aidanezra · 2 years
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Happiness is Fleating (Part One)
A/N: Long time, no see! I am so sorry for disappearing. Completely lost motivation to do much of anything creatively. And got sick, again. I'm okay now though, just some chronic illness stuff but I'm going to try and bounce back, hopefully with some more original works and maybe fics of heartstopper, dbh and stranger things. As well as anything in my drafts lol.
I've never seen a crossover with Doctor Who and Detroit: Become Human, anywhere. I know this is definitely a very specific niche and I hope those of you who enjoy my writing will enjoy it! It should be at least a two-parter, this just being the start of it. As always, I'm figuring out the plot as I go, anywho, I hope you all enjoy it! And again, gif choice has very little to do with plot lol.
Summary: Reader is devastated after the death of Connor during the fight for android rights, in denial, they use the Tardis to go back in time the day before he died, but The Tardis has other plans.
Theme: a lot of angst, sorry
Setting: a world where equal rights exist except for intelligent ai, also in the dbh universe where the doctor who universe merges.
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader, Father!Hank x Son!Connor, Reader x Connor
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human, Doctor Who
Warnings: swearing, character death, grief, alcohol
Words: 2,391
<-Previous || Next-> (To be Continued)
"Hey, hey, stay. Please, stay." I practically whisper to Connor. I've held him in my arms for who knows how long, awaiting the doctor as he finishes off some Cybermen. He told me to stay here and keep Connor awake until Ten could come help. It's been so long and I don't think he's going to last any longer. The blue blood seeping from the gash on his side, looking at it makes me feel so hopeless and fearful that this is it. "Please stay, I can't lose you, Connor."
"Do me a favor, travel with the Doctor, and live your life. Please don't fret over me, I'll be okay." A soft smile creeps upon his features, his free hand, the one not holding onto his wound, reaches up to brush against my cheek. I hold his hand there with mine, the waterfall of tears threatening to fall.
"What about Hank? He needs you, Connor, you need him." I turn my head to place a gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. It's cold, his heaters have failed already.
"He'll be okay," Smiling again as he pauses, his blinking begins to slow. He continues, practically reading my mind, answering the questions yet to make it from my throat. "You'll be okay too. The Doctor will take care of you."
"You'll be okay." He mutters, throwing me one last smile before his systems shut down, everything slowing and turning off. And he's gone. He's already gone.
I hold him closer to me, rocking back and forth as I'm riddled with debilitating sobs. I move his hair out of his face, tangling my fingers in his locks, leaning my forehead down to touch his. Tears finally escaping from the confines of my eyes, dripping onto his cold--dead features. I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him and now he's gone.
I stay there, the lifeless Android held tightly in my arms. I lose track of time, letting it flow past me and letting grief evelope my being. Rocking him, whispering what good he could have done, muttering sorries while holding back sobs. Apologizing for failing him and letting him die.
Voices call out my name, muddled by the pain-stricken in my heart, a pair of hands gently pulls me away and up to stand. I close my eyes, ignoring the others around me. When I look back, I see someone take away Connor, carrying him away to whoever the hell knows. I scream, trying to run after him, to take him in my arms and somehow bring him back. I'm restrained as I struggle against their grip, screaming bloody murder. They've taken him, he's gone, he's really gone.
"Y/N, you know you can't bring him back. He's gone." Ten tries to reason with me, he's been trying for the past few hours. But I could care less. I have a fucking time machine at my whim and I'm going to use it.
"Yes, I can. Him dying wasn't supposed to happen and you know that." I snap at him, running around the console, flipping switches, turning a couple knobs, and pressing a few buttons in the process.
"You could create a paradox! Not even remembering you saved him!" He counters, trying to pull me away from the console, I wiggle from his grip, jumping to push the final lever. It bangs, the Tardis whirring to life.
"I don't give a shit about paradoxes, he needs to be alive." I stare blankly at him, gripping onto the console, readying for the usual turbulence.
"Fine, you do this. But if you fuck up, don't come crying to me." His lips form a straight line, as he stares daggers at me, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet in the ground.
I roll my eyes, "I don't fuck up." Pursing my lips, I play with my next remark, weighing the consequences. "Unlike you."
He lets out a small sound, only to be described as a growl. Wow, mature. He steps back, anger painted on his features as the Tardis comes to a stop. I step back, turning on my heels and running out the TARDIS doors, yanking them open. I slam them shut, stepping out and onto the grass of the Earth before me.
"Y/N!" the Doctor practically growls as I hear him run after me, I walk farther away from the Tardis, looking for any sign of what day it is. I meant to come back the day before he died, to keep him far from the fight. So he wouldn't-- Nevermind.
The Doctor reaches me, his hand grasping my shoulder tightly, "Be careful."
"Sure." I hiss through clenched teeth, venom dripping from my voice. He cringes, regretting what he said before.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes, features softening.
I break from his grip, finding a digital newspaper laid on the bench not too far from where I stood. I grab a hold of it, then look beside me, noticing where I am. I'm stood in the park that looks over all of Detroit, I have no clue what park it is or in what relation to everything else it is. But I know what happened here. I look down at the newspaper tablet in hand, inspecting the date. when I find it, strategically placed in the top right corner, I throw it on the ground.
"Goddamn Tardis!" I yell, running my hands through my hair half hazardly, ready for another breakdown.
The Doctor must've followed me because when I turn to stalk towards the Tardis, he stands there, stopping me. "What is it?"
"Did you do it? Huh? Did you change the coordinates so you could get your fucking way?" I seethe, ready to stomp off, but he stops me. Looking at me with an innocently concerned gaze.
"Change the coordinates? No, I don't even know how to do that!" He yells back, turning on his heels to face away from me, ready to jump back into the TARDIS himself.
"Then what the hell happened?" I yell, chasing after him. He reaches the TARDIS, attempting to open the doors. Nothing, it doesn't budge. He tries to unlock it with his key, still nothing. Sonic, nothing. Brute force? Also nothing.
"She locked us out. She changed the coordinates. One of us must be needed here." He sighs, kicking the ground.
"Why the hell the day after he died?! That does nothing!" I throw my hands in the air, storming off. I head over to the railing that looks over the river. I shove my head into my hands. Tears threatening once again to fall. I hold them back, trying to keep my composure.
He stays silent, standing beside me at the railing. I raise my head to look over at the view, trying to come up with any reason as to why she brought us here. Why today of all days? I swear I set the exact date and time- Why would she do this, why would she change it?
"What do you think happens today?" Ten asks me, his hands having hold on the railing, keeping himself steady. I shrug, letting out a sigh of frustration, and anger-- everything that I could possibly be feeling at the moment. Hatred, sadness, grief- all of it.
"I don't know. I only know what was meant to be, what happened before. I- I never knew what happened today. If anything." He rests his hand on my upper back, trying his best to console me. Guess he's given up on anger.
"We need to find Hank." He tells me bluntly, in a tone that's expectant, expectant of me. But why?
"What good would he do? I'm sure he's furious with me." I let my gaze direct itself to him, my eyes meeting his. His expression is so soft, eyes glinting with something I can't even find the words to describe, his mouth formed in an understanding frown, eyebrows knitted as if I just told him everything I had bottled up. He looks as if he read my mind and my heart and knew all my thoughts and feelings with a single look. Breathe in.
"I don't know, but if he isn't the puzzle piece, he may lead us to what truly is." He holds my shoulders gently, his lips twitching up into a soft grin. Breathe out.
"Fine," Breathe in. "It's worth a shot I suppose." Breathe out. I go in for a hug, wrapping my arms tightly around him, "This doesn't mean I've forgiven you by the way. I'm still cross with you." As I say that, I press my face into his chest, hiding, hoping that if I hold onto him tight enough, I'll fade away and never feel again. Never exist again.
"Noted." He lets out a soft laugh, then pats my back as I step out of his grasp.
"So Hank's place, should we start our search there or the bars?" I ask, my hand reaching out to him.
He takes my hand in his, "The bars."
"Five bars and we've come up with nothing! Zip! Zilch!" I groan in frustration, kicking the ground with my foot as I dig my hands deeper into my pockets.
"What about Jimmy's bar? That's where we first met him, maybe he's there." He suggests, his shoulders shrugging, hopelessness painted in the browns of his eyes.
"He could be home as well," I add, wrapping my arms around myself as I gaze around me. It's decently cold, and it feels like it may snow soon. The road we stand on is completely abandoned, with no sight of another person, Android, or even a car.
"He could be, but there's a higher chance we'll find him at Jimmy's. He did just lose..." Ten then stops himself when he sees my expression fall, furrowing his eyebrows and then taking a sharp breath. He looks away, "I'm sorry." His hands are stuffed in his pockets when he looks back at me. "I really am. I am so sorry."
"Jimmy's bar then." I change the subject, looking away from him down the long and winding road before us. Littered with protest signs and..Android parts? But we just won the revolution yesterday? Maybe it's old, yet to be picked up and taken care of. And how did I not notice this until now?
"Allons-y!" He puts on a goofy grin, trying to lighten my mood as he holds out his hand for me, wiggling his fingers. I take his hand in mine and he runs. Again.
We take a few corners down the sidewalk along closed down buildings, lights off, and closed signs out. This doesn't feel right. I haven't seen one building besides the bars in town that are open or at least look semi-taken care of. We take a right at an intersection, where a grocery outlet is sat on the corner, aka the only open building I can see. I look in and for a second I think I'm seeing things when I see a speckle of brown hair poking up, an Android jacket donning on the person in ownership of the brunette locks. I stop Ten, my hand gripped onto his jacket sleeve. I stand there for a moment, trying to get a good look at the serial number on the jacket. The Android moves closer to the door, down an aisle and I catch a closer glimpse -- RK...800? No, no, it can't be!
"Ten..." I whisper and he catches my gaze, as I point over to the Android with Connor's hair and jacket.
"It can't be.." He grabs my hand in a tight grasp, turning me around and away from the grocery outlet, making a run down the sidewalk. We turn another corner to the right and we find the Jimmy's bar sign just a block away. This time we speed walk, our fingers intertwined with one another, whether for comfort or for security.
"You think he's here?" I whisper, gazing into the window of the small and very worn-down bar.
"Like you said, it's worth a shot." He gives me a warm half-smile, shrugging his shoulders.
"I suppose," I give him the same smile before looking forward again and opening the door. We step inside one after the other, me first with him following--our hands still intertwined--as the bell rings indicating our presence. I look around the room, a lot of middle-aged men sat in the booths that line the wall, a few younger-looking blokes sat at the bar--except for one. Hank is sat in the middle of the bar, his gray hair pulled up. Since when did he pull up his hair?
"Hank!" I call to him, waving as I make my way to sit in the vacant barstool next to him. He turns to me, donning a warm smile.
"Oh! Y/N! And the Doctor! I thought you two left yesterday?" He exclaims, waving back. Ten then takes his spot next to me, his hand resting on my leg.
"We intended to, but we felt like it was too soon. I uh, wanted to check on you, Hank." I try to give a soft smile, but I end up failing, turning into a faded grin.
"Why'd you need to check on me? I'm fine!" He assures me, my gaze moving to the door behind him.
The bell on the door rings again and out of curiosity, I gaze over. My jaw drops a bit, and Ten must catch my dumbfounded expression when his head turns in the direction of the door as well.
"Is that...?" I whisper, my hand flying to hold his.
"Why is your face like that? You look like you saw a fuckin' ghost, Y/N." Hank chuckles, bringing his drink up to his lips and then downing it in one go. I cringe, the idea of drinking that grosses me the fuck out. Must hurt like hell too. I shake my head, gaze still locked on the new customer. Connor. Connor's alive? I swear he was.. That he was gone?
"Well, I think I did." I sigh, my breath shaking. Hank follows my gaze towards the door.
"Connor?" His voice wavers, mumbling nearly inaudible, but I manage to catch it, my free hand resting on his shoulder. "I.. I haven't seen him in two months."
<-Previous || Next-> (To be Continued)
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aidanezra · 2 years
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A/N: In honor of yesterday being valentine's day, I wrote this little blurb. I really should have finished and posted it yesterday and I sincerely apologize for the wait for anything from me. Been dealing with a flare up which comes with alot of exhaustion for me so I slept most of yesterday and today. But I do hope to be more consistent again, the next few days. If you have any suggestions or requests, just let me know! I have a request in the works as well! Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy this little bit!
Summary: Ten takes Reader on an adventure to a flower covered planet, and Reader has an idea up their sleeve.
Theme: Fluffy fluff fluff
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader (gender isn't mentioned)
Warnings: nothing, just cute and confused ten :)
Words: 827
Dedicated to @bittersnowflake (because your support is keeping me going, thank you)
"So, where to next?" Ten smiles at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he makes he walks around the console, flipping switches and pushing buttons. He stops at the monitor, holding it in his hand when his eyes find mine.
"How about a planet with a ton of flowers, just everywhere." I suggest, pulling my legs up to rest on the console in front of me, leaning back into the piolet's chair, or whatever he calls it.
Quirking up his eyebrows, he smirks, "A planet, of only flowers? Have a special reason?"
"Do I need a reason?" I inquire, my lips twitching upwards into a teasing smile. I walk towards him on the other side of the console, reaching for his hands and the holding them in mine.
"I guess not, flower planet it is then!" He pulls away from me, doing his usual routine of buttons, levers and switches. You know the deal. As he pulls the final lever, he yells out, smile wide and toothy, "Allons-y!"
The TARDIS whirrs happily, shaking us about as usual, Ten gripping onto the console, his knuckles turned white as I have a tight grip onto the railing just beside him. Shortly after, the turbulence comes to a stop, the TARDIS settling down. He lets go of the console, his hands flying up to grip the monitor in front of him. Ten then giggles, giving me the goofiest of grins. He reaches out his hand, wiggling his fingers as he always does when he wants me to hold his hand. I skip forward, taking his hand in mine as he bolts to the door, practically dragging me after him. He pulls open the door, creaking as he does so. He steps out, letting my hand fall as he lets go before he sighs happily, taking in the sights before us. My eyes on him as he takes a moment to enjoy himself.
"Vortis! Planet of the flower forests! Oh beautiful! Just beautiful!" He looks back at me, absolutely beaming. I take that as my que to look around, so I step out of the TARDIS, quickly shutting the door behind me. We're surrounded by beautifully colorful trees, donned in rainbows. And oh! The grass! The grass is such a beautiful teal, it's so odd but it's also so pretty. I final catch my gaze on the endless sea of flowers. I let myself smile wider than I ever have before, Ten must have noticed as he lets out a small laugh a moment later, "Go on, all yours. I'll be back here." He takes a pause, resting his hand on my cheek to redirect my gaze to him. "Be safe, okay?" He smiles again, then places a chaste kiss on my forehead.
I know for a fact I'm smiling like a madman, whether the reason be the beauty of the world around me or the fact he just showed me more affection than he's given me in a week, we'll never know. I smile, bouncing on my feet, "Oh I will! See you after a while!" I make my way to a patch of what looks like roses, and daisies.
"Don't go too far!" He yells after me, and I wave after him, dismissing his worry. I kneel down a moment later when a particularly beautiful and bright blue flower catches my eye. I reach down to pluck it, then hold it between my fingers. I have the perfect idea.
I continue on, picking flowers that pique my interest as I walk around different trees and bushes. Staying in the same area as before, still not too far from the TARDIS or Ten for that matter. I smile to myself as I pluck another flower, this one white, resembling that of a daisy. I put it with the rest that I've picked, placing it on the ground next to me. I then grasp the scarf wrapped around my neck putting it flat on the ground as well. I grab each flower one by one, gently and precisely placing them in an organized manner. When I finish arranging the various flowers, chrysanthemum looking ones, as well as roses and daisies, or at least what looks to be as such, I wrap them up tightly in the scarf, creating a neat bouquet of alien flowers. Perfect.
I jump up, hiding the bouquet behind me. I skip over to the blue box sat up on the grassy hill. Ten is leaned up against the old police box, smiling wide like a child in a candy store. "Have fun?" He asks as I stop to stand in front of him, matching his smile.
"Lots." I rock on my feet for a moment before I remember the flowers held behind me, "Oh here, Happy Valentine's Day! Or whatever they call it on Vortis." I smile at him just before handing him the bouquet, I step back in the TARDIS, taking my usual spot at the console by the monitor.
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aidanezra · 2 years
If you're ever looking for unique and creative oneshots/blurbs etc for Doctor Who, @my-dear-the-doctor is 1000% the place to go! (and again thank u for answering my prompt, it is absolutely adorable and I couldn't love it more<33)
tenth with prompt 7? if you could do gn or male reader that would be great as well! i love your writing btw! have a wonderful day!!<333
A/N: I don’t think I mention gender in here at all so enjoy! I am so so sorry that it took literally over a week for me to write this but thank you for waiting!!!
7.) A kiss to shut them up.
“Coming back alive isn’t enough, Y/N. I need you to come back alive, safe, and unharmed.”
15 minutes of this, the Doctor practically lecturing you all because you tripped and injured your ankle. It was an accident and it was mostly his fault! Who leaves books all around the ground knowing that people would most likely be running for their lives later! Of course, you’d never point that out to your doting, rambling boyfriend.
As the Doctor turns away from you for a moment, still in the middle of the longest speech he’s ever given you, you glance over to Donna only to see her slumped over the consoles, resting against her palm and her eyes closed.
This was beginning to be a little too much.
As soon as the Doctor turns back to face you, his mouth saying a million words a second, you grab his cheeks and kiss him, rendering him silent for the first time in 15 minutes.
The Doctor, still worked up from his worry over you, stills upon the contact, but slowly, he realizes that you’re kissing him as his shoulders droop before he grabs your waist, gently pulling you closer into him.
There’s a blissful look on his face when he pulls away that’s slowly replaced by a smirk. “You did that to shut me up.” He mumbles against your lips.
Your chuckles as soft as a breath as you nod, glancing between his lips and his eyes, unsure which you want to focus on. “Yeah.” You agree almost silently before letting your hands drop from the doctors face, to his shoulders, shaking them gently before letting them fall to your sides. “It was the only thing I could think of.”
The Doctor is silent for a second before taking a deep breath. “Just promise you’ll be safer?”
You hold back an eye roll, knowing the Doctor was genuinely asking. You reach out and grab the Doctor’s tie, gently and jokingly using it to pull you closer to him until your lips were barely touching. “I promise.”
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Happiness Is Fleating (Teaser)
A/N: why am I teasing this instead of posting, you ask? Ah well, I'm indecisive! I'm not sure if anyone actually wants this, I'll still post it but I want to know if I should wait and post something else first or keep working on it until it's complete and then post. So here is a snippet! I've been working on this for like a week now because I can't get it out of my head. And this is also probably one of the most niche things I will ever write. But you know, only one life, live it too the fullest I suppose. Anywho, let me know if this is something y'all would want! (i also have so many WIPs that i have nothing else to post lmao)
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Detroit: Become Human
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Hank Anderson, Connor RK800
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader, Father!Hank Anderson x Son!Connor (technically...)
Warnings: grief, MCD (major character death), death, swearing, angst, lots of angst, alcohol
"Hey, hey, stay. Please, stay." I practically whisper to Connor. I've held him in my arms for who knows how long, awaiting the doctor as he finishes off some Cybermen. He told me to stay here and keep Connor awake until Ten could come help. It's been so long and I don't think he's going to last any longer. The blue blood seeping from the gash in his side, looking at it makes me feel so hopeless and fearful that this is it. "Please stay, I cant lose you, Connor."
"Y/N, you know you can't bring him back. He's gone." Ten tries to reason with me, he's been trying for the past few hours. But I could care less. I have a fucking time machine at my whim and I'm going to use it.
"Yes, I can. Him dying wasn't supposed to happen and you know that." I snap at him, running around the console, flipping switches, turning a couple knobs and pressing a few buttons in the process.
"You could create a paradox! Not even remembering you saved him!" He counters, trying to pull me away from the console, I wiggle from his grip, jumping to push the final lever. It bangs, the Tardis whirring to life.
"I don't give a shit about paradoxes, he needs to be alive."
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aidanezra · 2 years
If you love space and ton hiddleston, @tomhiddlestonfanfic is the place to go! All of their fics are absolutely amazing but their astronaut tom ones are out of this world-- pun intended.
I love it so so much<333
Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
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Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
PAIRING: Tom/Gender Neutral Reader
GENRE: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Drama, Sci-fi
SONG: Yellow by Coldplay
Dedicated to: @prislaa​ Thank you for helping me out! I hope you’ll like it! <3
PICTURE CREDIT: Tom Hiddleston
TAGLIST: @waddlenut @sleutherclaw​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @aidanezra (It’s Astronaut Tom!)
Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
You stood on the balcony and shivered slightly from the cold. It was late at night and you had stepped out to get some fresh air. Your apartment was full of familiar friendly faces. It was nice and all, to finally be able to have a proper party to celebrate your new apartment, but you felt that you needed a break from it. You weren’t used to seeing so many people at once gathered in such a small space. It made you feel almost claustrophobic.
You turned around as you heard the balcony door open and smiled once you recognised your fiance.
“So here’s where you’re hiding,” he said with a smile and shut the door behind him.
Keep reading
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aidanezra · 2 years
Once I can get a grasp on where to go, I will be sure to continue it. I'm so glad you love it and thank you so much for the support!!<3333
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Seven)
A/N: I may have left this on a half cliffhanger and part of that was me intending on maybe continuing it. Left it to where I can pick up where I left off if a continuation is wanted :) I hope to have some different stuff out this week, I have a request I'm gonna work on and probably get out tomorrow. And then about four other completely unrelated Ten oneshots I have in my drafts. Anyways! I hope you all enjoy it! (I am having so many second thoughts on this part aaaaaaah)
Theme: kinda angst?
Summary: Ten finally gets a grasp on how to help Y/N, only after he finds them lying on the floor.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: swearing?
Words: 713
Tags: @bittersnowflake @dontlasagnedw
Part (One) (Two) (Three) (Four) (Five) (Six)
Rolling over onto my back, my hands resting on my chest, I take a deep breath, trying my very best to steady myself. I shut my eyes tightly, blocking out what little light is left in the medbay when I hear the door click shut.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?" Ten calls from the other side of the room, I open my eyes to catch a glimpse of him.
"Oh I'm okay. Perfectly fine, promise." I give a soft smile, using my elbows to hoist me up and into a sitting position.
He shakes his head as he kneels down next to me. His hands fly to hold onto my shoulders. He looks me straight in the eyes, "Why we're you on the floor?" He asks again.
"The floor...Is nice?" I shrug, trying to move on and grab the papers that fell out of my hands earlier.
"Y/N," He warns, his gaze following my every move. "What happened?"
"I got dizzy and I fell." I lied.
"There's more, tell me." He knows it, he moves his hands to grasp mine, gently squeezing them as he looks me dead in the eyes. They're wide with fear, like he'd seen a ghost, his mouth pulled tight into a straight line. There's still pretty decent looking bags under his eyes. He looks so tired and worn.
"I remembered it this time." His head tilts for a moment, beckoning me to continue. "I normally don't remember, the only way I know it happened is when you tell me. Otherwise, I have a blank in my memory. Forgetting hours of my life at a time," I pause again, taking a breath and then lowering my voice to a whisper, as if there was more people in the TARDIS than just Ten and I. "I think, I'm learning to control it, this energy."
His eyebrows furrow as his eyes look from place to place. Behind me, at me, beside me, at my forehead at one point, landing back at eye contact. "Are you controlling it or are you getting used to the higher levels in your system?" He asks, his left eyebrow twitching upwards. He stands up, offering a hand to hoist me up off the floor, "Come on, up. We've got some science to do." He gives me a cheeky grin as he pulls me up. Ten then wraps an arm around my back, steadying me as I lean against him. My body still pretty worn from the previous incident. He grabs ahold of my hand as he always does, then leads me out of the medbay and into the corridor, keeping my hand in his. "I could barely find anything in my search that would explain how it would affect you.. But I came up with a few theories on my own." Without looking towards me, he begins what I can only assume is an oncoming ramble. "Firstly, you're not very familiar with the medbay, so I'm hoping that if we switch up your surroundings, that could at least help with the aftermath of what seems to be episodes." He pauses again, turning another corner down another hall--the one that holds the bedrooms. "Familiar surroundings may also help them lessen in intensity." He turns to me and donning a soft smile before continuing down the hall, leading me to my room at the end of the hall on the right.
"And what about getting rid of the energy?" I ask him, stopping just outside my door.
He stops me, holding me in place by my shoulders, his eyes softening. "I can't do that. At least not that I know of. It was forced into your system, it would have to be forced out. And that would hurt you, immensely."
"What do I do then?"
"Live with it, at least until I can figure this out more. It may work itself out of your system, may not."
"Well that's assuring." I let out a breathy laugh, opening the door to my room. I walk in, Ten following me as I plop onto my bed.
"I'm sorry." He gives a sorrowful smile, his hands finding his pockets, watching me from the doorframe.
"It's okay. I'll be okay." At least, I think.
<- Previous || (To Be Continued?)
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Seven)
A/N: I may have left this on a half cliffhanger and part of that was me intending on maybe continuing it. Left it to where I can pick up where I left off if a continuation is wanted :) I hope to have some different stuff out this week, I have a request I'm gonna work on and probably get out tomorrow. And then about four other completely unrelated Ten oneshots I have in my drafts. Anyways! I hope you all enjoy it! (I am having so many second thoughts on this part aaaaaaah)
Theme: kinda angst?
Summary: Ten finally gets a grasp on how to help Y/N, only after he finds them lying on the floor.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: swearing?
Words: 713
Tags: @bittersnowflake @dontlasagnedw
Part (One) (Two) (Three) (Four) (Five) (Six)
Rolling over onto my back, my hands resting on my chest, I take a deep breath, trying my very best to steady myself. I shut my eyes tightly, blocking out what little light is left in the medbay when I hear the door click shut.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?" Ten calls from the other side of the room, I open my eyes to catch a glimpse of him.
"Oh I'm okay. Perfectly fine, promise." I give a soft smile, using my elbows to hoist me up and into a sitting position.
He shakes his head as he kneels down next to me. His hands fly to hold onto my shoulders. He looks me straight in the eyes, "Why we're you on the floor?" He asks again.
"The floor...Is nice?" I shrug, trying to move on and grab the papers that fell out of my hands earlier.
"Y/N," He warns, his gaze following my every move. "What happened?"
"I got dizzy and I fell." I lied.
"There's more, tell me." He knows it, he moves his hands to grasp mine, gently squeezing them as he looks me dead in the eyes. They're wide with fear, like he'd seen a ghost, his mouth pulled tight into a straight line. There's still pretty decent looking bags under his eyes. He looks so tired and worn.
"I remembered it this time." His head tilts for a moment, beckoning me to continue. "I normally don't remember, the only way I know it happened is when you tell me. Otherwise, I have a blank in my memory. Forgetting hours of my life at a time," I pause again, taking a breath and then lowering my voice to a whisper, as if there was more people in the TARDIS than just Ten and I. "I think, I'm learning to control it, this energy."
His eyebrows furrow as his eyes look from place to place. Behind me, at me, beside me, at my forehead at one point, landing back at eye contact. "Are you controlling it or are you getting used to the higher levels in your system?" He asks, his left eyebrow twitching upwards. He stands up, offering a hand to hoist me up off the floor, "Come on, up. We've got some science to do." He gives me a cheeky grin as he pulls me up. Ten then wraps an arm around my back, steadying me as I lean against him. My body still pretty worn from the previous incident. He grabs ahold of my hand as he always does, then leads me out of the medbay and into the corridor, keeping my hand in his. "I could barely find anything in my search that would explain how it would affect you.. But I came up with a few theories on my own." Without looking towards me, he begins what I can only assume is an oncoming ramble. "Firstly, you're not very familiar with the medbay, so I'm hoping that if we switch up your surroundings, that could at least help with the aftermath of what seems to be episodes." He pauses again, turning another corner down another hall--the one that holds the bedrooms. "Familiar surroundings may also help them lessen in intensity." He turns to me and donning a soft smile before continuing down the hall, leading me to my room at the end of the hall on the right.
"And what about getting rid of the energy?" I ask him, stopping just outside my door.
He stops me, holding me in place by my shoulders, his eyes softening. "I can't do that. At least not that I know of. It was forced into your system, it would have to be forced out. And that would hurt you, immensely."
"What do I do then?"
"Live with it, at least until I can figure this out more. It may work itself out of your system, may not."
"Well that's assuring." I let out a breathy laugh, opening the door to my room. I walk in, Ten following me as I plop onto my bed.
"I'm sorry." He gives a sorrowful smile, his hands finding his pockets, watching me from the doorframe.
"It's okay. I'll be okay." At least, I think.
<- Previous || (To Be Continued?)
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aidanezra · 2 years
Thank you :)
I wanted to quickly pop in and thank you all for the love on honestly all of my writing. I think it's only been about two or three weeks and how my work has been received, is way way better than I anticipated. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have never written this much, consecutively, ever in my entire life because I could never hold the motivation for long. But by sharing it here, it's really flipped that around. So thank you again for all the notes and love on what I put out there, I really really appreciate it.
And I know I'm repeating myself, it's what I do. Also I planned to share my writing for six years but never did until recently.
I said "fuck it, it won't hurt." and I was very right.
thank you all again<3
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Six)
A/N: I am extremely proud of this, honestly I'm proud of this entire series but I feel like I'm getting somewhere with it again, so I am very very happy with it. There should only be one or two more parts to it, but with me I don't know for sure. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Today's gif, yet again has very little to do with the plot, his smile just makes me happy :)
Theme: angst, fluff, and then angst again
Summary: The Doctor spends his hours watching over Y/N, trying to figure out how to "fix" their current state. He's getting no sleep so Y/N gets him to take a nap. But when Y/N is left alone, things go downhill...
Fandom: Doctor Who!
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader (close/flirty friendship???)
Warnings: swearing, lots of mention of death, false death?- mention and description of pain. no blood tho! so whoop whoop
Words: 1,134
Tags: @bittersnowflake @dontlasagnedw (tag list open as always :)
Part (One) (Two) (Three) (Four) (Five) (Seven)
"So am I gonna die or what?" I've finally managed using my eyes again, the pain that it causes, much much duller. As for the body aches and pounding in my head-- not so much. Still hurts like a bitch, making me want to throw myself into a wall.
"Don't talk like that, you'll be fine." Ten snaps, flipping the page in, one of the many, medical books he's searched in the past hour. trying to find anything on Altron energy and humans. Hoping he can find something that will say I'll be fine. And I know I will, but he doesn't quite believe me. Fear of the worst maybe? And so he lies, 'You'll be fine. Stop joking like that.'
"Will I? Or are you just softening the blow?" I smile at him, admiring the sight in front of me. Ruffled up hair hanging over his eyes as he's curled over the book, investing all his energy and attention to learning. He changed out of his normal suit and jacket dealio, switching to some comfortable clothes. Sweats and a hoodie. Of course he only changed due to much trial and error of begging from me. That was enough energy spent on my behalf, that I slept for the next four hours.
"Y/N.." he warns, moving his gaze to meet mine, a stern but caring look painted in the brown of his eyes.
"Don't Y/N me." I laugh, hissing a moment later when the vibration agitates the throbbing in my head.
"If you keep making "I'm gonna die" comments, the Y/Ning isn't going to stop." I catch his lips quirking up into a small smile. Amused, I see. It quickly fades as his expression hardens, his eyes going back to skimming the med book. I reach over to grasp it out of his hands, redirecting his attention to me. He stares at me, mouth agape. "Oi! I need that!"
"Nope, nope you don't," I smile at him, chucking the book to the opposite side of the bed, away from his reach. "I told you, I am fineee!"
His eyes meet mine, worry and fear both weaved in his gaze. I give him a soft smile, hoping to melt him enough he doesn't look so scared and concerned. The Doctor perks up a bit, trying to show a small smile yet failing as it turns into a frown.
"Come here," I beckon, opening my arms for a hug, he takes up the offer, gently wrapping his arms around me as mine do the same to him. I sigh in content, "I'm fine. You need to rest," I pull back, trying to get a good look at him. His eyes look as if they'd been pulled back into his skull, deep blue circles under his eyes signifying not a single moment of rest. "When's the last time you slept?"
He doesn't answer, so I harden my gaze, showing him he can't just ignore my question. "I dunno." He mumbles, "Been too busy."
"Busy my ass, go to bed," He shakes his head, pulling himself closer to me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
"No." He mumbles against me, tightening his arms around me. I rest a hand on his head, playing with his fluffy hair as my other hand rests upon his back, tracing circles through the fabric of his jumper.
"At least sleep a little? Please?" I ask him, resting my cheek against the top of his head.
"Only," He yawns, "If you do."
"I will, promise." I place a kiss on the top of his head, closing my eyes, I snuggle into him.
"Tomorrow, we figure this out." Mumbling, he lifts a finger in emphasis, a moment later letting his hand fall, to rest on my shoulder.
I would be lying if I said I slept a wink. I told Ten that I had, that I slept well and there was nothing to worry about. But what I didn't tell him was that the whole time he slept, my head felt like it was shattered, and my body felt as though I was being stretched like elastagirl.
He thanked me for letting him lay on me, I don't know why it was necessary but he said it nonetheless. I told him it was no problem, he needed the sleep and I enjoyed his presence. He left shortly after, grabbing a few of the ancient medical books with him, and heading to the console room--or at least I assumed that's where he went.
I've been laying here for hours, coming up with my own reasoning for my current state, why I feel like I'm half dead. And, to no avail, I've come up with nothing. I am practically a medical mystery (even though I have zero medical knowledge or experience, my point stands).
I decide to venture the room around me, the sterile feeling medbay that I've been stranded in. I swing my feet over the side of the bed, setting them down on the cold floor, lifting myself up, I shuffle to the table just a foot away. Scattered on top is stacks of papers, seemingly notebook pages. All written on by Ten. His handwriting is rushed and barely readable, but still manageable to understand. I shuffle them all together, stacking them up and then turning on my heels-- my destination, the bed.
I don't get but a few steps forward when I collapse on the floor, my skin feeling as though it was set on fire--and my head, that's a whole other story. I feel so suffocated, the room feels so much smaller, crushing me in just as my head does the same. My brain feels like it's being crushed by a million bricks on all sides of it, smushing it until it's unrecognizable. I hold my head in my hands, the papers I previously had a hold on, scattered across the floor. And I cry, the pain so intense and overwhelming, I can no longer form coherent thoughts. I curl in on myself, trying to become smaller in hopes the pain will lessen with my size. A ringing begins to play in my ears, overwhelming my senses until that's all I hear. My vision going dark as my eyes close. When I try to open them, the room around me coated in a layer of gold.
What's wrong with me?
My body starts to feel so light and numb. I must be dying, aren't I? Made one too many death jokes today. Ten was right, I should have stopped. And now I'm paying the price, I jinxed it.
"Ten," I call for him, my voice weak and small. I still hope that maybe, just maybe he can hear me or that maybe the Tardis will lead him to me. Just something, maybe I can see him before it all goes dark.
Stop being dramatic, I warn myself. I try to get up but the moment I almost succeed in my efforts--I collapse again, vision blurring.
And then it goes dark.
I can't feel anything.
Not a single hair standing up.
I feel nothing.
I feel...
A void.
I must be dead, I can think, I have a conciousness.
But nothing surrounds me, I have no body to inhabit. I am simply a spirit.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Five)
A/N: Again, today's gif has nothing to do with the chapter, Ten and cats are just my current favorite thing :) Anywho, I really enjoyed writing this even though it took me a good bit to get started, I love it so much. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it! I hope you all have a fantastic day/morning/evening/night etc! Also it's in readers POV unless otherwise stated!
Theme: Angst ish? A bit o banter and successful destroying of my most hated Doctor Who creature.
Setting: The Doctor and Y/N finally defeat the Cybermen who took over St Albans, but victory comes at a cost.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of pain and injury, think that's it.
Words: 1,404
Tags: @bittersnowflake @dontbelasanedw
Part (One) (Two) (Three) (Four) (Six) (Seven)
Running out of the Tardis, yet again, I grab hold of Ten's hand before he gets too far ahead. "So how are we supposed to get these things?" I ask him, my heart pounding--practically beating out of my chest.
"Find their main power source and destroy it. They'll all shut down, and there won't be any power for them to create more Cybermen, in the chance a few survive. And if only a few survive, we can take them down ourselves." He tightens his grip on my hand as we turn a corner, entering the town square. We head towards the Town Hall, smack dab in the middle of town.
"Why here?" I stop him, pulling on his hand. He looks forward to the older building, surrounded by newer ones.
"Middle of town. Perfect place for a central power source." He looks back to me, then shoots me a cheeky grin. Man, did I miss that.
"Allonsy!" He pulls my hand with him, running to the doors as he stops to pull out his sonic. Letting go of my hand, he does the usual routine, pull it out, press the button, sonic it, boom--unlocked. He grabs ahold of my hand again, pulling me through the double doors.
I look around the room, stepping away from him a moment to help in finding access to the basement. Maybe an attic as well. My head starts to pound, my brain feeling almost mushy. I close my eyes shut as pain surges through my body and mind. I try to brush it off, going back to what I was previously doing. Looking around yet again, I spot a starwell access to the right, and I smile, letting out a laugh of triumph.
"There! Found one!" I look over to Ten, my hand pointing to the spot I found and he grins at me.
I open the door for him, and he runs through the door and down a very rickety looking set of stairs. Stairs I will be carefully stepping down. I step down, watching my feet as I make each step. Being sure to avoid any cracks or gaps in the wood, with a tight hold on the railing.
"Y/N?" The Doctor yells for me from somewhere down in the basement, he must've run off before I could see him.
"I'm taking my time! Unlike you!" The moment I step off the stairs and onto the stone floor, my head begins to feel even more cloudy and pained. As if someone hit me in the head with a mallet. I hiss in pain, curling down into the fetal position. "Fuck."
"Y/N?" He calls for me again, but this time the sound is closer. I have my hands over my head, shielding my eyes from any light, and muffling any sounds in the process. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I shudder. Its cold, the touch is cold.
I look up, letting my eyes graze upon the person stood in front of me. Everything is colored in a sheer golden light. Everything looks so beautiful, so shiny.
"Y/N, are you okay?" The man who stands in front of me, kneels down to where I'm sat.
"Who are you?" I ask, my head tilting in genuine curiosity. His brown eyes blow wide, and he steps back, nearly hitting the wall in the process. He stands, sighing in frustration as he runs off.
I stay there, curled up on the floor. It hurts to move, but I don't know why. My eyes feel like they're made of glass, as if they'd shatter if I used them too long. It all hurts, my body hurts so much. And I don't know why.
The man comes running back a moment later, his hand reaching down for me to take. He seems so familiar, so friendly, so I take his offer, grabbing his hand as he pulls me to stand in front of him. I press my hand to my forehead, my head pounding in agonizing pain.
He pulls me along, running up the stairs and without a second thought, I follow with even more agility than him. He pushes open the door at the top of the stairwell just before we make a turn left and out of this old building. I collapse at the bottom of the steps, hitting the ground hard. I shut my eyes, only a small bit of light seeps through my eyelids. Red light is all I can see before everything goes black.
Hissing in pain, I put my hand on my head, moving to sit up. I feel a hand gently push me back down, and I instantly know who it is. Now, where I am is a whole other story. Because I have absolutely zero clue.
"Ten?" I call for him, my voice coming out only as a strained whisper.
"Mm?" He asks and I sigh in relief, I knew it was him but there's always a piece of me that fears I'm wrong and that it isn't him. I open my eyes for a brief moment before instantly regretting it, shutting them closed in response to the pain using them caused.
"Nothing, just wanted to make sure it was you." I move my hands to cover my eyes, blocking out any and all light. Then I hear him shuffle a bit, metal clanking together and the mechanical beeping paired with the clicking of a keyboard.
"It wouldn't be anyone else." I can hear the smile in his voice as he moves towards me yet again, gently resting his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't be so sure of yourself, you never know." I remove my hands from my eyes to look over at him, I only open one eye, which I notice is much better than two. I shut my eyes again a moment later, what little pain it causes in comparison to two eyes open, still too unbearable.
"Mm, maybe. How do you feel?" He asks, his voice softening into a barely audible whisper--if you were across the room. Next to him, I can hear anything he says as clear as day. Throw in the sound of his breaths and his hearts beating softly, and that's all you'll be able to think about.
"Absolutely horrid." I breathe out, trying to ignore how impossibly close he must be. Only out of necessity. I remind myself. "What happened?"
"The Cybermen had some of the remaining Altron energy stored in their power source, when you got near it, it enhanced what you had inside you. And your body couldn't handle it." He sighs, moving his hand to rest on my cheek, I place my own hand atop his.
"Oh I hate those metal fuckers." I laugh, my hand tightening around his, subconsciously prompting him to gently stroke my cheek. I smile against the touch, bathing in the calmness he's brought me, simply by being here.
"I hate them even more," he pauses, sucking in a sharp breath, letting it out in a single shaky movement. "I don't know what it did to you, I'm trying to figure that out. But I've gotten no where."
"At least I'm not dead." I shoot him a cheeky grin as I attempt to open my eyes again, this time being able to squint a little, just long enough to see the smile creeping up on his face.
"At least you're not dead," He pauses and I quickly butt in before he has a chance to say the next part;
"And I'm not, so end of story."
"Yeah, you're right."
"Can you turn the overhead light off?" I ask him, letting my hand fall from where it laid upon his. I hear him shuffle a bit, the warmth he radiated quicky leaving my side, following wherever he went. He comes back, sitting in the chair beside me. I'm able to open my eyes fully, still not quite able to look around much, but at least I can look at him.
"Ten?" I ask him, reaching my hand out to him as I turn to face him. Laying on my side I stare straight at him, anticipating whatever he will say next. Could be a monologue, could be a simple answer.
He takes my hand in his, and smiles, "Yes?"
"Thank you."
"For what?" His eyebrow perks up, a small grin dawned on his lips.
"Saving me."
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Four)
A/N: I have very mixed feelings over this chapter, I like it but I also don't, but I do and don't. Its very confusing up in my head right now, best for me to not explain my thought process right now. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'll probably have something different for tomorrow but the continuation of this should be out on Wednesday, maybe tomorrow. All depends on how much I like it. Also today's gif has absolutely nothing to do with the story, I just love it.
Theme: angst? ish?
Setting: The Doctor searches for Y/N after their capture, only to realize how much danger Y/N is in.
POV: The Doctor
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of like iv things that i made up??
Words: 1,227
Tags: @bittersnowflake @dontbelasagnedw {couldn't tag you :( } (tag list open!)
Part (One) (Two) (Three) (Five) (Six) (Seven)
"Y/N!" Every time I call out their name, all I get in response is silence. I've searched everywhere in between the cell and the light at the end of the hall. There's not a single sign of their existence and it's terrifying. I should've held their hand tighter, kept them close by me. I should've kept my promise.
What if they're dead? What if they were taken prisoner again? What if they're being tortured?
"Y/N!" I keep on calling for them, hoping they just got a little lost. But when I hear nothing yet again, I make a run for it towards the light. "Y/N!" Silence.
Or..not? The slamming of metal against stone rings in my ear drums, causing me to run faster and closer to the light. When I hit the end of the hall, the light is at it's brightest. The cybermen behind me mustn't have heard me--or maybe they gave up on me? Didn't care to catch the old Time Lord. I reach my hand forward into the light, examining it closer. The thing is, it never looked like just a bright light to me. I pull my hand back, inspecting what is left on it, particles. Energy particles! Time Lord energy particles! That's what it is! To humans, its beautiful, something to admire. Something they see as alien, but attractive to the eye. So, they used their excess amount to attract Y/N into a trap! They trapped them. Oh, fuck.
I bolt through the cloud of golden energy, nearly running into a wall in the process. I catch myself on the wall, and then turn around and spot a chair facing the opposite direction. Its sat in the middle of the room, nothing else but an IV pole surrounding it. I look to my left and notice how the energy is stationary, only in the doorway I entered from. They were somehow able to contain the energy to only the door frame, they used just enough of what they had to lure Y/N in, but still enough to use for power. How they contained it, I don't know.
"Y/N!" I run around to the other side of the chair, checking to see if they left them here.They did.
They're devoid of all color, looking as if they were in a black and white film. I kneel down in front of them, "Y/N, are you there?" They tilt their head.
"Who are you?" They speak out, their voice gravelly and deep. Almost unrecognizable. Their eyes are shut closed and their hands are restrained. Two patches with small tubes coming out of them, placed on their temples. A golden substance--well the energy, seems to be transferred through this method. Energy Transmitters. Ancient method but not surprised it's in use.
"What happened to you?" I mutter, my hand reaching out to touch their cheek. Their eyes shoot open, golden light oozing from their pupils, staring straight through me.
"I am the light." I waste no time in sonicing their restraints and taking off the connectors at their temple. They keep repeating themselves, I am the light. What do they mean?
When I peel off the energy transmitters, and throw them aside, the golden light in Y/N's eyes dulls a bit, just enough to where I can see their true eye color again. I gently place my hand on their cheek, their eyes shutting closed tightly, as if any light will hurt them.
"Who are you?" They ask, their voice slowly going back to normal, less alien to me, and closer to their warm and soft tone they use all the time.
"No time for that," I stand up, taking their hand in mine as they follow my movement. Their eyes shoot open again, only small lines of energy particles remain, seeping from their eyes like smoke. "Time to run." I grasp their hand as we bolt out of the room, down another dark and winding hall. They follow quicker than usual, anticipating corners and stops better than even I can. We continue running, trying to find an exit until we turn a corner and come face to face with a Cyberman.
I tighten my grasp on their hand, turning the other way and making a run for it--again. Turning left and then right, running into a stone wall a couple of times, Y/N asking me who I am a few times as well, and then we finally hit a flight of stairs---which will hopefully bring us back to the surface.
"You're up!" I exclaim, running over to where Y/N is sat. I managed to get us both out of there and hidden into the Tardis before more chaos followed. I wanted to figure out what the hell the Cybermen did to them. They obviously injected Y/N with energy, what I assumed was Time Lord energy they could've farmed during one of my regenerations and kept it hidden. But why fill Y/N with this stuff? What good will that do them?
They groan, sitting up with their eyes shut closed. The color in their face is back and they look livelier than ever. "Hey, Ten." I look over to them from where I stand at the console. I smile and run over to them.
"You remember me," I kneel down in front of them, smiling ear to ear. They remember me. Finally.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" They shoot a me a small smile, turning their head in curiosity.
"Long story," I pause and let out a sigh, resting my hands on their arms, "How are you feeling?"
"Like a 50 ton truck hit me." They laugh shaking their head. They place their hands on their lap and stare down at me, their eyebrows knitting together. In concern? Confusion? I'll never know. "Where was I?"
"Do you want the long or the short explanation?" I ask, moving to stand up and then putting my hand out for them to grasp, they do so, bringing themselves to stand in front of me.
"All necessary details, please."
"Okay, well- To start, a group of Cybermen took us captive, because I maaaay have gotten the coordinates wrong-"
They cut me off as they cross their arms and let their expression relax, "Nothing new there."
"We got out, ran a bit, you got taken again, hooked up to some sort of-- Energy Transmitter, most likely tranferring Time Lord energy to your body in order to boost the previous levels of Altron energy already residing in your mind. Simple way to artificially create more of the kind of energy they need." I finish my rambling, pulling them into a hug. At least they remember me.
"Obviously, you got me back." I can hear them smile against me as they wrap their arms around my middle.
"I did, and I thank the stars for that." I pull back, still gripping gently on their shoulders, "What do you remember?"
"Nothing." Whispering, they shake their head.
"Well I remember you telling me we were going to St Albans for the afternoon, but nothing after that. The rest is blank." They shrug, walking away from me and over to the console. They mess around with some knobs here and there, truly just admiring it.
What the hell did they do to you?
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Three)
A/N: This was so much fun to write, and it's probably just gonna turn into a short series ;-; everytime i write another chapter I just come up with more ways to cut it off and continue it in another part. could it be a me problem? most likely but who cares! not me. anyways I'll probably take tomorrow off posting, i have like five different things i want to finish because my brain keeps spitting them out but I'll be back to posting on monday. i hope you all enjoy this part as much as i did writing it!
Theme: a lil bit of angst a lil bit of fluff
Setting: After escaping their cell the Doctor and Y/N find their way down a creepy hall. In an attempt at staying together, they get seperated.
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Warnings: fear? does that even count? (first time i hadnt sworn in my writing in a minute)
Words: 685 (this felt like more ;-;)
Tags: @bittersnowflake (let me know if you want to be added :)
Part (One) (Two) (Four) (Five) (Six) (Seven)
"So, the question is, how are they going to steal the energy from me?" Ten questions, sticking his tongue out in concentration, fumbling with the lock-- on yet another door.
"Force you into regeneration and take the excess, killing you?" I ask, throwing a rock up in the air, catching it back in the palm of my hand.
"Y/N, please don't say that." He shakes his head, grunting as he tries to pull the door open. Shoving himself to the ground in defeat, he looks behind him, towards me.
"Well, its true." I counter, taking the rock and throwing it at the wall. I shrug, "Plus, you always get out of near death experiences with only a few scratches."
He stops any movement, not even attempting a come back, "Did you hear that?" He utters, standing up and then bending a little as he tiptoes towards the wall I hit my rock with.
"Hear what?" I ask as I slowly follow him.
"That sound, the hissing sound." He begins tapping the wall in all sorts of places, then grabbing his sonic out of his jacket pocket.
"No?" He shushes me, putting his ear to the wall, sonicing the far right of it, close to where the walls conjoin, he laughs triumphantly.
"Y/N! You're brilliant!" He jumps up and down, pushing against the wall, grunting as he nearly slips.
"I'm what?" Just as I question him, the wall opens on the other side like a door, revealing a long, dark and winding hallway.
"Oh no, I'm not going down there. Any of the cybermen could be hiding there, waiting to pounce on us!"
"Oh, come on Y/N! Lighten up a little!" He turns towards me, smiling. He then puts his hand out towards me, wiggling his fingers like he always does when he's ready to run.
"You need someone who doesn't lighten up." Scowling, I grab hold of his hand, intertwining my fingers with his.
"Oh shush, come on! As long as you have a hold on me, you'll be fine. I won't let anyone get you." He nods, assuring me that I'll be okay. And for a brief moment I believe him. So I run with him, down the dark and bitingly cold hall, turning corners here and there until we hit an intersection, followed by the screeching of unoiled metal. My breath catches in my throat, my body threatening to step back and run away. I squeeze Ten's hand instinctively, he rubs his thumb over the top of my mine. He pulls me with him, back and away from the intersection we found ourselves at. We run at least halfway down the hall and then he pulls me into a crook in the wall, seemingly a cleaning closet. The metal men pass by us, completely ignoring our existence. Their stomping fades out, a sign of them farther away from us, walking away.
"We should be in the clear." Ten then whispers to me, his arm wrapping around my back.
I place my head against his chest, "This is your fault, Ten."
He laughs, rubbing my back just before he peeks his head out to check if the coast is clear. I look at him expectantly, he nods, dawning a warm smile on his features. I step out of the closet, his hand still held tightly in mine. And so he follows me.
We take a right this time, a small light shown at the far end of this hall. We follow it as it grows bigger and bigger. I let go of Ten's hand, stepping forward and going ahead of him. Tiptoeing my way towards the light, getting so much, brighter. It's odd, a golden yellow light, white in the middle. So, so, bright. Oh it's beautiful. Oh so desperately beautiful. Almost precious, as if needing to be protected. Protected.
"Y/N!" A yelling is heard behind me, who was that?
The light is so much brighter here, it's all I can see. I step forward, and the golden light hugs me. I become the light.
I am the light.
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part Two)
A/N: I am ridiculously proud of this, I have no clue why, but I love it. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Disclaimer btw, I took many creative liberaties in the terms of the cybermen and their reasoning for wanting the doctor. I tried my best to stick to what I knew and could find information wise, but if something is off, let me know!
Theme: ??
Summary: After running into a group of Cybermen, Y/N and the Doctor get captured and taken into custody by the metal men. And the Doctor gets slightly stubborn.
Pairings: Tenth Doctor x Gn!Reader
Fandom: Doctor Who
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death (not graphic)
Words: 1,091
Tags: @bittersnowflake
Part (One) (Three) (Four) (Five) (Six) (Seven)
"So, Doctor, what's your plan?" I ask him, rocking back and forth on my feet, trying to calm my building anxiety.
"I don't have one." He mutters, turning his head only a small bit towards me, giving me a wry smile. His eyes are wide in fear, and all I can see are the apologies painted in the color of his eyes.
"What do you want?" I stare straight towards the Cybermen, my glare aimed at the leader --which is the middle one and only who I assume is the leader.
"We need the Doctor. He is the final piece." The Cyberman takes its time spitting out, stepping a few steps forward. Taking a deep breath, I keep my composure, holding a solid glare towards the army of metal men in front of me.
"What do you need him for? Hm? He's just an old man who needs saving, what does he have to offer?" I inquire, my voice shaking while I try to keep it steady and stern, obviously failing. I step forward, hesitantly. I don't want to move too much, I don't want to risk it. But maybe if I can get a step up, spark some fear in their cold hearts, maybe I'll have an upper hand.
"Oi! Y/N! I'm not that old!" Doc snaps back, practically growling, I somehow manage to keep from laughing at his outburst, and face towards the army again.
"We need the Doctor." The one on the far left speaks this time.
"Just spit it out already!" He snaps, his jaw clenching. I jump forward, but the Doctor grasps my wrist and pulls me back before I get myself in trouble.
"He is the final piece." This time, the one on the far right is the one who speaks.
"You're annoying me now! I'm the final piece for what? What puzzle am I a part of? A puzzle of world domination? Universal rule?"
"The superior species. Time Lord Cybermen." The leader then speaks, and the ones on the side step forward, towards the Doctor and I. They harshly grasp onto our arms, practically dragging us away.
"After this, no more adventures for a week. We're staying in the Tardis and not moving." I try to wiggle from the metal man's grasp, failing and falling limp. It lifts me up, to stand straight and pulls me along.
" Okay, I deserve that." He laughs, dragging his feet along beside me.
"What do you think they could want you for? The whole Time Lord Cybermen thing seems ridiculous. Like a lie." I whisper over to him, trying to get this situation over faster and jumpstart the brainstorming process.
"Energy." He mumbles, nearly inaudible but I catch it, he then meets my gaze. Fear written clear on his features.
"Energy?" I try to clarify, he doesn't utter a word in return, but I know exactly what he's thinking. They need power and energy. They can get that energy from anywhere, but that energy isn't the same as that of a Time Lord. The energy he holds within himself can strengthen their race of Cybermen. Making them nearly impossible to take down. Superior creation, made of human parts and Time Lord energy. But how would they even get it? Force him into regeneration and steal it like fairy dust in bottles?
Atron energy, or Time Lord energy, is stored in a Time Lord's mind. Humans carry only a very small amount which would make sense as to why they chose the Doctor. He has more of it than any human, and they need humans to make more cybermen. So my thought process is, they steal the energy from him, use it to power their buildings, and ships, helping create more Cybermen. But, it's not going to last them an awfully long time, so it makes me wonder, why do they need him now? Shouldn't they have enough with what humanity has?
I look around me, still dragging my feet as the metal man's hands are wrapped around my arms. We're surrounded by soft hills, going on for miles. The city looks dead. No sight of lights, no sounds to be heard but the movements of the Cybermen's feet, hitting the ground and our own dragging along the dirt. I try to catch a glimpse down the hill we're standing upon, the town below looks deserted, no cars pass, or pedestrians walking the street. All cars that are seen are parked, but hastily. Lazily almost, some half on the sidewalk and half on the road, others stopped in the middle of intersections.
"Doctor," I whisper, so low and quiet, I don't even expect him to hear me. "St. Albans is dead."
I hear him take in a breath, "I know."
About a half hour ago, we got shoved in a small cell, seemingly in the basement of their lair-- which in reality is just a pub they killed the owners of. Ten has been pacing for the majority of the time, I've been trying to find some way out. A crack in the wall, a scrap of metal, something-- anything, that could give us a chance of escaping. I offered for him to use his sonic, but he said the door was too primitive, that it wouldn't work.
"Okay, we need a plan." I stand up from crouching in the corner, looking for a crack in the stone walls.
"I know, I've been trying to come up with one." He sighs, running his hand through his hair, ruffling it up. He stops his pacing, staring at the ceiling.
"Do you want to try to sonic our way out? Or would you like to help find a crack in the walls?" I ask then cross my arms, staring blankly at him.
"I told you, the door is way too primitive for me to use my screwdriver."
"Give it here." I put my hand out, and he throws it towards me. I grasp it in my hand and then swiftly move over to the door. Pointing it towards the lock, I press the button, it then making the buzz sound it always does. A few moments later, a clicking sound erupts. I gently push the door, and it opens wide in front of us. I smile over at the Doctor.
Glaring, he huffs out "You are practically a baby! How did you even do that?!"
"One) I'm an adult, you're the old one and two) just because you think it can't work, doesn't mean it won't." I pause, shooting a sly grin at him, "Now let's get those metal fuckers!"
"So much for a calm afternoon."
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aidanezra · 2 years
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Cybermen? Really? (Part One)
A/N: I do not know how but I wrote this faster than pretty much anything I ever have. Could it have been the several hours of his episodes I've watched this week? Possibly. We'll never know. Also there may be a part two as well! I hope you enjoy!
Theme: Fluffy banter
Setting: The Doctor intends to bring the reader on a calming outing, but they find themselves in front of some cybermen, and then Y/N gets pissed.
Pairings: Tenth!Doctor x Gn!Reader (gender is not mentioned :)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Warnings: Swearing, and brief mention of how cybermen are made (in my own fearful head)
Words: 788
Part (Two) (Three) (Four) (Five) (Six) (Seven)
I step back into the TARDIS, attempting at catching my breath after what one hell of a day the Doctor and I have had. Being chased around London by a bunch of green creatures that I can't even remember the name of --is absolutely and utterly exhausting. Especially with the Doctor and his running habit.
"Why- How can you run so goddamn much?!" I ask, my breath finally getting back to a steady and normal pace.
"Oh, I'm not human, and that was exhilarating!" He exclaims, giggling and shooting me that classic grin of his.
"So, where to next?" I inquire, inching forward towards the console, resting upon it.
"How about a calm outing in the country side of St Albans?" Flipping a few switches, smashing a few buttons and then resting his hand on the final lever, he looks over at me, waiting for a response;
And so I reply, "Sounds lovely."
Pulling the lever with a grunt from Ten, the tardis groans sounding her signature sound. (Which is Doc leaving the brakes on but he is not one to change his ways.)
"You know, you should probably get that checked out. The sound." I brace myself as the blue box shudders, shaking us around.
"Oh its fine!" He assures, waving his hand in dismissal and then continuing his routine of button pressing, lever pulling and knob turning.
"I'd love to believe that." I giggle, sitting down on the console chair, while the Tardis is sat still-- only for a moment because only a second after I sit, the Tardis shakes us around again.
Only a few minutes pass and we're sat still again, the Tardis settling down. "And we're here!" The doctor shouts excitedly, too excited might I add. I then bolt for the door, opening them and squeezing through. I'm then met with an army of Cybermen.
"Where is the Doctor?" One of them, the one in the front--which I'm assuming is the leader of some sort--demands. Oh fuck no. Clumsily, I shove open the door, sprinting in and slamming it shut behind me.
"What's wrong?" The Doctor whispers and I realize he's right in front of me, gasping for air as my heart races, I stand there, glaring towards him. "What did I do?" He asks again, this time hurt and offense laced in his tone.
"I will go to the ends of the universe, saving billions of people, running for our lives, in the presence of any alien creature. But I draw the line at cybermen. We are leaving! Now!" Clenching my jaw, I stare straight into his eyes, trying my very best to convey every ounce of fear and frustration at him in a single look. And then I bolt past him towards the Tardis' console, begining my own attempt at button pressing, lever pulling and knob turning.
"Cybermen? Really? Out of all the creatures in the universe, your devotion stops at Cybermen?" He laughs, running his hands through his hair as he turns on his heels, meeting me in the middle of the console room. "That's quite funny actually, what's so scary about them anyways?"
"They chop you up and shove you into a metal shell!" I snap at him, trying to turn one awfully stubborn knob.
"Here," he turns the same green knob, except in the opposite direction as I was. This bitch.
"Okay, well they are kinda scary but come on, I mean are there any out there?" He shoves his hands in his pockets, his smile still plastered on that goddamn pretty face of his.
"Yes you dense bastard! A whole army of them! And they want you!"
"Well they're not getting their hands on me." Smirking, he begins backing up towards the door, to his inevitable death. Or at least that's in my opinion. That man escapes death by the skin of his teeth on the daily. I have no clue how he does it.
"I hate you." I mumble, gathering my strength to step outside again and turning from the console, giving up on my attempt to drive the Tardis.
"You love me!" Ten yells, smiling as he turns on his heels and out the door, before he shuts the door, I catch a glimpse of him. He raised his hands up in the air in surrender. Oh god, we're screwed.
"Doctor!" I yell after him, running down the ramp and out the door. I stand next to him, he eyes me and I mirror him, my hands in the air.
"This was a poor attempt at peaceful outing, Doctor."
"Oh, I know. Sorry about that." He breathes in a sharp breath, his eyes widening a bit.
"Save your sorries for later. You're gonna need 'em"
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aidanezra · 2 years
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A/N: Since my page is beginning to become cluttered, I decided to create this master list so you can access all my posts easily. As I write I’ll add more!
❤️ = fluff
🥀 = angst
❤️‍🩹 = hurt/comfort
🪐 = author’s favorite
📖 = request
🫂 = found/established family
🌈 = lgbtq
Request List?
Sleep Is For The Weak (also Mobius) ❤️‍🩹📖🥀🌈
Tony Stark:
Failure? (Son!Reader x Father!Tony Stark) 1 2 3 ❤️🥀🫂🪐
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor:
Cybermen? Really? (Tenth!Doctor x Gn!Reader) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ❤️🪐❤️‍🩹🥀
Flowers (Tenth!Doctor x Gn!Reader) ❤️
Tom Hiddleston:
He's Not Scary (Gn!Reader) ❤️🪐
Original Stories
Odd Little One 1 2 🌈🫂🥀🪐❤️
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aidanezra · 2 years
Odd Little One (Chapter Two)
A/N: Here's chapter two! I thought I would share it, maybe I would have more motivation to work on the next chapters and complete it. Its not my favorite but I hope you can enjoy it!
Character POV: Leucos Asteria
Theme: angst
Setting: In the world in which difference separates, we find ourselves learning about the heir to the throne, wishing he, himself was cast away with the rest of the Effeants, instead of pretending.
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia, loss, death
Words: 1,033
Tags: @bittersnowflake :)
My eyes gaze across the horizon towards the lost island. I sigh as I admire the sight. I wish I was there...it would be easier...I think.
My thoughts are cut short when my door creaks, I look behind me and meet my mother's gaze. She smiles at me softly, walking to meet me on the balcony, resting her hand on my back. I smile softly.
"You know, you're better off here." She looks up at me as I slouch over the railing, looking down towards the courtyard. The townspeople bustle around, the only difference between these people, is the slight differences in skin tone, and their day-to-day body suits having a slightly different pattern of behavior badges. 
"I know, mother." I wrap my arms tightly around myself, frowning at the crowd. "I belong here." I shake my head, cringing.
"Exactly, son."
I want to go away, is what I want to say, but I manage to hold the words back, and instead of speaking, I nod.
She nods at me and leaves me out on the balcony, along with my thoughts.
I know I'm highly privileged and that I'm much better off on the mainland than with the Effeants, but I can't help but feel the desire to be with people of my own kind. I just don't want to hide. I want to be me.
I don't want to have to sneak around with Avidya. It's exhausting. I shake my mind from that thought, departing from the balcony and making my way to my desk. I kneel to the floor, searching for the familiar opening in the metal. My fingers graze over the bump in the metal floor, and I peel it up, being sure to not cut my fingers. I slide out my sketchbook and place it beside me as I dig a bit more for my pencil. I grab a hold of it, closing the flap down and lifting myself off the floor, taking my book and pencil with me.
I throw it down on my bed and head over to my windows, closing all curtains and doors. I plop down on my bed and open my book to the last page, pulling out my pencil, beginning to sketch just as I'm rudely interrupted by my door sliding open. I shove my book under my pillow, and run over to my desk, attempting to look busy.
"Leo?" I smile when I hear the familiar voice, the door screatches behind him as I turn around to face him.
"Hey, Adevya." We walk towards each other, meeting at the end of my bed, hugging tightly. I lay my head on his shoulder, taking in the feeling of my lover holding me. "You scared me there.."
"I didn't mean to my love, it won't happen again.." He smiles lightly and places a hand on my cheek lovingly looking me in the eyes. I rest my hands on his waist, holding him close, not wanting to let go. We rarely get silent moments alone, we're always hiding in fear, running away, and sneaking any affection we can. Without getting caught. These moments are special.
"I wouldn't mind it every once and a while, as long as you're the only one on that side of the door." He smiles down at me, leaning in to touch our noses together. I giggle and smile at him, feeling a sense of safety in his touch. I never want this to end, but I know it will. it always does. I fear this time may be the last as I have feared all the times we spend alone. It could always be last. without warning we may be ripped from each other's arms, to never see the other again. I couldn't stand that.
Adevya notices my growing frown and holds my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrow in concern.
I give a reassuring smile, breaking from his touch and sitting down on the edge of my bed. "Nothing." He doesn't look convinced but doesn't bother pushing, knowing I won't say a word anyhow. He sits next to me, his arm snaking around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Has your father found out yet?" He whispers softly as he rests his chin on my head.
"Fortunately for us, no. Neither has my mother. We're safe, my dear." I smile up at him, leaving a light kiss on his cheek. "We'll be fine." He nods, giving a nervous smile. I rub his back soothingly. "I promise."
"I hope you can keep that."
"I can." Smiling, I wrap my pinky around his. Promising our safety.         
My body shakes as i begin to clumsily sob, letting myself wallow in the pain. Taking it in. Indulging in it. Letting myself go in every way a person can. He's gone so there's no use for composure. Any reason to stay together has been ripped from me entirely.
Adeyva Engris is dead. And it's my fault.
The mere fact repeats itself in my head, spiraling continually and following me as I fall from grace. That fall feels ever so long and tortuous, as if my own heart is ripped out over and over. And I'm so sure it is.
I can't stand it here any longer, no matter what others say, I don't belong. I don't care how it is over there, I can't withstand another moment here, withering away without my beloved. I couldn't.
Surely it's selfish, how couldn't it be. Most of those who are taken, fight it. They fight it in fear of no longer being safe. When they reside in the main colony, they're promised safety in return for obedience. I could care less for safety, I only want to feel as though I belong. How selfish is that?
I know what I need to do, now. Maybe he's not really dead, maybe they only took him? Maybe he's on the Effeant Isle, awaiting my inevitable return. I could see him again. I could see my dear Adeyva in safety.
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aidanezra · 2 years
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He's Not Real
A/N: this is totally not based on my own fear of venom and its definitely not comfort in the fact that I'm watching spiderman 3 while finishing this. i am terrified. (update: i will have nightmares)
Theme: fluffy banter
Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x Gn!Reader
Warnings: swearing, constant mention of venom
Words: 485 (breakdown incoming)
Also thank you to @bittersnowflake for reading this prior to posting and for your support :) <333
Squealing in fear, I cover my face with my blanket, shutting my eyes closed and covering my ears. "Tell me when venom's gone." I squeak out.
"Darling, he's not real." Tom laughs, pausing the movie and gently removing the blanket that's currently covering my face. He gently holds my chin getting me to face him.
"He's still scary as fuck." I pout, trying to pull the blanket back over my face. Tom snatches it from my hands, putting it behind him and out of my reach. I stick my tongue out at him.
"Can he hurt you?" He inquires, eyebrow twitching upwards in a teasing manner. Oh no he didn't.
"Fifth Amendment." Crossing my arms, I turn away from him slightly, I can still see him out of the corner of my eye.
He laughs shaking his head. "We're in England, that doesn't count, love."
"Oh bah humbug! Yes it does, I am an American citizen, still counts." I turn my head, facing him yet again. The corner of his mouth twitching into an amused smirk. Good to know you’re entertained, Mr. Hiddleston.
“I don’t understand this, most people think he’s cool.”
"Have you seen Venom??" I counter, pointing towards the tv, which shows venom in all his sharp teethy glory. Yes, I said teethy glory. I try to reach behind him to retrieve my blanket, hoping he forgot he was holding it captive. My fingers are able to grasp the corner but its shortly ripped from me again.
"Yes, yes I have. I would say he's very un-intimidating." He gives me a soft yet teasing look, and i roll my eyes in return. "You watch Doctor Who for fun and you think Venom is scary."
"Okay, the only creatures in Doctor Who that are even remotely scary are cybermen and weeping angels. The rest are just meh."
His eyes blow wide as his jaw drops in astonishment, "Meh? Have you seen the creatures in that one episode--The Girl In The Fireplace? That's what you call scary!"
I laugh, my head rolling back in amusement."Those are literal clocks, they have gears for brains. You can freeze them and they won't move! Those are nothing compared to Venom."
"Still scary." He huffs, handing me back my hidey blanket. He then retrieves the remote, I hadn't noticed it, but somewhere during our banter it had gotten put on the coffee table.
"Look who has the absurd fear now." I give him the same teasing look he gave me earlier, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Oh hush." He smiles slightly, putting his arm behind my back.
Cuddling into his side, I ask, "Doctor Who?"
"The Shakespeare Code?" Looking down at me, he shines me an affectionate expression and then kisses my cheek, pulling me closer to him. And I smile, my heart filled with joy and love for him. Even if he thinks Venom isn't scary. I beg to differ.
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