2399919120 · 2 years
it’s crazy how
it’s crazy how im suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper unhappy with how my life rn
it’s crazy how i listen to music with volume on max because i don’t want to overhear what people are talking about (i don’t care, like, at all)
it’s crazy how i gotta sit 9 hours in an office setting with black mold on top of us
it’s crazy how i frown more often these days, while i promised to not frown because it can age me faster
it’s crazy how i feel like this anger built up everytime i hear this person talking
it’s crazy how i hate lots of things now
it’s crazy
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2399919120 · 2 years
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predebut Park Bom⋆˚。⋆♡˚
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2399919120 · 2 years
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Blaze Magazine July 1999 issue photographed by Dana Lixenberg
(via rapstylearcheology)
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2399919120 · 2 years
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2399919120 · 2 years
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Jeremy Miranda, Salt and Ice, 2022 
Acrylic on paper, 14 x 16 in
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2399919120 · 2 years
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2399919120 · 2 years
why doss some ppl think it’s cute to sneeze “cutely” lmao it’s not Natural... and you’re pushing 30 omg... what the hell
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2399919120 · 2 years
Things food snobs are wrong about
“Organic” isn’t better for you or for the environment. It actually means nothing of any significance at best and is sometimes even the more wasteful, more hazardous option.
A shitload of “natural” food including a lot of imported produce is grown and harvested through slave labor in inhumane conditions.
Pizza, fried chicken, french fries, fast food, candy bars and chips ARE nutritious. They are loaded with good things. Just because they have an abundance of excess fats and might not be healthy as a staple doesn’t mean they are “nutritionless” or that their calories are “empty.” Those are hokey buzzwords pushed by the people in charge of how much you pay for the alternatives.
Eating healthier costs more. Much more. Looking down on people for their reliance on cheaper food is extremely classist and expecting everyone to be able to live off fresh veggies and cage-free meats is insultingly unrealistic in the modern world.
“Processed” literally only means the food went through some kind of automated process. This can be literally the exact same thing a human being would have done to the food for it to be labeled “unprocessed.” Being processed does not make something less healthy.
Chemicals with long, scary names are part of nature. An apple is full of compounds you probably can’t pronounce. A shorter ingredients label only means they didn’t bother listing all 300 things the product is actually made of and HAS to be made of.
Preservatives, artificial flavors and other additives are not the devil. Most are harmless and in general they are part of the reason you haven’t already starved to death or died of a food borne illness.
MSG is not bad for you at all.
The fact that something might be made of “scrap” meats like pig snouts or chicken necks only means one thing: that we didn’t waste perfectly normal, edible meat.
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2399919120 · 2 years
it’s been years since i feel this but i’ve always feel like im in a rush. my time would be over soon, bla bla bla. growing up, im always the youngest in a group, in class, etc. i finished college by 20 and starting to work by 20 also. now, im already 2.5 years into working in my current office and theres people my age (born in the same year) still doing internship in my office, i feel like there’s such a big gap around us? like, we’re the same age but we’re also reaaaallly far away in term of generations? like when i see people born in 2000 i feel like ‘wow theyre really young’ hey they’re just a year below me? but they still in college and stuff??????? yet im already really old lmao. i feel like i dont belong anywhere? lol 
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2399919120 · 2 years
idk where my journal is, the thing is, i havent touched that book for almost like a year or more. it was a journal from 2015 lmao. i havent even filled that book halfway, anyyyway, i just want to let out some thoughts.
one thing i realized from me is, i used to be a perfectionist and my image is number one, i never cared much ab whether or not my image is good or not, but one thing i’ve always cared about is, i want to be seen as a cool knowledgeable person. two years ago, or more, i would be so embarrassed if someone questions things like ‘oh do u know that one album from x’ andi dont know, i would be so embarrassed and disappointed in myself, now that i’ve grown older (and wiser, hopefully) i know more things but i dont know a lot of things too, so when people ask that and i dont know or i forget, i just ‘yah thats just how it is!’ idkkk i want to type those lol.
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2399919120 · 3 years
things i think a lot nowadays
-how bad i want to be forgotten by people (especially from people hometown):
idk bruh i just want people to move on i dont think it’s an obligation to keep in touch with schoolmates/neighbors .. fuck them . FORGET ABOUT ME
-how much i dread people following my social media, but also i dont want to private my account (it’s lame imo lol)
social media mutuals doesnt really interest me nowadays. like i dread thinking about networking n stuff ‘oh whats ur ig lemme follow’ or they just . follow u. no. now you can see what im doing? wtf are u doing in my page! im not here to network or to broaden my network or social climb. 
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2399919120 · 3 years
huh it is weird how purple is so often used in video games for stuff like corruption or dark magic or whatever
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2399919120 · 3 years
i love talking to void
people disinterests me nowadays. i literally only able to talk (frequently) to 3 people nowadays? 
im at that age where i should broaden my connection but social climbers makes me sick, no way im doing that? i guess you can do it normally, but im just really bad at words too?? lmaooo
anyway, life... hows life... i think it’s pretty boring, im too busy being good citizen (not engaging in social events bc the panoramic) while i want and envy ppl who hangs out with their friends frequently (maskless too) but im too scared of it anyway? i want to keep making fun of covidiots anyway! lmaoooo when i meet my friends we keep our distances (as we should) 
work is pretty fine, i think my last post was when before i start working at my current job, it’s been a good 1.5 years, im working in a pretty cool place for freshgraduate, the cool part is, my boss is nice, coworkers are nice? healthy environment (idk about other departments tho bc i dont interact with ppl outside my team) i think having a great boss for your first time job is pretty important, im planning to search for new job soon, atleast next year, i still want to finish some projects here:D
as an adults i started to find the joy of making your own food? me and girlfriend is saving money for our trip next year so we need to push our food budget LMAOOO bc we are the type of couple that can spend like 500$ for food a month? mentol illness
anw, i really enjoy talking to void now, whether it talking to my 0 follower twitter account, tweeting ‘AAAAAÄÄÄHHHHHHH’ or writing shit here. no one reads it anyway, except for my future self:)
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2399919120 · 5 years
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2399919120 · 5 years
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samuel cirnansck ss 2012
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2399919120 · 5 years
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John Zabawa Williamsburg, NYC, 2017 Photograph
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2399919120 · 5 years
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Interstellar Smear Campaign - Blur’s first cover story in a major music magazine, Melody Maker 6 April 1991. Scans by obalsuirs for @damonalbarn (thank you!)
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