he walked towards you.
‘Didn’t know you had it in you old man’, you stated after letting out a whistle at the sight of your godfather kissing a police officer.
‘Are you sassing me right now?’ he asked as he made his way over to you. You feigned confusion as you quickly darted your eyes around the room.
‘Am I?’ you asked innocently, before the faced slipped and your face morphed into the biggest smile you had smiled in months. As soon as Bobby was near you his arms were wrapped tightly around you and you sunk into the hug, you head nuzzling into his shoulder as he placed his hand on the back of your head while he placed a kiss to the top of it.
‘I’m so sorry’ you whispered into him, ‘I’ve missed you so much’.
Matching your volume, acutely aware that his team and girlfriend were watching, Bobby whispered back to you, ‘I missed you too sweetheart, and you have nothing to apologise for.’
‘But, I…’, you began to stammer as you moved your head from his chest while remaining in his embrace, so you could see his face, which looked just the same as it did the last time you had seen him except he looked happier, so much happier. Before you could finish what you were about to say, that you hadn’t contacted him in years, Bobby continued.
‘y/n, I would never hold that against you, I should be apologising to you, I haven’t contacted you either, but none of that matters right now because you’re here.’ He paused slightly before chuckling, his eyebrow quirking upwards, ‘why are you here?’, this immediately made you start to laugh too.
‘Not that I’m not happy to see you’, he quickly added. Seeing you laugh made Bobby’s laughter intensify and the smile on his face grew wider, not only had he not seen you in years but he hadn’t seen you smile like that for almost twice as long.
The laughter emanating from you both was, however, interrupted by a sudden cough. Turning towards the group of firefighters who were now averting their gazes despite the sound having come from them, Bobby put his arm around your shoulder and walked you towards the police officer first.
‘Athena’ he began addressing the woman with a soft smile, a smile which the woman returned, ‘and everyone, this is y/n’ he paused, ‘my goddaughter, we haven’t seen each other in years’. The faces of the team where a picture, as they were stunned into silence, a silence they evidently kept trying to break as their eyebrows furrowed and
‘It’s lovely to meet you’, you began, ‘and just so you know I’m the one who didn’t reach out to Bobby, and I haven’t seen him in so long if he hasn’t mentioned me or anything…’, but once again before you could continue your nervous ramblings to the woman who you had taken an immediate liking to, she interrupted you.
‘Oh, Bobby’s told me all about you’, she started causing you to swallow, ‘and it is a pleasure to meet you y/n’ she smiled, instantly calming you and allowing you to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The next emotion to take hold of you was confusion as you turned towards your godfather.
‘You have?’ you questioned softly, turning to look to him while his arm remained around your shoulders.
‘Of course I did. y/n, you’re my family’, those words caused your eyes to well up. Part of you, the small child who had grown up around Bobby new he would say something like this, but the adult who you had become, plagued by doubt and a self-worth that was, although rising, not at its highest, well that adult didn’t even comprehend the possibility of this. The image of Bobby talking about you to Athena only made the tears fall faster.
‘Sorry’, you mumbled into Bobby, who upon seeing your tears had pulled you back into him, ‘I didn’t think I’d get this weepy, oh and’ to turned to the firefighters, ‘it’s really lovely to meet you all’, you smiled to the group who all smiled back and came over to greet you, giving you time to stop the tears from falling.
‘So y/n, what brings you to L.A?, here to visit Bobby?’, asked who you had just learned was Eddie.
‘Its funny you should say that’ you began laughing slightly but beginning to internally panic, ‘actually I just moved here, today actually.’
“Really?’ asked Buck enthusiastically, ‘My sister just moved here too, I bet you two would get along. I can give you her number if you want?’
You were taken aback by the kindness the firefighters were showing you right now. ‘That would be wonderful actually, thank you Buck’, you smiled at him.
‘No problem’, he responded, ‘so what is it that you do?’ he asked.
‘y/n is a lawyer’ Bobby began, but the face you made caused him to stop., ‘Or not?’ he questioned.
‘yeah’, you began slightly awkwardly, ‘I was a lawyer, but it wasn’t right for me, I always felt like it was too late, you know, like the damage had already been done. So I re-trained’ you paused mentally preparing to say the next part, ‘as a firefighter, not that long ago actually.’
‘you did?’ Bobby asked, smiling and you could tell in an instant that he was proud of you.
‘There’s more actually’, you continued, ‘I was working back home as a firefighter for a while when I saw that a spot opened up here and well, I uprooted my life. You should get the paperwork for my transfer on Monday but I asked the fire chief to keep my name of the paperwork until tomorrow so I could tell you in person.’
‘You’re going to be working with me?’ asked Bobby, his eyes tearing up slightly, ‘and you’re living in LA?’
‘I am’ you softly confirmed, nodding your head as you watched his reaction.
‘Hang on, how did you manage to get the fire chief to keep your name of the paperwork?’ asked Hen, ‘they’re not the easiest people to deal with at the best of times.’
‘Let’s just say the fire chief owed me a favour after shall we say’, you paused moving your hands slightly as you searched for an appropriate phrase, ‘an incident occurred, and he was more than happy to do me a favour if I promised not to sue the department’ you concluded your story. Laughter came from the entire group of firefighters and Athena.
‘I bet there’s a story there’, added Chim, obviously angling to hear it.
‘Oh there is’, you nodded, pausing momentarily, ‘you wanna hear it?’ you smirked at the group of firefighters, Hen and Buck quickly guiding you to the couches with Chim and Eddie following quickly behind as you laughed at them. This was going to be the best decision you had made in a long time.
Part 2?
(taking requests :) )
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xan-izme · 2 months
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
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can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell!reader
Word count - 1,626
Warnings - swearing, mostly fluff
Summary - you and Bradley had kept your relationship a secret... but what happens when Goose and Maverick find out?
A/N - it be time for another request y'all! I'm so sorry with how long it's taking me to get through these but I really am trying y'all I swear. hopefully, I'll get into a groove and be able to pump more fics out for y'all. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Growing up with Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell as your father, you’d been taught from an early age that you could tell your dad anything. He never let anything you wanted to tell him about feel unimportant. If you babbled to him after preschool about how Sarah had pushed over Tom in the playground, he was giving you his full attention and voicing his own thoughts on the matter. As you got older, you knew you could talk to your dad about any problem that would plague your mind. If someone was bothering you, Maverick would be there to listen and offer advice if you wanted it. He always made an effort to be there for you.
However, despite the trust you had in your dad. There was one thing he didn’t know about you.
Maverick was ignorant of one thing that was going on in your life and that was your relationship with his RIO’s son, Bradley Bradshaw. You’d been raised alongside Bradley, nothing more than half a year between the two of you and while Goose had constantly joked, much to Maverick’s annoyance, that you and Bradley would get together, he never thought it would actually happen. Not until the two of you moved out at least.
You and Bradley were quiet about your relationship, holding hands underneath the dinner table when over at each other’s houses and sneaking kisses when your parents were in another room. On the weekends, when Goose, Carole, and Maverick would go out for most of the day, you would either spend time at Bradley’s house or vice versa, or you would go out on little dates to places you knew neither your parents nor any of your dad’s team frequented, so you’d remain undisturbed. For the first few months of your relationship, this arrangement worked smoothly, and no one was clued into your relationship with Bradley. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed to share your relationship, it was more worry about how both your dad and Goose would react to the news. Carole ended up finding out about your relationship a week before your dad and Goose did, Bradley wanted some motherly advice on relationships, and he had asked beforehand if you were okay with Carole knowing which you were fine with, with the condition she kept it quiet until you and Bradley found the best moment to tell Goose and Maverick.
The moment that your dad and Goose found out came sooner than you and Bradley would’ve liked. One weekend, your dad and Bradley’s parents had agreed to meet up at the beach with Iceman, Slider, and their significant others while you and Bradley had opted to stay behind under the guise of wanting to study together and do school work. After the adults left the house, you and Bradley waited for a minute before shoving your books aside and moving to the sofa. You immediately curled into Bradley’s side as he switched on the television, looking up at him softly as he moved his gaze to look down at you.
“You okay, baby?” He asks softly, his gentle smile never leaving his face as you nod.
“I’m more than okay. I’m perfect.” You reply in a soft whisper, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his jaw.
“You missed.” Bradley says teasingly, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss which you reciprocate immediately, shuffling in his embrace to kiss him easier as you wind your arms around the back of his neck and Bradley’s hands rested on your hips. However, because you were engrossed in each other’s presence with the tv blaring in the background, you both failed to hear the jangling of keys in the lock and your dad entering the house.
“What the fuck is going on here!?” The shocked and raised voice of your father makes you and Bradley jump away from each other, worry crossing both of your features.
“Dad, what are you doing home? You literally just left.” You say with a nervous chuckle, attempting to diffuse the obvious tension that was filling the room.
“I forgot my wallet and it’s a good thing I did. Now answer my question, what is going on?” Maverick asks, and the moment you open your mouth to try and find a response he holds his hand up to stop you talking.
“Actually, you can explain it to Goose and Carole as well.” He then says, crossing back to the front door and throwing it open to see his RIO and Carole in Goose’s Bronco.
“Goose, get your ass in here! Carole, you too. Looks like a Bradshaw-Mitchell meeting is needed.” Maverick calls out to his friends and waits for them to come into the house, closing the door behind them and ushering them into the living room while you and Bradley remained frozen in place like a deer in headlights.
“Mav, what’s this about? Ice will kill us if we’re late.” Goose says as he enters the living room, barely batting an eyelid at you and Bradley sat closely together while Carole offered a sympathetic smile to the two of you, knowing what you’re about to endure.
“I just caught these two kissing. Like full-on kissing.” Maverick says, an accusing finger pointing at you and Bradley as Goose’s jaw drops, eyes widening as Maverick’s words sink in.
“Wha- these two?” Goose splutters, making you bury your head in Bradley’s shoulder in an attempt to escape the embarrassment.
“Hey, I need a bit of space between you two, back it up.” Maverick says, making you pull away from Bradley slightly to glare at your dad.
“Dad, are you serious?” You ask, and that’s when Carole decides that now is the time to step in.
“Boys, you two need to calm down.” Carole intervenes, getting both Maverick and Goose’s attention on her.
“But they hid this from us for who knows how long? How are you not angry?” Maverick manages to say, running a hand through his hair. At the silence that follows Maverick’s question, Goose connects the dots and turns to his wife.
“Honey, did you know about this?” Goose asks hesitantly, both Maverick and Goose watching Carole carefully as she nods.
“Bradley came to me a week ago. They wanted to tell you, but they were scared about how you would react and just from what I’ve seen their worries were proven right with the way you two have reacted.” Carole says, an accusing glare fired the men’s way as they exchange a look.
“y/n is my little girl.” Maverick weakly argues, making your face heat up at his words.
“Bradley’s my baby boy but I still want him to be happy and if he’s happy with y/n and she’s happy with him that’s all we should be focused on.” Carole says and it was Bradley’s turn to blush now, glancing down at his lap as you slip your hand into his and squeeze it softly.
“Brad, are you happy with y/n?”
“y/n/n, are you happy with Bradley?” Both questions leave Goose and Maverick’s mouths simultaneously. All eyes were on you and Bradley as you briefly glance at each other, smiling softly before looking back over at Goose and Maverick.
“Yes.” The answers left your mouth in tandem as Bradley ran his thumb over the back of your hand. Goose and Maverick exchanged a look before shrugging.
“It probably was bound to happen, wasn’t it?” Maverick says, a slight chuckle escaping him as he speaks while Goose nods.
“Well I did call it, but I thought they’d at least wait a year until college so we wouldn’t have to be victim to their teenage PDA.” Goose says, receiving a soft slap on the arm from Carole at the teasing aimed at you and Bradley.
“Oh hush, you know we were just as bad. And it’s not like these two haven’t grown up seeing us kiss, honey.” Carole says, leaning up to give Goose a kiss to accentuate her point. With the tension now gone, you curl back into Bradley’s side, smiling as he presses a feather-light kiss to the top of your head.
“Just don’t break each other’s hearts.” Maverick warns gently, glancing between you and Bradley as you nod.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Mav.” Bradley says, his smile never leaving his face.
“I don’t think I ever could. I love him too much.” You affirm, looking up at Bradley before giving him a soft, gentle kiss.
“Alright, we’ll leave you to it. But I don’t want to be a grandad at this age so be careful you two.” Maverick teases as you groan and toss a pillow at him, missing and narrowly avoiding hitting Goose in the process.
“See that, Bradley? Don’t piss off a Mitchell.” Goose says with a laugh as Maverick rolls his eyes and jokingly shoves him.
“We should make our way to the beach, boys. I’m sure the others are wondering where we are.” Carole says, diverting the attention and both Maverick and Goose nod as you detach yourself from Bradley to find your dad’s wallet and give it to him before he pulls you into a hug.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Maverick whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you too, dad.” You reply before pulling away with a gentle smile. After pulling away from the hug, Goose, Maverick, and Carole bid you and Bradley goodbye and make their way out to the Bronco.
“When we get to the beach someone remind me that Ice now owes me twenty bucks now that we know y/n and Bradley are together.” Goose says as he turns the key and starts the engine while Maverick nods.
“Got it… wait, you made a bet?”
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hypnos333 · 7 months
Your just like your Father
Lucifer x Daughter Reader
Synopsis: You were cast out for heaven for being trouble but that alone traumatized you and ruined you
Main story
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You sat in Sera’s study room in silence your wings switch in nervousness as you smile in pride but shameful ness. “Sera I understand my situation but-”
“___ Morningstar I’m at my wits end with you and that god awful smile is not helping you case Ms.___” Sera interrupted angrily making your smile disappear instantly and you nodded in agreement.
“I totally agree Sera I think I should go clean up the whole of heaven again and-“NO! That seems like not enough and I’m really disappointed and had enough with your antics ___” Sera yelled out as you look down in shame
“I-I’m sorry Sera” you mumbled making her shake her head “No your not sorry you influence someone to kill this is much more then just Pranks and acting up ___” she said before in a quite second she held you against a wall with her hand on your neck.
“Your no Angel no your a disgrace to angels like they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the apple tree, Your just like your father. Your mother would be so disappointed and ashamed of you” Sera spit out at you making your tears roll down your cheek and your lips quivering in fear.
“___ Morningstar I banish you the hell-“No No No please Sera I won’t d-do it again I promise! I’m scared to go down by myself I-I don’t know anybody” You cried out as she pulls your 6 wings out your back.
“No No nO nO no PLEASE SERA” You cried and cried hyperventilating as she made a portal “I’m sorry kid but this is all you to blame” She bluntly said before pushing you in the exact place you’ll rather die in. Hell
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astars-things · 4 months
omg jack would have a daughter who is so shy and quiet and just clings to jack and everyone is so quick to notice how soft he is toward her, maybe she was before covid so none of his friends has really seen much interaction between them and are very surprised
Jack Hughes x Daughter!reader 
The drive to the lake house was quiet, save for the hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of Y/N turning the pages of her picture book. I glanced in the rearview mirror, watching her small frame bundled up in her car seat, completely absorbed in the vibrant illustrations. Her world was a cocoon of safety and quiet. 
Y/N was born just a few months before the pandemic hit, and as the world shut down, our lives cocooned together. Her mother and I parted ways shortly after her birth, and since then, it had been just the two of us. I had gotten used to her soft-spoken nature, the way she’d cling to my leg when meeting new people, her whispers only meant for my ears. 
Arriving at the lake house brought a wave of nostalgia. This place had been our summer retreat since I was a kid. Now, it would be the backdrop for Y/N’s first real foray into the larger world of my friends and family. I parked the car and turned to face her. “Ready to meet Uncle Quinn and everyone else?” I asked, trying to mask my own apprehension. She nodded, her big eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of nervousness
Quinn was the first to greet us, his surprise evident when he saw Y/N shyly peeking from behind my legs. “Jack, hey! And this must be Y/N,” he said, crouching to her level. She pressed closer to me, her little hand gripping my jeans. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I murmured, lifting her into my arms. “This is Uncle Quinn. He’s really nice, I promise.”
Over the next few days, the house filled with laughter and noise as more friends arrived. Each one of them took turns trying to engage with Y/N, but she’d always retreat to the safety of my arms or hide behind me. The guys seemed taken aback by how gentle and patient I was with her, a side of me they weren’t used to seeing.
“Man, Jack, you’ve really got the dad thing down,” Trevor remarked one evening as we sat by the fire pit. Y/N was nestled in my lap, her head resting against my chest as she dozed off. “I’ve never seen you like this. It’s kind of incredible.”
I smiled, looking down at my sleeping daughter. “She’s my world, Trev. Everything I do is for her. It’s different, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Y/N began to open up, little by little. She’d sit by the water’s edge with Quinn, watching him skip stones, or quietly hand over her stuffed bunny for Luke to play with. My friends were patient, giving her space while gently encouraging her to join in.
One afternoon, as the sun dipped low, we all gathered for a barbecue. Y/N, to everyone’s surprise, walked over to Trevor and handed him a flower she had picked. “For you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling fire. Trevor’s eyes widened, and he accepted the flower with a beaming smile. “Thank you, Y/N. This is beautiful.”
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kimjun · 10 months
(𝐧𝐨𝐭) 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚/141
Price actually thought it would be a good idea to leave you, his daughter, in the care of 141. The photos he received prove him wrong.
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Price *per message*: It's only been two hours since I left you there!!!!
yn*messege*: Help!!!!!
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cxlamarisalxmi · 1 year
Being Miguel’s daughter and hosting Venom [2]
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[Platonic One-Shot]
c/w: fighting, depictions of violence and gore, angst, female pronouns (she/her), feminine gendered terms used to describe reader, Venom is a big softie, only for you though 🤭
a/n: this is marked as part two because the first one shot was the first part, the drabble was more of an introduction to the idea 😭 I understand there might be some confusion about how these parts are set up but yeah the drabble was intended to introduce the idea more than it was meant to be an actual part of the series— like an extended epigraph… sort of
It was raining the day your father had decided to return to your dimension— the dark and gloomy rain clouds above thick and heavy as they devoured the sky.
With them they brought raindrops thick and heavy in density that were spat out in a torrential downpour. Falling in copious and rapid quantities.
You had been sitting perched on the corner of a building’s roof, observant and watchful as you patrolled the streets from your perch.
The darkness that had followed the overcast night sky left the street lamps and starkly bright city lights bright and prominent in their glow. And your sensitive and finely tuned auditory perception picked up on the sounds of tires driving through rainwater on the pavement. The sound of particularly nocturnal people walking, bustling and moving about— the way their shoe soles stepped on the soaked through concrete of the sidewalk, some splashing as they came across puddles in the divets of the ground.
Everything that involved your senses and being aware of the world around you sharpened dramatically, now keen on focusing on the world around you. Listening starkly for any kind of traumatic event occurring.
“I like the rain.”
“Me too.”
“The atmosphere is relaxing. We feel at peace.”
You couldn’t help but agree, the weather more than accommodating in the sense your mood had improved drastically.
It had been two weeks since your father had made his appearance, and since then you had been tightly wound and more than a little hurt at his abrupt intrusion. Even more hurt at the way he had just left without so much as an ounce of effort in trying to get you to talk to him.
He had called your name, and he did speak to you— that was something you could acknowledge, but the fact he hadn’t bothered trying beyond that spoke a lot about what your relationship had come to. What it still was.
He didn’t care about you, he never had and the encounter from a little less than half a month ago gave you the impression that he never would.
A small part of you could admit that you had hoped maybe he would come after you, chase you down, take you into his arms and hold you tenderly. Lovingly.
An even larger part overwhelmed that feeling with a cold and bitter indifference that made you more angry than sad. Sparked to life when he left you behind in a home you didn’t know, with people you didn’t trust— and festered to much more significant levels as the years continued to pass with not a single word from him.
You shouldn’t have expected him to make an effort to fix your relationship, and you hated that you were so bothered that he hadn’t tried at all. You should’ve known that he hadn’t ever intended to be involved with you at all. And you should’ve just accepted that your relationship was beyond fixing— and there was no point in trying to repair something that had died a long time ago. Irreparable— damaged and broken.
And whilst anger and hate had spread and taken over most of your heart and soul, there was still a small part inside that was more hurt than anything.
That small child inside that had depended on her father more than ever in the wake of her mother’s death. A little girl that had quickly learned he wasn’t dependable, she couldn’t count on him at all. And she was quick to learn that there wasn’t anyone who had her back, was on her side. It developed into her trusting absolutely no one— “the only one I can really trust.. is me.”
“[Y/Name]? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you murmured quiet and tame as you continued to watch over the city. The darkness and ache that had consumed your heart so very deeply at the remembrance of your father had dissipated when your friend had spoken to you. “I’m fine V.”
“Was it about him?”
You didn’t respond and they had expected that you wouldn’t, and didn’t say much after that. And you appreciated their understanding that you didn’t want to talk about them.
There was a moment of tranquility, peace in the loud bustle of your city as the rain continued to fall. But then your senses tingled as the familiar sound of a portal spinning open erupted behind you. There wasn’t a moment of stillness that you allowed before you were spitting webs at the wall behind the portal.
Miguel walked through the portal a moment later, it closed a second after and then you were launching yourself at him.
He may have not had the tingle at the expense he wasn’t even really changed like you had been. He hadn’t been bitten but had his genetic code changed, and his abilities came from a vial of liquid he injected directly into his bloodstream to keep his powers sharp and potent.
So, whilst he didn’t have the spider senses that tingled anytime danger was nearby, his natural instincts had been sharpened finely. Thus, he was able to bring up his arms as you drop kicked him into the wall you had slung your webs at.
Even though he was blocking his face protectively you had put enough strength behind the kick to hurt him, and he grunted as your kick connected sending him flying back.
[Y/Name] jumped to meet him against the brick wall and grabbed him by the throat, tightening her clawed fingers around his neck before she was pulling him from the wall and throwing him off the building to the street below.
The previous feeling of peace and content that had warmed her chest and blood had diminished, and was now replaced with thorough rage. Hot and ferocious.
[Y/Name] had sworn to Venom that she absolutely would resort to murder if her father ever returned to her universe, and here he was. So the alien didn’t falter nor make an effort to halt the anger that was slowly but surely filling his host’s body.
Another portal opened up behind her and she felt an itch of annoyance as she felt the familiar presence that made her senses tingle. Jessica Drew.
A snarl tugged at her features as she curled her lip and looked over her shoulder, a ferocious glare fierce and angry in her bright eyes.
“Of course.”
Jessica stared as a thick, black matter pooled from her back and slid across her lean and muscular frame. The alien-like viscous oil gliding across every plane of her frame, concealing her entire white and blue suit in a tightened black version of it instead.
“[Y/Name],” Jessica began soft and quiet— an attempt to somehow quell the furious fire of rage she could feel hot and angry from where she stood several feet behind the young teenager. “I know what you must be feeling—”
“You don’t know shit.”
“You want to kill him. And I can’t let you do tha—”
Her sentence was cut short when she was suddenly thrown backwards, her senses had tingled but not nearly quick enough. And she had been sent backwards to the brick wall in consequence, she gaped at the O’hara stood in front of her on the edge of the roof.
She had turned to face Jessica with her back, and the blackened webbing surrounding her body seemed to pulse and tightened around her body. Every time she squirmed attempting to loosen them, cut them or escape they would just tighten. She resorted to calling out to [Y/Name] instead—
“Spider-Woman doesn’t kill people!”
[Y/Name] willed her mask to peel away, the small and thin tendrils crawling up her neck and hugging her forehead only made the harsh glare she threw at Jessica over her shoulder much darker. The snarl she gave baring abnormally sharp canines seemed to make her even more intimidating— it made Jessica uncomfortable how a simple look made a chill rake down her back.
“You’re right. But we do.”
And she shivered again at the alien voice that rumbled from the young adult’s chest. The words she spoke only succeeding in making her all the more uncomfortable and frightened. The tone she spoke in was deep and ferociously monstrous. And Jessica stared as the O’hara glared back for a single second before she jumped disappearing over the side of the roof.
[Y/Name] landed on the sidewalk paved along the side of the asphalt road, she jumped forward flipping out of the way as her father shot a web at the spot she occupied previously.
But he had jumped to meet her midair and they grappled as they fell back to the road, she managed to wrangle a hold on the back of his suit and brought forth Venom’s strength to throw him down the road before landing on it herself.
Miguel’s sharpened instincts flared aggressively as his young daughter launched a car at him. He spun around extending his arm forward simultaneously— the long and sharp blade on his forearm cutting the car cleanly in half. But she had been there to surprise him, lunging forward after she had thrown the car knowing he’d cut it in half opening up an ambush as she erupted in between each piece of the vehicle.
He gasped silently in shock at her appearance through the split and grunted when her punch connected to his face. Enough strength from her abilities coupled with Venom to send him flying back. And he flipped midair to land on his feet several feet down the street, he dug the blades on his forearms into the pavement to halt his movement as he looked up.
“I suffered! Alone! For twenty years, because of your cowardice!” [Y/Name] shouted as she stormed down the street, the mask Venom provided peeling back to reveal a ferocious snarl tugging her lips back and baring abnormally sharper canines.
“Protecting the security of the multiverse is not cowardly!”
“You knew invading another universe at the expense of your variant’s death was wrong! You knew your presence could collapse the very fabrics of a dimension! You always knew!” She roared in exclamation to his rather weak defense, having stopped just a few feet in front of him to properly put her feelings forward. Give him everything she had bottled up inside that had erupted suddenly since his abrupt appearance in her dimension two weeks ago.
Miguel just stood there, he swallowed thickly at her statement as he held eye contact with her. There wasn’t any indication he was intimidated by her on his face, his expression blank and guarded with slanted brows and narrowed eyes. But internally he was dreading the fight that would no doubt occur, she was anomoly after all.
“But— when she told you she was pregnant, when she told you she was excited to start your family.. what did you do? What did you do? You. Ran!”
“She was never meant to bear children! Never meant to give birth to you— that was not my fault!”
The audacity he had to ruin her life and not even acknowledge it only made [Y/Name] all the more furious, her blood boiling beneath her skin as she tightened her vicious snarl. “Not your fault?!”
[Y/Name] advanced forward, she reached to her left— her muscular forearm flexing beneath the deep black Venom suit as she gripped the side of another car and effortlessly lifted it throwing it at him.
He jumped to the side to dodge but she was there to meet him once again, having leapt from her spot on the street to put her knee in his face. He couldn’t bring his arms up quick enough to block it this time, and she forced him backwards when she utilized Venom’s alien strength to really hurt him.
Miguel grunted as her strike connected and he was thrown into the side of the building off to the side. She followed right behind him tearing her arm back and throwing it forward the second she was close enough. The hit had enough power and strength in it to send him right through the brick wall and into the empty warehouse within.
[Y/Name] landed several feet away from the form of her father on the ground, he was slow to get back to his feet but once he had he turned to face her. And she could tear his throat out at the scowl carved into his features, the conversation that followed only making her all the more infuriated.
“I’m not here for any other reason than to capture the anomaly in your dimension.” He says, a still blank and guarded look on his face. One that his young daughter matched only to a degree that looked more like she was enraged rather than unbothered.
“There’s no anomaly here, Venom and I would’ve picked up it’s unnatural scent immediately.” She reasoned.
“You wouldn’t know of it’s presence. Because it’s you.”
“You are an anomaly, you were never meant to be born.. never meant to be bitten… never meant to host Venom. You don’t belong. You need to be contained.”
[Y/Name] froze, Venom inside stilling too as he and herself processed the words that had just fell from her father’s mouth. All was quiet for but a moment—
Miguel watched as a dark look overtook her features, from enraged previously to downright hostile as her eyes darkened to an unseen degree. He felt a shiver of fear and intimidation shuck down his back in a brief burst.
“You bastard.”
The snarled words growled from her throat sent another ripple down his spine. And he swallowed thickly as the deep black viscous matter of Venom returned, and then she bore the same appearance as before.
The same lean and muscular frame but now entirely black with a white spider insignia, her mask’s eyes now more monstrous-like as opposed to the regular diamond shape as most spider people.
[Y/Name] Venom snarled ferociously, Miguel watched as the alien bulked up his daughter. Not so much so that it wasn’t proportionate but enough to have him breathe out a brief exhale of uncertainty and anxiety.
His daughter had become powerful in his absence, and he had caused the black hatred to plague her heart. The fact she only looked at him with hate and a fiery light of murder and bloodthirsty rage was his fault and his fault alone. He had no one to blame but himself.
So, he really had no one to blame for this fight that would occur one way or another. He wasn’t sure he could beat her, and for the first time in a long while he felt a surge of anxiousness brew to life in his stomach. His heartbeat slightly erratic at the new feeling of diminished confidence in his chest.
He knew this would be hard, he knew he was walking into this fight with a significant power difference, and he knew for damn sure he wasn’t certain he’d keep his head. And Miguel had no one to blame for it—
But himself.
a/n: started writing out requests so expect to see those soon but don’t get too excited as I can’t promise when exactly they’ll be finished and posted, my classes are kicking my ass and my job fucking sucks so.. bear with me please and I hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @violilaqrs @christinesdemoness1958 @erensbbg @nickey-diano @gamersansblog @ayyybee @raweggeater @shrekstoesblog @azzy-ozborn @nda-approval @9kaaulitz @jazjelspen @myconglomerateromance @sweetheartlizzie07 @nyx-does-stuff @krazy-kattzz @sparklyphantom @loser-alert @bath1lda
Sorry if I missed you on the taglist!
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princessxt · 4 months
hiii, i loved your hotch fic so much, could you maybe write a spencer reid x daughter one where he and the team interview y/n as a potential unsub and then reid finds out she's his daughter that he didn't know about, or any plot you want to write :) i hope you have an amazing day <3
You can make a request in the comments or by asking me a question!
You can see the list of who I write about here
like and follow to encourage me to keep posting<33
She Looks Like You
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Pairing(s):Spencer Reid x Daugther Reader
Warning: none?
Spencer never imagined himself in a family, with a wife, children, a dog and a house with a white picket fence. Contact with girls his age was embarrassing, as he generally couldn't stop talking about subjects that bored the girls. He had only two relationships in his life, and in both of them, the ending was devastating for Spencer. The first was in his last year at college. He met a lovely girl, dated her for a few months, but she disappeared from college. without telling Spencer. For a while he thought the worst could have happened to her, but when he contacted her family, they just told him she was fine and for the boy to leave her alone. And in his second relationship , well, we all know what happened to Mavie.those were the losses of Spencer's life.
He could get over it, after all, he didn't think he would have a family anyway.
He knew that his work took a lot of time, and that could strain a marriage, in addition to how dangerous it would be, considering what happened to Hotch's wife. He may have been shaken by his last relationship, but he didn't let it destroy him. , and now you're here, trying harder than ever to continue saving lives.
The case the team was on was not a case of a serial killer. A couple had been murdered, and the only evidence the local police had was a strand of hair, from the killer, which according to the tests was a woman.
It didn't take long for the team to put together a profile, which led to a young girl.
They didn't have the motivation, but they had in mind that during an interrogation she could say something that would be useful for the case. When the young woman was already in the interrogation room, the agents entered.
"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" Hotch asks, sitting in front of the young woman, making the young woman look at him with contempt. Spencer was behind Hotch, just watching her, finding her face familiar.
"Unfortunately"She throws her body back and leans against the chair, bored.
"Do you know why you're here?" The older man looks at the files in front of her, waiting for the right moment to show them to the girl.
"It looks like I'm suspected of something." She looks at Hotch, staring at him.
"Do you recognize this couple?" He shows the photos of the crime scene, with the dead couple in one of the photos. Her reaction was not what the agents expected. In the profile, they said that when the killer saw the photos of the crime scene , she wouldn't have a negative reaction, and would just stare at the photos, without a sign of remorse, but Y/n, the moment she saw the photos, turned her face away, feeling her stomach turn and her lunch return to her throat. Place your hand over the photos and close the file.
"Look, am I going to get arrested?" She looks at Hotch, angry that he showed her those horrible photos.
"You can leave at any time. But first, we need a DNA sample." Hotch takes the folders off the table and places them on her lap.
"DNA? Don't you need a warrant for that?" She gets up and grabs the coat that was on the chair.
"Not if you let us collect it willingly and make everything easier." Hotch follows her with his eyes, watching her go to the door.
"Bad luck for you, I'm not the type to make things easy." He opens the door and leaves, without looking back, leaving Hotch and Reid alone in the room.
"Do you think she has something to do with murder?" Spencer finally speaks.
"Her reaction wasn't what we imagined. We need a mandate, we'll only know for sure when the results come out." Hotch gets up from his chair and leaves the room, going to provide the mandate.
A few hours later they were already at the door of Y/n's house, with the warrant in hand, ready to collect the DNA.
They knock on the door and the girl answers, looking disappointed by the agents at her door.
"Let me guess, they came to get my DNA?" The agents agree and she gives them space to enter.
"Mom, those agents are here!" She shouts towards the second floor of the house.
The agents deliver the warrant to the girl. A few minutes later, a woman, approaching 35 years old, appears. Spencer could recognize her from miles away. It was Melissa, her first love. The one who disappeared without telling him anything.
"Do you really think my daughter killed that couple? This has to be a joke." She sits next to her daughter and takes the warrant from her hand, reading it in a few seconds.
"I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid." Hotch follows the manual, and introduces himself to the girl. When she hears Reid's name, her body tenses, and being a profiler, Spencer notices it. .
"A saliva sample and a strand of hair. Get it over with." The girl gets up and comes face to face with Hotch, who takes all the materials needed to do the collection. He takes the saliva sample and the hair, leaving the house then.
They take the sample to the laboratory. The next day, the result went directly to Garcia.
"Guys, I have some bad news, the DNA is not compatible. I'm sorry" Garcia says on the other end of the phone, the team sighs in disappointment, knowing that whoever killed the couple was still out there.
"Wait, here in the files it says that she is compatible with an agent." Garcia says and everyone looks at each other.
"What do you mean compatible with an agent? Is there any document saying she's adopted?" JJ says and gets closer to the phone.
"It doesn't say anything, I'll try to get into the file, just a minute." She stays silent and everyone in the room can hear the keyboard making noise. A minute later, Garcia sees the last thing she could imagine on her screen. one "Oh no" and the whole team is confused.
"Garcia, what did you think?"Emily asks, crossing her arms.
"I'll send it to you" is the only thing she responds. After that, the agents received a file over the phone, and what was written left everyone in shock.
"Spencer, is she... is she your... daughter?" Derek asks, staring blankly at the document. Spencer didn't know what to say or how to react. This had crossed his mind when he found out that Y/n's mother was Melissa, but he believed that if she was pregnant she would have told him.
"Reid, is that possible?" Hotch looks at him, who was motionless.
"I dated her mother during college, maybe it is." He didn't know if he wanted that to be true or a lie. He started thinking about everything, and remembered the date of birth he saw in Y/n's file. a few months after Melissa disappeared. He no longer had any doubts.
"Thanks Garcia, if you find out anything else let us know"JJ hangs up.
"So, she's no longer a suspect." Emily tries to change the atmosphere in the room, drawing everyone's attention to the case.
"Spencer, can I talk to you?" Hotch calls him and they leave the room.
"This is something very important, Spencer. Go figure it out, take the rest of the day off and talk to Melissa and Y/n, you have a lot to discuss" Spencer agrees. He grabs his things and goes to Melissa's house, knocking on the door.
She opens the door and says "I was waiting for you. I knew that after Y/n's exams came out you would come here. You can come in." She gives Spencer space to enter.
"You knew, and you didn't tell me anything."Spencer stops in front of her, in disbelief at everything that was happening.
"Would you like something to drink? Water, juice, beer." She goes to the kitchen followed by Spencer.
"You can sit"She points to some benches on the kitchen counter. She goes to the fridge and takes out 2 beers.
"I don't drink." Spencer says dryly.
"Then some water"She takes a bottle of water.
"Where is Y/n?" he takes a sip of water, calming down.
"He's at a friend's house, he won't be back until night, we have all the time in the world to catch up." She mocks the last part.
"Does she know? That I'm her father?" He says.
"She don't even suspect it."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He looks at her, remembering the past, the time when they were together.
"You were about to graduate and join the FBI, I knew that when that happened, she and I would be in the crosshairs of anyone who wanted revenge on you. I did it to protect my daughter."
"I would quit the FBI without thinking twice. I would graduate and look for a good job so I could take care of her. You should have told me, given me the chance to see my daughter grow up" At that moment, Spencer's eyes were about to look fills with tears, thinking about all the memories he missed in his daughter's life.
The silence in the kitchen was embarrassing. Neither of them knew what to say.
"I want to be part of her life from now on." Spencer breaks the silence.
"I don't know if she'll want to. Last night she spent the night talking about how idiots you and your colleague were." She laughs.
"I want to at least try, help me get her to support me." He looks at her, who avoids looking into her eyes.
"I can talk to her tonight, explain everything, and if she wants to see you, I'll call you." She says and finally looks the doctor in the eye.
"What is she like? Is she smart, kind?" He asks wanting to know more about her.
"She looks like you. She's smart, kind to people she likes, but she has my personality." She smiles remembering her daughter.
The rest of the afternoon was peaceful, they talked a little more about her the girl. When Spencer returns to the hotel, he waits for a response from Melissa, to find out whether or not Y/n wants to have contact with him. It doesn't take long until he receives a message from Melissa.
*Tomorrow, at 4 pm at the cafe in the center, she will meet you there*
He smiles reading the message, but feels nervous about having contact with the girl, now that he knows she is his daughter.
The other day, Spencer couldn't stop thinking about her date with Y/n, he thought about bringing something to please her, but he didn't know what she liked.
When it was time, Spencer went to the cafe, sitting at a table and waiting for Y/n. She arrived some time later, going directly to the table. Both, not knowing how to greet each other, just exchanged a "Hi".
"So, did your mother explain everything?" Spencer tries to calm the atmosphere. The girl only responds with a "Yes."
Spencer and Y/n knew that creating a father-daughter relationship would be a challenge, but they both liked being challenged.
Hii, if you have a better idea for a title, you can tell me in the comments!
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seasonofthenerd · 4 months
Pov: You are the oldest Winchester kid
Aka Dean and Sam's Older Sister
Being dean and sam's older sister, John and Mary had you in 1976, 3 years before Dean was born, and 7 years before Sam was born
‌being 7 years old when Mary is killed by Azazel
‌Parentified soon after that as John became cynical with his revenge
‌Not being able to go to college due to obvious reasons
Going to Dean and Sam's ptms because John was absent father ™, and going to yours alone
‌Dropping Sam and Dean to school after passing out
‌Learning to drive and fix the impala at 15 from John because that'll help when you two are on hunts
‌Teaching Dean to drive when he is 16
‌Your relationships never work out
‌ Becoming a mom figure for Sam, and being Dean's support system
‌Being an expert at hunting and research
‌John taking you with him on hunting trips while Dean stayed back to take care of Sam
‌Having a lot of fights with John because of his behavior towards the boys
‌daddy issues™®©
‌Having many opportunities to run away and leave everything and everyone behind but not doing it for the sake of your brothers' future
‌Living in separate places than John after sam leaves for Stanford, providing dean with a safe place when he needs it, but still hunting with him.
I don't know if it's good it's just something I came up with randomly, if anyone reads please lmk if you are interested in more parts, thank you for reading!!
Also this is the first time I've ever written something and posted it on here (cries in panic and anxiety)
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letarasstuff · 11 months
Female Rage
(A/N): Initially, I wanted to end this one on a hopeful note. But fighting the war of equality and equity can be pretty hopeless. I tried to be as inclusive as possible, but it's came out in a very binary way. I'm sorry for that and I'm readyto change anything.
Summary: Spencer learns from his daughter how much the patriarchy really sucks.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: the utter feeling of hopelessness in today's patriarchy, unwanted advances, some men suck
“Hey, what’s with you today?” Spencer asks after hearing his daughter slamming the front door shut.
Her stomping feet bring her towards the living room, where he sits on the couch with a book in his hands, deciding whether or not he’ll include it in his next class. Looking up from the written words, he instantly spots all the emotion running over (Y/N)’s face.
Now, being a father to a 16 year old teenager wasn’t always easy and especially since puberty started it’s becoming increasingly difficult to decipher his child, but Spencer knows right away what kind of emotional cocktail is playing here: Anger, hurt, a pinch of shock and layered under all of this is a certain type of fear. Which one is up to (Y/N) telling him.
“What’s with me today?” She asks him in an incredulous tone. “With me? What about you? Or your entire gender. No, seriously. How can you men go around, trumpeting how you are the stronger, the smarter, the better, the most superior gender? And mean that? Even going as far as to believe that bullshit”
(Y/N) stops, taking in a deep breath. Her father looks at her with waiting eyes, thinking that she now will calmly explain to him what her whole tirade is about. But it seems that this was just the prologue. Because she continues with even more vigour in her voice than she started with.
“For real, what makes you even think that? Stronger than a person, who was assigned female at birth? Just because you are able to build muscles faster than we? Or lose weight faster than us? You know what I call that? An evolutionary problem, because while I got emergency fat to feed off in the case of, I don’t know, an apocalypse, you will freeze to death.
“Our bodies are, for the most part, able to grow an entire functioning human being. We literally take a breakfast bar and build fingers with that energy.
“And for the smarter part? No, absolutely not. So many findings in history have been stolen from women by men, who greedily put their name on it and call it a day of science. Without women, cars probably would still drive around with windshield wipers. Mary Anderson has been laughed at for that idea, despite being one of the first women to hold a patent. And as soon as it expired, suddenly wipers were installed in all cars. Out of nowhere, it stopped being a dumb idea? Just because you weren’t able to attribute it to a woman?!
“But what more to expect from a gender that made protective gear for their testicles in hockey mandatory a hundred years before doing the same thing with a helmet. Who would have thought that brain cells need protection, too? A woman definitely.
I don’t wanna say one gender is better than the other or that there should be a particular fight between any gender at all, but men make it out like that. Damn it, they make women compete with each other to garner their attention. All those “pick me” girls you make fun of? They are the product of internalised misogyny.
“The baseline is wanting to be different from the “typical girl”, right? Well, what is a typical girl, who defined her and why is it so bad to be typical. Who do I want to be different for? Who is mad that I’m dressing up, putting makeup on or having good friendships with other girls?
“Men apparently, because they don’t want a different girl. They don’t want a well dressed, put together woman for the sake of love or so. They want someone easy. Nothing complicated, not someone, who asks them if these pants do look better with that shirt or this blouse. They don’t want to be confronted with problems. That’s why they made up a narrative of how a woman is supposed to be, solely for their own interest.
“And this whole thing eradicates the beautiful experiences you can have as a woman. I don’t talk about these silly and partly belittling things like girl dinner or girl maths. I’m talking about hyping each other up. Bathrooms in a club are fun, because there are a bunch of strangers, talking another stranger up to shoot their shot. Or down from texting their ex. There is unity.
“So where do men get their audacity?!”
Ending her whole rant with this question, (Y/N) stands in front of her father, seething and looking like she is about to overthrow the patriarchy with her own two hands. Right here, right now.
Meanwhile Spencer has started to shrink into the sofa and looks as physically small as possible.
“Uhm, the audacity for what, Sweetheart?” He asks hesitantly, scared for her reaction, but also knowing that this is something his daughter needs to get out of her system.
(Y/N) falls down on the sofa face first, next to her father. He rubs her arm up and down in a soothing manner, trying to take the fall after her burst of warranted female rage.
“I apologise. I know, there is nothing I can do against all of what you just said. I also know, like you, that we are talking about a structural problem. It’s nothing that can be solved by a few words. It sucks, knowing that your right to vote is younger than the patent on the first motorised vehicle. It’s not right that you always have to stick up for your rights, while mine will never be threatened.
“Nothing about all of this is fair. That I have to raise you in a way to remind you that any man out there could hurt you. It’s not fair that you have to go tell other men making advances at you about an imaginary boyfriend, because they rather believe in the legitimation of a fake male than your no. That you have to say no more than once, just because someone wants to “make sure you really mean it”.
“I can’t do anything right now that will satisfy you.
“But I can promise you that I will always listen to you. Listen to what makes you mad about this system. I will listen to other people, telling me how the patriarchy failed them. I promise to uplift the women in my life, give credit where it’s due and try to be the best feminist I can be.
But you need to promise me to tell me how I can support you the best in a world that wants to diminish your opinion, your rights and you. Can we do that?”
A short moment of silence gives Spencer the opportunity to think about instances, where he had to endure how (Y/N) being born female made her life more difficult. May it be boys pulling your hair on the playground and the teacher saying that they show love in this abusive way. May it be being called emotional or being told to stop being dramatic while talking about her problems. May it be in simply enjoying stereotypical girly things and being called basic because of that.
“Yes, I promise, I’ll keep you in check. And if you start rambling about how men are superior, I’ll ship you off to the worst retirement home I can find,” (Y/N) says, voice a bit muffled by the couch pillows.
The family continues sitting in silence, the feeling of deep and utter unfairness seeping into their bones.
If you have come this far, please consider a reblog or a comment. Not holding you at gunpoint or anything, but it would be pretty neat.
All works:
@venomsvl @kneelforloki @ssa-uglywhore27 @bibissparkles
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
General Spencer Reid:
@mayoanddelight (sunny, you seriously need to tell me when you change your url, this list had such an old one in it)
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j0elmill3r · 2 years
Emotional Motion Sickness
Pairing - Joel Miller x Daughter!Reader, Ellie Williams x Miller!reader
Summary - Joel relives the worst night of his life when you are critically injured.
Warnings - Violence, blood, injuries, angst, sad Joel
Word Count - 2.5k words
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I wanted to tell you that I love your writing❣️ and by the way, I wanted to ask you for a petition for Joel miller x daughter! reader. Where his daughter is almost on her deathbed and has Deja vu with what happened with Sarah.
A/N - Okay what's going on? Why am I so motivated to write? Anyway, as always, thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy it! Feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
Joel Miller Masterlist
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You'd basically begged your dad to let you come with you, despite being 23 years old, Joel still very much babied you. You sometimes wondered if he still thought of you as the same person that you had been at the start of the apocalypse, an innocent child entirely dependent on her father - He made you think that he couldn't come to terms that you had grown up in this world, having had your entire childhood robbed from you. But if you were being totally honest, you didn't really know anything other than this world, and that's why you thought you bonded with Ellie so well, thinking of her as your younger sister - A bittersweet thought for Joel, since you were a younger sister, even though you had no older sister anymore and were now older than her, it was funny, you were now older than your older sister. He liked to think you and Sarah would share the same bond at that age that you and Ellie do now, even as adults.   
You looked over to the bed Ellie lay in as you heard her giggle to herself - That stupid joke book, you thought to yourself, but hey, it was the little things in this world. She looked over at you.
"Hey, do you wanna hear a joke?" She asked you. You turned over on your other side to look at Ellie and nodded, knowing that you didn't really have a choice in the matter. "Okay, Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?" She started.
"I don't know, why did the scarecrow get a promotion?" You amused her. Ellie giggled to herself before continuing on with her joke.
"Because he was outstanding in his field," You shook your head as Ellie continued giggling. There was something oddly comforting in her jokes, they reminded you of the ones your dad used to tell you when you were little when he was trying to get a smile out of you when you were grumpy. "Your dad doesn't find my jokes funny." Ellie whined. You laughed and shook your head, laying on your back.
"To be fair, your jokes are pretty bad," You broke the devastating news to her, hearing Ellie gasp, and you smiled in amusement.
"I, am gonna go to sleep now and pretend that you didn't say that," Ellie told you. "Goodnight, traitor." She said, trying to sound as offended as she possibly could.
"Goodnight, Ellie," You told her. You tried to go to sleep but felt a settling unease in your stomach that you couldn't explain. You knew you could never shake off your gut feeling, which was why you couldn't sleep. You couldn't seem to switch off, your brain running at a mile a minute, unable to shake off the unease settling in your stomach. The day had gone too well, considering your dad's reunion with your uncle Tommy had gone to plan, there hadn't been some catastrophic fuck up at all during the day, somehow unsettling you. Then came a thud from the front door. Quietly, you crept down the hallway towards the door, your body and breath shaking with each step you took. Another thud. This time, you didn't know if it was coming from the door or your heart thumping in your chest.
Before you had any time to think, a runner came launching through where the door once stood on its hinges, then sprinting towards you. You screamed out for your dad before being body slammed to the ground by the runner, trying your best to fend it off and protect yourself from being bitten.
"Dad!" You screamed out, fear evidently clear in your voice. Joel woke up at your screaming, immediately reaching for his gun as he ran out of bed and to the room that you and Ellie were sharing, where the aforementioned girl lay sound asleep. Running down the stairs, Joel found you fighting for your life. Without hesitation, Joel fired two shots into the back of the runner’s head. You quickly shoved the body off of you and scrambled to your feet, running to your dad and wrapping your arms around him. Joel let out a sigh of relief as he held you.
"It's okay, look at me, Y/N," Joel demanded softly. You met your father’s worried eyes with your tear-clouded ones. "Did it bite you?" He asked you, in a serious, yet comforting tone. You shook your head in response, rubbing your eyes of tears. It went quiet for a minute, only for it to be replaced by that terrifying clicking sound. More gunshots went off. Bang. Bang. It didn't matter how many times you experienced a hoard of infected, the fallout never ceased to terrify you. Joel knew that, feeling that your breathing had become quick and shallow. "Okay, go and get Ellie, we need to get out of here, okay?" Joel had both hands on your shoulders, looking you in the eyes. This was when he remembered that you deep down, were still a scared little girl.
"Okay," You said quietly, your voice trembling as you looked out of the front door, more gunshots ringing off in the distance. You went back upstairs to wake Ellie up, giving her a gentle shake at first. "Ellie come on, we need to go," You told her. She groaned in response, turning to her other side. "Ellie, I'm being serious. There are runners everywhere." Suddenly, the girl found the energy to get out of bed, quickly jumping into her shoes and slinging her red zipper on. You both ran down the stairs and out of the house, into the open air where herds of the infected runners overtook the commune. You looked around frantically for your dad or uncle Tommy, sighing in defeat when you found neither, deciding to quickly grab Ellie's hand and make a run for one of the trucks you could both take refuge in until it blew over. However, on yours and Ellie's beeline to the row of trucks, you heard one last gunshot ring out.
You stopped dead in your tracks. Everything had gone silent, but then it all came back, the blood rushing to your ears, Ellie yelling out for your dad, your dad calling out your name. You didn't know why, had something happened? Was there something behind you? And then you realized, the blissful unawareness of the gaping hole in your stomach dissipated, and was now replaced with excruciating pain.
"Joel!" Ellie cried out, her eyes filling with tears as she watched you collapse onto your back, hyperventilating as you clutched at your bloodied stomach. "Hurry!" She cried panickily, kneeling beside you. Joel came running over, skidding onto his knees beside you.
No, no, no! Sh-sh-sh-sh, okay, you're okay. Y-You're okay, move your hand, baby. Move your hand.
Memories of your sister’s death came flooding back to him, only it was you in the exact same position, 20 years later.
"Y/N, hey, come on, it's okay, look at me," Joel said loudly over your hyperventilating. "I need to pick you up baby, you're gonna be okay," He promised you, putting his arms under you, wincing as you cried out in pain.
I know, baby, I know, I know, I know, I know! I know it hurts. All right. Don't look down, look up, look up. Come on, baby. You're okay, you're okay…
You continued crying in pain as Joel ran back to the house, carrying you in his now blood-soaked shirt. You'd gone pale, shaking as you grasped at your dad's shirt. Tommy followed in suit as you were taken back to the house that the three of you had been allowed to stay in for the night before continuing your trail to finding the fireflies. Tommy swiped everything off of the table so Joel could lay you down on it. The commune's doctor came in with a first aid kit, rushing over to you.
"I need everyone out," She said, looking at your dad, Tommy, and Ellie. Joel wanted to scream at her. No. He wouldn't leave you alone. "Now, please, or she's going to die." The three had never left a room so quickly, but for Joel, everything was going in slow motion.
"I know, I know, I know, I know, baby. I know, I know! I know this hurts. You're gonna be okay. All right… Baby, baby, baby, listen to me—I gotta get you up, okay? I gotta get you up. All right? You c'mon. You c'mon."
You grabbed his arm the same way that she did - as if it were the only thing keeping you alive at that very moment. Joel sat down on the stairs, dropping his head into his hands, leaving Tommy and Ellie clueless about what to do. Tommy knew what Joel was thinking, he still remembered the night of the outbreak, remembered holding you, only 2 years old at the time - 4 days shy of your 3rd birthday - as your sister slowly died in your father’s arms.
She continually gasped, both for air and in pain as Joel tried to pick her up.
"I know, baby! No, no. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know! Tommy, help me!"
Tommy watched on helplessly, holding an increasingly distressed you. Although you weren't quite old enough to comprehend what was going on, you knew it wasn't good - You could hear your sister crying and gasping, but Tommy held you chest to chest, you didn't need to see what was going on.
"Joel," Tommy said tearfully, looking over at his oldest brother and oldest niece, who now lay limp in her father’s arms. Joel looked back to his oldest daughter.
"C'mon, baby girl. C'mon, baby girl, I gotta get you up. C'mon! C'mon, we'll get up! C'mon, baby girl, wake up! C'mon… come—please," Joel gave up begging, collapsing to his knees in tears. Tommy put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, and it was then that Joel realized how distressed you were. "Give her here," Joel sniffled, rubbing his eyes and nose as he held his arms out for you. He held you close as you continued sobbing.
"Daddy," You cried, clinging to your father as though he was your lifeline. He put his hand on your back, trying not to let the tears in his eyes spill over as he rubbed your back.
"It's okay baby girl, daddy's here, I've got you," He assured you, sensing your fear. "It's all gonna be okay baby girl, I promise." Joel didn't know who he was assuring, him or yourself.
The tension was thick was the commune nurse came out of the dining room, coated in a layer of your blood. She made eye contact with Joel, remorse written on her face.
Oh, no.
You had ended up staying longer in Wyoming than the three of you had hoped for, but there was no way it could have been prevented, given that you had been put on ordered bedrest for at least 3 days, but Joel had made you do 4 - Just in case, he had said. Ellie had been more clingy with you than usual, which had reminded you that despite how hardened she liked to act, that she was still only a child who had been unfortunate enough to be born into this world.
You knew the night had been traumatic for your dad, resurfacing painful memories of Sarah's death, you didn't know if your dad would have recovered if he would have lost you in the same way he had lost her. Joel sighed as he watched you limp into the kitchen, holding your stomach as you did.
"Good morning," You said quietly, hobbling over to the chair so you could sit down. Joel shook his head at you and handed you a glass of water, and your last antibiotic. "Thanks." You popped the pill into your mouth and took a swig of water, then swallowing both.
"You're supposed to be in bed," He gently scolded you. "Another day resting won't kill you." He said. You sighed and shook your head, you knew why he was being like this, he just didn't want to lose you, he had already lost so much to this apocalypse.
"Dad, I'm fine, honestly," You assured him, looking up at him as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Just still a bit sore." You said, rubbing your stomach as you moved. You had to be careful of how you moved, just in case you tore your stitches.
"Please go back to bed, baby," Joel pleaded with you. You knew he wouldn't relent in trying to get you back onto bed rest, you sighed in defeat and nodded. "Thank you, do you need me to carry you up the stairs?" He asked you. You blushed in embarrassment as you nodded - what 23-year-old still needed her dad to carry her to bed? Well, obviously you did since your large intestine had a slight tear in it. You whimpered slightly as he picked you up, and you saw the guilt immediately flood onto your dad’s face.
"'M fine," You mumbled, holding onto him as he carried you up to his bed. You didn't question it, but accepted it for you were in need of some comfort, and if sleeping in your dad’s bed gave you it, then so be it. You saw an amused smile on his face as you looked up at him, quirking a brow in confusion. “What?”                                                                                                                               "What's' Forrest Gump's password?" He asked you, a small smile on his face.
"Huh?" You asked, confused at who this Forrest Gump character was.
"1Forrest1," He finished. Then you realized - Ellie's jokebook, and how he used to tell you dad jokes when you were sad to try and cheer you up. You giggled at the joke as you looked at your dad. "You have no clue who that is, do you?" Joel asked you, laughing as you did.
"Not one at all, old man."
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xan-izme · 2 months
Damian: Sister, am I ugly?
Y/n: What nonsense. I'm looking at you right now and you're the most beautiful boy in the world
5min later
Jason in tears: Am I ugly?
Y/n: Very much.
Y/n: *Wakes up from noise and sees Tim sitting by her window* Shit- Tim what the hell??
Tim: *Hasn't slept in weeks and might be having hallucinations* Why are cowboys, called cowboys. When they ride horses. . . that would make them horse boys. . .
Y/n: Alfred! We forgot to give Tim his melatonin! . . . again
Damian: I sometimes have dreams of my past actions taunting me of who I am as a person now
Dick: Omg same!
Y/n: Wait- What?
Tim: *Nods in agreement*
Jason: I dream of punching things till they bleed.
Y/n:. . . You guys need therapy more than me. . .
Jason: *Breaths*
Y/n: Oh my God SHUT UP!
Bruce: I have raised five of my children very well.
Y/n: Who's the fifth?
Y/n: Because I know damn well It's not me.
Jason: *Exists*
Y/n: Die.
Jason: What tf did I do!?
Damian: Did you hear the gym teacher just got fired?
Y/n: Oh sh*t really?
Damian: Yeah.
Dick:. . . It wasn't for touching kids was it?
Y/n: oh man, come on man.
Damian: You ask that every time a staff member gets fired!
Dick: What? I gotta ask!
Jason: *Bursts in Y/n's room* You'll never believe what I just found!
Y/n: A girlfriend?
Jason: . . . I hate you.
(A/n: Just a lil something to occupy yourselves while I finish up the upcoming chapter)
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Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats her baby and
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Aaron Hotchner X Spencer Reid X Daughter Reader
Request: Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader  where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats his baby
Third person pov...
It was always a busy day in the Hotchner household, with Aaron Hotchner balancing his job as a BAU Unit Chief and his duties as a single father to his daughter and son But despite his hectic schedule, he always made sure to spend quality time with his children.
At the moment, Aaron was helping his daughter get dressed as she would be going to work with him today, Jack had school, Aaron had dropped him of earlier.
The two were currently in the little girls room, Aaron kneeling on the floor going throug his daughter clothes before her voice made him turn towards her.
"Daddy, can I wear my princess dress today?" the 5-year-old asked with wide, hopeful eyes, Aaron couldn't resist her adorable request and smiled.
"Of course you can, princess. But let's make sure you wear some comfy shoes too.' He carefully picked out a pair of sparkly flats for her to wear.
Once the 5 year offer as dressed the two headed out the door and to the FBI headquarters.
The young gurl was bursting with excitement as she followed her dad, Aaron Hotchner, to the BAU headquarters. Being five years old, she didn't really understand what her dad did for work, but you knew it was important and cool.
'Morning, Uncle Spencer!' The girl exclaimed as she ran up to the tall, lanky man standing at his desk.
"Good morning, Y/N" Reid smiled down at the girl, He loved spending time with Y/N she was a bright light at the office and always had the most interesting questions.
"Can I help you with anything today?" She asked with wide eyes.
Reid chuckled, 'Of course, you can help me with everything!'
'Y/N, come on, we have to go to my office,' your dad called out.
'Okay, bye Uncle Spencer!' Y/N waved as she followed her dad.
As the H/C girl walked through the office, she noticed her dad's colleague, Derek Morgan, staring at her and her dad with a smirk.
'What's so funny, Morgan?' Hotch asked, noticing his expression.
'Nothing, Hotch. Just admiring how much Y/N looks like her dad,' Morgan teased, winking at the girl.
They all watched in amusement as she turned to the man with a pout, "But I want to look like Uncle Spencer!"
Hotch laughed and ruffled his daughters hair, 'Trust me, Y/N, you're much cuter than Uncle Spencer.'
They both entered the mans office and he sat the girl down in a chair while he went through some paperwork.
'Hey, Y/N, do you want to help me catch some bad guys?' The dad asked, his serious tone making the 5 year old sit up straighter in her chair.
'Really?' Y/N asked with excitement.
'Of course, you're my secret weapon,' the dad grinned before handing his daughter a pen and a clipboard.
While Hotch worked on the computer,
Y/N scribbled on the clipboard, feeling very important. Suddenly, Y/N heard her dad's phone ring and his face fell as he answered it.
'What's wrong, Daddy?' Y/N asked, sensing his sudden shift in mood.
'Nothing, Y/N. Just a case,' Her dad replied with a forced smile.
'Is it dangerous?' The 5 year old asked with concern.
'Probably not, don't worry,' the dad reassured her.
But she could see the worry in his eyes. She knew it was a lie. The little 5 yrar old knew her dad's job was dangerous and didn't like the idea of him getting hurt.
'Uncle Spencer will keep you safe,' She said, still holding onto the belief that Reid was her protector.
Hotches tired face softened at his daughters words and he gave a small smile, 'Yes, he will.'
Y/N apent the rest of the day helping her dad at the office, keeping her mind off the case. But as the team headed out, the little girl couldn't help but feel a little sad that her daddy had to leave.
Before the tewm headed out Spencer walked up to the young child, he looked at her sad face and thought if something to cheer her up.
'Hey, why don't we make a deal?' Reid suggested, giving thr girl a gentle smile and holding her hand.
'What kind of deal?' She girl asked, intrigued her sad expression vanishing.
'You keep an eye on me and make sure I stay safe, and I'll do the same for your dad,' Reid said with a smile.
Y/N odded eagerly, 'Deal!'
Reid grinned and picked the young child up, both laughing he began spinning around many times before placing you back on the ground.
Both dizzy but smiles on their faces.
'Come on, let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into,' Reid chuckled as he took the girls hand again, they both made their way out of the office.
Y/Ns dad watched the two with a mix of amusement and jealousy. He knew his daughter adored Reid and he couldn't blame her. Reid was a great friend and role model, and he was glad to have him in his children's life.
But as the two of them walked around the bullpen, he couldn't help but feel a little left out. He was Y/Ns dad, after all. But he knew that she were in good hands with her Uncle Spencer, and that was all that mattered.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, woo 2 in one night this is strange, decided to treat you guys to two of these oneshots I know you've missed them, I'm still working on getting through the rest of the requests but I will get through them thank you for your patience.
Sorry for this one being shorter than usual anyway sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count : 1016
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justabigassnerd · 10 months
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,654
Warnings - creepy guys, protective Jake & Mickey, being made uncomfortable, angst, fluff
Summary - when you get bothered by customers at work, Jake and Mickey can't just stand by and watch
A/N - hey y'all! sorry it's taken me so long to get a new fic out, I swear I'm trying to write faster but I be struggling. this was a request sent in by @stupendousnightmaretrash so here's a formal apology for taking so long. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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Growing up it had always just been you and your dad, and you were perfectly fine with that arrangement. There would be a small number of people that would come in and out of your life, but your dad stuck around no matter what and he was all you needed.
Then he got called back to Top Gun.
After completing the mission he was called back for, Jake and his squad were offered a permanent position at Top Gun so they could all remain together which brought a new array of people into your life. You knew Javy of course; he and your dad had formed a close friendship early on so having him back in your life was a welcome surprise. Then there was the likes of Bradley, Bob, Ruben, and Natasha who became your honorary uncles and aunt. Then there was Mickey who somehow became like a second father to you. He was the youngest of the Daggers and so everyone had assumed he’d take more of an older brother role towards you, but he showed his complex maturity when he helped you solve a problem you were having, and you often found yourself going to him with problems you weren’t ready to talk to your own dad about yet to get advice from him.
A couple of years down the line, your dad and the Daggers were still based in Miramar and life was just as good as it was when the team first became an official squadron. You had recently turned sixteen and gotten a job working at a little restaurant along the beachfront for a little extra cash. It wasn’t the best job in the world, but it was something.
One evening, after a long day of work at Top Gun, the Daggers decided that they’d visit the restaurant you worked at to grab some dinner and to also surprise you while you were working.
The squadron turned up and waited excitedly to be seated and Jake couldn’t help but smile when he saw your eyes light up upon seeing the team gathered. You found them a table and handed out menus to everyone. The smile never leaves your face as you talk to them, getting their drinks orders before heading off to go and get their drinks. When you returned with their drinks you took their food orders and took them to the kitchen before returning to your section and seating two middle-aged men at a table near the Daggers. At first, they were polite, thanking you as they initially sat down and gave you their drinks orders with kind smiles but as the evening progressed their behaviour shifted. When you brought them their meals after the Daggers were just about halfway through their own dinners, the two men started looking you up and down, making uncomfortable flirty comments and one of the men even tried to run his hand along yours as you placed his food down in front of him. None of the men’s comments or actions went unnoticed by Mickey, who nudged Jake and pointed out how uncomfortable you clearly looked while serving the two men. When you moved away from the table to grab more drinks for the two men, Mickey and Jake exchanged a look and pushed their chairs away from the table, rising in sync and crossing to the two men.
“Can we help you?” One of the men asks, raising an eyebrow as they stare up at the two aviators who fold their arms across their chest in tandem, glaring down at the two men.
“You can stop bothering my daughter, that’s how you can help me.” Jake says, jaw set as his gaze grows colder by the second. The two men share a brief glance before letting out small chuckles.
“With all due respect. Your daughter is very beautiful.” One of the men has the gall to say, making Jake almost shift to land a punch on that man’s cocky smile, but Mickey was quicker, grabbing Jake’s shoulder and pulling him back a couple of paces to reduce the fight risk.
“She’s also sixteen years old. She’s just a kid!” Mickey has to hold himself back from screaming it in the man’s face as his friend shrugs.
“Well, she looks older.”
“And you still think that makes it okay?” Mickey says as Jake shrugs Mickey’s hand off his shoulder and approaches the two men, bracing his hands on the table, and leaning down so he’s in their faces.
“You two have about five minutes to pay your bill, give my kid a good tip and get your sorry asses out of here.” Jake’s voice was low and threatening, but the two men chuckled once again.
“What exactly are you going to do if we don’t do that?” The man asks, smirking cockily as he leant back in his seat, arms folding over his chest.
“I’ve got an entire team of naval aviators behind me, and they will not hesitate to get involved on my kid’s behalf.” Jake is seconds away from throwing a punch when the men laugh in his face.
“I have your- what’s going on?” Your return should’ve been expected yet in the moment all four men had forgotten you had gone off to get drinks.
“Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart.” Jake says, straightening up and flashing a smile in your direction as Mickey drops his defensive stance to make everything seem more natural.
“Exactly, sweetheart. Are those our drinks?” One of the men says, condescension in his tone as he looks you up and down, frowning when you begin to look uncomfortable at his words.
“Oh come on, you can’t serve us with a smile?” He then says, and Mickey immediately walks over to you and takes the drinks off the tray.
“Mickey, what are you doing?” You ask in a hushed whisper as Mickey winks quickly, refusing to answer before turning around and slapping the biggest grin on his face and approaching the table.
“Here’s your drinks.” Mickey says, placing both drinks down making sure he spilt a bit over each man as he put them down.
“What are you doing?” One man says, standing up and attempting to brush the drink off his trousers.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to be served with a smile. I must’ve gotten a bit carried away.” Mickey says, the grin never leaving his face as both men grab napkins to wipe at their clothes while Jake crosses to you.
“Why don’t you grab the bill for these two? I have a feeling they’ll be leaving soon.” Jake whispers, watching as you nod lightly and head back to get the bill for the two men. Jake and Mickey return to the table with the Daggers, telling them that the situation appears to be defused and that since they had finished up all their meals, they’d get the bill and pay after the two men left. Jake kept glancing over at the two men as you brought over their bill and thankfully their mouths remained shut and they paid for their food and drinks silently before finishing their drinks and leaving the restaurant. When they left, you went over to the Daggers table and got them their bill and took the payments. You said goodbye to each Dagger in turn as they left but Jake and Mickey stopped in front of you.
“We’re going to wait outside for you, I know you don’t have much longer of your shift, and we want to make sure those assholes don’t come back.” Jake says, both he and Mickey smiling softly at you as you nod, thanking them before rushing off to finish off the rest of your shift.
Mickey and Jake sit outside the restaurant on a bench just by the beachfront and watch people taking evening strolls along the beach and listen to the sounds of seagulls calling and waves crashing against the sand. The two men found themselves talking about how work was going for them to pass the time until they heard you calling out for them, and they both turned and looked over their shoulders, a smile coming to their faces as they got to their feet and crossed to meet you halfway. Jake reached you first and trapped you in a strong but gentle hug.
“Was the rest of your shift, okay?” Was the first thing he asked as he hugged you, feeling you nod against his chest.
“Yeah.” You say as you pull away from the hug, moving to hug Mickey who embraces you happily.
“No one else bothered you?” Mickey checks in as he releases you from the hug.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Thank you, by the way. Those guys really gave me the creeps.” You admit, briefly casting your gaze to the floor before looking back up at the two men.
“No need to thank us, sweetheart. We’ll always look out for you.” Jake says with a soft smile.
“Honestly, if you two weren’t in the Navy I would’ve asked my manager to hire you guys. We could do with some people to help us handle the creepy guys. And I think Mickey would be an excellent waiter, he’s got the customer service smile down.” You say with a slight laugh, making both your dad and Mickey let out laughs of their own as they imagine Mickey being a waiter.
“Come on you, let’s get home.” Jake then says, the laughter dying down as Mickey slings an arm over your shoulders and tugs you into his side as the three of you begin to walk away from the restaurant, chatting and laughing the whole way as you enjoy each other’s company. The events of the evening are now behind you as you cherish getting to spend time with two of your favourite people. And you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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cloudy-lands · 6 months
Angel Dust x Daughter Reader
(prompt: reader is biological child of angel dust. y/n is his (angel dust's) first own child. Valentino somehow impregnated angel dust during a sex section with him. Before y/n was born Angel Dust left Valentino due to the abuse he was enduring to Angel and Angel didn't want his future child to be in a abusive family household.)
It was a few months into his pregnancy and Angel was happy as he could be. The spider demon was a father and was going to raise the baby on his own, but he also knew the dangers of Hell, so he had to make sure the kid was well protected.
"Don't worry kid, I'll get you the best protection." Angel said to his pregnant belly. He was a couple months into his pregnancy and was currently at work. Luckily the owner, Valentino, wasn't bothering him since he was pregnant and Valentino wasn't fond of kids.
"Angel Cakes~" Valentino called out. "Come here."
Angel sighed, walking into his boss's office.
"What is it, Val?" Angel asked.
"Oh nothing." Valentino smirked. "Just came by to say that the kid better not be a brat."
"Why would you think my kid would be a brat?" Angel asked, offended.
"Cause I know you, Angel cakes." Valentino replied. "You can't keep a damn thing clean."
Angel rolled his eyes.
"Well you don't have to worry, Val." Angel responded. "I'm not gonna have my kid in this shithole."
Valentino laughed.
"You're not taking the kid with you, are you?" Valentino asked.
"Yeah. So what if I am?" Angel asked.
"And just where the fuck do you think you'll go?" Valentino questioned.
"I don't know. Somewhere where I won't be forced to have sex with anyone I don't wanna." Angel replied.
"And you think you're gonna be safe there?" Valentino questioned. "Cause your life and that kid's life is in danger as long as you're down here."
“I would be staying at the hazbin hotel, the  place is a rehabilitation for sinners to be able to be redeemed into heaven. " said angel.
"The fuck do you mean by that?" Valentino asked.
"I mean, I'll be leaving soon. " Angel explained.
"So, you're gonna stay at the one place that's the safest from the rest of the fucking Pentagram?" Valentino questioned.
"Yep." Angel responded.
"That place is for sinners who actually have a shot at redemption." Valentino explained.
"I don't have a chance at redemption, but I'll still be staying there. " Angel said.
"I don't understand why the fuck you would do that, especially when you're not gonna have a shot at redemption." Valentino asked.
"Cause it's safer for the baby. " Angel said.
"Oh yeah. Cause the second owner, Alastor, is the safest guy around." Valentino mocked.
"He might be the safest. " Angel said.
"And why the fuck is he the safest?" Valentino asked.
"For one thing, he has a soft spot for children." Angel explained.
"Of course. Cause all psychopaths have a soft spot for kids." Valentino sarcastically stated.
"He's not a psychopath, Val." Angel defended.
"Oh really? That's not what I heard. " Valentino replied.
"Whatever." Angel said. "I'm just making sure my baby is safe."
"Well, you can do that while you're working, not running off to a hotel full of wannabe's." Valentino explained.
"Fuck off, Val. I'm not coming back here. " Angel said.
"You won't be leaving, Angel." Valentino said.
"Try and stop me." Angel dared.
Valentino got up, walked over to Angel and slapped him.
"You're not going anywhere." Valentino said.
Angel looked back at his boss, holding his face.
"Fine, I'm leaving." Angel said.
Valentino chuckled.
"Fine, you wanna leave. Leave." Valentino said.
"Thanks for your permission." Angel sarcastically stated.
"You better not tell anyone you're pregnant or I'll kill the kid." Valentino threatened.
Angel felt anger rising in him. He wanted to hit the moth pimp, but he was too afraid of him to do so.
"Whatever, just let me go." Angel said.
"Go ahead, I'll be waiting." Valentino said.
"You won't get to see the kid." Angel said.
"If they're not born dead, then they will be once I'm done with them." Valentino replied.
Angel walked out of his boss's office and walked down the hall.
"You better hope the kid is born dead." Angel muttered.
Angel left the building, he was heading for the hotel. He didn't know where else to go, and he didn't want his kid getting hurt by Valentino.
"I'm gonna raise this kid myself, whether Val likes it or not." Angel said.
As the days went on, Angel got more and more tired. The stress of the baby growing inside him was too much. He had a feeling that Valentino would actually try and hurt his kid, so he had to do something about it.
One night, Angel was in his room at the hotel, trying to get some sleep. It was hard for him, though, since his baby kept kicking him.
"Can't you be quiet?" Angel asked.
He waited for an answer, but none came.
"Fine, I'll make you quiet." Angel said.
He reached down, and started massaging his belly. It was the only thing he could think of to calm his baby.
"There. Happy now?" Angel asked.
No answer came, which frustrated Angel.
"Why do you have to make me suffer so much?" Angel questioned.
He waited again, but once again, no answer came.
"I can't wait till you're born. Then I won't have to worry about you." Angel said.
No answer came, but a small kick from the baby inside him.
"Oh yeah, that's right." Angel said.
He continued to rub his stomach.
"I can't wait till you're out." Angel said.
No answer came.
"Well, maybe you can't talk yet. That's fine. I'll just have to wait." Angel said.
He tried his best to get some sleep, but he couldn't. His baby kept kicking him, and it was annoying.
"Please, just stop. Let me sleep." Angel said.
No answer came again.
Angel sighed, and continued rubbing his stomach.
"Maybe you'll sleep better if you have a name." Angel said.
"How about..." He trailed off, thinking.
"What's a good name for a girl/boy?" Angel asked himself.
He thought for a minute, then a name came to him.
"How about Y/n?" Angel asked.
He waited, then he heard a kick.
"Okay, okay. I'll call you Y/n." Angel said.
Another kick came.
"You like that?" Angel asked.
A third kick came.
"Okay, that settles it. Your name is Y/n." Angel said.
He patted his stomach.
"Goodnight, Y/n." Angel said.
After some time finally, Angel fell asleep.
A few months later, it was time for Angel to give birth. The labor was hard, but Angel managed to deliver his child safely.
"It's a girl." The doctor said.
"She's beautiful." Angel said.
Angel looked down at his newborn daughter. She was a beautiful sight to behold.
"What's her name?" The doctor asked.
"Her name is Y/n." Angel told the doctor.
"What a lovely name." The doctor replied.
Angel took his daughter in his arms. She was the most precious thing he had ever seen.
"I'm gonna take care of you. I promise." Angel said.
After a few weeks, Angel brought his daughter back to the hotel. He told everyone that he had been staying at, that he had a daughter, and that they could come see her if they wanted to and for his child sake he told them a woman durring a shot for valentino have, had a child which she couldnt care for.
Charlie, Vaggie, and the rest of the staff came to visit Angel and his new daughter.
"Oh, she's beautiful!" Charlie exclaimed.
"What's her name?" Husk asked.
"Her name is Y/n." Angel replied.
"Y/n, huh?" Husk questioned.
"Yeah. I think it suits her." Angel replied.
"I think it's a great name." Charlie said.
"Me too." Vaggie agreed.
"Thanks." Angel replied.
Everyone took turns holding the baby. She was a little fussy, but not too much.
"I'm gonna raise you on my own. And everyone is gonna love you. You'll have a great life." Angel whispered to his daughter.
After a while, Angel decided to get some rest. He put his daughter down in her crib, and laid down in his bed.
"Goodnight, Y/n." Angel said.
With the love of a father, Angel knew he'd do whatever he had to, to make sure his daughter had a good life.
"You're a daddy's girl, you know that, kid?" Angel said.
He looked over his little girl, and closed his eyes.
"Love you." He whispered.
He fell asleep, a smile on his face.
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A few years passed, and Angel had been taking care of his daughter. She was a happy, healthy little girl.
One day, Angel was sitting in the lobby of the hotel. He had brought his daughter along with him.
"Daddy, can we go outside?" Y/n asked.
"Sure. Just be careful, okay?" Angel replied.
"I will." Y/n replied.
She ran outside. Angel followed after her.
"Wait up!" Angel called.
"Hurry up, Daddy!" Y/n called.
"Hold on, kiddo." Angel replied.
He caught up to his daughter.
"There. Now, where do you want to go?" Angel asked.
"Can we go to the park?" Y/n asked.
"Okay. But we can't be gone long." Angel replied.
"Yay!" Y/n cheered.
They went to the park. Y/n played on the swings, while Angel pushed the swing once and turned away to watch her in case she fell.
"*giggles* Look, Daddy! I'm going high!" Y/n called.
"Careful, honey." Angel replied.
Y/n jumped off the swing, and ran towards Angel.
"I did it, Daddy! Did you see me?" Y/n asked.
"I did sweetheart." Angel replied.
"Now can I ride the monkey bars?" Y/n asked.
"Of course." Angel replied.
"Thanks!" Y/n said.
She ran off, and climbed onto the monkey bars.
"Watch what I can do, Daddy!" Y/n said.
She climbed across the monkey bars, and jumped down.
"That was great, honey." Angel said.
"Thanks, Daddy." Y/n replied.
They continued playing at the park.
After a while, they decided to go back to the hotel.
"Thank you for playing with me, Daddy." Y/n said.
"Anything for my little girl." Angel replied.
"You're the best daddy ever." Y/n replied.
"Oh, Thank you." Angel replied.
When they arrived back at the hotel, they were greeted by Charlie.
"Hello, Angel. And hello to you, too, Y/n." Charlie said.
"Hi, Auntie Charlie!" Y/n said.
"What'd you two do today?" Charlie asked.
"We went to the park." Y/n said.
"Was it fun?" Charlie asked.
"Yep. Daddy pushed me on the swing." Y/n said.
"Did you have a good time, too, Daddy?" Charlie teasingly asked chuckling.
"Yeah. It was nice." Angel sighed looking to the side with a distant expression.
"Daddy, are you okay?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n, why don't you go play in your room?" Angel suggested.
"Okay." Y/n replied.
She ran into her room, leaving Angel and Charlie alone.
"So, how'd the day go?" Charlie asked.
"Great." Angel sighed.
"Really?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah." Angel replied.
"Then, what's wrong?" Charlie asked.
"Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine." Angel replied.
"Angel, I've known you long enough to know when something's bothering you." Charlie said.
"It's just... Y/n's getting older. She's growing up, and soon, she won't need me anymore." Angel replied.
"Don't say that, Angel.She'll always need you. You're her father." Charlie replied.
"Yeah, but she'll start making her own decisions. She won't need me to help her." Angel explained.
"You'll still be there for her, Angel. She'll always need her dad." Charlie assured him.
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