a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL the first bar code was scanned in 1974 on a pack of Juicy Fruit gum.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL Since 1940s, watches in ads typically indicate a time close to 10:10 to make the brand name more visible and to create a subliminal image of a happy face.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL The number of different shapes of human noses is 14, according to Abrahim Tamir's study published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
adj. Full of whispering sounds
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL Televisions are measured diagonally not horizontally.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
verb. To cry loudly or screech like a cat
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL In 1999, NASA lost the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter because the engineering team used English units while the flight team used the metric system.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
TIL In WWII, to increase the chance of Aricraft bombers returing, armors are placed on areas not or were least damaged on surviving planes and not where there were a lot of holes.
(Not/least damaged parts were reinforced and not the parts where they had the most damage.)
The reasoning was that survivors were able to survive the damages on those parts, which were identified as the vulnerable spots, and those who didn't never came back.
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
selling under the guise of market research
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a-curious-acaerion · 2 years
Recently did a survey on the frequency of dreaming about a recurring person on my college class, and it turns out most don't dream anymore.
Is this really common? Do people stop having dreams after a certain age?
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