aku-soul · 12 days
Small update
Working on a new project, here's a snipbit of what's to come...
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aku-soul · 25 days
Soooo turns out I haven't drew in my one notebook for months now. I might just give that up but I dunno. But not gonna leave everyone hanging.
Instead, here's the progress of my hollow knight fanart that I'm making because I finally beat the game, and somehow in only two tries. I will never be able to do that again.
All I pretty much did was start off with shapes, use a couple references, sketched it out and then boom. I'm not totally done yet, need to shade the knight I made and add a little background. I'll save that for a future post.
Now without further adieu, here's the progress I've made
Part 1: sketches with simple shapes
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Part 2: morphing the hollow knight to better fit his ingame design
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Part 3: adding details and shading (last step for hollow knight)
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Now for the knight
Part 1: Making the cape and mentally deciding on the horns I want for them
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Part 2: Finalizing the horns and adding more detail to the cape and nail
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Part 3 will be shading him in and stuff, but I'll save that for the post where I do the final product when it's finally done.
For times, I think the knight took me about 4 hours just because I could not decide on what type of horns to give them (I eventually settled on candle esque horns)
The hollow knight took about 2 to 3, mostly because I could not get his cape right for the life of me. I eventually just gave up and did what you see in the final product above.
Mk that's it sorry for long post cya peeps more hollow knight fanart potentially coming later idk
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aku-soul · 3 months
So, where have I been?
I know, I know, I said I would do stuff when I got done with moving. I'm done with moving, but it's been stressful so far... Had to buy a new tv cause I accidentally broke it, currently sleeping on a bean bag, barely have enough room for my stuff, shit has been tough. On top of that I've been looking for a job but haven't been hired yet.
So I'm gonna take a longer break till my mental health gets at least a tiny bit better. Hopefully that wont' take long but knowing my mental health... I might keep this blog updated, not sure yet.
Oh, something about me, I like to write. I have an idea and currently doing notes for it. It's super long, just based on the notes... I might reveal what it is later, but for now... Mystery
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aku-soul · 4 months
So, out of nowhere I was informed that we have to move out by the end of the month. Because of this, I may have to either live out of my car or live at a motel. I'm scared, and now my depression and anxiety levels are through the roof. I don't know if I'll do a gofund me or not, since I wouldn't know how to use them to help get myself a new place. Next week I'm seeing my therapist so hopefully she has ideas on what to do, but for now, I don't know.
Because of this, the daily drawing journal will be put on hold for a bit. I'll probably finish up mouth week but take a break until everything gets figured out for me. Hopefully it won't take long, but I have no idea. Sorry for this sudden news but wanted to give a real update this time.
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 25
Drawing mouths is still hard. I think I like the more sketchy line ones than the first one. Specifically the last one I drew. I mean, at least I'm getting better with them (if I wasn't I'd probably cry)
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 24
Drawing lips is hard... I've been running out of steam by the third one, no clue why. Oh also applied to a job today cause my current one is terrible. Hopefully I get it cause it's an art one
Mk here's what everyone came here for
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 23
Spent about thirty minutes on these all together, but gave up by the third one... Drawing realistically is exhausting. Oh also I might be autistic according to my autistic brother? I also have a monotone voice according to him too.
I'll probably ask my therapist to get that checked out next time I see her, so in like three days. Oh I also have anxiety which is not fun despite what some people might say. Neither are panic attacks. Won't rant/vent any longer so here's what everyone came for
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 22
Yes you read that right, day 22. I've decided to fully restart mouth week with tips from my brother
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, it's been hectic. I'll try to do it again and do better.
Oh, another thing, got a candy dispenser from a rummage sale for free today. Don't have a picture though.. I also have a gumball machine in storage, metal too. Again, no pic. Sorry.
Anyways, here's day 22 (again
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 25
I hate this, how do you draw mouths...
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day's 21 22 23 and 24
There's not much, I've been busy preparing for a thing that's gonna happen soon. Going to attend a graduation this saturday too possibly. And I've been overwhelmed for no reason. Mk here's my progress
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 20
Mk tomorrow is my trip to six flags. I didn't draw much cause I have a pain in my leg, no clue what's up with that. It's sharp and comes on randomly, hopefully it won't cause much trouble tomorrow... It seems to mostly happen when I'm laying down or sitting, so hopefully I can move tomorrow morning without much pain...
Anyways, here's what everyone came for
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 19
Not gonna say much today cause I had a big event that happened. Had to stand in front of a lot of people. I tried to smile but in none of the pictures I was in did I look happy to be there. I'm tired so Imma sleep now, but here's what I promised:
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 18
Sorry about yesterday, I had part of a college paper due that I had not started yet... I didn't get it done, I started though which is good.
Oh dark chocolate? Absolutely delicious, yum. Milk chocolate is way too sweet for me... Ever since I started eating dark chocolate at I think the age of 7 milk chocolate been too sweet, there's only rare exceptions when I can eat it.
I highly recommend trying white grape juice. It's kinda like wine without the alcohol? Idk exactly how to describe it but it's one of my favorite juices. So good... I think I drank like a third of my 64 oz bottle since I got home three hours ago.
One last thing, there was a dude in one of my classes rating people in said classes. I sit close to him so I was able to overhear the whole conversation, but I don't think they noticed cause I barely speak, if ever. The lowest rating he gave was a 3.5 to one of his friends. The highest rating was 10, one of those tens he gave to a girl who sits behind him.
Before I continue, I have to say I'm chubby (his words, not mine, but yes, I am, and severely self conscious about it). Probably due to a variety of factors but hope to change that in the future. Anyways, from what I remember he started whispering and said "She's a bit chubby, but if she lost weight she'd be a solid ten". Like?? That's kind of a backhanded compliment but I guess I'll take it.
I'm hardly ever told I'm pretty so I do like it when it happens. Doubt I'm ever gonna share pictures of myself here. I like my hair but that's about it.
Anyways, enough rambling, here's what you guys came for
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 17
Keeping it short cause I am tired...
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 16
Day 16 woo! Actually got a day in without forgetting... Today's obsession is: Hollow knight!
I started a new playthrough cause my other one I'm currently in the white palace. That place is so hard to beat... Screw you path of pain. In the new game I'm starting, trying to get the achievements I didn't get in the first one. Namely killing zote and killing nailsmith. Dunno if I'll actually kill nailsmith cause that hurts too much... Especially with what happens after you leave him alone.
Imma leave this one short, so here's what you guys came for:
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aku-soul · 4 months
Day 13 (and 14 and 15)
Soooo... I missed a few days. Don't owrry though, made em all up. Working on noses this week as a support. Dunno why the eye pictures are sideways but too lazy to fix em.
So, why was I late? I had athing to do but today I just said screw it and got the pictures done. Oh I had a cooking class today, the lady who does em is super nice, I like her.
Also noses hard. The only reason I am even remotely good at them is because I randomly had a phase in middle school where i was obsessed with drawing them. Realistically. Did three circles for the bottom, two lines up, and then shaded. I don't remember how good I was at em, but probably not very much. Whatever, don't care, it made me somewhat good at noses now so that's cool. Anyways, here's what y'all came for
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aku-soul · 5 months
Day 11 (and 12)
I totally forgot yesterday... So today, I did two pages. I say pages bu there's nine eyes total drawn. I's getting so hot out which is so not making me excited for summer.
Speaking of (but not really), I'm going to six flags next week. I'll get a page in that day, don't worry. Maybe I'll share some pictures? Definitely not going on any thrill rides, I absolutely hate rollercoasters. They make me feel like I'm about to fly out, so I always get scared. Yes, I know that's the whole point of rollercoasters.
Oh also, I'm working on a pointillism project, dunno if I've mentioned that or not. It's a jellyfish, for no particular reason. Drawing jellyfish is so damn hard... Pointillism is also hard, I have thousands of tiny dots. But I feel like it's going to be rewarding in the end. Maybe I'll post a picture of it soon.
Anyways, here's what today's work is.
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