#caleb dume
something that pains me to my core about kanan jarrus is that he genuinely had such a sad backstory and he had to go through SO MUCH to become the good man we see in rebels, but he never gets credit for it. no one gives him a pat on the back. he doesn’t hear a “good job kanan!” from anyone.
ofc, a major reason how he healed is because of hera’s influence on his life but she didn’t do all the work. in his younger years kanan had a lot on his shoulders and he suppressed it all because it was too much for him. but time went by and he slowly relearned who he is and ultimately became the kind of man i think every guy should aspire to be like.
kanan is one of those characters that feels unexplainably real to me. losing him felt horrifically close to a friend dying. he is hands down one of the most underrated sw characters in my book
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jazaesis · 17 hours
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“Master Maveera & Guild Learner Dume”
In the aftermath of the Empire’s collapse, the Guild emerged to fill the void left by the Jedi, offering refuge for Force sensitives. Amidst the chaos of Order 66, many Jedi padawans were lost. Among them, Caleb Dume found solace in Maveera, her nurturing guidance steering him from past trials toward a hopeful future.
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Happiest of birthdays to my dearest friend @pollyfull_ 🫶 I am so grateful for you every single day. I am grateful for your support, positivity and energy every single day. I love our chaotic conversation and plotting lore that would most likely never see the light of day 😆👌
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tyquu · 2 months
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In another Universe Caleb and Depa catch up and chat about his new padawan.
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
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sure the whole Anakin-isn't-evil bit of fix-it aus is great, but you know what's even better? Cal and Kanan get to be besties forever
(commission info // kofi support!)
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wemecera · 30 days
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fragment of full
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peanuttoffee · 6 months
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imagine if Cal and Kanan met after the Purge
i like the headcanon that they were bros back in padawan days, messing around and giving a headache to everyone in the temple c::
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aaeeart · 1 month
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have a Zeb and Kanan
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wetsocksinbed · 3 months
Hera, gesturing to Omega: she and her brothers saved my life
Kanan: her brothers?
Hera: a rogue group of clones. They called themselves the “Bad Batch” *laughs*
Kanan: WAIT
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ana-cantskywalker · 4 months
Having BIG™ feelings about how most of the Jedi that survived Order 66 were literal children.
Children whose brothers turned on them, and whose parental figures were ripped from them for reasons that they would never understand. Children who didn't know how to live in a galaxy who accepted them, much less one that didn't. Children who had to shed the identity they'd had longer than they could remember just to survive. Children who watched as their people were labeled terrorists and the things they held sacred were desecrated to the purpose of hurting the people they were made to protect.
Children who had to pick up the (often literal) sword of those who'd come before them to protect innocents and hold onto what scraps of their culture that were left. That, to their limited knowledge, believed themselves to be the very last of their kind. Children who bore the weight of bringing justice to the deaths of thousands of their kin, not through revenge, but through the restoration of peace. Who in the fight towards peace, had to once again become weapons instead of peacemakers.
Of them training padawans when they were technically still padawans themselves. Who had to teach what broken pieces of their culture that they could still remember, because they were still learners when they stopped learning. Who taught in the middle of surviving in a galaxy that was out to get them on all sides. Whose padawans never got the chance to go to Ilum, or see the Temple on Coruscant, or bond with other padawans, or any other experience that should've been theirs by birthright.
If I think about it for too long my brain stops working and I cry.
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aj-artjunkyard · 5 months
I think even funnier than Anakin being a Big War Hero is if he was like. The Temple’s resident tech guy. Cal or Kanan find out who Darth Vader is and they’re like ‘the guy who reset my password???’
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enetriss · 1 year
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ledeni-tm · 5 months
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Padawan group holophoto !! In a universes where Ahsoka, Cal, Trilla, Caleb and Barriss all know each other and everything is fine ! (let me dream) Not pictured : their masters (Obi-Wan included, Ahsoka is his padawan too) gushing at the cuteness behind the holocamera.
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darth-memes · 5 months
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tyquu · 6 months
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I was thinking things ,,, some master and Padawan bonding. Keeping Jedi culture alive
Bonus post Malachor doodle:
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stealingpotatoes · 28 days
on fix it au what is Caleb's rection to call falling in love
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wemecera · 1 month
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