Have you ever opened KU (or gone to where ever you consume books) and gone “where’s that one about…” only to realize the book you’re wanting to read is a book you’re currently writing? Like, I laughed at myself a little, but it was also a little ego boost.
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I have a random question for anyone who has an opinion:
I’m filling out a character sheet and I keep running into the same issue. I fill it out with the character pre-story, right? I keep getting stuck on things like “they will hate this person in the beginning but love them in the end” or “they won’t have this certain trait until the end”. The point of this is to know who I’m working with before the story happens, right?
I 100% know I’m overthinking this.
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I haven’t watched a ton of NXT lately, but had an idea.
Sonya Deville cheats the title off Mandy and steals Toxic Attraction right out from under her reigniting their feud.
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If we had a portal between our world and the SJM worlds and a group of our humans was able to cross, you can’t tell me that they wouldn’t deem themselves the hobbits of whatever group that got tacked on to. And technically they’d be right.
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Me: I’ve let wrestling go and have moved on.
*The Bloodline breaths*
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Ok - Jey is trying to protect Sami. He sees himself in Sami and maybe if he’s ugly and mean enough to him he can save Sami from the hurt he went through. He won’t have to watch Sami break the way he did. It’s like he’s watching a train wreck and can’t figure out to stop it.
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The fact that Gandalf beat Denethor’s ass into unconsciousness out in the open and not a soul moved to intervene is almost as lovely as the immediate, unquestioning acceptance by Denethor’s army that Gandalf was in charge.
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This may be a complete Capricorn/ INTJ thing -
But bosses…don’t get me wrong, I like mine, but the fucking audacity sometimes. The ability to walk into a room and be able to halt any conversation/take precedence to anything going on just baffles me. Like, I’m working - I’m having a conversation with my boss about something important and her boss walks in, smiles, and it’s game over. Not even an attempt to go, “hey, when you’re done here I need to speak with you.” I’ll admit, it’s nit-picky - but your title is “boss” not “god”. Another example - getting up from your desk, walking to someone else’s office, asking them to print something from the email you both got, and then give it to you. What planet are you from?
Thanks, I can breathe now - I needed the rant.
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Picture this (because I have and I love it)
Potential indirect spoiler
A stable portal is opened btw Prythian and Erliea. (This part isn’t as thought out and not as import last as the next). The Valkyrie are the ones who go through on their pegasus and end up landing on a snowy mountain pass. After a few silent moments, huge beasts land in front of them - Nesta comes face to face with Manon and Abraxsos.
God - I want it. And SJM left Manon and Dorian’s story wide open, they could totally take the lead in a multiverse situation.
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Draft Imagine - Tommaso Ciampa: Sacrifice
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
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“Steph, this isn’t the time..” As Hunter said those words, you realized something and flipped around.
“You knew?” You asked as you marched back across the ring and paused at the ropes, “And you didn’t do anything?” You ducked between the ropes, hopped off the apron to look him in the face.
“I’ve done everything I can.” He was genuinely at a loss, you could see it in his eyes.
“Oh please, y/n. You had a choice, just like everyone else.” Her voice as condescending as ever.
Hunter apologized as you turned around,“You didn’t give me a choice.” Your tone was just as cold as your glare.
“It could have been him, but nonetheless...” She flashed a smile to the audience, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the newest addition to the Raw roster is...” She paused for dramatic effect before your music hit and your render appeared on the screen completely draped in Raw. The sight out if made you nauseous. “NXT, please continue with your hard earned celebration, while y/n and I finish up some paperwork.”  She motioned for you to come to her.
The world went quiet as you handed Hunter your mic and somehow found yourself at her side. She lowered her mic and placed a hand on your shoulder,
“Get your things and go. We’ll take care of things tomorrow when you come in...” She leaned in closer, “and lose the glare.”
“You just screwed me over, then let me in your front door...I’d say this glare is the least of your worries.” Your words weren’t taken lightly as her hand slipped off you.
You had no plans on sticking around. The locker room was empty and you shoved your things in your bag and left. Your emotions were desperately clawing their way out of you, but knowing you were close to the privacy of your hotel room helped you keep yourself together. You were unlocking your car when you heard him coming up behind you.
“Y/n!” Tommaso yelled. You ignored him, fearing that facing him would rip you apart. You tossed your bag in the backseat, but as you opened the driver’s door, he shoved it out of your hand. 
“What the hell just happened?” His already loud voice was booming throughout the garage and you had put some space between you. You gave him a good shove, the shock of it, on top of everything else, stunned him enough to let you walk a few steps away. Not that you could leave, he was standing in front of your car door. You kept your eyes away from him, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop the tears.
“She’s forcing me to go to Raw.”  Your voice was just above a whisper.
He shifted his weight, trying to make sense of it all, “She said you had a choice...it could have been someone else...”
“It was bullshit. She only gave the option to say she gave the option...” you wrapped your arms around you, “She knew I wouldn’t do it.”
“Christ, Y/n, this is about keeping you in NXT...there isn’t a bullshit option.” His voice was rapidly heading back to it’s loud, frustrated state.
“It was me or you...” Your voice was starting to grow, “That wasn’t a choice. I’ve given NXT everything I can and they still need you.”
He took a deep breath, dragging his hands down his face. Up until this point, you had been able to keep your eyes off of him, but then he slammed his hand into the side of the car. The shock of it not only forced you to look at him, but shook your control. Tears were starting to burn the edges of your eyes.
“Why didn’t you say something?” He was back to yelling, “We could- We could have figured something out.”
“When? She waited to tell me until right before we went out there...” Now you were yelling right back at him.
“You and I shouldn’t have gone out there. We should have been back here figuring this out.” He said.
You finally lost it, “I am falling apart!” The first tear slipped down your cheek, “If you are just going to stand there and yell at me, then just go away. Please...”
You chewed your bottom lip as you stared at him. You could see the fight going on in his eyes. More tears dropped from your eyes despite your best effort, but when he saw them, he couldn’t take it anymore. He wrapped a hand around the back of your neck and brought your lips to his. It took you by surprise at first, but you melted into it. He walked you back and pinned you against the concrete column. Your nails ran down his back as your body rolled into his. The groan that came from his chest made your knees weak.
Tears fell from your eyes as you slid down the hotel door. Everything had been ripped from you so suddenly, and you were just getting the chance to realize what you losing. You were jarred out of your trance by a loud knock on your door.
*Outside the door*
Rhea pounded on the door, “Y/n!”
“We don’t even know if she’s in there.” Mia said, “She could still be at the venue...”
Keith leaned against the wall across the hall, “That’s true...all Carmella saw was her get her things from the locker room...”
Mia agreed and leaned against him, but Rhea wasn’t having it, “Stephanie was walking to the parking garage like she was leaving. She has to be here...Y/n, come on...” She knocked again.
Down the hall, the elevator opened unloading Matt, Bianca, Io, and Dominik.
“Is she in there?” Matt asked with a slight ounce of hope.
“She has to be...” Rhea reiterated, but Mia and Keith gave him doubtful looks.
Dominik walked down to his door, “If she wants to talk about it she will...” He wasn’t going to be a part of this search party, so he slipped into his room.
“Why are we worrying over her?” Bianca asked, “She made her choice.”
“I don’t think it was her choice...” Io chimed in.
Matt slid down the wall next to Rhea, “I don’t think it was either...that whole thing was weird.”
“Y/n, open the door...” Rhea knocked on the door again, “At least come say goodbye to us...”
“Stephanie said it could’ve been him...” Io pointed out, “Maybe she gave Y/n an ultimatum. I don’t know who “he” was, but it probably someone important.”
The Undisputed Era along with Johnny and Candice were the next to get off the elevator.
“Leave the woman alone, she finally took a deal...” Adam criticized when he saw the crowd outside your room, “You should be congratulating her, not hunting her with pitchforks.”
“Hunting her with pitchforks?” Keith challenged, “We’re worried for her because she’s our friend and someone we all respect. Even you can’t say what happened wasn’t screwed up.”
“Look, whatever happened, happened...” Roddy cut in, “It’s not like we can do anything...She sure as hell can’t”
Adam, Roddy, and Bobby went to pass through the group, but Bobby stopped,
“Kyle, come on, man...” They turned around to find Kyle on the floor next to Matt.
“It’s Y/n....” He said confused that they would question him.
“Ok...” Candice had to cut in, “I think we can all agree that whatever happened tonight it was because of Stephanie and not Y/n’s choice. If there’s one thing she’s proven over and over again it is her love for NXT, so she’s probably very upset right now.” She moved to the center of the group, “If she is in there, she definitely won’t come out to a huge group of us. Johnny and I will stay, and we’ll let you know if we hear anything.”
Johnny had been the only one to notice Tommaso get off the elevator. He turned around to see him coming down the hall as Candice was talking. Tommaso gave him a confused look.
“Trying to decide if Y/n is in her room.” Johnny told him.
“She is...” He told him as he passed and headed straight for the door.
“Ok...“ Johnny mumbled, intrigued by what would happen next.
Everyone moved as Tommaso came through and banged on the door.
“Open the fucking door.” He said flatly.
“We don’t think she’s in--.” Keith started to tell him before the door slightly popped open. Everyone stared as Tommaso pushed it open, walked in, then slammed it shut. There was a thud against the door a few seconds later.
“Well...” Kyle stood up, “I think he’s got it from here.”
“I knew it!” Matt popped up, “I knew something was going on with them.”
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Draft Imagine - Undisputed Era
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
I wish I had done more with these four - they were so much fun.
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“I don’t know, man...” Bobby leaned against the side of the ring, “I think she likes Matt...look at them.”
Kyle slid under the bottom rope to get a better look. You were sitting at your desk, the front desk of the PC, and Matt Riddle was draped over the counter.
“She’s just laughing...” Kyle pointed out, “She’s laughed at you-” Bobby shot him a dirty look. “Not at you, like you’ve made her laugh..and besides I’ve seen the way she looks at you...she’s not looking at him like that.” He gave Bobby a pat on the shoulder.
“We can’t tell that from all the way over here.” Bobby countered. They both watched as Matt showed you something on his phone. “He’s an asshole.” Bobby grumbled.
“She’s just being nice...It’s not like she can go anywhere, it’s her desk.” Kyle gave him a light shove, “Who in their right mind would date that Bro-fus anyway?”
“Would you two focus?” Adam chastised from in the ring. He leaned on the top rope and Roderick sat on the mat, hanging his arms over the bottom rope. There was no question where their attention was - this wasn’t the first time.
“In case the two of you forgot, we have four titles to defend.” Roderick said, wiping the sweat from his face with his towel and throwing it at Kyle.
“Tell him there’s no way Y/n would be interested in Matt.” Kyle said before chunking the towel back at Roddy.
“Matt Riddle?” Roddy laughed, “No way. Dude’s a moron...Oh, wait...She just touched his arm.” 
Kyle and Bobby flipped around with confused looks. 
“She touched his arm...she’s into him. Sorry, man.” Roddy clarified.
“She did not!” Kyle exclaimed, almost mortified.
“I just saw her!” Roddy defended.
“She was handing him his phone back.” Bobby pointed out, desperately trying to prove him wrong.
“Look, we already train in this ring, so you can stare at her...” Adam started.
“I don’t stare at her.” Bobby interrupted.
“You’ve done nothing but stare at her since we got here!” Adam’s voice grew louder. Bobby and Kyle shushed him before Kyle climbed back into the ring.
“Can we get back to work?” Adam asked.
“I heard she used to wrestle.” Roddy commented as he got up and squared up with Kyle. Bobby finally pulled himself away from you, but he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he got from watching Matt flirt with you.
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Draft Imagine - Buddy Murphy: Best Friends
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
Yes - I’ve been sitting on these a long time.
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“You know what Seth...” Kevin moved in front of your group and leaned over the top rope. “Why don’t you do us all a favor and take the next few weeks off. Take your overgrown kids to Chuck-E-Cheese or something”
Everyone else was rolling as Seth and AOP were offended, but you and Buddy’s eyes snapped to each other.
“No no no...” You muttered out as he smirked and asked Seth for the mic. Eric gave you a funny look when you flipped around to go grab a new mic.
“Funny you should say that, Kevin.” Buddy said, “Y/n loves Chuck-”
“That’s such crap!” You interrupted, “I pointed one out, one time. You were the one who pulled over!”
“You lost your mind!” He laughed.
“Lost my mind?” You coughed out.
“Yes, you did.” He pointed at you, “If I didn’t stop, you would have complained the rest of the trip.”
“All I said was oh look, a chuck-e-cheese, then we had a conversation about...”
“A conversation? You went from sleeping to nuclear!”
You let out a gasp, “It was a very calm conversation
“Jesus Christ, Buddy...” You stood up and ran your hands through your hair.
He popped up and tried to wrap a hand around your arm, “Y/n, listen to me...please”
“Listen to you? Are you listening to you?” You pulled your arm away, “This is the man you are choosing to follow.”
“Come on!” He groaned, “I’m trying to protect you!”
“That’s my point. You shouldn’t have to.” You stared at him a second before moving closer, “So, he’s already told you that he’s coming for me...did he tell you how?”
His eyes darted away from you and he took a deep breath, “No.”
You saw the ripple run through his jaw as it clenched. You saw it as an opportunity to dig in deep.
“He might want to do it himself...I’ve pissed him off enough...” You cocked your head as you thought about it, “but that may be why he would send AOP...to make sure I really got hurt.”
His eyes finally came back to yours and you could see the frustration boiling over, but he didn’t have words yet. You took that last step bringing you near flush to him.
You let your voice go soft, “But what would hurt worse than making you do it? He’d be testing your loyalty and getting rid of me all at once...two birds, one stone.”
He let out a ragged breath and tried to walk away, but your hands fell to his sides keeping him close.
“He wou-...I-...”
“I have no doubt he would ask you to do that.”  You dropped your face close to his chest and your voice grew even softer as you became brutally honest with him, “The thing is...as much as I wish there wasn’t, there’s a part of me that thinks you would.” Your eyes fluttered shut, “It’s not a small part either.”
You could swear you could hear his heart raging against his chest. The thought that you believed he would purposefully hurt you wasn’t easy for him to process, but the idea of defying Seth wasn’t so nice either. You could see the fight going on in his eyes, and decided to give him the space to figure it out. He felt you backing away and panicked. With both hands, he grabbed either side of your face and pulled you right back to him until his lips were on yours. Everything else vanished as the two of you acted on pure instinct and desperate desire. You didn’t hesitate to heat things up, sliding your hands up his shirt and around to his back. 
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Draft Imagine: Samoa Joe - Déjà Vu
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
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In an unprecedented move, you acted before you thought. Maybe the weeks of near isolation were to blame for your impulsiveness or maybe simple desperation was the culprit. The months of trying to reach Seth through this Messiah madness came crashing back onto your shoulders when you saw the man - who had earned your loyalty ten-fold, who had hand picked you for The Shield and changed your life - walking comatose to the ring. It hit you like a brand new wave. Like going through the pain of ripping a band aid off, only to find the wound was just as fresh and gaping as the moment it was dealt. He stood on the apron, just stood there and blankly stared while Murphy took on Aleister and Rey. You weren’t a bubbly, loudly optimistic person by nature, but you were known for the ferocious way you clung to hope - even when all logic and rationale eroded away the odds.
As the match began, that eerie feeling pillowed around you that this may be one of those times where that shred of hope is just not enough. He may be too far gone. If that was the truth, then the moment you feared for years had come - you and your brothers were shattered. An emptiness filled your chest and your eyes began to glaze over as the monitor droned on in front of you. Suddenly, something inside of your clicked. Something about tonight is different..
“Maybe he’ll listen to me.” You muttered out and your whole world lit up. 
The thought fell out of your mouth before you rationalized it, but you were so desperate for a solution that you took off for the ring. There was no one to stop you. 
“Murphy is doing the best he can without-...is that Y/n?” Byron’s voice leapt an octave in excitement, “What’s she doing out here?”
“Hopefully not what I think she’s doing...” Joe answered. He sat straight up, watching as you walked down the ramp.
“Joe, you and Y/n have worked rather closely together over the past few months along with Kevin Owens to try and rid us of the Monday Night Messiah...” Tom began, but Joe quickly put a hand up clearly not fond of his choice of words.   
Joe kept a watchful eye on you as he clarified, “I’m gonna stop you right there, Tom. This has never been about getting rid of Seth Rollins. Kevin and I simply want him to shut his obnoxious mouth, wherever that would be most conducive for the Messiah, but for Y/n this is deeply personal...as you can imagine. She’s hell bent on pulling him out of this.”
Tom paused for a second as you cautiously rounded the ring, “At what point is he dragging her down with him?” his voice noticeably softer.
Joe agreed mentally, but the closer you got to Seth the less important commentary became. Neither Tom nor Byron pointed out the unanswered question and joined in watching this scene unfold. Joe, along with everyone else, knew it was best to let you be. He hoped whatever gut feeling that brought you out there was right, because his wasn’t a good one. 
Even Buddy didn’t say a word as you climbed onto the apron. He was secretly praying whatever you were up to would work. 
Seth didn’t make a move as you slid to his side. Your voice of reason finally made an appearance as you calmed yourself down and softened your voice.
“Hey...” The sound of your voice made him turn his head to you. A jolt of excitement shot through your chest, but your voice of reason corrected you again reminding you to calm down.
“What’s going on?” you continued, but of course he didn’t answer. All you got was a blank stare. It almost seemed as though he didn’t recognize you. “Seth, talk to me...you can always talk to me, even now.”
Still silent. You took a deep breath trying to dilute the sting of disappointment, but you weren’t done yet.
“Look, we’re all we have left. Jon’s never coming back...” You swore you saw a reaction when you mentioned Jon’s name, so you pushed further, “We don’t know when either of us will be with Roman again...” There it was again. “The Shield? The Shield isn’t going to happen again and that’s ok, but you and me and Roman and Jon...we need to be ok...” 
With every buzzword, you watched his face for any sign of life. Every little twitch of a movement urged you forward. You were dangerously flirting with the line between reality and false hope. 
“Right now, you and me...we’re not ok, but we can fix it.” Just as you finished your sentence he finally looked you dead in the eyes. It was a look you’d been searching for months. It was your brother, not the Monday Night Messiah. 
“We can...we can fix it. Just like this post-match hair that’s going on pre-match.” Despite what you saw, he still remained silent, even in the wake of your attempted joke. 
The black glove on his hand caught your eye. Following your gut was usually the right call, so you laid your hand on his.
“Lets take this off.” You told him. 
At the first twitch of your fingers, he ripped his hand away then backhanded you across the face with all his might. Every single one of his knuckles connected with the corner of your eye and the pain was searing. You used the momentum to hop off the apron, else you would have fallen, and stumbled over to the barricade. That whole side of your face throbbed with every breath you took making it worse. The commotion behind you was unintelligible as you checked your hand for blood. There was a small amount of relief with your clean skin, but then you caught Buddy’s words.
“That’s Y/n! Seth, stop. This isn’t you.” His voice was strained.
Before you could turn to see, a hand slid across your back and pulled the hair away from your face. 
“You alright?” Joe’s voice was steady
Joe grabbed your hands, “Listen, I have every intention of seeing this thing through to the end with you, but I need to know you understand a few things...stepping back is not the same as giving up, there’s a chance this may end and you and Seth may not be in the same place you were before, but you have to remember you are so much more than a former member of The Shield.”
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Draft Wrestling Preference: Do You Have Any Idea...
Samoa Joe: ...what I want you to do to me
Drew McIntyre: ...how much I want to smack that stupid smirk off your face
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
Samoa Joe: ...what I want you to do to me
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Get a little flirty with each other, they said. Have some fun. This tiny element of Monday Night Raw was purely experimental with no expectation of longevity, and thus no further plans were worked out. Little did management know that after giving you and Joe an inch, you two would run miles. Neither of you expected to hit it off like you did, but things got heated fast.
It all started when a producer gave you a “quick note” moments before you and Bianca went to go sign a contract for a shot at the tag titles. Bianca giggled as you quietly panicked. All the way to the ring, you heart raged against your chest and your mind scrambled for ideas - You should have known better. He took the lead the moment you step foot in the ring.
Tom moved out of the way as you pushed between them. Joe leaned into your hand as your fingers slid across his cheek to move the headset away his ear.
He let out a laugh, “What are you do-”
Moving close to his ear, you whispered, “Do you have any idea what I want you to do to me?”
“I assure you, if it’s not already on the list - I have no issue with additions.” His tone was still light, but the look in his eyes was dead serious. “Was that the answer you were looking for?”
The readiness of his answer twisted your stomach in knots, “I didn’t know what you’d say, but I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.”
“Would you two stop it already?” Nikki groaned from the other side of Joe.
Discreetly, he slid a hand between your thighs and your knees went weak. His lips were so close. Kissing him would be a shock, but not out of character. Management wouldn’t be happy, but the farther his hand got up your leg the less important management became. The look in his eye dared you to.
“Hey Y/n! I’ve got a seat for you over here by me!” Byron chirped.
Nothing killed a mood quite like Byron. Both of you rolled your eyes as you readjusted your title and begrudgingly took that seat.
“Isn’t it great how we’re all such great friends?”  
Drew McIntyre: ...how badly I want to smack that smirk off your face
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He knew every damn trick you had, and it was really starting to piss you off.
“Ah, Y/n, get your feet off the rope...”
Drew’s voice and his words did two very different things to the rage in the pit of your stomach. You let go of Kairi and slowly sat back onto your knees unable to look him in the face. He had to be doing this on purpose - you knew he knew what he was doing and that just added fuel to the fire. It was too late to hide the fact that he pushing your nerves, the clenched jaw and death glare was pretty obvious. That was what you wanted everyone to see. If you focused on your competitive side, really leaned into it, nobody would see how badly you missed him. Most importantly, he wouldn’t see how badly you wanted him back.
Your eyes burned holes in Kairi as she rolled away for some recovery. He was being an asshole, your feet were not on the rope. You repeated that in your mind to drown out the memories of his voice telling you what watching you work does to him. For a second you wondered if that was still true. Of course it wasn’t. That was two years ago when you didn’t cheat to win. Now, you take the easy way, whether you need to or not. The only thing you’re not allowed to do is lose. You cannot lose.
“Just doing my job.” He kept his voice even and smooth as he pointed to the logo on his striped shirt. It wasn’t that hard to pretend he was pissing you off.
Getting to your feet, you let out a tense breath before facing him.
“Is that what you’re doing?” You threw back, “Do you have any idea how badly I want to smack that smirk off your face?”
Your threat didn’t phase him at all and his smirk grew into a full blown smile.
“Go ahead...please do...” He leaned in closer, “I won’t even disqualify you for it.”
It was a tempting offer, but you quickly realized looking him in the eyes was a mistake. Everything you’d built up to mask the truth melted and he saw the clear flash of vulnerability before Kairi snatched you from behind. She tried to roll you up, but you used the momentum to roll through and hit her with your finisher. You and Drew stared at each other as you pinned her for the win.
Once the match was over and the win was secured, you wouldn’t look at him again, but he stared at you. He knew most every excruciating detail on how things got here, but he had to figure out how to get you out of this. He always knew the woman he fell in love with was still in there and tonight gave him hope that she may be ready to come back. There was a catch though, and Drew had to get to you first.
You watched Kairi slink out of the ring, knowing everyone was tensely anticipating an attack, but you were too preoccupied with your thoughts. You did miss Drew - being with him, talking to him, traveling with him - but you also missed being you. The you that’s not angry, hurtful, deceitful, or scared. The person standing in your place felt alien, and the only person responsible for that is you. You might be able to make up for what you’ve done and helped do, but the consequences for changing heart now would far outweigh those mended fences.
Drew took your wrist and gently pulled you to center ring to raise your hand. He watched you as you continued to ignore him. Knowing the longer you stayed, the more likely things might get out of hand, you tried to leave.
“Y/n, wait...”
Drew still had a hold on your wrist, but his voice was enough. Enough to get you to stop, but not turn around.
“Look at me.” 
“No.” That chilly tone coming out of you wasn’t yours.
He took a second before stepping forward and relaxing his grip on your arm, “Look at me, please.”
It was a move you didn’t expect. Without realizing, you turned and locked eyes with him. Just like before, those walls disappeared only this time it wasn’t as jarring.
“You don’t have to-”
Desperately you wished his words were true, but the sharp clapping coming from the top of the ramp was the snap back into reality you needed. It was a fight to shake Drew out of your head and put a smile on your face.
“Isn’t she incredible?” Seth fawned as he made his way to you, Murphy not far behind.
You made sure to have your arm out of Drew’s hand before he got close. By the time Seth hopped onto the apron
“Ladies and Gentlemen, you’re number one contender for the Raw Women’s Championship!” He gave you a bright smile and offered you his hand, “Congratulations, baby.”
You took his hand.
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Draft Imagine - Samoa Joe: Relief
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
I really loved this one. It almost gets to smut, but not quite.
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“You’re level-headed, you can see through anyone’s bullshit...” Paige was near begging over the phone, “No one can get under your skin - you’d be perfect, babygirl!”
“Just one night?” You clarified.
“One night, I promise. I’ll be back next week.” She vowed, “Besides, just think how hot being GM is going to look on you. I really think you’re gonna get a taste for it and want more.”
The offer was tempting, or maybe it was the way Paige presented it that made you fall for it. Now that you were finally at the main event of SmackDown, it felt more like a fucking bait-and-switch than a chance of a lifetime. Throughout the course of the night, her compliments had to become mantras to get you to the next moment.
AJ stood with you in the ring waiting to hear the announcement of who the next challenger for his WWE Championship would be. The man knew your nerves were fried - he would do his best to keep this civil, and he’d already done what he could to help you through the night, but he couldn’t stop James Ellsworth from crashing the segment unannounced. You covered your face as you took some deep breaths and James’ music blasted.
“He’s not-” AJ started, but you cut him off from beneath your hand.
You could hear Paige’s voice, “You’re level-headed...” repeating through your mind as you look up and watched James stroll down the ramp.
“Is there some sort of bet?” You asked AJ, “Is this a joke?”
He shook his head, “I can take care of him...”
“I got it...” You paused, “...I can’t deck him.”
AJ laughed, “You can next week, Acting GM.”
He made a good point as you got out of the ring, but it wasn’t enough in face of James Ellsworth. Everything you could do to him flashed through your head, but your “level-headed”. He was spouting off, but your mind shut him out.
“If you don’t turn your ass around right now-”
Your words were cut off by a commotion in the ring, and you had just enough time to see Samoa Joe take AJ out. You should of seen this coming. There was nothing you could do but watch as he gloated and signed the contract.
“Was that supposed to happen?” James squeaked behind you.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
You shoved past him and out of the arena. Paige wanted you to call her after the show, but she was gonna have to wait. How the hell did she put up with this bullshit? Ignoring everybody, you found your way back to the office. Just before you opened the door, a wretched sound made your skin crawl.
“Y/n! Y/n!”
James had followed you and the last thing you wanted was to let him in your office. You kept the door closed and met him with a death glare.
“You’re still GM. Give me a title match with AJ.”
Less than five minutes - You weren’t going to make it.
“I wouldn’t give you a match with AJ if my job depended on it, you shit.”
“That’s not very professional of you, Ms. GM.” He licked his lips and pushed closer, “But as long as we’re being unprofessional, why don’t we take this into the privacy of your office.”
There was a strong laugh behind him, “Boy, she’s gonna knock you out.” Joe came strolling up from down the hall, “But if you’re looking for a fight...” He snapped a hand around James’ throat, “You wanna try me?”
Unable to speak, he shook his head no and Joe shoved him away. He thought it was funny, but the look on your face was far from amused.
“What the fuck was that?” You grumbled as you stormed into the office.
“That was spicing up a lackluster main event.” He answered as he followed you in, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Natalya and Carmella storming that way. He gave the ladies a wave and brought the door shut behind him
You leaned on the edge of the desk paying no mind to the door. Outside of Seth, Roman, and Dean, there wasn’t anyone you had worked with more - there was no one you knew better. Despite his fierce reputation and the checkered past you shared, you trusted him more than most anyone else on Smackdown, especially after being traded without the rest of The Shield.
It shattered your heart being torn away from all three of them in the middle of the reunion, and watching them carry on without you was salt in the wound. You kept your struggle to yourself and nose to the grind despite the pain, but he knew. When your music hit and you walked out for the first time, it was plain as day as he watched on the monitor. The fake smile, not talking to fans, and the lack of light behind your eyes, but you were damn good at faking it. Of course, his only interest in watching your debut was sheer curiosity. He had tried to expose your lack of spotlight to divide you and those boys, it didn’t work. Now you were being forced into it - would his accusations be correct?  A smile cracked across his face as the match got started and, without the distraction of so-called “brothers”, you reached a whole new level. It’d be great ammo for the next time he faced Roman, in particular. Roman was always the most sensitive when it came to you. He probably would have cracked if Joe had kept up  threatening you the year prior, but the spotlight thing seemed more promising. When the bell rang and your hand raised, your eyes darted to the edges of the ring before reality set back in. That fake smile was back, but his satisfaction wasn’t. He chalked it up to having no one to gloat to.
Admitting he was a friend was crazy, but he was definitely something. Something that got a hell of a lot harder to ignore after the draft.
“Joe, you’re observant. You’re a smart man.”
“Oh, compliments-”
“Shut. up.”
That particular tone hadn’t hit his ears since y’all were in the ring back on Raw and he had ripped your Shield boys in two. In fact, he quickly noted that this was the first time he’d been hit with it unexpectedly. He cocked an eyebrow, not really sure how he felt about it, and crossed his arms across his chest.
“I know you’ve seen how this night has gone. Could you not have just stuck with to the damn plan this one time?”
“Really? That’s worse than what James did?”
“It’s all bullshit! I was about to take it out on him, but you let him in on my plan, so now it’s you.”
You didn’t noticed the slight tremble in your hand, but he did. He couldn’t tell that your skin was on fire, your blood was boiling, and your head was close to needing pain medication. The signs he could see lead him to a pretty damn close predication that you were far from calming down - at least on your own.
“If you wanna get some stress out of your system, I’d be happy to help.”
Your brain came to a screeching halt. It was amazing how quickly your body was ready to take him up on that offer, but your head wouldn’t give in so easily.
“I’m not GM anymore...” You told him, testing to see if it was conditional.
He let out a laugh, “Ya, thank god. I’m pretty sure you were well on your way to an aneurysm. Besides...” He stepped closer, “We’ve known each other a while and, as you said, I’m an observant, smart man. This would be a stupid way to get a favor out of you.”
He was right. Even if you did have something he wanted, this would be a sure fire way not to get it. But how would this play out in the long run? At some point you’d be back with The Shield and this could be a problem. Or maybe not.
Joe rolled his eyes, “Turn around.”
You gave him a confused looked.
“Trust me. Turn around.”
Letting out a small scoff, you did what he asked. His fingers delicately collected your hair from one side of your neck and tucked it on the other side.
“A lot of people have been in the clutch...even more have had my arm wrapped around their neck.They tense up, grab my arm.” He traced the contours of your throat as your pulse steadily picked up. “When I had my arm wrapped around your neck, you know what you did?”
You hummed a what in feigned annoyance.
He laughed before continuing, “You relaxed...Almost like you enjoyed it.”
You were so damn tired of thinking - you wanted him. Fuck it. You flipped around and crashed your lips onto his. The smirk on his face quickly faded into the depth and hunger of the kiss. His proposal was a shot in the dark, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity - not with the intensity you were laying on him. Keeping his lips on yours, he scooped you up and shoved you onto the nearest table. You took the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist. That earned a soft grunt, but when your fingers went to his belt he started to pull away.
“Ah- who’s in ch-”
He tried to get the words out, but your lips were right back on him. It took him a second, but soon his hand firmly grabbed the base of your jaw and tilted your face up.
“Who’s in charge?” His tone was confident, and from what you could tell he was.
On the inside, he was asking himself the same question. There you were under him, eyes glazed over with lust, lips swollen, breathing heavy - it’d take less than batting an eyelash for you to flip the script. He couldn’t admit to himself that you had him hooked long before he walked into that office.
“You” You breathed out.
The tension and anxiety from the show melted away. Joe felt your muscles relax and that’s what he needed. That smirk came back to his face and he let his lips dip tantalizingly close.
“I’m gonna take care of you.” He whispered.
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Draft WWE Preference: Partner
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
Drew McIntyre, The Fiend, Kevin Owens, Baron Corbin
Drew McIntyre:  Joining up with Corbin’s crew was a good choice at the time, until your conscience got a hold of you. The only way to get out of it was to quietly disappear. Baron, in particular, wasn’t someone you wanted to piss off, so you kept a low profile, appeased him when there wasn’t another choice, and then slipped back into the shadows. Relief washed over you as the last draft pick was announced and it was over. You had come to terms with the fact that being a member of Baron Corbin’s crew would forever be on your resume, along with every bullet point that encompassed. There was nothing you could now except soak in the guilt. At least your daily reminders just got drafted to Smackdown.
The credits began to roll for the show and while most everyone went back to the locker rooms to grab their bags, you had yours ready to go - less of a chance of walking into unwanted conversations. Walking towards the garage, memories of hellish car rides rolled through your mind and you were grateful to be riding alone. It got lonely sometimes, but it was always better than be stuck in the middle of a Baron Corbin temper tantrum.
“Glad to have you back, man.”
A door popped open down the hall and a couple of voices caught your attention. You slowed down as they came out of the office.
“I’m glad to be back and ready to get to work.”
It must have been the click of your heels that caught his attention, because the moment he stepped out the two of you locked eyes.
“Alright, Drew, I’ll see you next Monday.” Shane gave him a pat on the back before seeing you, “Y/n!”
“Shane! How are you?” You did you best to move your attention to your boss, but the returning Drew McIntyre made that difficult.
“I’m doing fine, thanks. Listen, that match you and Liv had last week - incredible, really great job.”
“Thank you.” You were desperately trying to keep your eyes from darting over to Drew too many times - all while trying to figure out how you forgot about his involvement in Baron’s little crew too. “Liv is really special.”
“You both are.” Shane popped a smile, “I can’t wait to see where you’re going next.”
“I’ve got some ideas to flesh out.” It’s never a good idea to tell your boss you got nothing.
“Every time I’ve heard you say that it’s turned out to be gold.”
All you could muster was a squeak of a laugh as he walked away.
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The Fiend: This was everything you ever wanted - the bright new face of Monday Night Raw, glowing praise from people you’d admired your entire life, a pristine reputation that got you here, and that shiny Finn Balor smile was all yours. Day in and day out, you got to go to the perfect job with the perfect boyfriend - there was nothing else you wanted. Expect, maybe, to sleep all the way through the night. This was something relatively new. Upgrading from a once in a blue moon to a weekly habit, Finn wasn’t even noticing you getting up anymore. Nothing was wrong with you, just the night before a show around 3 am you’d be wide awake. Never anxious, there was nothing to be anxious about, only awake with your thoughts. Thoughts about how perfect your life was...and your job...and Finn. There was a time when his soft snores were enough to get you back in bed and to sleep, but now they just bring a smile to your face as you sit in the chair and watch out the window. Just before the break of the sun, your trance broke and you got into the shower leaving Finn none the wiser. Walking into Raw was just like every other time - Hand in hand with Finn, smiles plastered on your faces, and greeting everyone like a friend. This was everything you ever wanted. This is what happiness is, right? Finally splitting ways and on your way to the girls locker room, you caught the creative director and got your match for the night. For the first time in a while you were surprised. It wasn’t “Mixed Tag Match” that threw you, or “vs. Jason Jordan and Carmella”, it was “You’re teaming with The Fiend.” He explained to you about Bray Wyatt’s return and this new version of himself that no one had seen yet. Management was excited about unveiling this new addition to the roster, but well aware of the risk he posed if he got out of hand. Easing him into the roster was the best option they came to and you were the safest partner they could possibly give him. They needed him with someone they trusted in this first, undoubtedly very short, outing. In the few minutes it took to find Finn, you found yourself intrigued with the plan, but his reaction snapped you back to yourself. Concern filled his eyes and his voice was reassuring as he hugged you tight and promised to go talk with creative about getting things changed. Of course he’s right - this was a bad idea and besides, you only wanted to tag with him. The Fiend was someone who probably cut corners and got his hands dirty, which was the type of person you fight, not tag with. Although Finn tried, there was no changing the plan. Finn was not happy with that verdict, and the rest of the night you had to keep telling him everything would be fine. He thought you were putting on a brave face - you were just trying to hide the fact that you were excited about it. You felt bad for lying to Finn about it, but you weren’t even sure if excited was the right word. What were you feeling? You sure as hell weren’t scared. The closer the match got the faster your heart raced. You got to the gorilla a few minutes early, but he wasn’t there. Disappointment settled in your chest when you realized he wouldn’t come until after you left for the ring. It was the longest your entrance ever felt, but then everything started shutting down. The pitch black was nearly suffocating as you grasped the top rope of your corner and then the red light came on. It was mesmerizing watching him walk down the ramp. You’d never seen anyone like him. Your mouth ran dry as he placed his lantern on the apron and slowly passed behind you on the floor. Your eyes followed him to the base of the steel stairs, then before you knew it he was eye level with you and staring deep into your eyes. Now you were scared, but he had you trapped. You couldn’t tear your eyes off of his as he moved onto the apron, forcing you back. There were feelings and emotions pulsating throughout your body, but you couldn’t process any of them, only feel them like your entire body was a nerve. Faintly you could hear Carmella say she would start the match and the ref called for you, but you didn’t dare to move. Until you felt it - something told you to go and immediately you ducked between the ropes. Everything was back to normal. Carmella gave you a WTF look, but all you could do you shake it off and move forward. The two of you went to work, but then she shoved you just a little too close to your own corner. It felt like a cement seat belt snapping you against a brick wall. He used an arm to pin you against him and waited a second to hold out his hand for the tag. Most of your body was hidden behind his bicep. The weakness in your knees was only overshadowed by the power that surged from behind you. It took you a second to see his outstretched hand, but you gave him the tag to Jason’s dismay. What you saw unfold was almost unbelievable. Everything Jason hit him with left him completely unfazed. After a minute or so, you realized he was toying with Jason and had yet to go on the attack. There was a shift in his demeanor and seconds later the match was over. You stared in disbelief before realizing he was continuing to attack Jason. Were you supposed to do something? Why’d they think you could do anything? You weren’t stupid enough to get in the ring while he was in a fit of rage. You couldn’t bring yourself to leave either. As delusional as it was, you felt protected by the ropes like watching a wild animal from the safety of a rotted fence. Then the thought crossed your mind - What if you wanted to go inside...but not to stop him? Jason’s body hit the mat and The Fiend froze with his back towards you. You felt that call again.
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Kevin Owens: Neither of you wanted to be a “team”, but there wasn’t a choice. After witnessing one particularly disastrous encounter, Shane used you as his first chess move against Kevin in their budding feud. He leashed the two of you together and sat back to watch the bloodbath. That it was. Both armed with sharp tongues and detonation buttons a mere whisper could trigger, Shane’s laughter could almost be heard from the back over the bickering and yelling. But something happened a few weeks in that no one expected. Behind the scenes you were catching glimpses of the man hidden away from everyone else, opening your eyes to the reality of the situation and realizing            While there were still choice words shared, you were becoming protective of each other and actually becoming a team. Shane had to fix that, so his first plan was to relentlessly come for you in hopes that you would turn on him. It almost worked, but not in the way Shane thought. Kevin was desperate to find you a way out. Watching you suffer for his fight was driving him insane, but you refused to let him face Shane alone. The differing opinions had the two of you arguing in a back room. He insisted on you parting ways, but you weren’t having any of it.
“Oh my god!” Kevin tugged at the ends of his beard and paced away from you, “It’s only going to get worse - you need to get out now. Why are you so stubborn?”
“I’m the only help you have - and you want me to just walk away?” You did a better job at staying in one spot, but your hands were definitely accenting your words, “I’m not going to do that. This is just as much my fight now as it is yours and I refuse to let Shane win.”
“This isn’t your fight.”
“He made it my fight. So it kind of is-”
He finally stopped in front of you, “You’re a pawn!”
Everything changed. Right there. Nothing else mattered besides his last words.
“I’m a pawn to you?” Your voice was just above a whisper but he was close enough to hear.
The sincerity caught him off guard.
“...to Shane.”
“To Shane...” You repeated, skepticism filling your eyes.
“He doesn’t care how badly you get hurt - he doesn’t see you, he just sees something to use against me...” The desperate need to clarify was eating him alive, “I don’t want to use you against Shane. I want him to stop hurting you.”
“You think he’ll do that?” You challenged, “You think he’s just going to forget about me if I turn a blind eye and act like neither of you exist?”
It went silent for a few seconds before you continued.
“You realize this isn’t just a matter of me not helping you.” It was coming to him as you spoke, “You can’t help me ...when he comes for me again. Can you do that?”
He hung his head. The scenarios running through his head.
“If the answer to that is yes, then I’ll walk away.”
It was the most painful bluff you’d ever given.
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Baron Corbin: He was beyond pissed to be forced into the mixed match challenge. You weren’t quite sure what to do. This was your second month out of NXT, you were barely six months into your WWE career and it couldn’t have taken much of a steeper nose dive. The only involvement you had in Smackdown was the MMC and your feud with Baron’s attitude. At first, you gave him space - maybe some time would ease the tension. Well, it didn’t ease anything, but
He was already over halfway up the cage, leaving you alone with Mickie and Sheamus. Frustration took over as you realized, despite whatever you thought last week was, the two of you weren’t on the same page. To survive this, you had to let it go, deal with Mickie, and hope Sheamus kept his focus elsewhere. Baron made it to the top of the cage and expected to help you up the rest of the way, but when he turned there you were locked up with Mickie. More importantly, both he and Sheamus noticed how far he was from getting back to you. The two made eye contact for a split second before the race was on. Sheamus called your name and, before you could tell yourself not to, you turned around. Baron got to the mat in time to watch Sheamus toss a chair at you, which you caught only to have him hit you with a Brogue kick through it. Taking advantage of Baron’s stunned state, Sheamus caught him with a Brogue too as Mickie pinned you. The cage lifted to Mickie’s music and all Baron could do was sit there as medical tended to you. A large gash above your eyebrow bled onto the mat. After stopping the most of the bleeding, the medics began to help you to the side of the ring. He couldn’t take it.
“You morons are making her walk to the back?” He barked at the team. “What’s wrong with you? Move!”
He shoved a few of them out of the way before scooping you off the apron. You were too exhausted and disoriented to realize what was happening
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Draft Wrestling Preference: Senses
PSA: I'm going to start posting some of my drafts that are in a pretty decent state. These are going to be the ones I really like, that I just haven't been able to bring myself to finish, and don't see that point coming. So, these are going to be short - maybe a little choppy, but I love them nonetheless and can't bring myself to delete. I'm just not as close to wrestling as I was and want to clear out my drafts for some new ventures. Thanks!
Samoa Joe: Taste
Finn Balor: Touch
Samoa Joe: Taste
The sun was just about to set, painting the sky and clouds a purple-blue haze. Tiny gas stations like this one held a special place in your heart after years of living on the road and relying on them for sustenance. They weren’t the necessary life line they once were, but the nostalgia drew you in every time. After dumping your cache on the counter, you scooped it up again and thanked the cashier. A laugh bubbled out of you as you pushed the doors open and saw your Ride Along partner roll his eyes. Joe, sitting in the drivers seat, gave the camera dead pan stare just before the passenger door popped open. He tried his best to maintain his judgy look, but lost it as you climbed into the SUV, random snacks dropping to the floorboard.
“We are in the middle of nowhere!” You justified, “Who knows when we’ll come across a place we can get an actual dinner.”
He didn’t support your statement, but he didn’t deny it either. He was doing his best to get his judgy look back, but the smirk on his face ruined it. You threw a “try-me” look on yourself before offering up the one item he had requested.
“Here’s your big-ass water.”
“Don’t get snippy with me” He laughed out, taking the largest bottle of water they had, “I’m not the one who bought out a small gas station.”
He reversed the car out of it’s parking spot, sending some more snacks to the floor.
“Oh, so you don’t want any?” You accused, “I get all of this to myself?”
He plucked a bag of chips as he turned back onto the highway. After a few seconds of settling in - you piped back up.
“The first thing they want us to talk about is...” You pulled up the text, “Why did they put the two of us in a Ride Along together? Hm, that’s a good question and the answer isn’t that obvious.”
“Well, we debuted in NXT the same night” He started counting on his hand, “We debuted on Raw the same night...”
“Ya - then we both debuted on Smackdown in the same draft night, then went back to Raw on the same night...” You put up a four, “...but it goes farther back - before WWE.”
“This kind of started in the indies.” He crumpled up his empty chip back, “We were always at the same places, but never at the same time.”
“Every time I went somewhere new, you had just left.” You thought about it for a second. “I mean like...within twenty-four hours. Every time. I don’t think we were every on a same card though.”
“There was that one time in New Japan, but I never physically saw you.” He glanced over just when the memory came back to you.
“That’s right - I did a run in at the beginning, and you closed.” You nodded, “We didn’t meet until the day we signed our contracts at the PC.”
“So, our careers are eerily parallel, but we’ve only worked together the once - against Kevin and Sasha back in NXT.”
That memory struck a different cord. The night the two of you went from co-workers to best friends. Planning the match with Kevin and Sasha took about 20 minutes, but you and Joe sat there and talked up until showtime - two hours later. It wasn’t until the move to Smackdown that you realized you may have fallen a little beyond best friend. You found about about your move to Smackdown about 15 minutes before Joe found out about his. You didn’t realize the anxiety was there, before it lifted when you found out he’d be going too.
“That was fun.” You shifted turning towards him, “Why haven’t they put us together again?”
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Finn Balor: Touch
The moment he came back to NXT you knew Finn was a different man. It didn’t take him long to figure out you weren’t the same woman. That difference brought a new understanding, a new respect, and a new connection that the two of you weren’t fully prepared to acknowledge let alone explore. Pretty much everyone else saw it and were smart enough to not say anything, but there were two people who not only saw it, they were ready to exploit it.
Karrion and Scarlett knew how to pick a moment. After drop-kicking Oney into Scarlett and claiming Karrion’s emotions were his weakness, they were ready to strike Finn where he didn���t even realize he was exposed.
The day of Takeover was so normal it was nearly forgettable. Sometimes you and Finn rode to the CWC together, citing the reason as your house was on his way. That was the last time he saw you - handing him the NXT title from the trunk of his car and then separating once in the doors of the CWC. One text conversation about ten minutes before his match discussing his strategy and food, then it was time to focus.
Karrion and Scarlett stared at him as he handed the title to the ref. As the title slid between his fingers, he saw you pulling it from his car - laughing at some smart quip you made, the sun shining across your face. Something in his chest twitched seeing the Ref and Karrion touch it, knowing your hands were the last on his title. He had to shake that off and focus on Karrion, and once the bell rang he had no trouble doing so.
His strategy was working. Karrion was losing his cool and Finn had control. Karrion got to the ropes and the ref intervened, forcing Finn back. View blocked by the ref, Finn didn’t see Scarlett slip something to Karrion. Karrion didn’t hide it. As the ref moved out of the way, Karrion raised the foreign object to eye level and Finn stopped dead in his tracks. It was a simple gold necklace with an arrow pendant. Knowing the last place he saw that necklace, Finn tried telling himself it was just a duplicate - until he saw the clasps still connected and the broken chain dangling.
The rest of the match went by quick. Finn tried getting his focus back, but with Karrion, one slip is too much. He faintly heard the bell ring and as his vision slowly came back, he saw that necklace on the floor.
When he finally made it to the back, Mr. Regal was the first person he came to. He didn’t need to ask.
“The locker room.” Regal told him, “She refused medical attention.”
Finn was gone before he finished his sentence.
You didn’t flinch when the door behind you swung open and slammed shut.
“I’m about done with people bursting into my ro-.”
“You didn’t let medical check you.”
His voice was low but icy clear. You turned to face him and slightly pulled down the collar of your shirt revealing just enough of the simple bruise.
“What was medical going to do, Finn?” You let the shirt go and crossed your arms, “Film themselves wrapping ice around my shoulder to replay for the next couple of weeks? It’s just a bruise.”
The war behind his eyes was easy to see - very familiar to the one you were feeling. You took a deep breath and dropped your head.
“I’m sorry.” You shook your head, “He timed it just right - I couldn’t warn you.”
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