abtan · 4 months
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Investing in the future: An advocacy in every individual to their prosperity.
Education is a must upon which every individual life is built. It is undeniably a fundamental aspect in our society as it serves as a guide for personal growth, social progress, and economic development. From early childhood through adulthood, education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals’ knowledge, skills, and perspectives, as stands a role for essential component of human life. The learning opportunities and resources young learners have at their disposal guide through the way for a successful future. A quality education can lead to better future, opportunities, money stability, and a prosperous life. However, not all individuals are on the same ground when it comes to education. Some face learning disabilities, attend schools in money needs, or experience educational disparities that put them at an early disadvantage compared to their peers.
As an introduction, education provides individuals with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the world around them. Through going to school, individuals can have the foundational knowledge they need in subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies, enabling them to understand fundamental concepts and engage critically with information that they can use for the future. In addition, education nourish the development of essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which are vital for success in both personal and professional endeavors.
The advocacy of the importance of education aims to address these issues and ensure that all individual have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed. Education serves as a fuel for economic development and prosperity in every individual. This advocacy seeks to empower individuals to advocate for themselves and their communities, amplifying their voices in decision-making processes that affect their education. It involves actively promoting policies and initiatives that support equitable access to education and address systemic barriers that obstruct learning opportunities for limited communities.
In conclusion, education is not only a must but also a fundamental human right. As education advocacy stands as an indispensable force driving societal progress and equitable access to learning opportunities. It is a moral imperative about standing up for the right of every child to learn and grow, to develop their potential, and to contribute to their community. By supporting education advocacy, every individuals are guided to the success by using knowledge and coherence to build a better future.
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abtan · 5 months
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Picking the right spot
We all know plants requiring sunlight is a well-known fact. But the harsh rays of sunlight in this summer can be harmful to the plant, therefore making it wilt. The pro tip we have is: When plants placed in the south and west, it have a tendency to receive more powerful rays of sunlight. So move them further away from those directions to protect them from getting sunburnt.
The humidity matters
Plants with decorative leaves such as ferns, mosaic plants and spider plants are the ones which thrive in highly humid conditions (mostly houseplants). Therefore, it is important to mist them from time to time in long periods of heat. We can create a tiny humid microclimate for our plants to beat the heat. Just fill up a bowl with water and pebbles and place the pot on the pebbles and it should be working!
Maintain and Retain the soil moisture
This summer season heat can deplete the soil’s moisture. We can always test the moisture by simply touching the soil or even poking the soil with popsicle or any sticks. If there is a gap between the soil and the sides of the pot, then there is a lack of moisture in the soil. But don’t worry, I got u! there are ways to replenish this. Adding organic compost like fruits and vegetables that is already rotten, it doesn't only retains the moisture in the soil but also helps in providing nutrients to your greens. They also help lock in the moisture for longer periods of time.
Water sufficiently but not too much
Overwatering can be fatal for indoor plants. While it's tempting to think they need more water in the summer, there are better watering techniques to consider. Ensure water is absorbed evenly by watering your plant gradually, and a helpful tip is to do so either early in the morning or after sunset to minimize evaporation.
Pro tip: If you’re going on a summer vacation or will be gone for an extended period, don’t fret! There are longer-term hydration solutions to keep your houseplants alive while you’re away to test out.
Avoid the use of chemical fertilizers
Fertilization leads to excess growth. And this, inturn, leads to lots of leaves and stems outgrowing the root system, causing stress to the plant especially when it is a houseplants or succulent. So adding chemicals for their growth during summertime is a huge no, maybe use a natural fertilizer like rotten fruits and vegetables.
Prune and trim the plants
Don’t wait till the end of summer to prune your pretty pants! It is natural for plants and their leaves to turn yellow or begin to wilt in the heat. Although the damaged part of the plant can cause stress to the health of the plant, it is important to remove the dead foliage to keep your plant healthy. This also helps in preventing the loss of water through transpiration.
Plants make up 80% of the food we eat and produce 98% of the oxygen we breathe.
Plants love music. Growing plants can be a quiet and peaceful experience but they also want to listen to your playlists. House plants love music and it encourages growth, so turn up the music! (not too loud!)
Plants reduce noise pollution. Houseplants, such as peace lilies and succulents, have been found to absorb sound! Surround workspace, house and anywhere with plants to create a quiet sanctuary
Plants ‘talk’ to each other. They do this via their roots in a very unique way, by secreting chemicals into the soil. These chemicals, called ‘root exudates’ tell every other living thing in the root zone how the plant is doing.
Did you know that plants also have such a clock? This means that they can prepare themselves for various times of the day. Plants use sugar signals to establish this circadian phase when it’s light and dark.
The smell of freshly-cut grass is actually a plant distress call.
Biologists have found that plants exhibit competitiveness amongst strangers of the same species but they are more accommodating towards their siblings. It means, plants compete with strangers by allocating more of their roots below ground. This helps them as they fight for access to water and soil nutrients.
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