3eggy5me 1 month
Fiber arts is just Math in sheep's clothing
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3eggy5me 5 months
I actually had Seventeenth Summer in my thesis waaaaay back when. It's considered one of the first YA titles, by some scholars. If not one of them, it established tropes we are in later YA.
I've heard really good things about I'll Be The One, so I'd be curious what your thoughts are, when the time comes!
Fingers crossed some books surprise you pleasantly! 馃グ
starting my reading for my contemporary ya class and uh,,, im confused how this first one became a classic
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3eggy5me 10 months
What's the name of the database? That sounds really cool!
Also, uh, what about Needle & Thread? It's a graphic novel for teens.
apparently i have access to a database that ranks YA books for libraries as essential, recommended, supplemental, and weeded and i want to type in so many books so send me ya titles and i will let you know how this database categorizes them!!!
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3eggy5me 10 months
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...or maybe it is just me
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3eggy5me 1 year
I had a rec that fit your general criteria (banned in non-Western countries, written by a woman, not a graphic novel, and not for the youths^tm). That said, it's a pretty rough read with a lot of triggers, so maybe not the best for a book club lol - but I think it's a REALLY interesting read regardless.
It's called Red Azalea by Anchee Min. It's a memoir of the author's life growing up in China during the cultural revolution as a queer girl/woman. As you can imagine, there's a lot of pain and trauma in the book, but it's a really beautifully written translated work.
I need to suggest a banned book for book club, suggestions?
I鈥檓 particularly interested in books that are:
Set in and / or banned in countries outside the West
Written by a woman
Not graphic novels (with apologies to Maus and Persepolis)
Not kids or YA
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3eggy5me 1 year
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Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman
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The Well by Jake Wyatt and Choo
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Paranorthern and the Chaos Bunny A-Hope-Calypse by Stephanie Cooke and Mari Costa
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Specter Inspectors by Bowen McCurdy and Kaitlyn Musto
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Mine-kun is Asexual by Isaki Uta
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Beetle & The Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
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Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm and Jamie Green
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I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki and Yoshi Yoshitani
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To Strip The Flesh by Oto Toda
These are a lot of graphic novels/manga I would add on and recommend. I don't really have the energy to go through and summarize and highlight each one, and I didn't always find the best cover file to show... But these are all really fantastic stories with queer folx. That said, I LOVE what the previous person shared! Good job!! And thank you for compiling that and going through the work of explaining them all!!!
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It鈥檚 Pride 2023! Time to put up some more comic recs!
This time I鈥檝e put together some stories about discovering one鈥檚 own queer identity, outlining a family history of queerness, and several stories where being queer isn鈥檛 the focus - queer characters are simply allowed to be.
Keep reading
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3eggy5me 1 year
For me, I work in graphic novel publishing, so I try to NOT read only graphic novels/comics. I keep a physical book log and I try to have one not-graphic novel on each page, so about one every seven or so books.
I also try to rotate between fiction and nonfiction and try to make a note to add an own voices book about POC, queerness and/or disability. It doesn't have a specific ratio, but if I read four romance novels in a row, I try to take a step back to find something else.
It just helps my brain feel not cluttered, to mix things up and learn and separate work and pleasure and stuff? Curious what other rules are, definitely!!
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Weekly Bookish Question #335 (April 30th - May 6th)
Have you set any reading-related rules for yourself? What are they?
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3eggy5me 1 year
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Finished a great hat, just in time for the new year!
It's a subtle pattern that really encapsulates a lot... Colors are more bright irl
Pattern linked here for those interested~
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3eggy5me 2 years
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Sunflower hat by Ravelry user yellowcosmo.
Thought the hat was really fun to make - I didn't have the appropriate colors, but I wanted to support the cause anyway by highlighting this great pattern (which I mildly adjusted for fit).
It is not my place to speak about Ukraine, as someone mostly unaffected by the unjust attacks happening there, but I want to continue to hear the conversation and continue to pass it along to the appropriate parties. It is not my place to talk about a lot of politics, as someone still learning and someone who is privileged...
But thank you and stay safe and warm.
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3eggy5me 2 years
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Pattern for those interested.
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3eggy5me 2 years
"Here, have some thick batting," Grammy said. "I'm not gonna use it," Grammy said. "She's crazy!," I thought to myself. "This is the coziest batting ever! I am going to make the best quilt."
Boys this quilt is an inch thick. I cannot get it under my presser foot. Putting the binding on has so far taken me 40 minutes and I'm 1/8th of the way there. I have called Grammy and apologized. Still the quilt persists. I have been avoiding binding it for a year because I am afraid of it. It mocks me. This quilt is so warm I got sweaty last night and it was like 40 degrees out. This quilt is a monster. A behemoth. When I fold it up it's the height of a small child. There is a lost civilization of mice excavating in this quilt. I just shook it and Jimmy Hoffa's body fell out. Send help.
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3eggy5me 2 years
This dog is literally so cute, I could cry
And what a classic floppy ear dog problem 馃ズ
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When you鈥檙e so prissy about being clean, mommy has to (loosely) tie your ears up with a scrunchy so you don鈥檛 get gravy in your ears.
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3eggy5me 2 years
It is SO good and it needs a TON of trigger warnings!!
Off the top of my head, I can think: pedophilia, violence, attempted sexual assault, physical assault, emotional abuse, fire... The list goes on.
There are plans to make a movie with Millie Bobby Brown as the lead~
the girls ive been is scratching the itch of a good heist story
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3eggy5me 2 years
Don't forget the random video/episode you pull up to listen to as you knit 馃挄
I am home alone it鈥檚 time to get wild (sitting on the couch and knitting)
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3eggy5me 2 years
Hey now, you鈥檙e an all star
listen to what I orchestrated
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3eggy5me 2 years
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I'm obsessed with this doll I stumbled across in Colonial Williamsburg's online collection about a year ago. Her name is apparently Hagar Tyler and I love her bizarre little face.
Anyway, I decided to reinterpret her outfit as something a little on the practical, comfier side, as opposed to what I'm fairly sure is just scrap fabric adhered directly to her body.
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3eggy5me 2 years
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Edited the recipe to make 6 cupcakes (a quarter of the total recipe). Made a couple mistakes, but ultimately lemon and sugar always tastes good 馃槉
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Adjusted measurements for 1/4 of the recipe (about 6 cupcakes worth of cake) are:
1/2 stick of butter
1/2 cup of flour plus 2 1/4 teaspoons
1 1/8 teaspoons baking powder
1/16 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar plus 1 tablespoon
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk
Then just keep an eye on the oven. I think I cooked my cupcakes for like fifteen minutes?
And I would say this was a p tasty recipe, if you like lemon and the like~
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