alicejeangreenlane · 12 days
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Guess who got an update. yeah, I was looking back at my design and realised that they are not very good which makes sense as they were my first drafts. I especially didn't like carta's design.
The old design (left) doesn't tell you anything about her characters other than she's a warrior, she's a part of the horde and she's hot. That's about it.
so I updated her design (middle).
the information I want to convey with her character design is that
she want to be Hordak's favourite child.
she very emotionally closed off.
she's a warrior
and she stole the crown of the magic cats.
for the firsts point she wears a blue body suit to make her resemble Hordak who has blue skin.
I added and x over her heart to show that she's close off and added spikes on to her design.
I made her clothing more armor like.
and made the crown gold so it looks more like a crown. It's also the only gold thing on her to make it look out of place.
I also fix the colour tone problem. the tones in the first design are all very similar except for her skin. so the design blends together. On the new design the tone are all different from each over. I have included a black and white version so you can see the different tones.
so yeah that's catra's new design will probably change again in the future but for now I'm happy with it.
if you have any suggest or critiques for the design let me know.
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alicejeangreenlane · 26 days
oopps my hand slip.
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I've been talking with a friend about this a lot and the funniest thing about Catr//adora stans claiming that SPOP replacing the very healthy, loving and mutually respectful relationship between Adora and Sea Hawk with the incestuous abusive mess that is Catra and Adora is more progressive because it's sapphic is... you could've still had that without forcing Adora to date her violently abusive sister???
Stevenson could've just... made Sea Hawk a girl. And keep literally everything else about the OG Sea Hawk's story.
It'd still be sapphic enemies-to-lovers, but it'd be leagues more healthy than Catr//Adora.
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
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Now is probably a good time to show everyone the bill cake i made lol
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
glad to hear it.
Well... My friends have found my Tumblr. I'm fucked.
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
Good news when my "friends" found my Tumblr they discovered it alongside my friends old man yaoi account. So in comparison my account looks normal :D.
Well... My friends have found my Tumblr. I'm fucked.
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
I'm taller than you. I could easily kick your ass.
i want to write a choward fanfic with the plot of jimmy accidentally walking in on both of them since he has the keys to chuck’s place. and then obviously howard leaves all embarrassed and chuck locks himself in his room.
+ jimmy starts talking to chuck through the door, trying to tell him that it doesnt matter to him that chuck’s dating his lawyer partner, but he does it in such a jimmy-like way that it just makes chuck feel worse…
jimmy: come on chuck its not a problem!!! i mean i knew a lot of swingers back in the day!!!
chuck: shut up, jimmy…
jimmy: in fact back when i was slippin jimmy i gave my fair share of blowj-
chuck: SHUT UP JIMMY!!!!!
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
Yo guys this would make a kick ass cartoon show. we should totally make this a real thing. omg guys!
i want to write a choward fanfic with the plot of jimmy accidentally walking in on both of them since he has the keys to chuck’s place. and then obviously howard leaves all embarrassed and chuck locks himself in his room.
+ jimmy starts talking to chuck through the door, trying to tell him that it doesnt matter to him that chuck’s dating his lawyer partner, but he does it in such a jimmy-like way that it just makes chuck feel worse…
jimmy: come on chuck its not a problem!!! i mean i knew a lot of swingers back in the day!!!
chuck: shut up, jimmy…
jimmy: in fact back when i was slippin jimmy i gave my fair share of blowj-
chuck: SHUT UP JIMMY!!!!!
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alicejeangreenlane · 29 days
Well... My friends have found my Tumblr. I'm fucked.
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alicejeangreenlane · 1 month
Urgent appeal 🚨🚨
My children and I live in war and our lives are in danger 😔‼️
My children are suffering and getting sick because of pollution 😭
Don’t hesitate to Donate any amount to save our lives🥹🙏
Please stand by me and don’t leave me alone
Consider my children as your children 👧🧒
Donate to save our lives and reblog🙏🇵🇸
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alicejeangreenlane · 1 month
I am Imtithal from northern Gaza. I live in very difficult conditions because of the war and I struggle to provide basic necessities. I was displaced with my children 17 times in search of a safe place. There is no safe place. We suffer from a shortage of water, food, medicine and milk. Because of the famine war that we have been going through for 10 months, I need your support so that we can survive. Even if the support is simple, it helps my family a lot. Please donate and participate.
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alicejeangreenlane · 1 month
I am Imtithal from North Gaza, I share with you the deep sorrow of my family from Gaza, so I created this campaign for him to try to help him and his family. I know that donations are not easy in these times, but I believe that every
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contribution has the power to change someone's life. That is why I am participating in this campaign with all my faith, not only to keep them saved, but also to protect their dreams and help them get out of Gaza. I am Imtithal from Gaza, I lost all my dreams and my job as a dentist, I lost my home, I lost my brother Obaida who was killed and he had young children, and my family lost their entire livelihood because of this war in Gaza. We live in miserable conditions and live in poor conditions with my family of 35, most of whom are young children. We are always trying hard to provide a living as hunger and thirst kill us. The scene continues, full of depression, sadness, fear and horror. The siege imposed on us, the
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genocide that follows us, all kinds of torment and suffering, the spread of diseases, all of this and more kills life in Gaza, kills our existence, and our lives have turned into an endless nightmare, amidst hopes hanging by a thin thread. We are suffering now, and we do not know what tomorrow will bring. We do not know when this war will end!!! Because we have lost everything beautiful, we are about to lose more. We face harsh conditions and a dark future for our lives, displacement, poverty and pain. But there is a glimmer of hope with your help and generous donations. We can leave Gaza and build a new life and rise from the rubble. Every small donation can make a big difference. That is why I seek through your donations. To get out at a time when an individual pays huge sums of money ranging between ($5,000, $10,000) per person. My family and I are in dire need to get out of Gaza so that we do not lose our lives, and we also need to rebuild our lives again, so that we can rise and return as we were. A new home, the opening project
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
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Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, suggestions or threats leave a comment or use my ask box.
I would like to once again mention that this is not the final version of the comic this was made as a test to see how long it would take me to create a comic of this length. I desided to post it as a proof of concept for my comic.
yes I know there are a lot of mistakes and typos but this isn't ment to be perfect and im happy with it for the most part.
For more about my reason for posting this read this post.
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
I'm going to post a proof of concept I made for my she ra fanfiction
I made a proof of concept comic for she ra fanfition. the comic is 25 pages long and introduses you to she-ra as she saves a village.
This comic is not the final product
I made it as a test to see how long it would take me to create a 25 page comic and to have idea of what the final progect would look like.
The reason I am going to post the comic is to give you and idea of what the rewrite is going to be like.
it's going to be at least a year befor the comic gets release. that a long time to wait for somthing you may not like. so im going to put out the comic to give you an idea of the tone of the comic.
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
Just change the name of a trans character I have to Elliot. His personally is also base on Juno and Ellie Williams. This character is never going to beat the Elliot Page comparenisions!
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
Here's the rest of the characters :)
If you have any sugesstions for the designs leave a comment or use my ask box. these are early design and likely to change.
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
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Allen is a orignal character for my comic, he is the tech exspert for the rebelion. Allen is the person who built Bow's prostetic hand. Him and bow (who also has an intresst in technoygy) work together on projects. at some point when working on a project Allen fell in love with bow but belives his feeling to be unrequited, so to not ruin their firendship he keeps his fellings to his self.
Allen was trained by his father to be a mechanic so he could take over his business. Allen never took over his father business as the horde destroyed their work shop and imprisoned his father becuse his father refuse to make weapons for the horde. Allen realise that he couldn't rebuild his family or their business with the horde still in charge so he join the rebellion.
Allen has ehlers danlos syndrome so need a wheel chair. He has need a wheelchair since he was a teenager so his disability is not new to him.
Allen is a gay trans man, he didn't realise he was trans untill he join the rebellion when he was 21. madam razz then made potion for him which alowed him to trasion.
He is also autistic, his special intrest is mechanics.
If you have any ideas for his character design or any questions about him leave a comment of use my ask box.
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alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
she-ra heir of greyskull. what is it?
She-ra heir of greyskull is my fan comic for ages 13 and up, which retells the story of the 1980s show she-ra princess of power with some elements taken from the comics and 2002 he man show.
story premise: An evil warlord turned heroic superhero adopts a young teen obsessed with the ex-warlord's superhero persona. In order to protect the teenagers image of the super hero. The ex warrior must keep her identity a secret, while protecting her adopted child  from the dangerous war torn fantasy world they live in.
The comic will (hopefuly) be released every week as a 25 page comic. some issuse may be longer or shorter. The comic will not be coming out any time soon as I am going to need a very large buffer. when I have a realise date for it I will update this post as well as make a new one.
It will be posted on a seprate blog dedicated to the comic. when I have that blog I will make a new post.
I will try my hardesed to complete the story if it come to a point where I no longer want to work on the story I will create a long post exsplaing the rest of the story.
What the comic isn't
The comic will be nothing like the 2018 she-ra show on netflix.
For exsample catra and adora are siblings in the story and adora is straight.
If you come into the show wanted it to be like the netflix show you will be very dissapointed.
The comic will not feature sex, nudity or gore but will tackel dark topics.
what the comic is.
The comic is a adventure comedy with a dark edge but the genral tone of the story will be light hearted with occasional dark moments.
If you want to learn more about the character and story look up the tag #she ra heir of grayskull on tumblr.
Thank you for reading with you have any question please leave a comment or you can use my ask box.
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