fatty-food · 23 days
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(via Instagram)
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thememedaddy · 22 days
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balkanrose · 4 days
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by Alice White
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yourselfcola · 6 days
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Yamaguchi: We've been conducting an ongoing study to see what Hinata Will and will not eat.
Suga: Grass? Yes!
Yamaguchi: Moss? Yes!
Suga: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Yamaguchi: Shoelaces: Strange, but true!
Suga: Worms? Sometimes!
Yamaguchi: Rocks? Usually nah!
Twigs: Usually!
Suga: Oikawa's cooking? Inconclusive!
Daichi: How did you test this?
Suga: You just hand him stuff and say 'eat this' and if he eats it, he eats it.
Daichi: ...I don't know how to feel about this.
Asahi: Is that where all my shoelaces went?!!
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a-state-of-bliss · 20 days
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Pop Magazine 2006 - Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus
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prokopetz · 10 days
That sinking feeling as it gradually but irresistibly becomes clear that the author regards the character you find shockingly relatable as comedy relief, and that what the text presents as the impossible confluence of grotesque circumstances which resulted in the character in question being Like That is recognisable to you as your life.
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kleinefreiheiten · 7 days
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legoracers · 1 month
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rb to power up your blog
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rabbiteclair · 6 days
i get into a horrific car accident while carrying a crock pot full of meatballs in the passenger seat. at the hospital, the surgeons cannot sort out which chunks of meat are me and which are not, so I end up with several meatballs sewn into my guts. despite this I make a full recovery, and they elect not to remove the meatballs because quote 'they seem comfy in there.' i go on the talk show circuit and become moderately famous as The Meatballs Woman. when i die i am buried under a gravestone with meatballs carved on it. in the year 2438, a grad student from what is now Cambodia who is studying the late pre-collapse American Empire writes her thesis on this, concluding that I probably never existed and was a conflation of several real stories and urban legends. years later, a pop-history book wildly misinterprets this and several other things, arguing for the existence of a historic American religious pantheon including figures like The Meatballs Woman, Florida Man, Emperor Norton, etc. this book sells bizarrely well and inspires a new neo-pagan movement, which in turn leads to a weird shipping community, resulting in a small but vibrant scene of ABO fics featuring me and MrBeast (who in this context has been interpreted as a god of excess and trickery)
this chilling scenario is only one of the multiple reasons I am going to attempt to not crash my car today
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