alien--puppy · 5 years
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Landon, Exavia, and Cray
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alien--puppy · 5 years
I'm looking for constructive criticism please
Tw Self-Harm
Landon sat in an uncomfortably small desk in an uncomfortably cold classroom. He was freezing in his t-shirt, but he couldn't let anyone know. He shivered. He scratched at his arm harshly over previous scratches, a fair trade off, he thought, for his public humiliation. No one looked at him. He bites his finger as he looks at the clock. Twenty-three minutes left. He put his hand back at his arm and kept scratching, ignoring how it stung.
His friend, Cray looked over at him and he subtly pulled away from his arm and turned it over. "Dude, you okay?" Cray asked quietly, flicking his tail at Landon.
"Obviously. I just wanna get out of this fuckin class," Landon said, ending his sentance with a shrug.
"Kay then," Cray said and went back to his work.
Landon looked at his already finished work and then the clock. Twenty-Two minutes. The clocks ticking was impossibly loud in the near silent classroom. He wrapped his tails around the cold metal legs of his desk. He shivered. The room was 75°F. He scratched at his arm.
"Alright, is everyone about done with their work?" Ms. Turing asked loudly. And after receiving various yes's she turned to face the board and started explaining the work.
Landon had thought he got most of the answers right. But after Ms. Turing went over the first page, he had missed seven out of the twelve she'd gone over. Im so fucking bad at math, he thought before scraping at his arm with his short and uneven nails. Blood leaked from his arm and he stared at it for a second before his heartbeat rose. He raised his hand( the right one).
"Yes? Do you have a question about the problem?" Ms. Turing asked.
"Can I go to the bathroom, please?" Landon said, calmly. His hand was shaking. The blood on his arm was dripping through the rip of his black jeans onto his lower thigh. He shivered again. He was freezing. He was about to cry and the people here couldn't see.
"Fine. Be back in five minutes," Ms. Turing said, with a slightly agitated voice.
Landon un-twisted his tails and walked out of the classroom and shut the door. He stumbled then and felt a tear slip out of his eye. He started walking towards the bathrooms. He tripped slightly on a pencil. He started walking faster. He turned the corner, and seeing it was clear, ran into the boys bathroom and into a stall. He slammed the door shut and locked it.
He started sobbing loudly before biting down on his lip, drawing blood, but he wasn't bothered enough to care. He ripped toilet paper from the holder and swiped it down his arm and lower thigh, before balling it up and throwing it into the toilet. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to his lower thighs and sat on the toilet, underwear still on.
He shakily opened a portal to The Void, and thought of his sword before pulling it out and closing the small portal. He shrunk his sword to it's dagger form and unsheathed it, dropping it's sheath. He wiped the tears and snot from his face, and readied himself.
His hand was shaky as he moved the blade towards his thigh. He dug the blade into his flesh and drug it across his skin, and sobbing, he made another cut to the scarred skin. And another and another and another…
Landon was left with twenty-eight cuts by the time the bell rang seven minutes later. He quickly cut himself twice more as ending on an uneven number upset him, before quickly wiping away the sticky blood with toilet paper. He pulled up his jeans while hurriedly flushing the toilet and put his sword, no, dagger away, back into The Void. He opened the stall and hurried back to class to get his bag.
Ms. Turing glanced at him as he rushed back into class, but paid him no mind as this was a usual occurrence with him. Landon grabbed his backpack and walked through the crowded halls to meet with his friends before they got on the bus. He was pulled backwards by his horns, and turned to look at his friend, Exavia.
Exavia was taller than Landon by a good foot( not hard as Landon was five foot nothing), and always teased him about it.
"Hey! My dad's letting me have some friends over while he's out. So I'm gonna have a party tonight! Wanna come?" Exavia asked loudly while steering Landon around by his shoulders, through the hall.
"I can't. My mom's…making me help her with a thing tonight. Sorry. I want to go but I can't." Landon says, not bothering masking his face as Exavia can't see it from this angle.
"Aww. But dude! You'd be cool to have there! Can't you just ask your mom if she can cancel? You haven't come to any of my parties! At all dude! Do you  not like me or something?" Exavia says with a fake pout before pulling on Landon's horn again.
"Fine. I'll ask my mom if that makes you stop pulling my head you dick. I'm gonna get a concussion one day." Landon says shoving Exavia's arm away from him.
"Cool! You remember my address, right?" At Landon's nod Exavia keeps talking,"Good! Coz this party's gonna be the best yet! I promise that you won't regret coming! I'll even be able to get you some pussy. Promise," Exavia says with a small salute.
"Shut the fuck up. I told you I'm not a virgin." Landon says.
"Liar! And I gotta go now though. But bye shorty! I'll see you at my party. It's at 8!" Exavia says as he starts to jog to his bus.
Landon just goes to his own bus and sits at the back with more of his friends. And as they all start talking to him, he wishes nothing more than for them to just leave him alone. Just for the day. He can't handle all of this faking.
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