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»Welcome back!
I can’t believe we’re getting a PMD Blue/Red rescue team remake fkhdjlsjkjdladl so I here is a little fanart I drew at 3am. Really excited to replay one of my first Pokemon games!!
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Stormy Hunt & First Contact
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Sponge Lesson
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Me: doesnt post in months Also me: hey want sum FE content On another note, been reading some FFs and stumbled upon “Byleth: Peculiar Professor” by Waywatcher on AO3. It had so so many funny and iconic scenes and I just had to draw one. Definitely check out the FF, it’s a good read and made me laugh  👌 👌
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»Turning Point 
//Coronation of Queen Ayela //
Whoops I keep forgetting to post here
Finally something digital (and Savi related). Gotta do more of that 👏 👏 👏 Experimented a bit with this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I was bored and saw your beautiful lineart, so I’d figured I’d give coloring it a try (since I usually don’t work that much with lineart). I hope it’s okay that I changed the lines a little bit?? ;; Idk let me know if not ;__;
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» I’ll be able to do anything. I’ll even save the world. «
Excuse me while I cry in the corner over this one sweet scene. The last movie had so many great moments dfskalsdfvka I wanna redraw so many scenes ;__;
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Commission || Persona 5 Crit Cut In
A commission for Johnny Blaze! Check out his twitch and streams if you’re interested in Shooters and competitive games! —> https://www.twitch.tv/johnny_blayze <—Thank you so much for commissioning me! I had a lot of fun working on this one. ^-^
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FE Awakening || No Time Left
I doodled my boi cuz why not. 
2 versions for those that need that extra pinch of angst.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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A Final Glance
Kanan my man, I’ll miss you. Still can’t believe they actually did that.
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I’ve been playing FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia lately and when I saw the crit cut - in’s, I was somewhat disappointed, since they didn’t feel as dynamic and epic as the ones from Fates and Awakening, so I deciced to redesign them for Celica and Alm: in the Persona style (kinda, I know I’ve strayed from it), cuz might as well get the full aesthetic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It was really fun (and painful) to figure out the lining, shading etc, since I’m not used to a “manga-style” -like approach while drawing. But the experience - and result, I hope - was worth it, haha.
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“You can rest now...
the others will be here soon. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Watched the ending of P3 again and needed to draw something to vent, haha. Even tho I never had the chance to play this game, I still get feels just by seeing the final scene. Rip man.
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The Hours Inbetween
Don’t really like how this one turned out, but whatever. I always wondered what the calm before the storm would feel like for the protag, especially towards the end of the game.
Bonus points for those, who can read the ugly writings and figure out at which point this scene might have taken place.
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“Don’t think about tomorrow...
...cuz’ we’ll be there too, ya know?”
I should probably get my work done, but after the last pic I just had to try out this messy sketch style again, haha. Plus I still haven’t left Persona hell, so take this?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Morgana is not in the bag cause sitting on Ann’s shoulder provides more aesthetic (and the bag was wet, who knows, choose whatever suits you).  Bonus: 
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NierR: A dream Gone wrong
Got that idea a while ago and had to draw it, cuz Emil's suffering is my suffering. I was wondering how he would react, if he knew what consequences their actions would bring with them... so yeah, have some smoll Emil staring at what he's gonna become. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Rip my heart lmao I experimented a bit around with the sand... and yeah I dunno, I really just threw everything together in this one lol. Didn't use lines or anything cuz who needs them amiright??? No? Okay. ;--; Time: 6 hours or so, I dunno, my tablet died halfway through lol Program: CS6
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The eon of water | Vaporeon
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I had this one lying around for a while, before I finally decided to do the final touches and finish it up. Added some fishiiis cuz why not. And yes, the design is off, but at that point I had already given up. Dunno what to say, it's kinda old but meh, I've drawn worse I guess, haha. Program: CS6 Time: No idea, 22 hours + probably
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An unforeseen change
Someone asked for edgy shit??? No?? Take this random doodle anyway, lmao. As you can see, I didn’t pay much attention to anatomy and all, therefore excuse her ugly face. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The image was lowkey inspired by a scene in  FF15, where King Regis saved his son, Noctis, but had to leave Luna behind while the enemy troops took over Tenebrae. Although now that I look at it, the pic doesnt really seem connected to it since I just drew everything random haha.
Program: CS6 Time: 4 hours, maybe 5
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Back then, I tried practising drawing stuff in a short amount of time and because the desert rocks were kinda fun, I went for sand again haha. Program: CS6 Time: 2 hours I think
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