Downtown Abbey
"And how long were you at your last post?" Mrs. Hughes questioned, sitting beside Mr. Carson in his pantry. "5 years Ma'am, it's where I got my start." You answered nervously. "Why did you leave your last job?" Mr. Carson asked, looking down his nose at you. "It's rather embarrassing Sir, and I'd rather not say if possible," you said turning red in the face. "If you want this post then you will say," he sputtered indignantly. "At my last house sir, the Earl he... uh... he tried to...to... take advantage of me." You whispered looking at your lap, eyes tearing up. "Tried? You... your... how ever did you get away?" Mrs. Hughes asked astounded. "I... I punched him in his face Ma'am, and he fell unconscious. That's why I was sacked." You said wishing you could disappear into the carpet. "Well I think.." Mr. Carson started. "I think that is admirable of you Miss, and I'm glad you were able to defend yourself," a deep voice inturrupted. Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes rose and you quickly followed suit, dropping your gaze to the carpet. "Mr. Branson, what can I do for you?" Mrs. Hughes asked. "I've just come to ask you if you might send someone to clean up our bedroom, Sybil fell ill." Tom explained, his gaze on you. "The other house maids are all dispatched for the moment, so you may as well take Y/n. Once you've finished, please come back down, and I will get you outfitted and moved into your room." She said with a side glance at Mr. Carson. "Thank you Ma'am." You said with a small smile before quickly walking out. "Where are you from?" Tom asked from next to you. Dublin", m'Lord". You added quietly shocked that he was bothering to address you. "Please call me Tom, though you pay me a compliment, Lord Grantham is the only Lord in this house." He said with a chuckle. "I mean no disrespect Mr.Branson, but I would feel more comfortable addressing you by your formal name." You said quietly. "Very well, but I insist that you look me in the eye when you address me, I used to be the Chauffeur, so I'm not as the grand as the rest of them I'm afraid." "If you wish Mr. Branson." You said, looking at him for the first time, noticing that he was extremely attractive, and that his blue eyes seemed to be sparkling with mischief. "There now." He said with a grin, as he saw you blush. You began heading to the main staircase, when you paused horrified. "Mr. Branson, I cannot go up these stairs! The family will see me!" You said terrified you would be caught. "I promise that if anyone asks, I will vouch for you." He said laughing at your gaping expression. "Come on then." He said walking on, as you walked quietly behind him. You walked up two flights of stairs, nervous that you'd get into trouble in your first hour of being here. "This is our room, Sybbie are you decent?" Tom called. "Yes, come in." You heard a melodic voice float through the door. A dark haired woman lay in the bed, smiling as you quietly walked in behind Tom. "Hello, I don't believe we've met, are you new?" She asked curiously. "Yes, my lady, today is my first day." You said clasping your hands behind your back. "I'm Sybil, and its lovely to meet you..." "Y/n," Tom supplied. "Y/n." Sybil said with a grin. "It's my honor my lady." You said staring at the floor, unsure of what to do. "I'm afraid she's rather shy, she's barely said 10 words since we've meet" Tom teased. "Don't torture her Tom!" Sybil scolded. "Y/n, would you mind changing these sheets for me?" Sybil asked, "I'm afraid with my condition, I've not been able to move very quickly." She rested her hand on her swollen stomach. "Yes my lady." You said, setting about stripping the bed. Sybil and Tom sat quietly taking in the arm chairs of their room as you worked. You smiled as you saw him lovingly stroke her stomach, and her smiling down at him. You continued your work, and had soon made a pile of all the bed things on the floor. "Would you like anything else done while I'm here my lady and Mr. Branson?" You said from behind the pile of sheets. "Could you let Mrs. Hughes know that we'll be down to breakfast?" Sybil asked. "Yes, my lady." You said curtsying and heading toward the door. "Thank you, Y/n." Tom called behind you. You struggled to close the door behind you, and tumbled out into the hallway, spilling yourself and sheets everywhere. "Here, let me help you with that." A blonde woman offered, begining to gather up sheets next to you. "Thank you, I'm afraid I tripped." You explained sheepishly. "It's alright, my name's Anna, I'm Lady Mary's ladies maid." She said smiling at you kindly. "Y/n, it's very nice to have met you." You said smiling back. "I'll show you the way to the laundry, and where to get fresh sheets if you'd like. Also if you need help with anything, please feel free to ask." She offered. "I'd appreciate that, that's very kind." She led you through the winding staircase to the laundry, where you swapped out the dirty linens for clean ones, before stopping in the kitchen to tell Mrs. Patmore Sybil's request. "So you're the new house maid?" She asked studying you. "Yes Ma'am." "Mrs. Patmore will do lass." "Yes, Mrs. Patmore. Can I make a suggestion, and I hope I'm not over stepping my bounds?" You held your breath waiting for her response. "Say it and we'll see if you've overstepped yourself." She huffed. "Lady Sybil was ill earlier, I was thinking that perhaps you could put some raspberries, mint, and ginger in some tea to calm her stomach. When my sister was pregnant with my Nephew she swore by it." You explained quickly. "That's not over stepping, in fact it's rather a good idea." She said with a smile. "Those are rare, I'd hold onto that if I was you. The names Barrow, Thomas Barrow." A man said shooting you a thin lipped smile "And I'd avoid him if I we're you!" Mrs. Patmore, muttered loud enough for you to hear. "Nice to have met you Mr. Barrow." You said with a small smile. You hurried back upstairs knocking on the door to Sybil and Tom's room, you heard no reply. You were relieved to see that no one was there, so that you could re-dress the bed in peace. Once you had finished, you went to find Mrs. Hughes, who showed you to the room that you would have all to yourself. "Its a little dirty, the last house maid who left left it a bit of a mess, but tonight after you finish your duties, I think they're might be some time for you to sort it out." Mrs. Hughes said with a smile that disappeared so quickly you'd have missed it if you blinked. "Its lovely Ma'am, I've never had a room to myself before." You said gently drawing open the curtains. "Yes, now then, let's put you to work." She said clasping her hands.
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this is so funny
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JULY Writing Challenge
You guys. July is around the corner! How crazy is that? I swear this year is going by so fast! Anyways, I decided to do a little project!
So I decided to make up a list of some disney movies, with the date they will need to be uploaded.
This is where YOU  come in. Are you a writer, or know a writer?! Come join me for a fun Disney AU challenge! With this list, you have until June 30th, 9:00 PM (Pacific time) to choose the movie and character/celebrity you would like to write!
And here’s the cool part! You don’t have to go based off the movie entirely! You could write the fic based off a quote, or a song, or even characters you loved in the movie! It just has to be based from that movie.
With that being said, I will make a master list and update it everyday! What do you say?!
Here’s the list :
Keep reading
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Civil War Reader Insert- Part one
The title sucks, so please feel free to message me with any ideas or suggestions, and as always feedback is always welcome. Warnings: Violence, language, and bad writing, so read at your own risk! "Knock, Knock!!" You heard from the front hallway. "Anybody home?" You turned the corner, bow raised, and stuck it right in the intruders face. "You wanna put that down?" He scoffed pushing it towards the floor. "Don't you know how to work a phone?" You sighed as you put your weapon down on the table. Clint sighed rubbing his face tiredly, before pulling you in for a hug. "Why you so tired of your retired you geezer? I thought you were gonna go golfing everyday?"  You teased. "Shut up, you know I make every hole I play." He said smacking you with his bow. "I could still kick your ass at putt putt!" You said twisting your leg up to smack him in the butt. "Nuh-uh! And don't be such a child!" Clint said putting you into a head lock and giving you a noogie. You flipped him over and pinned him to the ground with his arm behind his back. "Cute, you've learned some new tricks." He groaned. "Nat taught me." You explained letting go and getting up off the ground. "Awesome, I'll have to thank her for that." He muttered sarcastically getting up off the ground. "What do you want?" You sighed, picking up your bow and walking to the kitchen of your apartment. "I need you help, well Steve does, both of us actually." He explained. "Clint I've settled down in a nice neighborhood, I got a job, got a bike, and I like my neighbors, why can't he just call Thor or Banner?"  You asked as you pulled out the milk from the fridge to pour yourself a glass. You took a sip waiting for him to respond. "Well for one thing, they're both M.I.A, and for another, he found Bucky." He said, and you spit your milk out in his face. "Ew!" He said looking at you disgusted. "Sorry, paper towel?" You asked, offering him one. You just heard him muttering something about annoying younger siblings. You took another sip as he began to speak again. "Tony's hunting for him and Bucky, and they need our help." You spat your milk out again. "What the hell is wrong with you!! That's not even necessary!" Clint yelled swearing under his breath. "I know, but it's funny watching you get all splotchy." You smirked as he glared at you from across the table. "Your a pain in the ass you know that?" He said shaking his head. "But you loooove me!"  You sing- songed "Yeah, yeah, are you coming or not?" He said fighting a smile. "When do we leave?" You sighed. That's why two hours later you were hiking through the woods to  create a diversion so that Clint could smuggle Wanda out of the Avengers Tower where Tony had her on lock down. You set the bomb up around a mile away so that anyone guarding her would have to hike out to where you were. The only problem was you had to set it up high enough so that anyone in the tower could see it, and that's why you were currently in a tree. "'Cap needs our help' he says, well Clint how did I get stuck up in a tree in the stupid woods while you get to smuggle her out of that stupid tower? 'I'm the older brother so I know beeeesst. '" You muttered mocking him as you worked on setting the timer. "You know I can hear you right?" Clint asked through the intercom. "Yep! Just wanted to say thanks for dragging me along on this lovely little trip!" You said in a mock- chopper voice, muttering a string of obscenities as you tried to scramble as fast as you could back down the tree. "Uh-huh cause saying the word Steve wasn't enough to get you to come." He whispered through the com. "Listen dumb- dumb, if you don't shut your mouth right now, I'm going to shoot you in  the leg with an arrow from right here."  You threatened blushing bright red at the thought of Steve. Your brother had caught on right away that you had feelings for Steve, and was constantly on your case about it. Especially  after you, having heard about Peggy on the news,  had sent flowers and a card to Steve's apartment, just to let him know he was in your thoughts. You hadn't heard back, though, now that you knew what he was up to, it made sense. "It's funny when you get all splotchy! Cause you have a crush on Cap!!" Clint mocked in a high falsetto. "Shut up stupid and go find Wanda, I'll meet you back at the van. Go time is one minute, fifteen seconds." You said tracking your way back to the van, as quickly and quietly as you could. "Y/n and Steve sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..." Clint continued. You glanced down at your watch, "Crap." You said breaking out into a full sprint, no longer caring about being quiet. You dove behind a tree and covered your head as your watch began beeping.  The ground shook and tree and dirt debris rained down around you. You shook your head and continuied running, that was until your path was blocked. "Y/n, are you alright?  Tony didn't tell me that you were coming to visit." Vision said studying you. "Hey pal, and yep I'm all good, I figured I'd just drop by to say hi." You said trying to be non chalant as you could. "Damn it." You heard Clint mutter in your ear. "Y/n is that an ear piece in your ear?" Vision asked head tilted. "Yeah it's this new blue tooth thing I'm trying, so I can answer calls hands free." You said laughing awkwardly. "You aren't alone." Vision said with a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you go anywhere." "What's that supposed to----" you trailed off as a light shot out from his head. Your body went limp and you let out a scream as you writhed in pain. "I will be right back." Vision said, leaving you alone. "You and Tony can kiss my ass!" You slurred after him. "Y/n? What happened are you ok?!" "Clint, Vision's on his way back, I can't move, I'm sorry." You growled through the com. " I'm going to kill him!!" Clint yelled through the com. "The being ok thing?  I'm gonna have to get back to you." You said trying to get up and stumbling against a tree and groaning loudly. "Don't move, after I take care of this, we'll be right there." Clint ordered. "Ok, I'm just gonna take a nap and relax here then." You said closing your eyes. You  woke up in the back of a van with a bad headache, which made sitting up a near impossible task. "Hey Squirt, how you doing?" Clint asked meeting your eyes in the rearview mirror. "I feel the same as the morning after the  party at Stark's last year when Steve got me to do a shot of Valhalla with him." You groaned grabbing your head. "Oh goodie you're a blast when your hung over." Clint said snarkily. "Shut up and don't call me Squirt." You hissed. "Y/n, I can fix that for you, if your not afraid." Wanda whispered. "I've never been afraid of you Wanda, I've always trusted you." You said sincerely, "But if you can make this go away, we can be besties please just make it stop." You said covering your eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly. "Yes, please Wanda I'll pass out if you don't make it stop." You said trying to keep from blacking out. You felt a hand on your head and the pain suddenly eased. "Thank you, so, so, much!!" You said leaning forward and hugging her. "You're welcome," she laughed quietly. "How'd you get away from Vision?" You asked. "It's a long story." Clint said grumpily rubbing his neck, and pulling into a parking garage. You jumped when you heard a voice from behind you. "Hey guys! How long until... Whoa! The hot chick is up! Hi, I'm ant man, but you can call me Scott, and I'm a big fan, maybe after this we can go to dinner?" He blurted out as you both unbuckled. "Uh you know.." You trailed off. "Scott, you might wanna stop hitting on Clint's sister now?" Wanda teased. "Oh your... His sister ok, so do I still have a shot with dinner or.." Scott trailed off making you laugh. "Shut up Lang you can't date my sister!" Clint yelled getting out of the van. "Who's dating Y/n?" Sam said chuckling. "No one" Clint growled, glaring at Scott. "Hey Sam," you said walking over and giving him a hug, looking over at Steve talking to Bucky. "Hey Squirt." Sam said ruffling your hair. "Hey, first of all, I'm 22 years old and you cannot call me squirt anymore. Secondly, I can take care of myself, Brother dearest, and can date anyone I please, but thank you for your touching concern." You sassed. "So we're on for dinner!?" Scott asked hopefully. "Scott, I think you're a nice guy, but I don't think we would work out." You said gently. "Ooooh tic tac's been shut down!!" Sam laughed. "I'm sorry Scott." You said excusing yourself to grab your gear. "Aw Clint you missed it!" Sam said, "Steve and Sharon totally kissed!" You froze for a minute before busying  yourself with your gear again, when you heard footsteps approaching from behind you. "Hey." You heard him say. "Hey." You said back. "It means a lot that you came. And sorry I didn't call and say thank you for the flowers, but I..." Steve trailed off. "Yeah, you were busy I get it." You snapped. "What's wrong?" He asked looking at you concerned.  "I really am sorry it's just Peggy died, and then I finally found Bucky and now there's Tony, and I am sorry I haven't called or texted or come to see how you were." He made that stupid puppy dog face and you sighed and grabbed your bag out of the back. "I'm sorry about Peggy." You said pulling him in for a hug, "and for snapping it's been a long day." You looked at the ground so he couldn't see your face. "Your brother told me what happened at the tower, are you sure your up for this?" Steve asked laying a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure, just one second." You said covering your mouth and running to the railing. Steve ran up behind you and held your hair back as you threw up. "Ok I'm good let's go." You said wiping your mouth on the back of your jacket. "If you want..." Steve offered "I said I'm fine. Where do you want me?" You said cutting him off. "I need you to circle around to the hangar across from the main terminal and cover us from the roof." Steve said still studying you. "I'm on it." You said grabbing your bag and sliding it onto your back. You began walking to the exit of the parking structure. "Y/n!" Steve called. "Yeah?" You asked turning around. "Be careful." He gave you a tiny smile. You smiled back and rolled your eyes, "I can take care of myself Rogers. You remember, you were the one who offered me a spot on the Avengers right? Or you getting forgetful in your old age?  Make sure you stay sharp Cap.." You shot back. He smiled and shook his head as you began to run. "That's Barton's sister?" Bucky asked in amazement. "Yeah." Steve said back a smile still on his face. "What's her story?" Bucky asked. "She was with the Marines and trained as a sniper, and then worked as a contractor. Barton called her in during the Battle of New York, and she ended up badly injured, about to bleed out. I was the only one who had the same blood type, so I donated not thinking about it, I just wanted to save her. She ended up getting superstrenth and speed, but it's a fraction of ours because it was a low dose. Shield back when it was still Shield, tested her, and found it only kicks in when she or someone else are in danger. She can also use any weapon avalible, is trained in 4 different types of fighting styles, and can do recon like no one I've ever seen. She also can come and go without leaving a trace or making a sound, so her "nickname" is Shadow." Steve explained with a goofy smile on his face.  "You're an idiot if you choose that other girl over her." Bucky said honestly. Steve  laughed watching you disappear over the side of the building. He stood for another minute until the evacuation siren broke him out of his trance. "Ok. Suit up." Steve said getting into Captain mode.
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Partners in Crime
Summary: You are Jamie Regans best friend since childhood, you helped him through Sid leaving, and he helped you after you found out your parents were killed in a car accident, and somewhere along the way you fell for him, but you never could find the right time to tell him.
Y/n- your name Y/l/n- your last name
Warnings: violence
Please tell me what you think!!
“We have a 10-13! I repeat we have a 10-13 over on 13th and Watercrest! Requesting back up and a bus forthwith!”
Jamie radioed frantically, trying to make his way over to Jenko from where he was pinned down by gunfire.
“This is Officer y/l/n and Kelley responding, we are 2 away from the scene.” You replied over the com.
Your partner sped past cars honking and clearing the way as you flew into the scene. You could see officers Jenko and Reagan separated by a building where Reagan was engaging the criminals, Jenko was leaning against the wall weapon in one hand, covering her shoulder with the other.
“Kelley, you pull Jenko behind the car, I’ll help Reagan draw fire away from you.” You said drawing your weapon.
“Copy.” He said nodding.
“Reagan coming in behind you.” You radioed as you hopped out of the car bullets flying past your head. You sprinted towards the building where you ducked for cover.
“What’s the situation?” You asked.
“We responded to a convenience store robbery, the perps had bigger weapons than we expected. as the owner and the two people in the store fled, Jenko caught one in the left shoulder trying to draw their fire away from the civilians, and because of the doorway I couldn’t make it over to her, thankfully you guys showed up, and the bus said it’s 3 out. That was a two minutes ago.” He explained, the both of you leaning with your backs against the wall.
Just then a bus and two other patrol cars arrived on scene, along with Danny and Jackie.
“Hey knuckleheads! What are you doing playing tag with bullets? Haven’t I told you Rookies that’s dangerous?” Danny asked crouching next to you. “Hey Grandpa didn’t even realize you were on the force still, I’d thought you’d retired,” you shot back. “Haha you’re very funny, what’s going on?” Danny asked seriously. Jamie filled in Danny while Jackie and the other officers laid down coverfire so Kelley could pull Jenko out. Once Jenko was clear, and you, Danny and Jamie were safely behind cover, Danny formulated a plan, while Jamie checked on Eddie. You tried to pay attention, but we’re a little distracted by Jamie stroking her hair in the back of the ambulance. “Hey Y/l/n, What the hell is so damn important that you aren’t paying attention?” Danny asked angrily. Jackie smacked him and pointed over at what you were looking at. Danny’s face softening when he saw. He walked over and gently squeezed your shoulder and sighed while you looked at the ground. “Hang in there kid.” Danny said frowning. You just shuffeled your feet and nodded your head. Jamie walked back over, “You guys ready to roll?” “Yup. Jenko ok?” You asked courtly, checking your weapon, avoiding eye contact with him. “Yeah, they said she’s gonna be fine, it hit her vest, but she most likely cracked a few ribbs. You ok?” He asked studying you. “I’m fine. Let’s roll.” You said walking over to the team that you were entering the building with. “Geez.” Jamie said to Danny and Jackie. Jackie just shook her head at him. “You know, for someone who went to Harvard you sure can be stupid sometimes.” Jamie and Danny watched as she walked over to join you, nudging your side. She leaned over to whisper something in your ear and it made you smile, which made Jamie smile as well. “You ok? I’m a detective so I’ll know if your lying.” Jackie threatened jokingly. “I’m good.” You laughed. “Y/n…” Jackie warned. “I’m ok. I just, it’s bad. I mean he’s my best friend and if I tell him it’s ruined, I feel like such a crappy friend because he asks me what’s wrong and I can’t explain what bugging me.” You explained rubbing the back of your neck and chewing the inside of your cheek. “She’s frusturated.” Jamie said observing you. “Huh?” Danny asked. “She chews her cheek when she’s thinking about something, and she rubs her neck when she’s upset. She’s doing both, so she’s frustrated about something. I keep asking her whats bugging her and she won’t let me in, insists everything is fine, but I know her and how she acts when she’s blowing someone off and she’s doing it to me. I can’t figure out what’s the matter.” Danny just laughs and shakes his head, “You really are a knucklehead sometimes kid.”
You, Jamie, Kelley and three officers from another squad took one team, while Danny, Jackie and four other officers took a team to the back. It was Jamie’s turn to enter first, you right behind him.
“You ready?” He whispers.
“Go on three.” You replied.
“1, 2, 3.” He counts.
He kicked the door in , “Police! Drop your weapons!!” Danny, Jackie, and four officers came in from the back. The team’s cleared the aisles two at a time him on the right, you on the left. It was eerily silent as you swept up the first aisle, and you had almost made it to the Pharmacy counter when out of the corner of your right eye, you saw a dark shadow. A perp had a gun aimed at Jamie’s head when you sprung into action. “Jamie get down!”
You yelled as you shoved him out of the way, hearing a bang and firing back, watching the shooter hit the ground. Another perp came from behind you, gun raised but before you could react Jamie had fired two shots into his chest, and you stood daised from the noise. You could hear the blood rushing through your veins.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, Jamie pulling you around to face him, and moving you down an aisle behind cover. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. His face was worried.
“Let’s keep going.“ You said brushing him off.
You missed Jamie’s worried look as you took the lead position.
You both raised your weapons and continued up your half of the aisles finding it clear.
“Clear!” You called, coughing.
“We’re all clear!” You heard Kelley call out.
Jamie turned around to face you, angrily.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” He snapped.
“I was thinking you’d look better without a bullet in the front of your head!” You shot back at him. Begining to walk outside.
“You put yourself in harm’s way, and you could’ve been killed!” He said running his hands through his hair, as you stepped into the streetlight glow.
“That’s part of the job description genius, and don’t act like you wouldn’t have done the same thing!” You said, vision spining as you coughed again, wiping your mouth.
You felt your legs start to quiver, and you started falling backwards, trying to get air in.
Jamie caught you before you sank to the ground, pulling you onto his lap and screaming for paramedics. He ripped open your uniform to revel a blood soaked under shirt. He started to pull at your shirt but you fought him. He grabbed your hands. “Please let me help.” He asked. “No.” You growled. “Can you stop being so damn stubborn for once and let me help you!” Jamie scolded, ripping your t shirt to see where the wound was. Wiping some of the blood away with your shirt. He finally saw it was just below your heart, which made him suck in a breath and mutter “Fuck.” He ripped off his jacket and pressed it to the wound in your chest. While you winced in pain trying to push his hands away.
“Hey you can’t just cop a feel, you have to be goin’ steady with me first”, you trailed off coughing.
“Shut up, just stop talking.” He said yelling again for help.
“I’ll shut up soon enough and you won’t have to hear it anymore.” You muttered. “I Love hearing you talk, but you need to save your energy y/n/n. Where’s my bus?!” Jamie yelled desperately.
“Bus is 10 out!” Kelley yelled back.
Danny and Jackie came running over to you. “ We’re not waiting that long! Get her up and get her in the car Jamie, Jack get the door we gotta go!”
Jamie panicked and picked you up bridal style, still pressing his jacket over your chest, while trying to keep you decent, sprinted to the car. You groaned at being jostled around, and Jackie opened the back of the squad car where Jamie slid in the back with you. Jackie shut the door and hopped in the front just as Danny peeled out onto the street, sirens blaring. Jackie frantically radioed ahead to the hospital that you were 5 minutes out.
Your head begain feeling heavy so you leaned further into Jamie’s arms, and shut your eyes for a second.
“Hey! No sleeping! Remember that time we stole Joe’s car and drove it around the block?” Jamie asked trying to keep you conscious.
You smiled fighting to keep your eyes open, “He chased us down the street in his boxers, you were driving and I was in the passangers seat. Wh- ww- hhen we got back to your house he said if we ever did it again he would drive us to the mob and have us put into the river.”
You started coughing again, and Jamie sat you up so you could clear your air way, pulling you to his chest and keeping the pressure on your wound.
“A minute out!” Jackie yelled.
“I haf-ta-tell you somethin”, you slurred, “case…”
You trailed off.
Jamie was holding back tears trying to keep his voice steady.
“What do you mean? Your fine, there’s barely even a scratch.” He said as a tear rolled down his cheek.
You closed your eyes using all your strength to fight to get out the words.
“Hey, just cause I’m not from Havard doesn’t mean I’m stupid.“ He let out a strangled laugh. “I’ve liked you since we were 16, n’ didn’t wanna mess up anything between us by getting all sappy. Needed to tell you. Cause don’t know if I get to say it ‘gain. Sor-so-rry .” You trailed off, sinking further into Jamie.
“No! Come on y/n we’re here!” Jamie said shaking you gently.
“Love you.” You whispered, slipping into unconsciousness.
Danny pulled up to the emergency room where the trauma team met you along with Linda. Jamie put you on the gurney where you were immediately rolled away, Jamie running next to you holding your hand, Jackie and Danny right behind you.
“Sir, were going to have to take her directly back into surgery which is a restricted area, you can’t come back here.” A nurse who was hooking up your iv told him.
“Shes my best friend!!”
“Jamie she needs help you have to let her go.” Jackie said pulling his arm.
“I can’t leave her Jackie, please!” Jamie pleaded.
“Jamie you have to let her go, it’s her only chance.” Linda said firmly.
The hallway ended with double doors. Danny grabbed Jamie holding him back, a your fingertips slidding out of his grasp. Jamie began fighting him. “Let me go Danny!” Jamie said angrily. “Jamie, calm down. She needs help, and you can’t help her by distracting the doctors. All we can do is wait and pray alright?” Danny asked. Jamie just stared at the door. “Hey! Alright?!” Danny asked shaking him to catch his attention. “I Love her. ” Jamie whispered, tears streaking down his face.
Danny released him keeping a hand on his back, and they stood numbly watching the doors you disappeared through, still swinging open and closed. Jackie gently took a hold of his arm and she and Danny lead him back to the waiting room. He dropped himself into a chair and put his head in his hands, praying to God that he wouldn’t lose his best friend.
To be continued…
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Captain America: Civil War - Trailer!!!!!!! 
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Steve Rogers isn’t a hero because he’s Captain America
Captain America is a hero because he’s Steve Rogers
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A Supernatural Snowday
Warnings: Language! "Babe wake up! It's snowing!!" Dean said shaking you gently. "No Dean 5 more minutes." You grumbled turning over. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Dean said smiling as he quoted your favorite Disney movie. You sleepily rolled over to see his green eyes sparkling with excitement as he sat next to you on your bed. "Pppllleeeassseee!" He begged giving you those damn puppy dog eyes, that he knew you couldn't resist. You surprised him by saying "5 more minutes." You said rolling back over. "Babe come on! Pretty pretty please!" He was pleading now, which was a new low for him, he continued shaking you. Suddenly he stopped and got up off the bed, you exhaled happy he was complying with your request. You placed the pillow over head as a blinding white light filled the room. "Dean!" You yelled aggravated. He laughed and you heard a strange noise coming from where he was standing. "I know how to get you out of bed." He said, and you could tell by the way he said it that he was smirking. "Sorry babe, but you made me do this." "Dean I swear to God if you tickle me I will murder..." You felt you shirt being lifted which should've clued you in, but in your sleepy state it didn't register until it was too late. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" The snow hit your lower back stunning you for a moment, giving Dean who was grinning wolfishly a minutes head start to run. "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN I'M GONNA KILL YOU WINCHESTER!" You yelled as you took off after him, leaving sheets and pillows in your wake. As you skidded around the corner, Sam came out of his room with his gun raised at the sound of your yelling. "Y/n what's wrong are you ok?" "Your asshole brother put snow down my shirt!" You yelled still furious. "Wanna prank him?" Sam said with a smirk. "What do you suggest?" You asked smiling at the thought of getting Dean back. "Ok so here's what we do..." Sam said quietly. "Dean! Come out I wanna build a snow man! " You called trying not to laugh. "No! Your gonna get me back!" He called from somewhere in the bunker. "But I have a special outfit on!" You called, having put on your Eskimo costume from high school, the one that fit you perfectly. "Eskimos like to warm up once they come inside, if I go outside by myself guess I'll have to warm up by myself..." You heard the door to Deans room cautiously open and he walked out carefully checking behind the corners for any kind of attacks that might be waiting. He saw you standing in the living room in the costume, and he grinned looking at you like a starving man looks at a warm meal. "Did I mention you have to catch me first?" You said with a grin running out the door, with Dean hot on your heels. "Now Sammy!" You called as Dean came out the door. With that three feet of powdery snow rained down onto Dean. He realized too little too late what had happened and got stuck under a pile of snow. You ran up to him and wiped his face off, and grabbed the top hat and scarf and put them carefully onto Dean, while Sammy climbed down off of the roof. Dean looked back at them with a mixture of shock and admiration as he realized they had teamed up to take him down. "You know Dean, I think you make an adorable snowman, better than Olaf." Sam said with a grin as his brother tried to burn a hole into his head while he struggled to free himself from his snowy prison. "Babe, a little help please?" Dean begged you from the spot he was stuck. "Maybe after a picture!" You exclaim brandishing a camera. "Cas!" You call. Cas flashes in with a flutter of wings. "You need my help?" Cas asks head tilted to one side. "Can you take our picture with the hottest snowman ever made please?" You ask smiling at Dean, who against his best effort smiles back at you. "Sure." Cas says giving you one of his rare smiles. "Three... Two.... One, Smile!" Cas says. You turn and kiss Dean on the cheek while Sammy makes a silly face and gives Dean some bunny ears. "One nice one, one of Dean and me, and then the bros, and then a group selfie and then we can be done." Dean lets out a groan, hating to pictures. "Babe if you'd just take a simple selfie with me once and a while, we wouldn't need to take such drastic measures." You said innocently. You straightened up and wrapped an arm around Dean and the other around Sam and smiled, Cas counted down and took the picture. For the one of you and Dean, you kissed him on the lips, and for the picture of the guys, they all made goofy faces. Even Cas which surprised you and made you laugh. You convinced them to do a nice one, and then all crowded together for a selfie. One nice, and one silly one of course. You and Sam kissed Dean on the cheeks and Cas gave you both bunny ears. You laughed as you walked into the bunker, when Deans voice rang out, "Uh, you guys forgetting something?" You and Sam turned to each other, "I don't think we're forgetting anything, do you y/n?" "Oh my scarf!" You yelled running back over to Dean. "Thanks for holding this babe!" You kissed him on the cheek and ran inside and slammed the door on the way in giggling. "Cas can you flash him in please and make sure he doesn't have pneumonia or hypothermia?" Dean appeared sitting on the couch, still in the top hat looking confused. "Thanks Cas." He said turning to glare at Sam and pretend glare at you. "I guess you don't want this nice warm hot chocolate I just made you then. Guess I'll drink it and get warm myself." You said feigning indignity. Dean stood up and walked over to you with a smirk, coming to rest his head on your shoulder. "My little Eskimo, I know a way to warm you up." He growled into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "Later." You said promising him with a kiss. You lay in bed, with Dean's arms wrapped around your waist, and sighed happily as you watched snow continuing to fall softly on the ground. Dean propped himself up on one arm, to study your face. "What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly. "M' how today was perfect, and how I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else but you." You said turning so you could stare up at him, and run your fingers through his hair. "Do you wanna know a secret?" He asked you against your forehead. "What is it?" You replied. "I Love you." You smiled up at him tracing his jaw. "I Love you too." He kissed you on the lips and pulled you closer to him, holding you as close to as possible. He ran his fingers through your hair slowly untangling the knots and massaging your scalp. As you lay in the warmth of your best friend and love's arms you felt full of warmth and happiness. "Hey Dean?" "Yeah Babe?" "When I'm with you it's like I'm home." "I was about to say the same thing Princess." He said smiling. "Hey babe?" "Hm?" "When I'm with you the cold never bothers me anyway." He laughed into your hair. "Y/n, you are someone worth melting for." You both giggled at the cheesy puns as the storm raged on outside, knowing that you had your Love to keep you warm.
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In the Safety of his Arms
Warnings: I wrote this when the Ebola scare was a big thing, so that's the only warning I'm pretty sure. You lie in bed shivering with the blankets pulled up around your ears. The cough started on Tuesday, along with the bathroom issues. You had only had a slight fever yesterday, with a stuffy nose but today, you had woken up sick to your stomach, with a fever of 102, and no matter how high you turned up the heat, or how many layers you added, you just couldn't stay warm. Your phone was laying next to your bed, and you knew you should call out of work but you couldn't find the energy to pull off the covers and walk over to you desk, so you just lay in bed. You had used up all your cough medicine the last time you were sick, and you hadn't gotten any food from the grocery store, all that remained in your fridge was some beer and lettuce, the situation in the cabinets was pretty much the same, with a can of frosting, and some stale bread, not exactly the ideal sick meal. You let yourself lie in bed, and soon you fell into a restless sleep. Your phone buzzed in the distance, but you remained unaware and uncaring as you slept on. You had missed three calls, and unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend was getting increasingly worried as you ignored the calls, and still hadn't shown up for work. You missed the key turning in your locks, and the door swinging quietly open and closed as he quietly walked in gun drawn in case you were in trouble he cleared the living room and kitchen, and slowly approached the door to your bedroom. The door turned and he walked in stunned to see you sleeping in bed. He quietly holstered the gun and walked over to the bed, and sat down and seeing you shiver gently put his good hand on your head. He frowned as he realized how unusually warm and sickly pale you were. "Y/n. Y/n, sweetie wake up." You groggily opened your eyes to see Bucky worriedly looking down on you. "Go away I'm sick and I look awful. You should be here." You made a lame attempt at tugging the covers over your head but Bucky gently caught your arm and placed it under the covers. "Did you take any meds? When did you last eat? Have you had anything to drink?" "No, dunno, and yesterday?" You responded weakly. He stood up to go look in the bathroom cabinet, and seeing it was empty pulled out his phone as he walked out to the kitchen to inspect what you had. "Steve? Hey, y/n is sick, she's pretty bad off I think it's flu, but I'm not sure. Can you let Director Coulson know she probably won't be in for a few days, and can you pick up some stuff and drop it off? I don't wanna leave her alone." He said quietly. "Leave Steve alone Buck and leave before you get sick, I'll be fine.." You broke off in a coughing fit. Bucky came in quickly to help you sit up and drink some water. "You can't even sit up on your own y/n." He said quietly. Damn him and damn your weak body. "I'll be ok, just go, what if I get sick? I don't want you to see me like this." You said struggling to keep down the water he had just given you. "Relax y/n, I've taken care of Stevie like this plenty of times, hell he's been way worse, besides I still think you look gorgeous." He said smiling as he brushed the hair out of your face. You faintly smiled back at him, and then you were overcome with the need to puke and you struggled out of bed and past him to get to the bathroom, trying to shut the door, but he was right behind you. He held your hair and gently rubbed your back as you leaned your head in the toilet and puked your guts out. He gently pulled you back to rest against him once you were done, giving you a few minutes just in case you were sick again. You were so embarrassed you let a few tears slide down your face, but Bucky just wiped them away humming and continuing to gently rub your back. "Hey, it's ok. Everybody gets sick, it's nothing to be embarrassed about y/n. Are you ok enough for me to help you back into bed?" You nodded your head yes. He stood up, and before you even realized, he was bending over and scooping you up into his arms. He carefully walked over to the bed and laid you down, taking care to tuck the cover in tightly around you. As he stood up the door bell rang, and he placed a kiss on your forehead and turning on the tv as he went to answer it. "Hey Steve, thanks for doing this." "Hey Buck, not a problem, I owe you for all the times you took care of me. How's she holding up?" Steve asked " As to be expected, I think she'll be better once she gets some meds and fluids in her, and I'm gonna try to get her to eat." "M not hungry." You said under your breath from the bedroom. "Well were gonna try some crackers ok? For me?" Bucky called from the kitchen. Damn super solider hearing. You heard footsteps and looked up to see Steve smiling down at you from the doorway. "Weren't you making cracks at me a few months ago for not being able to take care of myself when I was all beat up?" "Shut up Rogers and go away I already know I look like hell." You muttered shivering. "Stevie don't agitate her or she'll try'n get out of bed." "Sorry y/n." Steve said smiling, and you glared back at him. "Can you give her some meds? I wanna try to get her fever down." Bucky called. "No." You growled eyes narrowing. "It tastes nasty I don't want it." "You have to take it y/n, your fevers too high we need it to go down." Steve tried to reason. "I said no." You said though chattering teeth, refusing to budge. "Steve watch the soup and I'll give her the medicine." Bucky said. Steve waked away from the door and you saw your chance. You slowly got out of bed and made your way over to the bedroom door and began to close it, but before you could fully close it, a metal hand grabbed the door, preventing you from closing it any further. "Y/n. Open the door now." Bucky said growing a little impatient. "I don't wanna have the medicine." You said quietly. He removed his hand and you let go of the door, thinking you had won, when the door flew open and Bucky picked you up by your waist and carried you like a football over to the bed. He gently sat you down, but jerked the covers up over you. "You wanna act like a stubborn little kid, fine, but I'm not leaving until your better so your going to have to deal. You helped me out after I got out of Hydra and I get you can take care of yourself, but the thing is you don't have to all the time. Please let me help you." Bucky said pleadingly with his big blue puppy dog eyes. "Ok." You sighed. And he helped you to sit up and unwrapped the bottle of night time medicine. He quickly read the label and dolled out the correct dosage and held it out to you. "But it tastes yucky." You pouted. "I know baby but it's gonna make you get better." He said not relenting. You carefully took the tiny cup and tried to slug it back as fast as you could. The bitter taste of medicine made you shiver, but Bucky held you close until you stopped some. He stood up to leave but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Can you lay with me? I can't get warm." You said shivering still. "Baby I would love to do that, but your sick." He whispered back. "No no just like cuddle because your warm." You explained quickly, blushing. "Let me walk Steve out and sure, I'll be right back." "Ok." You slurred. "I Love you." You said quietly as he walked out. He stopped and turned back around. "I Love you more." He said with a grin spreading across his face. He walked out into the kitchen and quietly closed the door behind him. "Hey, thanks for all your help Steve, I really appreciate it and I know she does too. Even though she's stubborn as hell and won't admit she needs help with anything." Steve smiled "Yeah I have never met anyone like that before ever." Bucky scoffed "Really you wanna go there? I used to have to tuck the bed sheets in tight to make sure you wouldn't get out of bed and follow me to work! You never listened to me or the doctor! " Steve laughed at the memory, "Hey I'm just glad that we don't have to go back to that time, I'm perfectly happy with the way things turned out, except for Peggy not being here and all the secrets there are now a days." He frowned. His phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. Bucky watched Steve out of the corner of his eye, busying himself with tidying up the sink. Steve hung up the phone with a frustrated sigh. "What is it?" Bucky asked concerned. "They need us on a mission, apparently a group of HYDRA agents have taken over a bank down town and are threatening to start killing off the hostages." "Why can't somebody else go? Y/n needs me Steve, I'm not gonna leave her by herself." "Bucky go I'll be ok." You say stumbling out of the bedroom. You tripped on your comforter and nearly fell flat on your face but you were able to brace yourself. Bucky and Steve were by you side and helping you carefully to your feet in 3 seconds flat. "Y/n, you cannot stay here alone. You are a danger to yourself currently, I'm staying with you." "Those people are gonna die Barnes, you can't let that happen." You said stubbornly as you struggled through another coughing fit. You missed the terrified look Bucky was making as he rubbed your back. He nervously said "Fine then Sam is going to get his butt over here to take care of you until I get back." "You better come back." You muttered. "You better be here when I get back." He whispered back. "Go on get out of here!" You swatted at him. "Go get into bed." He says. "But..." "Bed. Now. Or I don't leave." "Okay Bossy Barnes."You slurred wagging your finger. Steve doubled over laughing and exclaimed "Bossy Barnes! I shoulda thought of that!" "Yeah yeah your both hilarious lets go." With that Bucky carefully scooped you and your comforter up and carried you off to your bedroom. He carefully put you down again and tucked the comforter and sheets into place, finally tucking the blankets around you tightly. "Stay in bed until Sam comes ok? He's on his way and please don't give him a hard time?" Bucky asks smoothing the hair away from your face. "You're the only one I give a hard time, there Buddy." You say laughing a little. "Lucky me." He said with a dramatic sigh. "Please be careful. Steve you'd better bring him home in the same condition as when he left!" You called out. "I promise he'll come home the same way he left y/n." "Thanks Steve, Same goes for you! Same goes for him Barnes." You said seriously. "Love you." He said kissing you gently on the forehead and standing. "Love you too." You whisper to his retreating form. He smiles at you from the doorway and then is gone. You shivered at the realization that your now alone until Sam shows up, and you feel embarrassed that your friend is going to be taking care of you. Bucky was stubborn and you know that if you tried to leave he would stop what you were doing to come and find you. Two minutes later you heard the door open and Sam walk in. "Y/n?" "In here Sam." You fought your way through another coughing fit. Just then Sam walked in and he stood there in shock like he'd seen a ghost. "Hey I get I look bad you don't have to make me feel worse." You joked but Sam just stood there staring at you, and pulled out his phone. "Sam?" You ask beginning to get worried. "Hello? Yes I'm going to need an ambulance, I have a women here with a high fever and she's begun to cough up blood, she needs immediate medical attention." You were confused and rubbed your mouth, when you pulled your hand away, it came back crimson, with blood. Sam hung up the phone and walked quickly over to your closet and began to pull out clothes to wrap you in. First he helped you put on a sweater on over top of you long sleeve pajama top, then a sweatshirt and then a coat and you could barley put your arms down to your sides. You asked him to grab your purse and he tried to give you a hug but you pushed him away and he looked hurt. "We don't know what it is, it could be contagious." You explained and he nodded his head. The EMTs arrived wearing masks and a hazmat suit and had you and Sam put on masks yourselves. Sam had called Coulson to let him know what was happening, and he was about to call Bucky but you asked him not to as they wheeled you out on the gurney. Sam looked at you confused "He needs to worry about the hostages, if you call him he's going to stop what he's doing and come to the hospital, its not like he's going to be of any help there." Sam hesitantly closed his phone, both of you were thinking of how he was going to be pissed as hell when he found out what had happened. 2 hours later: Bucky stormed into the hospital with Steve rushing to catch up to him, Bucky hadn't even waited for Steve to park, just jumped out of the car and started walking. He walked up to the main desk. "Infectious disease ward." He barked. "Third floor." A timid nurse replied eyes wide. "Thank you!" Steve called to her with a smile as he slid into the elevator just as the doors slid shut. Sam was on the next floor waiting nervously for Bucky and Steve to arrive, they had just finished with the mission when Coulson had called then to let them know what was happening. Sam had been tested for ebola, the same disease you had, but had come back negative, so he currently was kept in a small room where he would quickly talk to Bucky and then be sent home to be isolated for 21 days. The door flew open and Bucky stormed in. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING WILSON?" He ask shaking Sam. "I SAID CALL ME IF SHE GETS WORSE. ME. NOT COULSON. ITS MY CALL IF I DECIDE TO LEAVE A MISSION. THERE ARE SEVEN OTHER QUALIFIED PEOPLE ON THE TEAM TO CALL, AND ONLY ONE OF HER." Bucky yelled. Steve pulled him off and pushed him against the wall. "Snap out of it Buck! It's not Sam's fault so stop yelling at him!" "Tell me you'd be different if that was Peggy." Bucky stared angrily at Steve, and Steve wouldn't look back at him. "That's what I thought." Bucky pushed Steve off and jerked the door open. "She... She said not to call." Sam said quietly behind him. Bucky turned around quickly,"What? Why? It wasn't Coulson who ordered you not to call?" "No, y/n didn't want you to leave because of her, she said that you needed to be there where people were in danger and that she didn't want you to come here and just worry and not be able to do anything. I'm sorry I should've called." Sam said. "Of course she did. I'm very sorry Wilson I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, and sorry for shaking you. Thank you for taking care of her." Bucky said walking out the door. "He really didn't mean it, I'm sorry he did that to you Sam. Are you alright?" Steve said. "Yeah I'll be fine, and hey I get it, I'll be praying for them." "How bad is she?" Steve asks nervously. "She's really bad off Steve. They aren't going to let him in to see we because she's contagious." Sam warned. "I don't think that's gonna fly." Steve said with a sigh. "I DONT FUCKING GIVE A DAMN THAT IM NOT A FAMILY MEMBER WHERE IS SHE?!" "I gotta go." Steve said running out of the room. You woke up heard yelling from down the hall, yup, you thought, Bucky's here. Two nurses and Steve were chasing after him, "Sir that is a restricted area, she has ebola, highly infectious disease. " A nurse said gripping his metal arm. Bucky turned and hissed something back at them that you couldn't hear. "I go where she goes." "Buck please listen!" Steve pleaded. "Like hell." He muttered and then Bucky pulled himself from the nurses grasp and pushed through the doors, causing an alarm to go off and your heart rate to spike. "Your not" wheeze "supposed to" wheeze "be in here." "Neither are you Princess." He forces a smile and fights back tears as he takes in your condition. Your face is whiter than the sheets your laying on, your lips are chapped and dry, and blood stains the corner of your mouth. He walks over and gently sits down next to you on the bed. He brushes the hair out of your face and reaches around you to cradle your neck pulling you towards him, he studies you for a moment. He carefully wipes away the blood that is left on your mouth with his sleeve and you quietly ask "Bucky?" Before you can react, his lips are crashing into yours and he is kissing you long and hard. Your heart monitor is going off the charts, showing everyone exactly what your boyfriend does to you. He gently pulls back and smiles at you in that heart wrenching grin of his. Your fighting for air as you ask, "What the hell did you just do?" Horrified and insanely happy at the same time. "There's a saying, something I was taught when I was very young. You only say it to someone that you care very much about, someone you would die for. There is only one other person I've ever said this to, Steve, and now I'm going to say it to you. You mean the world to me, I've found my better half in you, you brought me back from the edge, and now it's my turn. I'm not letting you go that easy y/n, cause I Love you more than anything and I'm with you till the end of the line." Tears began running down your face as you realized that Bucky was determined to be wherever you were, come hell or high water. His tears mirrored you own as he was sad and incredibly happy at the same time. "But what if you get sick?" You asked coughing again. Bucky helped you to sit up and take a drink of water. "Listen to me, I'm not gonna get sick because I'm not as strong as you are so I wouldn't be able to fight it like you. Also the super solider serum doesn't allow me the luxury of being sick." "In that case, do you think maybe we can kiss again? I think it's helping me better." You said smiling for the first time all day. He gave you a huge shit eating grin and carefully pulled you toward him again. He broke off the kiss as soon as he sensed you were having trouble breathing, and hopped up on the bed next to you, carefully wrapping his arms around you being careful that he didn't hurt you in anyway. He kissed you one last time on your temple, and you began to slowly fell asleep in the arms of the person you cared about the most. "Love you." You murmured, not caring who was observing the two of you because after all, you were with him till the end of the line.
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