academyofselfmastery · 8 months
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#academyofselfmastery #themonaghanmethod #selfmastery #itsinu
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academyofselfmastery · 8 months
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Homemade Oat Milk
With the current economy, we are all looking to save as much as we can with mass unemployment and more redundancies on the horizon.
Here are some helpful recipes, tips and tricks to help you get by during difficult time.
It is also fun to get the kids involved.
In recent years, plant based milk is becoming more and more popular and is a good choice for people with allergies or who are lactose intolerant. Oat milk, coconut milk and almond milk can be lactose free, gluten free if you choose to make from certified organic, and gluten free suppliers.
It takes about 10 minutes to make but can be done in 5 minutes as you get better at making the milk. All ingredients are available at your local supermarket; I will attach links at the end for you.
Oats are also beneficial for the skin; they help to cleanse and hydrate and reduce inflamed skin conditions such as sensitive skin, psoriasis, eczema, acne and rosacea.
Oat milk is also great if you want to lose weight as it is low in calories around 130 calories per cup (almond is lower around 60 calories). It is high in protein like cow’s milk, rich in fibre, helps regulate blood sugars and cholesterol, contains essential vitamins A, B12 and D. Another plus is that it is vegan too.
Homemade Oat Milk
You will need:
110g rolled oats or porridge oats
1 date (optional)
15ml vanilla extract (optional)
400ml cold water
A blender
A bowl, Pyrex dish or jug
Muslin cloth or clean towel
Weigh out 110g of oats
Weigh out 400ml of cold water
Tip the oats in to blender
 Add the water, (you can fill it up with water to just below the top) but for a creamier taste, 400ml will be enough. Add the date and vanilla extract to blender and blend for 1-2 minutes
Get your Pyrex dish and put the muslin cloth over the top
Squeeze through the muslin cloth
Finally, pour the milk from the Pyrex dish into a jug and store in the fridge.
I fill it up to the top of my container, which takes about three goes, but a jug is good if you do not have anything else to store it in.
You can repeat the above process twice if needed.
I reuse the oats that have been strained and put them back in the blender and add 200ml of water, then follow the same steps, I don’t add any more dates or vanilla extract as it can be too sweet but, some people do like it sweeter.
The oats that are left in the cloth or towel you, can use as a flour or add to your cookies or cakes and it tastes great
Unsweetened is best as this reduces the calories.
The milk will last in the fridge for 2-3 days, be sure to mix up with a spoon before putting in your tea, coffee, slimming shakes, cereal and baking.
The average cost as per “where to buy section” would be around £1.05 for 1kg (1000g) of porridge oats, that is 100g used per pint of milk, you would get around 10 pints of milk for about 0.105p. That’s roughly 10p per pint
Where to buy
I use my local supermarket
Gluten free porridge oats
Organic porridge oats
Porridge oats
Gluten free dates
Vanilla Extract
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About Helen
Helen Monaghan B.A (hons) has an active interest in Holistic and Alternative Medicines since 2006, where she started making her own chemical free, natural, and organic skin care products for her friends and family.
Since then, she has studied hard to become the best in her field of natural health and self healing.
Helen has worked with many other professionals across the globe where she has helped them to complete books that has inspired thousands of people across the planet and today she brings with her new ways of living,  using her knowledge and expertise where she encompasses a variety of different healing techniques.
This year she has created her Online Store and the Academy of Self Mastery learning centre, so that many more people have access to her natural health and wellbeing products, whether it be skincare, mini course, e-books or other ways of being and staying healthy.
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