Stupid RR Theory #86
The suffix -gate is still in use in modern PCE and made a resurgence with the rise of the Solar Republic.
The most recent example was circulated by the Vox Populii referring to Darrow’s attempt to hide the peace talks as ‘ReaperGate’
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Many fantasy books prioritize male bonds and relationships between men and women. I'm glad that's not the case with wheel of time. From the moment Egwene and Nynaeve meet Elayne and Min, the story makes it clear that their friendship is a ride or die one. How fitting that at the end of the same book those four meet (TGH) it's not Rand and the boys the ones who rescue Egwene but her female friends.
Even before the important rescue scene we get a lot of strong friendship moments at Falme.
Egwene accepting to become a damane if that meant that they would spare her friend's- Min's - life. And Min feeling despair and guilt and crying herself because she couldn't find a way to free Egwene alone. But there was no way she was gonna abandon her.
Meanwhile, Nynaeve pretending not to be hungry so Elayne who grew up as a pampered princess will have her portion of food,too. But Elayne who sees through Nynaeve's selfless act steals applies for her friend- because she knows that the only way to convince Nynaeve to eat is if there is enough food for both of them.
I do hope some nice friendship moments or even new bonding scenes between those girls make it to the tv show.
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Just consider the fact that Vetinari wears the lilac for a second.
It’s one hell of a political statement, coming from a man who is typically all about being very subtle and understated and keeping his cards close to his chest. Just consider how much of a— aha… ballsy move that is.
He’s openly stating with each passing year that he believed in the Glorious Revolution, that he believed that Lord Winder should have been assassinated, that he believed that police brutality on that scale needs to be stamped out once and for all.
That he believed, and still believes, that unfit rulers should be overthrown.
He meets with aristocrats and the “perennial waverers” as they are termed in the book with a lilac bloom pinned to his robe. He wears a symbol of the hopes and dreams of his youth, every year.
It almost reads as a throwaway statement at the end of an incredibly emotional book, but it’s far from it. There’s so much meaning in the fact that Vetinari wears the lilac and visits the little graveyard each year under the cover of darkness. Is it any wonder that he wound down a corrupt City Watch, and is so vehemently against the prospect of war and loss of life?
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Book Holster // Funky Camelot on Etsy
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Have any of the witches from Discworld been submitted? I don't know if I could do them justice in terms of propaganda.
There have been 2 different witches from Discworld submitted (maybe 3? Is Sam Vimes a witch?)
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I really like that szeth is written and treated like a force of nature rather than a human being. I think hes really funny, but only because hes so unnerving. I think brandon does over the brooding character/sunshine character a bit too much, but i think nightblood was a very good addition to accompany szeths personality. Nightblood isnt human, doesnt act or talk human, yet they still feel more alive and human than szeth does. I think brandon did a genuinely good job with him.
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we simply do not have enough fanart of ronan standing threateningly behind gansey while he monologues. gansey, oblivious in his excitement to teach. ronan, towering over him, an ominous dark cloud, making very direct and very uncomfortable eye contact with u, daring u to interrupt or make fun of gansey or say anything vaguely disapproving. he even drags his thumb across his throat. you know, to imply that he’ll slit ur throat if u do anything wrong. and gansey is talking about tree rings
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I don't have strong feelings over the theory that Mat and Egwene are reincarnations of King Aemon and Queen Eldrene of Manetheren.
However, it's hilarious to imagine that those two, who are probably the least compatible among the main cast, where in a previous life the It pairing. Someone tell Egwene, she'll have an aneurysm!
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I deeply appreciate the fact that Discworld translators add their own terrible, terrible puns.
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I do have a piece of writing advice, actually.
See, the first time I grew parsnips, I fucked it up good. I hadn't seen parsnips sprouting before, right, and in my eagerness I was keeping a close eye on the row. And every time I saw some intruding grass coming up, I twitched it right out, and went back to anticipating the germination of my parsnips.
But it turns out parsnips take a bit longer than anything else I'd ever grown to distinguish themselves visually. It's just the two little split leaves, almost identical to a newly seeded bit of kentucky bluegrass when they first come up, and they take a good bit to establish themselves and spread out flat before the main stem with its first distinctive scallopy leaf gets going.
I didn't get any parsnips, not that year, because I'd weeded them all out as soon as they showed their faces, with my 'ugh no that's grass' twitchy horticulture finger.
The next year, having in retrospect come to suspect what had happened, I left the row alone and didn't weed anything until all the sprouts coming up had all had a bit to set in and show their colors, and I've grown lots of parsnips since. They're kind of a slow crop, not a huge return, but I like them and watching them grow and digging them up, and their papery little seeds in the second year, if you don't harvest one either on purpose or because you misjudged the frost, so it's worth it.
Anyway, whenever I see someone stuck and struggling with their writing who's gotten into that frustration loop of typing a few words, rejecting them, backspacing, and starting again, I find myself thinking, you gotta stop weeding your parsnips, man.
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I'm sorry but it's deeply funny to me that Winder spends approximately 30 seconds in the company of Vetinari and then his immediate reaction when he meets Death is "Another one?"
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manic (gansey) pixie (blue) dream (ronan) girl (adam)
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Stormlight au where everything's the same except Kaladin gets his hands on some imported espresso and ends up vibrating into the spiritual realm and back
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The first half of Wheel of Time from a peasant's perspective is basically "yeah the new king is fucking freaky and angry all the time and always looks at you like he's deciding whether to eat your heart, but my taxes went down by 85% and the road to town got completely repaved. The noble who used to own my land got hanged for something or other so it's actually mine now. Also all the chickens I've hatched this year have had two heads."
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...or maybe the Lady is actually Rincewind's Mother/Creator
Rincewind's self-proclaimed middle name is Luck (first name Bad)
He is described as a "luck sink" in Unseen Academicals (and what do you do in a sink? rinse! not a clue, just a pun)
He gets into dangerous situations (bad luck) but then always survives them (good luck)
Rincewind's mother ran away before he was born-- if taken literally, then this could only occur with magic, so his mother was either a time travelling witch or a goddess
He kept encountering the Number 8, which is considered unlucky to wizards due to the Octavo; 8 looks like an infinity symbol and also sort of like a woman's body -- who is an immortal 'woman'? The Lady (this one is kind of a stretch, I admit)
The Lady has green eyes, some of the official art portrays Rincewind with green eyes
But then who is Rincewind's father if the Lady is his mother? (if a father is even required in this situation) Possible candidates include:
Fate - an enemies-to-rivals-who-fuck romance that produced a child, Rincewind, whose fate is adventure and danger but who also has the good luck to survive it all. (yeah, Fate tried to get Rincewind and Twoflower killed, but maybe he didn't know or even didn't care Rincewind was his son)
Lavaeolus, the Rinser of Winds - who had to go on an oddessey (misspelling intentional) to get home. Maybe the Lady played the role of Circe in his journey, and Rincewind was born as a result (many years in the future, because the Lady decided she needed him at that time for her games with the other gods)
Bill Rincewind - who then, upon finding out he--who as a wizard is meant to be celibate--got a woman pregnant, went out for milk/cigarettes/beer and took the 'wrong' boat, ending up in Fourecks (this is a crack theory)
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