1yuuki3 · 1 year
Of Doubts and Hope
Fated to Love You Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: none??
A/N: Hi, sorry for not updating, been busy with some personal stuff, crossposted on wattpad
Wc: 645 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
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Yoongi's and Y/N's Pov:
It has been days since the dinner that Y/N had with BTS and reality still hasn't sinked in for Yoongi that you've finally met again. Yoongi and Y/N haven't had any alone time to catch up since both of you are swamped for an upcoming comeback album.
Yoongi was unable to escape the reminders of his previous errors or the worry that the same mistakes will be made again of what ifs on why he didn't try to reach out. His fingers lingered over the piano keys as he sat in his studio, and his thoughts turned to the lost possibilities that had plagued him for so long. He wrote lyrics that reflected his internal conflict:
Echoes of doubt, linger and sway,
Like dying embers of a dying light.
Past mistakes, haunts me in the dark.
Is this my chance to right the wrong?
Meanwhile, Y/N found herself torn between the beauty of the present and the weight of what had come before. A voice within her whispered of the fragility of second chances, cautioning against diving headlong into something that could leave her shattered once more. As she sat alone in her room, the lines of a poem flowed from her pen:
Amidst fear's embrace, faint hopes softly sway,
Can I lean into trust, as doubt holds its sway?
The heart yearns for healing, though hesitant to proceed,
A story written by fate's hand, where love takes the lead.
Amidst the inner turmoil that both Y/N and Yoongi are feeling, the group's camaraderie became a comforting presence. Y/N attended practices, shared meals, and became a part of their daily lives. Their laughter was contagious, and their unwavering support provided a reassuring backdrop to the doubts that clouded Y/N's mind.
The early morning sun cast a warm, golden glow through the windows of the practice room, creating a serene atmosphere. It was a rare moment of tranquility before the bustling energy of the day began. In this peaceful dawn, Yoongi and you found yourselves as the first occupants of the room.
 "Good Morning Y/N" Yoongi said as you entered the practice room carrying coffee and pastries that you made for everyone.
Still avoiding eye contact Y/N replied "Good morning too, You're up early"
"Couldn't Sleep" was Yoongi's short answer. Silence enveloped the both of you. The soft hum of the air conditioner was the only sound that punctuated the silence as Y/N kept herself busy arranging the things she bought. Y/N didn't notice Yoongi was behind when she bumped into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were there" Y/N nervously said.
"It's ok" Yoongi chuckled " Can I asked you something?" he said
Y/N's heart is beating so fast that she wishes for it to escape her chest so she can die on the spot.
"Wh-What is it?" she stammered.
Yoongi cleared his throat before speaking again.
"That night at the restaurant, Why didn't you tell them we know each other?"
"Why didn't you?" Y/N asked back.
Before Yoongi can answer you, the other members arrived in the practice room.
"Hi Y/N is this for us?" Seokjin greeting you with a hug as he saw the table full of food.
Yoongi felt a pang of jealousy as he saw Seokjin hugging Y/N wishing it was him.
Jungkook's doe eyes grew wide with excitement as he saw the pastries he requested you to make.
"Don't spoil him too much Y/Nnie" Hoseok said with his happy smile.
"I love spoiling you guys, isn't that what managers are supposed to do?" Y/N asked.
"Thank you for the food Noona" Tae said in between bites of cookies.
"Thank you Noona" Namjoon said with a smile showing his dimples.
Jimin hugged Y/N from the back making her giggle "Noona, you really are the best" He said before putting you down.
The practice room buzzed with the vibrant energy of the BTS members, their laughter and banter filling the space as they practice into the day, only taking a break when Y/N would force them to.
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
Convergence Point
Fated to Love You Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: none??
A/N: Hi, sorry for not updating, been busy with some personal stuff, crossposted on wattpad
Wc: 916 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
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Yoongi's body was covered in excitement and anticipation like a swarm of ants attacking him. He couldn't shake of the feeling that finally, maybe just maybe the universe is finally giving him a second chance.
As he was busy preparing for the dinner with the rest of the Bangtan Boys and the new producer. He caught sight of your bucket hat and memories of that summer night flooded his mind like a movie, Leaving a wistful grin on his lips. For the first time after a couple of months he was excited about something that didn't involve work.
Yoongi was the first to arrive at the chosen restaurant, his heart pounding in his chest. The lyrics he had written lingered in his mind, a silent reminder of the second chance he desperately wanted to grasp.
After a couple of minutes the other members arrived, they ended up teasing Yoongi for being early.
"Hyung, it's a miracle that you are here" Teased Jungkook.
"Yes Hyung, you usually pick your studio or sleep" Hobi said as he joined in teasing Yoongi.
Jin's windshield laughter resonated in the private room of the restaurant as he enjoyed seeing Yoongi being teased by the others. Glad that it wasn't him. Jungkook's excitement was contagious as always, and the camaraderie between them was unmistakable. But the absence of the new producer weighed on Yoongi's mind, a disappointment he hadn't expected.
Just as they were about to order, the door chimed, and in walked a familiar figure that stole Yoongi's breath away. It was you, looking even more radiant than he remembered. Time seemed to slow as your eyes met his, and for a moment, it was as if the world had paused just for the two of you.
      —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — —ฅ/ᐠ
Y/N's Pov:
Y/N was running late for the dinner with the boys as she fondly calls them. She missed the bus and had to wait for the next one. She can't update their group chat because she left her phone at home as she was leaving the house in a hurry.
Y/N was experiencing a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The lively interactions with the boys, especially the virtual exchanges with Jungkook, had left her with a sense of belonging she hadn't anticipated. The cookies she had baked for them had been devoured with enthusiasm, and her heart swelled with gratitude for their warm welcome. But what really occupied her mind as she tried to sleep was the 7th member of BTS named Yoongi. Could it be?.
Y/N called Aya the next day, to tell her of her fears and anxiety about tonight's dinner.
"What if it's him Aya? What will I do?" Y/N asked her friend over the phone.
"And if it's him?" She asked back.
Y/N doesn't have an answer, so she just ended the call and went to her desk to write.
In the sands of time, were we both drift.
Our paths already crossed before.
Two lonely hearts in the vast empty space.
Are we really fated for each other?,
Or are we mere dreamers, caught in a mist?
Doubts swirl like autumn leaves in the air,
Can we rewrite a story that once was so rare?
Is destiny flexible, a path to amend?
Or are we merely chasing a wistful trend?
Asking the stars, the moon in the night,
Can second chances mend what was once out of sight?
Do destinies alter, like rivers that flow?
Or are we simply hoping, in the afterglow?
Writing has always been Y/n's way of escaping, it's also her way of sorting out the emotions that currently hold sway in her heart.
As she entered the private room of the restaurant, her eyes fell on a familiar face. The one she was hoping to cross paths again. Seconds turned to minutes until Y/N finally found her voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm late I had to wait for the next bus" Y/N breathlessly said as she tried not to look at where Yoongi was sitting.
The others rushed to greet Y/N assuring her that it's ok, The maknae line asking if she brought more cookies for them. She's thankful for the distraction they brought as she tried to calm her beating heart.
"Noona, this is Yoongi Hyung" Jimin excitedly introduced Y/N as he pulls her towards the table.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N" she said as she bowed respectfully at Yoongi.
"Yoongi, nice to finally meet you" He said in a whisper.
Seokjin looked at the both of you bewildered, knowing well that you have already met and you are Yoongi's bucket hat girl. But kept silent and just watched your interactions.
The conversations flowed effortlessly, with each member sharing stories and laughter. Yoongi found himself captivated by your presence, hanging onto your every word, and the lyrics he had written came to life in his mind once more.
The mood eased as the night went on, and you found yourself having interesting conversations with everyone. Your laughter was brought on by Jungkook's antics, while your curiosity was piqued by Namjoon's serious insights. There was an unmistakable connection between you and the others, as if you had known each other for much longer.
The evening was marked by shared stories and newfound friendships, and amidst the laughter, Yoongi's gaze often found its way to you. Still not believing that it is really you in the flesh. 
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
All because of a stomach ache
Fated to Love You Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: none
A/N: Cross posted on wattpad, Chapter contains both Yoongi and Y/N's pov
Wc: 1355 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?
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Yoongi and the others were waiting in the conference room for the mysterious producer to arrive.
"I'm hungry,can we order something?" A boy with doe eyes and bunny smile asked.
"You're always hungry Jungkook" Jin replied laughing.
Before he can even make a reply. The door to the conference room suddenly opened.
Time at that very moment felt very slow for Yoongi. He didn't even notice that he was holding his breathe in anticipation. When a young man entered the room.
"Hi? Are you the new producer?" Jin asked.
"No sir, I just came here to tell you that there was a mixed up and the meeting is moved on Friday" The young man answered.
"Oh" was the only thing that escaped Yoongi's lips. Frustrated was an understatement.
"Who are you expecting you coward?You had your chance, but you didn't take it" Yoongi thought.
Jin sensing the change in Yoongi's demeanor gently said "Let's go eat ramen, my treat"
And the room erupted with cheers and laughter as the seven boys went out to eat.
Y/N's and Yoongi's POV:
"Y/N how was your first day of work?" Your father asked.
Days like this when you are together eating are rare, since he is busy with managing the company.
"It's on Friday dad" Y/N replied.
"Oh! I thought it was today?" confusion clearly etched on his face.
"It was supposed to be today, but Mr. Bang had a prior engagement, the schedule got mixed up" You replied, before going back to your meal.
You were excited to meet the group you were working with. The management and Mr.Bang were telling you how talented and hard-working they are. And when you got the call that the meeting was rescheduled, you felt a little sad.
To distract yourself, you decided to bake cookies to bring on Friday to give to them, and hopefully they won't eat you alive.
Even with you being one of the end demand producers, you still have a episodes in which you feel insecure, and when this happens you stress bake to calm your nerves.
The days passed and you noticed it's already Friday. "The day"as your friend Aya jokingly calls it.
She's still off somewhere doing her modelling gigs and you miss her and her laugh.
Lost in thought, You didn't even notice you're already standing in front of BH Entertainment Office.
No one even spared a glance at you, with your baggy pants and oversized shirt carrying a bag full of cookies and coffee in one hand, You look like an intern among the serious looking people in suits.
You took a deep breathe and thought "This is it, my new chapter" .
You were welcomed with a warm smile by the receptionist and lead you towards the conference room.
You don't know why your heart was beating fast, could it be excitement or something else? If you learned something in that night with Yoongi in Spain. It's that everything happens for a reason and nothing is ever a coincidence.
You smiled, as you remember his gummy smile that makes his eyes disappear, and wondered if he's doing ok.
You were pulled out of your reverie by the receptionist tapping you on your shoulder.
"Ms. Y/N we're here" She said with a smile.
As she opened the door, you were greeted by six chaotic boys fighting over the last piece of chicken.
You can't help but laugh out loud and that caught their attention. All eyes were on you and you felt like a specimen under a microscope.
"Hi, I'm Namjoom" a blue haired guy, with eyes that can pierce your soul said.
"I'm Seokjin, Worldwide handsome, you know" with a wink and a smile from the most prettiest lips that you saw.
"Hyung,stop that, you're embarrasing us" with a deep voice and boxy smile said "I'm Taehyung"
ou feel the sincerity and welcome in their voices and you knew right there and then that you made the right decision.
"Hi I'm Hoseok" A guy that can be like a sunshine on earth said.
"Hi, I'm Jimin" another one shyly said, whose voice can make any girl swoon.
"Me!Me!, Hi Noona! My name is Jungkook" A doe eyed boy looked excitedly at you. "Are you the new producer?" he asked.
You couldn't help but be infected with his energy and smile.
"Yes, Hi I'm Y/N the new producer" You said with a bow. "Are you the team I will be working with?" You asked while looking at them.
"Yes, that is correct, but we still lack one member, he just went out" Seokjin replied.
"I bought cookies and coffee for you guys" You quietly said.
The room burst with joyous screams and thank you's as they took the cookies from you.
And this is how Yoongi saw the guys as he entered the room. Mouth full of cookies and talking.Jungkook said with a mouthful of cookies "Hyung, you should try these cookies Y/N noona bought".
Yoongi felt like cold water was poured all over his body at the mention of your name. Could it be? Is this the universe's way of giving him a second chance?
Yoongi scanned the room,looking for your familiar face but you were nowhere to be found. Namjoon noticing this said
"She already went home hyung, but she'll be back again tomorrow"
"What happened hyung?what took you so long?" Jimin asked
"I got a stomach ache, that's why It took me this long" Yoongi replied
He used this excuse to leave the guys and went to his studio, thinking that the universe is still mad at him for being a coward and making him miss the chance to see you again.
He then poured his heart our doing what he do best and that is to write.
I was lost in translation when we met
Funny how the universe plays.
You helped me,when you could have left.
A cold drink, for a thirsty soul,
You ignited a fire that I thought was gone.
Drowning in darkness, A solitude I welcomed.
But you took my hand and along with it my heart.
I won't say this is love,
But I know that what we had was kismet.
A meeting of souls, in this vast ocean,
Two lonely comets in the milky way.
Will our paths cross again?
Will you still remember me?
If ever you see me again.
Or will I just be a memory long forgotten.
Yoongi sighed deeply, cursing himself
"Of all the days to have a stomach ache, aish!"
He laughed bitterly with his stroke of bad luck, seriously thinking of sending you a message over social media, but erasing it, too scared to even press the send button.
Y/N's POV:
You felt happy and was even humming a tune on your way home. Meeting the boys felt like having younger brothers, something you never experienced, since you were an only child.
You felt sad because you've missed meeting the 7th member of the group. You had to catch the bus or you'll end up walking home.
Your dad is annoyed, why you don't want to use his car. You explained to him that it's expensive owning a vehicle and you just started your job.
They even added you in their group chat, so they can contact you anytime.
The management stipulated you would also be one of the group's manager, to create a bond with the group. After meeting the guys you made your decision of accepting the offer to be one of their manager's aside from being an in-house producer.
Your phone rang with notifications coming from the boys after they added you in their group chat.
Namjoon: Noona! Update us when you get home
Jungkook: Noona!thanks for the cookies.
Y/N: already on the bus,thanks for the welcome guys
Jimin: You should have allowed us to bring you home.
Y/N: maybe next time :) you guys need rest
Taehyung: Yeah! Next time we'll bring you home.
Jin: we should hang out all of us
Hoseok: dinner would be fun, right? what do you say Yoongi hyung?
Yoongi: yeah, sure..
You could couldn't believe your eyes, Could it be? Could this be your Yoongi? Did fate really exist? You almost missed your stop, because you're trying to process the information that you had.
You almost bumped into your father not realizing you are already home. You hurriedly took your phone out to update them.
Y/N: I'm home guys, dinner sounds great, see you tomorrow :)
Tomorrow would be interesting you thought to yourself, as you will yourself to sleep.
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
Everything happens for a reason
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: Angst? Mention of the word fuck?
A/N: This chapter contains both Y/N and Yoongi's POV and I incorporated a few poems as well.. As always all works are a work of fiction and was made through the delirium induced brain of mine. Thank you for reading :) Also cross-posted in wattpad,
Wc: 1863 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
It feels good to be back, you thought. Back where? Back to the place where your heart was broken? Or back to the place that you're familiar.
You moved back to your family home to the joy of your father. Being the only child it both brings both joy and pain seeing you home.
How was the trip to Spain? Your father asked breaking your reverie.
"It was fun" You said and how's the business trip?
You try to divert the conversation knowing where this would lead to.
"Y/N" your father gently said. "I saw James the other day and he wants to talk to you".
"Talk? what the hell for dad? To explain why he fucked his best friend while planning to marry me? Pain still visible in your voice. You know it won't be an overnight healing, It will take time and time is something you wish could go faster to ease this pain.
You escaped to your room, knowing that talking to your dad in your current state would be pointless.
You know your dad loves you, but he has some archaic ideas that should be left in a coffin somewhere in a dark forest in Transylvania.
Trying to calm down your emotions, you glanced down on a picture of you and Yoongi from that magical night in Spain.
Feeling a surge of inspiration, you sat down and write. Drowning the pain in words.
You promised me forever, but I guess I wasn't enough,
I saw you dancing with someone else.
And in that moment, I saw the smile that used to be mine.
I left with a broken heart, confused and angry.
Questions clouded my mind, was I never enough?
Why must you break my like that.
Eyes blurry with tears, I stumbled in my misery.
Broken hearts amidst broken bottles.
Will I ever be happy again?
And in my pain, I saw the stars for the first time.
A magical moment in a sea of uncertainty.
Someone asked me if I believe in fate, and I didn't know what to say.
Maybe, when the pain is gone, I can answer that question.
If our paths crossed again, maybe just maybe I'll believe in fate like you.
You were so focused in what you were writing that you didn't hear your best friend enter your room, until your nose was assaulted by the smell of your favorite coffee.
"Caramel Macchiatto for my favorite girl" Aya sing-songed.
You can't help but smile with her antics. In all the uncertainties that recently happened in your life, Your best friend remains the only constant.
You and Aya have been friends since you were in diapers. Your parents and hers being college buddies and business partners and it was natural for you guys to be friends.
"Earth to Y/N, hello?" Aya said successfully bringing you back from your reveries.
"You were saying something?" You asked her.
Aya dramatically rolled her eyes, making you laugh. Laughter you thought, this feels nice.
"As I was saying, Did you fuck the first cute boy you saw in Spain?"
You choked on your coffee with her question, making her laugh that cute little oinky laugh of her.
"First of all,Thank you for the coffee and second I did not" You replied.
"biiiisssshhh, you did meet a cute guy, spill the deets or I swear I'll die" She replied.
You told her everything that happened while you were in Spain. But you left out Yoongi's name and the picture hidden in your notebook.
"You did what?and you didn't even ask for his phone number? Disappointment is visible in her voice.
"Nope, I didn't want to ruin the moment and besides what's the point? You answered as truthfully as possible.
But the truth was you were scared. Scared that the connection between you was real, Scared that it wasn't just because of one drunken night in Spain.
Being with Yoongi that night, was like threading in unknown waters, scary yet exciting. But you weren't ready yet. So you hold on to his belief that fate really existed.
Yoongi's POV:
Time flies when you're doing what you love. But time can't erase the memories that's etched in your brain. The bucket hat being a constant reminder for Yoongi. And the picture of you that he has in his studio.
He knew that there was a something between the two of you. But he knows it wasn't the right time yet.
Those who don't know him will think of him as someone cold and calculating, But for those who knows the real him knows how he believes that everything happens for a reason and that reason is fate or kismet.
Engrossed in his reveries of that night, the lyrics flow like broken memories long gone.
Fate was something I truly believed in,
As our paths crossed that summer night.
Like puzzles pieces that suddenly fit,
Faded memories trying to surface.
Pain was clearly etched in your eyes,
But yet you smile like everything was ok.
I wanted to wrap you in my arms,
And mend all the little pieces back.
But I was a coward, I was scared that I wouldn't be enough.
How can you be enough, for someone as unattainable as the star.
So I just let you go, I let my fears get the best of me.
Here I am, hoping and praying that fate would allow our paths to cross again.
Lost in thoughts and staring at your picture was how Jin saw Yoongi when he entered the studio.
"Yoongi-ah" he said as he lightly tapped the young man's shoulder.
"Hyung, I didn't hear you come in" Yoongi replied.
"You were so lost in your thoughts that's why" Jin answered as he noticed Yoongi placing the picture back in it's place.
"It's been 3 months since you met her and you haven't even tried to reach out?" The eldest gently asked.
Yoongi sighed deeply before answering
"I tried, I looked up her social media accounts, but every time I try to write something, I get scared"
"She really has that effect on you?The genius Min finally lost for words" Jin Jokingly said.
"I guess she does hyung" Yoongi answered.
"Well, I just came here to remind you, That we'll have a meeting later with Bang Pd and this new producer that we'd be working with" Jin said with a smile.
Producer?I haven't heard we were in negotiations with a new company producer" Yoongi replied curiously.
"Yeah,me too, from what I heard, this producer has been scouted by the other companies and they were all declined, All I know is this producer is talented"
Jin answered, before leaving Yoongi to his own thoughts.
Yoongi usually hates attending company meetings, because they were boring and he'd rather be in his study creating music or sleeping.
But this new producer piqued his interest, and maybe at the back of his mind he's hoping that it's you and that fate finally listened to his plea.
"Y/N tell me again,why you chose this company? When other big companies offered you so much?" Your best friend asked you while on facetime.
She's currently away in Paris for a modelling gig. Something she worked hard for and finally seeing the fruits of her hard work.
You also ask yourself that question, but you can't come up with a concrete answer, It's as if your gut is telling you that this is the right decision.
You were never one to listen to instincts and base everything on logic. And look where that got you. Trying to stop yourself from going down that road.
 You simply said to Aya " They gave me creative freedom, and for once a company saw me not as the daughter of the CEO of Luna Corporations"
All your life you were expected by everyone to follow the footsteps of your parents as the only heir to the company.
But your parents instilled in you that it's ok not to follow everyone's expectations but pave your own way with the things that makes you happy.
You still study how the company runs but you were given freedom to pursue your own path. That's why you double majored in Business and Music production in College. It was hard but was worth it, because here you are doing what you love.
"Did he try to contact you again?" Aya asked
"Nope, after that incident in the cafe, he won't try" You answered.
Three days ago, while you were out for a well deserved coffee run in your favorite cafe after a very intense negotiation with BH Entertainment.
The universe decided to play a joke on you and stumbled upon your cheating ex. You weren't expecting him there, But I guess the universe was bored and wanted some drama.
All you wanted was to enjoy a good cup of coffee, was that even a hard request?.
"Y/N can we talk?I know you've blocked my number,please?" James your ex asked
"What do we need to talk about?" You calmly asked but anger is boiling inside of you.
"I know I fucked up" He started "I know what I did was wrong and I've hurt you, and if it will take me forever to earn your forgiveness, I'll wait" giving you his best puppy-eye impression.
His antics would have worked on the old Y/N, the one who was head over heels in love, but not anymore that Y/N is dead. She died the night she saw you in bed with someone else.
I just stared at him, not giving him any answer. And at the corner of my eye, I saw the waiter coming with my drink.
I silently sent an apologetic look to the poor waiter for what I was about to do. And in a well timed move, I stretched my leg causing the waiter to trip and and the hot coffee spilled all over my ex.
Not a single sound was heard in the cafe as the scene unfolded like a movie.
As the helpless waiter was mouthing apologies to your ex. You just smiled amused with the scene in front of you.
"Forgiveness is something you'll never get from me. Not now, not ever" You calmly replied as you walk away from the cafe.
Walking away from the pain, Walking away from the past. Towards a future full of uncertainty. Towards a new chapter of my life.
I didn't notice I was holding your breath until I was a few blocks away from the cafe. As fresh tears fall from my eyes.
For the first time since it happened I fully allowed myself to grieve. As i've walked aimlessly trying to clear my head. I saw a park bench and decided to write.
 saw you again today, A first in what seems like forever.
I thought I was still in love with you, but all I really felt was pain.
Was I really blind for loving you too much?
Or were we really doomed from the start?
Seeing you again was cathartic.
It made me realize I can live without you.
That life would go on without you.
This is my finally goodbye.
This is the last time,I'll write about you, About us.
As I finally walk away from you and the pain.
I'll wave at you with my middle finger held high.
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
Part 1:
Do you believe in fate?
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader, idolyoongi
TW: mentions of cheating,light swearing?
A/N: Hi, thank you for stumbling into my delulu word..
Wc: 1476 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
" Y/N when are you coming home?" your bestfriend Aya asked you while face timing you.
"Just give me two more days and I'm coming home"
you said with a bitter smile on your face.
"Home" A word so familiar yet so far. Crumbling your heart into tiny little pieces.
Home was a hazel eyed boy named James. 
Whose smile makes your heart do flip-flops and butterflies go crazy in your stomach. But that was before he decided to break your heart.
Rather than wallow in self-pity, you decided to go out of your rented room 
and take in the sites that Spain can offer.
Walking around with your trusty camera you took pictures, 
but you call them memories.. 
A new chapter in life, A new chapter without him, you thought.
Throwing all caution in the air, you decided to get drunk and celebrate this freedom of yours. 
But fate has different plans for you.
As you walked aimlessly around the back alleys of Spain, 
You noticed a tiny bar hidden by an arch of flowers. 
If it wasn't for the sign that says "Tienda de Magia" you'd definitely miss it.
As you reluctantly entered, You felt as if your transported in time, 
when love and fairytales existed. Where happy never after existed.
Gentle guitar music peppered the air, creating a calm atmosphere, 
where you can easily leave all your worries at the door.
As you walk towards the bar you noticed a guy having a hard time ordering due to the language barrier.
You don't know what came over you or maybe it was your bestfriend's advice to 
"go fuck the 1st cute guy you met and get over that arse". 
You know she was joking and just want to make you smile.
"Ah,excuse me, do you need help?" you softly asked the stranger.
A pair of cat like eyes stared back at you as if you've materialized from smoke. 
He cleared his throat as if trying to calm the feelings in his stomach while staring at your brown eyes.
"Ye-Yes" he answered in that low sexy voice that can make girls swoon.
"I was trying to order a scotch on the rocks, but we got lost in translation" he continued to explain while scratching his neck.
"Let me do it" you said and gave him a smile.
He smiled his gummy smile and it did things to your heart as you slowly feel your cheeks turn red.
You talked to the bar tender who was eyeing your interactions, with a knowing smile on his face and turned his back to prepare your drinks.
"Yoongi" he shyly mumbled, "my name is Yoongi".
"Hi Yoongi, I'm Y/N" you said as you take his outstretched hand to shake.
As soon as your palms touched, as if there were a thousand pikachu's who suddenly hit you with thunderbolts. To say that the touch was electrifying is an understatement.
"What are you doing here in Spain?"
You asked trying to clear out any awkwardness in the air.
"Working and you?" he replied, He may have noticed the change in your expression, that he immediately said.
"No need to tell me, if it will make you uncomfortable".
You took in a deep breathe as if your life depended on it, You never really told anyone why you ended the engagement. Not even your parents. Only your best friend knows the truth.
You didn't do it because you still love him, You did it because you can't stand people looking at you with pity, 
The girl with the perfect life cheated by her fiancé.
You took a deep breathe and said
"He cheated on me, I saw him fucking his best friend in our bed, I never confronted him, I just left and here I am now getting drunk with you"
You looked at him, waiting for any sign of pity but there was none, Was that anger you saw? or was it the alcohol talking?
He took your hand into his and slowly massaged circles in your knuckles, not helping the butterflies or it is worms in your stomach at this point.
"It not your fault he cheated, even if I just met you, I can say you are someone special and your ex is stupid"
he said still holding on to your hand as if afraid to let you go.
"I'm not saying this so that I can get in your pants or anything, You're special Y/N"
he said as his face is slowly turning into beet red.
You laughed like you haven't laughed in ages. 
Holding your stomach as you laugh your pain away "This is what freedom feels like" You thought to yourself.
And just like that the moment was broken as a waiter shyly approached Yoongi.
"Hi,aren't you Suga from bts?Can I asked for your autograph." as he handed a tissue and a pen.
You noticed how Yoongi suddenly became uncomfortable, 
but still signed the paper with his autograph.
You heard the bartender scolding the waiter.
"You shouldn't have bothered our guests like that,
people come here to escape, to let go of the real world" and he gives you an apologetic smile.
"So, you're in a band?that's cool" you said.
"Yeah, that's why we're here in Spain for work" he replied
"That's cool, and I apologize if I don't recognize you, I'm just not really that updated with bands and what not"
You answered, In which he replied with a big sigh of relief, not realizing he was holding his breathe.
You were like a breathe of fresh air for Yoongi, being an Idol and in front of a camera can be exhausting, 
not that he's complaining because music is his passion, And he loves what he is doing.
But being able to roam around without people recognizing you is a relief.
"So want to get out of here Mr. I'm in a band? Before anyone recognizes you again" Y/N said playfully.
As you got out of the bar, laughing like life long friends.
Y/N took out her hat and placed it on your head as she drunkenly called it a "disguise" so that people won't recognize you.
You talked about everything and nothing. Surprised that you had a lot in common. You learned that Y/N is a music producer and you were pleasantly surprised that you know some of the songs she produced.
When you asked her why she was using a different name for the songs she produced, She simply said she wanted to make a name for herself and not just be the daughter of one of the biggest business tycoon in the country.
You noticed that your aimless walking brought you and Yoongi to a beach and both of you decided to just rest and clear your head from the alcohol.
"Hey, Can we have a picture if you don't mind?" You hesitantly asked it's for my memory box. I promise no one will see it you added hastily.
He gave you his signature gummy smile as he pulled you close to him.
Being near him makes you question things, but you blame this on the alcohol and the night.
After the picture was taken you went back to your comfortable silence. Just sitting next to him.
"Y/N? do you believe in fate? Yoongi asked while staring at you.
"I never believed in fate, for me it's like a made up story for hopeless romantics"
You replied.
Was your heart really that broken to make you this cynical about fate Yoongi wondered.
And in that moment Yoongi felt a sigh from you. As you gently placed your head on his shoulder..
"This feels so good" you quietly said.
"What? Yoongi replied in a near whisper.
"You, Me, the beach" you replied while looking at him.
As if your body has a mind of its own. You feel that you're moving slowly towards Yoongi and he is mirroring your action as well.
As your lips almost touched, A ringing phone pierced the silence and the magic was gone.
Yoongi silently cursed whoever was calling but still answered the phone.
"Yoongi-ah, where the hell are you?"
The caller said without waiting for an answer.
"I'm at the beach by the pier hyung"
Yoongi replied
"You better get back here, before our manager would notice you are gone"
You just listened silently as Yoongi was being scolded by whoever was it on the other line. 
As the call ends. Yoongi silently looks at you with an apologetic smile.
Uhm, I need to go now, I just left our hotel without our permission" He said
Grabbing his hand, you smiled reassuringly, You're sad that this night has to end but it was a happy distraction before going back to reality.
Grabbing his hand, you smiled reassuringly, You're sad that this night has to end but it was a happy distraction before going back to reality.
"Let's go get a cab you and I" you said.
"Will we see each other again?" Yoongi asked.
"If your fate is real, maybe we'll cross paths once again" You answered with a smile.
And that's how you parted ways, You clutching the polaroid picture, an evidence of a magical night spent in Spain. And him with your bucket hat clutched in his hands, praying that you'll meet again..
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1yuuki3 · 1 year
Fated to Love You
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Fluff, Angst, YoongixReader
TW: mentions of cheating
A/N: Hi, thank you for stumbling into my delulu word..
Wc: 186 words
Synopsis: You were never one to believe in fate, You're life was made up of plans and bullet points , Organized to the very end. Until fate played a cruel joke and left your life in shambles. Nursing a broken heart in Spain, will this make you change your view on love and fate?.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Fate as they say will always lead you to where you should be.
Is this why you're all alone and broken in some alley in Spain?
Trying to make sense of what happened three day ago.
"Forever" that word left a bitter taste on your mouth. As tears threaten to fall from your eyes for the third time.
You were always the girl with the plan,
Whose life was dictated by schedules and bullet points.
Fate was something you didn't fully believed in, because you had everything planned out to the tee.
Until fate pulled a prank on you at 3 a.m.
As you walked in your fiancé and his best friend fucking each other senseless on your bed.
You were rooted on the spot, too tired to even make a move, as the guy who promised you forever is with someone else.
You silently left the house that you shared with him, Along with the ring he gave you as a promise of forever.
A forever that wouldn't even happen now.
You went to the airport with no destination in mind and boarded the first flight out leaving your broken heart along with your dreams and plans.
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11 notes · View notes
1yuuki3 · 1 year
Just a little voice over for my Yoongi fic
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