ajw-poetry · 3 months
And once they have bled you dry, my love
They will leave you to rot
To wither into nothing
Never once looking back over your
Decrepit remains
They will continue their hunt for
Those full of life
Who of which they will drain
Leaving nothing but beautiful minds left
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ajw-poetry · 6 months
In another life.
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ajw-poetry · 7 months
i wonder how things would be
If we’d met before i became
Back when I was
When a raised hand meant a stroke of the cheek
Back when
If we argued
It wouldn’t cut so deep
When I didn’t have to yell
Just to make myself heard
And back when
I was so much more than hurt
I wonder what I’d be like
If the walls were never built
If love had just been love
If i felt more than only guilt
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ajw-poetry · 9 months
An Open Letter:
You have no idea how many times I’ve attempted to write this.. how many notebooks filled, erasers scrubbed to the bottom, pencils dulled, pens dry, and notes deleted; for you. I have always felt the words I’ve learned in my lifetime are simply not worthy of you, nothing in this world ever was.
I spoke of you again tonight, to someone who’s heard about you so much they consider you a friend of their own. I spoke your name again, and it nearly killed me, only because it still rolls off my tongue like honey. At first, at least. Soon it gets replaced with that all too familiar metallic taste. She pretended not to notice as the tears rolled down my face. She tried to change the subject but it was too late, I’d already begun my tirade. Because god, I could go on for hours, about how I’m so…
I’m so mad at you. Every day I wake up thinking, “Okay, today’s the day. I’m finally gonna be okay,” and I truly believe it every single time. Until the air is sucked out of my lungs at the smallest reminder of you. Someone at work wears your cologne, and every time they walk by my breath hitches in my throat - knowing if anyone owned a scent, it would be you. Every time someone lights a cigarette, I swear to God I can see outline of your face in the orange flame. When your song plays I feel the knife in my chest twist, knowing its you reminding me you still exist - somewhere out there.
You always called me Alaska. Larger than life, vastly misunderstood and unexplored. Beautiful but dangerous, never in a bad way. I still have your book, collecting dust on my shelf. I reread it from time to time but every highlighted line feels like a red flag I should’ve caught. I use it more as punishment than a reminder anymore. Proof I should have been more prepared and able to be there.
I never should have left. Although I wonder if things would even have been different. I always tried so hard but the moment I hesitated, you went ahead. I will never forgive myself for that. It will live with me, haunting me, for the rest of my life. Knowing I could have done more, been better, been what you needed and I just… wasn’t. I’m so sorry. Knowing you, you’ve already forgiven me - no scratch that, you were never angry with me in the first place. It just wasn’t in your nature. You never got mad at me, you were always so patient. Knowing I was hurting, you… you just understood it was pain that courses through me.
I’m stuck in that place I used to be again. I don’t really know how to get out this time. I’m doing what you told me but it’s not working anymore. I just feel so lost with… no one to turn to. And though it’s been years I still miss the familiarity you carried with you. I feel so guilty even thinking about you anymore, but I can’t help it.
This feeling will live in me forever. And, sure, one day maybe I’ll get used to it. Used to knowing it was my fault, knowing I let this happen. Knowing you needed me and I wasn’t there. I’ll learn to live with the guilt of losing the best person God put on this vast Earth. I’ll learn to tell people you were a lesson that taught me to love hard and grieve harder. I’ll meet someone someday who won’t know you ever existed, and I’ll never tell them. One day, you’ll be a secret I keep in my safe - locked away for no one to tamper with. One day, I will be okay.
But today, is not that day. And tonight I will fall asleep with your book on my chest, your movie playing on my tv, and your memory etched into my brain. And my eyes will fill with tears until I can convince myself to close them, and see you again.
With deepest love and regret,
Your Alaska.
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ajw-poetry · 1 year
There will be mornings where you will
Lift your tired head from the pillow
And all you see will be darkness
Everything will go wrong
Your chest will feel tight
You will see your tear filled past
Playing out in high definition
Casting a grey layer over your day
You will cry
You will hurt
You will ache
And they will not understand you
You will try to move on but
The invisible hand holds you
All you will know to do
Is stop
No words
No emotions
Everything will stop
Until your head hits the pillow again
And you pray
Tomorrow is a brighter day
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ajw-poetry · 1 year
“And, one of these days, my girl,” she said to me with glistening eyes,
“You will sit in the parking lot of an all too familiar bar,
Hours after last call,
Talking to the boy your
Ex-best-friend told you was trouble ,”
I beamed, a gesture she was happy to return.
“And you’ll wake up in the morning with
Dark circles under your eyes,
And all you’ll be able to do about it is smile,”
She took a deep breath,
“And the next day you’ll do the same,
And for many days to follow,
You will never regret even a single moment of it,”
I looked at her with wide eyes,
“That, my love, is when you’ll finally learn,”
I sat in silence, awaiting her explanation,
“All the pain was worth it.”
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ajw-poetry · 1 year
There are days where our
Inconveniences -
Seem like the end of all times…
Days where
We feel so small,
So insignificant.
But, my darling,
Then come the nights -
Where the sky is
Filled with twinkling lights -
Shining down on you,
For you.
And I hope you can remember;
All of this,
All the pain of life,
Lives inside of you.
And everything out there,
Is so much more
And all you have to do to see that,
To feel the beauty -
Even when it feels like it’s lost forever -
Is look up.
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ajw-poetry · 1 year
An Open Letter to:
The Guys Who Should Have Bought Me Flowers.
I hope upon reading this letter, you’ll know each word was meant for you. I hope you’ll feel stripped of your individuality, lumped into a group of others just like you.
You. I wasted so much time thinking you were the right person for me. Thinking the compliments about my body were enough to mean you loved me. Thinking the empty promises of forever were enough for me. Believing the confessions of love, despite never feeling it. I was so entranced by the impression of romance that I ignored how empty I felt.
Me. You almost made me forget who I am. You almost made me lose myself in you. I have a fire burning inside of me so brightly, and you tried to put it out. I glow with the intensity of the sun, and you tried to dim my light. I love to dance, but you always made me sit still. You stole my voice, my presence. You stole me from myself. And that is something I will never forgive you for.
I deserved so much more than you gave me. I wanted to go places with you, be seen with you, but you always made me stay in. You hid me away, deprived me of the light I craved. And even then, giving you nothing short of the blood in my veins, you hurt me still. You broke me down to nothing, thinking I would never be able to rise up without you.
Oh, how wrong you were. I will never fall to my knees in despair at the hands of a man. You may have broken me, but I am never beyond the point of repair.
I have always known what I deserve, yet I settled for less. I know what I want, and damn it - I deserve it. I want the good morning and goodnight texts, and the kisses when I can have them. I want the flowers for no reason. The gentle kisses pressed to my knuckles with an endearing look to follow. The red light kisses. I want to be danced with in the rain. I want the love I thought only existed in novels. I want to feel breathless in the best ways.
And I deserve every last bit of romance.
One day, love will find me. It will take me by the hand, spin me around, and kiss me on the lips. And once it finally does, I will never let it go.
And I hope it pains you to know, it will not be with you.
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
And tonight,
As you finish your journey home,
I hope you’ll look back in
Blissful remembrance.
I hope the pain that weighed you down on this
Mortal plane
Leaving you with only light and
God’s grace.
And as you shake His hand,
I hope you’re able to let your guard down -
That all the walls fall and leave you
Exposed to Him.
Just as you were born,
You will circle back to Him -
This time more prepared.
And I just know,
He will take your hand and
Lead you to paradise -
And you will have the life you always deserved.
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
She reminds me of Annabel Lee
The way her hair drapes across her face is so
Enchanting to me
Her eyes filled with the shimmering
Light from the sea
The curves of her hips, of her waist
Meeting so elegantly
She’s poetic in the way she
Speaks to me
Slowly and softly like
Every word was meant just for me
Tonight I will rest in my house by the sea
Dreaming of my own
Annabel Lee
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
We were taught to fear hurricanes
Heavy rain
Strong winds
Life changing disasters
But in these moments before the storm begins
I fail to be afraid
Rather falling in love with these
Dark skies, rolling clouds
Orange and purple peeking through
Hypnotic showers and gentle thunder
Music blaring through the car radio
The sudden need to turn the wipers up
Full speed
The road becoming blurry
The music becoming quiet
A lull in the world around you
The storm demanding your attention
As she passes over you
Waiting to look her
In the eye
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
Sometimes I wish you could
Read my mind
Hear all the things I haven’t said
Listen to those words that
Found themselves stuck in my head
Oh what a fool I’d be
Singing songs to someone who
Wouldn’t dance along.
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
It’s almost funny how naïve I was
How blind I could be
Allowing you to sit me down
Stiff and unmoving
Believing this is what love was
When all I ever wanted
Was to dance
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
The gentle glow of the moon
Lighting your features so
You belong in a painting
Hung on the walls of the Louvre
Your voice like velvet
Filling the space between us
Your laughter echoing in my mind
Hours after you’ve left
Your fingerprints creating
Electrical currents on my skin
You have truly bewitched me
Body and soul
Perhaps the novels were right
As with most beautiful things
You will remain untouched
By me
Simply admired in passing
Reserved for someone much more
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
I used to talk to you
Bow my head and
Cry like we were old friends
I would
For you to keep me safe
To take away the pain
Where were you
Why weren’t you listening
Why after all this time do you watch as they
Break me down
Bit by bit they’re tearing apart your
Holy creation
Yet, there’s no
Divine intervention
Just my
Whispered prayers bouncing off bathroom walls
Unsung hymns etched into my skin
Knees gone red awaiting your guidance
Forgive me Father for I have
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
“Darling, angel,”
She whispers unto me,
“Here you are again, pouring yourself dry to
Wet the lips of another.
Their goblet is overflowing, love,
While yours grows
She watches me carefully,
“Darling girl, your glass is empty.
You’ve nothing left to give.
What will you trade now,
With nothing left but the blood in your veins”
She asks, eyes never leaving mine
I look up to her,
Eyes red with dry tears threatening to spill,
I turn my naked wrist up,
Veins dark blue in her light.
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ajw-poetry · 2 years
“Hush, sweet girl,”
The sky whispered unto me.
“You are whole within yourself, love -
Never have you needed someone else to complete you,”
I nodded, tears gently rolling down my cheeks
As I began to speak she silenced me again,
“Hush hush, my girl,
Your tears speak the words your mind cannot fathom into tangible existence,”
She sighed, easing into herself,
“I know how it hurts,
To lose your love is to lose yourself momentarily..
But, sweet angel, look what you’ve become -
Look what love has stolen from you, child”
I looked up at her, confused
“Love’s sudden absence has stolen your essence -
Drained the color from your face and
Poured these salted tears across the pale canvas,”
I wiped my face, new tears quickly replacing the ones I displaced,
“Ah, I know, love. Cry, cry until you cannot breathe -
But speak of love as only a fond memory..
Not the thing that broke you in it’s absence”
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