aliendigest · 1 year
Yandere Vash Headcanons
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Minors DNI
I'm still deep in the Vash brainrot and I'm weak for yandere men so here we are. Keep in mind that Vash's character is such a pacifist it wouldn't be in his nature to be so unhinged and hooked on someone to the point of being yandere. Perhaps you're the exception?
-Vash wouldn't turn yandere for just anyone. It'd be someone who reminds him of Rem- someone caring, empathetic. A pacifist like him.
-Speaking of his pacifism, he wouldn't kill anyone for you. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't stalk you or scare away anyone who would potentially get close to you.
-He'd be methodical in his approach to you. Starting with watching you from across the bar. He'd follow you home and begin to pick up on little things about you.
-When he does decide to approach you, he'd act incredibly different than he'd feel on the inside. While in his mind he becomes obsessive, on the outside he'd be friendly, giving you any kind of attention you wanted.
-Once you two start dating however, things change
-Vash would absolutely love-bomb you without even realizing it. His affection would be suffocating. He'd want to be with you every second of the day.
-Vash would stop at nothing to protect you from the dangers of his reputation. Even if he believed you were capable of holding you own, he'd try and deflect danger off of you whenever possible.
-In bed, he would go crazy every time he heard you beg. He'd want to believe even for a second that you wanted him as desperately as he'd want you.
-Speaking of sex, he'd always be down. Anything to be as close to you as possible.
-As time would progress, Vash would start with the mind games. His words would turn from loving and genuine to confusing and obsessive.
-Anyone who would look at you funny would be on Vash's shitlist. If he believed the person to be any sort of threat to you or to his grip on you, he'd do almost anything to get them out of his way.
-Even after dating, you'd notice things of yours would go missing. Your clothes, personal care items would show up in different spots or disappear completely.
-You'd try bringing this up to Vash but he'd deny it and claim he hasn't ever seen the item your talking about.
-If Vash ever lost you (either death or breakup) he'd fully lose his mind. That could very well be what makes him snap. I could see him taking the life of your murderer.
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aliendigest · 1 year
WIP Friday
So wip Wednesdays are a thing and even though its not Wednesday, I want to share a little piece of what I've been working on.
Pairing- Vash the Stampede/f! Reader
Under 18 DNI. NSFW! TW- Gunplay
How you loved it when Vash dominated you like this. It wasn't a usual occurence, only having happened about once or twice previously. But oh it turned you on.
"You've been such a bad girl, and I bet this turns you on, doesn't it?" His voice was barely above a whisper. Before you could say anything, he shifted his knee so that it rubbed against you. It gave you the friction that you had been craving.
"You don't deserve to be pleasured tonght after what you did. You'll have to earn it." He bites the lobe of your ear softly. A small mewl escapes your lips as you go to wrap your arms around him. In response, he pulls away.
He toys with the firearm in his hands. The smooth metal now warm to the touch. Vash's eyes moved between you and the gun, as he thought about what to do next. A few seconds later, he popped the barrel of the gun open, double checking that it was unloaded. After popping the gun back together, he pointed it at your mouth.
"Since you want to be a little whore so bad, suck it."
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aliendigest · 1 year
Astronomy (Vash the Stampede x Reader)
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Minor NSFW Under 18 DNI
Tags- Angst, Hurt no Comfort, Grief, Mild Sexual Content, Sexual Fantasies
WC- 1,944
Summary- They say distance brings fondness, but guess not with us.
If you want to read this on AO3, click here
Mild songfic based off of the song Astronomy by Conan Gray
Vash remembered that night as though it were yesterday. Drunk and so painfully emotional, he kissed you. It was sloppy, full of love. There was nothing he wanted more than to go further- to show how much he truly loved you. When the two of you parted, you smiled awkwardly. He never did confirm whether or not his feelings were reciprocated. Yet he cherished the moment. 
The two of you never discussed what had happened that night. You just moved on as though nothing had happened. Apart from the occasional touch- hand holding, brushing against each other- things had stayed the same up until he had to leave. Despite being far far away from you, you had never left his mind. 
He spent many of his nights daydreaming of giving you the perfect life. How he desperately wanted your face to be the one he saw when he woke up each morning. Desiring to give you a place to come home to each night, where your smile would light up the kitchen as the two of you laughed while making dinner. To Vash, you were like a constellation. Something beautiful that helped guide his way. His hopes that the stars would bring you to him kept him fighting. Even when he wanted to give up. 
Then there were the nights when he would think of you with his hand in his pants. Vash craved to make you feel good. He wanted to make sure that you never left the bed unsatisfied. Thoughts of how good you'd feel around his hard cock had him coming almost instantaneously. The fantasies he'd have where you begged his name, pleading to have him fill your tight little hole was more than enough to keep him satisfied until he would be able to make his way back to you.
Today was like any other day for Vash. Fighting off bounty hunters and navigating the arid wasteland of the desert planet. He kept you in his thoughts, imagining how happy you'd be to see him again. It was nearing five years since he'd last laid eyes on you, yet you remained in his thoughts every day. His love for you was helplessly strong. Everything he did was done in order to see your shining face once again. When the time was right, Vash was certain that the two of you would reunite. 
The town he chose to stay in was quaint. It had an inn, a small saloon, and a couple of small markets. The perfect place for a wanted man to hide out. He'd just gotten settled and was on his way to the saloon when he'd thought he heard a familiar voice. Your voice. It was scolding, presumably aimed at a small child. Turning his head, Vash immediately spotted you. You looked stunning, just as he remembered. There wasn't a hair out of place on you and your smile was immaculate. 
You held a young girl's hand. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the child was your daughter. She looked just like you. He couldn't take his eyes off the scene that unfolded in front of him. Watching intently as you picked the young girl up and handed her to a man around your age. He was handsome and kind, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips, causing you to giggle. The gold band on your finger flashed in the sunlight.
In all of his years of fantasizing about you, never once did this scenario cross his mind. Never did he think that he would return to find that you had moved on. That you gave your love to another. Vash pried his eyes away from the scene and kept walking. He desperately wished to talk to you, to find out how you could move on, yet he didn't want you to see him this way. 
He walked into the saloon with glassy eyes and sat down at one of the bar stools, head in his hands. There was only one thing to do in this situation he decided, and that was to drown out his feelings. His first drink went down like water, the memories of what he saw previously starting to blur. It wasn't real, right? There was no possible way that you were married. It just didn't make any sense. He wasn't gone for that long, was he? The second drink brought fury. Vash was angry at you for moving on. How could you just leave him like this? Although you never promised to wait for him, he still felt betrayed. 
After drink number three, he was a crying mess. Containing his emotions to occasional tears and sniffling, Vash tried desperately to keep the attention off of him. He silently prayed for this all to be some sort of messed-up dream. Vash would do anything to make what he saw not real. By this point, his surroundings started to fade and it was as though he were alone at the bar, nothing but his sorrows keeping him company. Dizzy although he knew he wasn't done.
He was cut off after drink number four. The slur of his words and fuzzy feelings from the alcohol brought some relief to his aching heart. As he stumbled back to the inn he was staying at, the poor plant nearly blacked out. The last thing he remembered before passing out was hearing the sound of his own cries, tears staining the soft pillow where he rested his tired head. 
Sunlight streamed through the cracks in the blinds, shining directly onto his sunken eyes. When he woke, Vash cursed the light before rolling over. A few moments of peace washed over him. How he wished he could share it with you. You. Thoughts from the night before came flooding over him. You would never be his. Tears returned to Vash's sore eyes as he remembered how you belonged to another man. The familiar ache in his heart returned and he knew he couldn't stay. He had to leave town before you discovered his presence. 
There was no happy ending to be had. Now Vash had to put together the pieces of what he thought would be a perfect future with you. He cursed himself for once again letting his naivety get the best of him. As he sat up, a massive headache pounded away in his head. Behind his eyes was an all too familiar hurt. Pushing past his hangover, he got out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. What stared back at Vash in the mirror was a total disaster. His hair was all over the place, and the stubble on his chin showed his neglect towards himself. He had even fallen asleep in his coat and boots, now wrinkled and uncomfortably pressing against his skin. 
Vash spent the next hour or so pulling himself together. Once he felt ready, he quickly packed his things and left the inn. The heat against his skin reminded him of his long journey ahead. Where was he going? He didn't know anymore, he just had to get out of this godforsaken town. He walked down the main stretch of town, towards the outskirts. Each step brought a soft crunch of the sand beneath his feet. Vash had his eyes focused on the ground when he heard that familiar voice once again. 
"Vash? Is that you?" 
He was hoping to not run into you on his way out. Unable to avoid it, he was quickly enveloped in a hug. 
"It's been years! How are you?" Your smile lit up the entire street and he could barely bring himself to look at you. 
When you pulled away from the hug, you watched him expectantly. He put on his best fake smile and replied, "I've been doing alright. How about you?" 
"I've never been better!" You gushed, admiring the ring on your finger. "It's so hard to believe but I'm married now! And we have such a beautiful daughter. You'd love her." 
Each word hit Vash like a punch in the gut. He continued to do what he did best, grin and bear it. 
"That's so exciting. I'm really happy for you," Vash feigned his excitement as he spoke, trying his best to sound genuine. 
"It's so good that you're back! How long are you in town for?" 
"Uh... Well... I'm actually just passing through. I have business I need to attend to in December." He lied. 
"December's a long ways from here, you've got quite the journey ahead of you." 
"Yeah, that's why I've gotta get started bright and early!" He chuckled softly. You just looked at him quizzically.
"Vash, it's one in the afternoon. A little past bright and early if you ask me." 
He looked up and sure enough, you were right. It was early afternoon. "Oops! Silly me getting the time mixed up. I really should get going then, I'll be late!" 
You looked at him with that same awkward stare you had the night the two of you kissed. 
"Alright. Well, it was good seeing you! Good luck on your travels. And come visit sometime! I'd love to introduce you to my family!" You pulled him in for one last hug, this time, he hugged you back tightly. Vash took in your scent for the last time, enjoyed the comfort of your embrace for the last time. He knew he wouldn't be back. It was too much for his heart to take. Tears began to streak his eyes, he did everything in his power to hold them back. 
"I'll try," He said, his voice cracking. It was a lie and he knew it, he didn't have the heart to tell you the truth. You pulled away and smiled at him.
"It was so good to see you! I'll miss you." 
Those last three words hit him hard. You would miss him? Vash wondered how much you had thought about him in the last five years. 
"Yeah," He stammered, his face heating up ever so slightly, "I'll miss you too." 
You gave him one last quick hug before saying your final goodbye. Before he knew it, Vash was on the move once again. He looked over his shoulder as he left town and let the tears flow freely down his face. 
A soft sigh escaped his lips. It was time for him to move on. Looking up, he thought of the stars. You were like a constellation, burning bright, painting a beautiful picture that lit his way for so long. Yet nothing lasted forever. Stars die out. Now he found himself longing for something new to provide light in his unending life of darkness. 
It was back to the grind for Vash. He knew the road ahead of him was filled with bandits and bounty hunters chasing after his life. There was no avoiding his reputation. Although he desperately craved to settle down. His mind went back to you. If only it were him that gave you such a comfortable life. If only the glow of your skin radiated because of his touch. That's all he'd ever want. To live a life by your side, fighting for you for the rest of your time. 
If only the stars had aligned. Things would be different. Maybe the ring on your finger would be the one he'd put there. Deep down, he knew that the life you deserved was one that he'd never be able to give you. You deserved to be able to settle down and raise your familiy with safety and comfort, luxuries that Vash would never be able to afford. 
After all, you're two worlds apart. 
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aliendigest · 1 year
It's the Thought That Counts (Reader's POV) Part 2 NSFW
Under 18 DNI
tags- awkwardness, sexual tension, idiots in love, face-fucking, face-sitting, shameless smut, smut with plot, weird dildo science, mutual pining, pre-relationship
pairing- Vash the Stampede/Reader
wc- 3,850
summary- The night before was eventful for both of you. How do you face each other?
Part 1 Original AO3
You tapped your fingers impatiently on the table as you waited for your blonde companion to join you. With your mind full of thoughts from last night, you were a bit anxious to how this meeting will play out. At first, you thought that the voice you were hearing last night,
his voice, was just a part of your fantasies, but they just sounded too
real. Too connected to him. You barely noticed when Vash approached you from behind.
"G-Good morning!" He announced cheerfully as he sat down across from you, his plate of food hitting the table with a light clank.
"Good morning, Vash."
The tension in the air was suffocating. As if it were weighing down on the two of you. Despite coming off as his usual excitable self, you knew there was something on his mind. Your thoughts turned back to the night before. Did he hear you? How embarrassing that would be. It would all be over. If Vash knew your feelings there would be no possible way to move past that.
"So," He started off awkwardly. "How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good," You took a drink from your water as you responded.
Once again, silence filled the air. You looked at Vash who was intently staring down at the plate in front of him. Whatever it was on his mind, it seemed to be really bothering him.
"Is everything alright, Vash?" You asked with concern in your voice.
It took him a minute to respond, "Yeah. I'll talk to you about it later."
You just nodded and went back to eating. The rest of breakfast was full of awkward silence and the occasional small talk. It was vastly different from your usual mornings with the Humanoid Typhoon, where he'd be full of energy and ready to take on whatever the day brought.
He was at war with himself. The way that he twisted his facial expressions into a concoction of uncertainty told you so. There was nothing that you wanted more than to comfort him and help him through it. Even if it was something you didn't want to hear. Infatuation bubbled in your chest. His mind was such an enigma to you. How you wished you knew what was going on behind those two beautiful eyes of his.
You finished your meal in silence. As you stood up and began to walk back toward your room, Vash grabbed your wrist.
"We need to talk. Come to my room?"
This had been the most forward he'd been throughout the entirety of the meal. Your anxiety started to get the best of you. Was he going to confront you? How could you possibly explain the lewd noises you'd made last night? How could you explain moaning his name?
"Sure. Lead the way."
The door to his room opened with a quiet click and he closed the door behind the both of you rather quickly. "So, what did you want to ta-" You were cut off with his lips meeting yours. His lips were soft and warm and they seemed to fit perfectly against yours. You weren't complaining about him kissing you- just extremely surprised. Unsure of what to do, you stayed still as he pulled away, both of your faces a dark crimson.
"I-I'm so sorry," He mumbled. "I- you- I guess I have some explaining to do."
You stayed silent. In your mind, all you could think about was how desperately you wanted him to kiss you again. And again.
"Remember that gift I gave you?" He stumbled over his words, clearly unsure of how to put things. "Well, it turns out, everything that happens to the toy, I also... Experience."
Your blood ran cold. He felt everything?! Even your... Shaking your head, you weren't sure how to respond. There was no way he was being serious. Then again, he was never one to lie to you. Looking into his eyes, you knew he was telling the truth.
"I... Uh... This is awkward." You started.
"I'm so sorry that this happened. If I'd actually known what was inside the box and what it did, I would have never given it to you." He didn't sound entirely sincere.
There was a silence between the two of you for a while. You just weren't sure what to say. You didn't know how to process the information he had just given you.
After what felt like an eternity, you spoke again, "It's okay, Vash. Neither of us knew this would happen."
"Also, there's something else I want to mention. Last night, in my mind I heard your voice," His face heated up as he tripped over his words. "I-It was moaning my name."
A chill ran down your spine. He knew everything. There was no way that he hadn't pieced together your feelings now. You were doomed.
Then you remembered everything that you'd heard last night. Him coaxing you along, telling you not to push yourself. It was different from your normal fantasies. Then there was his confession. He'd told you he loved you. There was no getting past that. If you two had heard each other's words, that would mean your feelings were reciprocated... Right?
Now it was your turn to stumble over your words, "Y-You heard that?"
The look on his face was all the confirmation you needed.
"I-I think I heard you too last night," You weren't sure how to ask this next question. "Did-Did you confess that you loved me?"
Vash looked like he had seen a ghost. His face was bright white and he frantically looked around the room, at anywhere that wasn't you. Silence filled the space for several moments as neither of you knew what to say. You couldn't take your eyes off the plant in front of you. Even now, flustered and embarrassed, he looked so mouthwatering. He ran his hands through his hair nervously before speaking up.
"I- uh.. I did."
You responded almost immediately, "Did you mean it?"
Silence once again. Vash held his head in his hands while you stood there biting your lip nervously. After what felt like hours, he spoke again.
"Yes. I love you. I love you so goddamn much. But you were never supposed to find out."
You weren't sure how to respond to that. Obviously, you loved him too, but for him to be right there in front of you, vulnerable, telling you that he loved you back? Your heart almost couldn't take it. It must have been several minutes before Vash knocked you out of your trance.
"Well?" He asked.
"I love you too!" You blurted out. The room filled with silence for a moment. Neither you nor Vash had any idea of what to say. You watched him as he stared down at his hands.
Several minutes pass by before he speaks again, "We can't do this. I can't risk hurting you."
"Vash, I've been traveling with you for the better part of two years. We've been in several dangerous situations. How do our feelings make things different?"
"Look, I don't want you getting hurt because of me. If people knew that we're involved like that, they'd come after you too!" He buried his head in his hands once again.
You stayed quiet. He was right, but also so very wrong. After all of this time spent with him, you thought that you'd proven yourself capable of being by his side. Never did you turn down a fight nor did you ever let Vash's reputation get to you.
"I think you should go," He moved alongside of you and opened the door. Was he really kicking you out? You gathered yourself quickly before leaving his presence. Fuming, you stomped across the hall to your own room and slammed the door shut. Plopping down onto your bed, you held your pillow as you stared at the ceiling. What were you expecting? There was no way that Vash would've actually considered being with you.
You weren't sure how much time had passed. Instead, you spent your time dwelling on the events that had taken place that morning. Would this be where you and Vash part? It couldn't be. The two of you were close enough to work through this without giving up- right? Eventually, you must've fallen asleep because the next time you came to was around dinner time.
With a sigh, you got up. Maybe Vash would be more open to talking over dinner? You spent a few moments getting ready before making your way back to the dining hall. After getting your food, your eyes scan the crowd for your gunslinging companion. Once you'd found him, your appetite was all but gone. He was sitting at a crowded table, with at least three women within inches of him. He seemed to be having a good time. Without you. You felt sick. Not wanting him to see you like this, you ran back to your room. Tears filled your vision as you once again found yourself alone in the safety of your room.
How could you even begin to process what you had just seen? You knew Vash used to spend a lot of his time in the company of other women but never had you witnessed it for yourself first hand. How could he tell you that he loved you and then go off and do something like this? What hurt even worse was how sincere he was this morning. He really loved you. How can someone really love you yet go off and pull a stunt like that?
Anger boiled through your veins. This wasn't like the Vash you knew at all.
Around an hour passed and your mind kept wandering in circles. There had to be something you could do to cope with this anger. You thought for a moment before your eyes turned to the black box on your end table. You knew the consequences. Vash would feel everything. Maybe he needed a reminder of how down-bad you are for him?
You took the toy out of the box, gently squishing it in your hands. Without even realizing it, you had more power over Vash than you'd originally thought. You had the power to cause him such immense pain or pleasure and here you were- abusing it. Wrapping your lips around the tip, you gently scraped your teeth against his "skin." The thoughts that swam through your head were downright sinful. If he wanted other women, who were you to stop him? You would just play with yourself. Just like you always have.
Judging by the phantom twitches that echoed throughout your mouth, Vash was feeling every ounce of pleasure that you were giving him. Despite not wanting to know what he's up to, you still desired his touch. Even if it were just for one night. Sinking the rest of the toy into your mouth, you licked at the shaft relentlessly. There's nothing more you wanted to do than suck the soul out of your blonde companion, so that's exactly what you did. You moved to thrusting the toy in and out of your mouth at a painfully slow pace.
You could hear his grunts and moans in your head, just like last night. However, you were still painfully oblivious to what was going on across the hall. That was until there was a loud banging coming from your door. You didn't have to look through the peephole to know that it was Vash. With a sigh, you removed the toy from your mouth and set it on the nightstand before getting up and answering the door.
Vash looked like a hot mess. His hair was wet and down, and his jacket was just thrown on, only the occasional button was done. One could only assume that he was in the shower when you had begun teasing him.
"Can I help you?" Your annoyed tone was showing.
"Just... Please let me in."
You stepped to the side and allowed Vash to step into your room. The tension was killing the both of you. The look in his blue eyes was one that you had never seen before. It was almost animalistic. Neither of you spoke for several minutes before he broke the silence.
"What were you thinking?" He asked. There was no anger in his voice, just concern and something else. You weren't able to pinpoint what it was.
"No, what were you thinking? Confessing your love for me, pushing me away, and then drowning yourself in the attention of other women? What's wrong with you, Vash?"
Vash was quiet for a while. You noticed his gaze shift to your lips. Before you could say anything, his lips were on yours once again. This kiss wasn't as chaste as the last one. His tongue quickly parted your lips and slid inside of your mouth. Even with how angry you were at him right now, the kiss was something you'd been craving since you'd first kissed him this morning.
He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, allowing for better access. You weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, but when the two of you finally parted lips, you were glowing.
"Look," Vash stated just above a whisper. "I'm so painfully in love with you, my mayfly. I wasn't sure how to handle these feelings so I pushed you away. I'm sorry."
There was so much that you wanted to say right now but words wouldn't come out. You pulled Vash back in for another kiss and ran your hands through his soft wet hair. He was irresistible. This kiss didn't last as long.
"Mayfly," He breathed, "I really need you."
"Then take me already! I've only been waiting all day."
Vash wasted no time, pulling you closer to him. This time, he just gazed into your eyes, the cerulean hue of his capturing you into a trance. His arms snaked around your back before lifting your shirt up over your head, leaving your top half bare except for your bra. You watched as he took you in, breathing heavily as he undressed you with his eyes.
"You're... You're so beautiful," He stammered. His face was bright red as he fiddled with your bra, clearly struggling. You let out a soft chuckle before reaching your arms back and undoing your bra for him, finding his inexperience quite cute. He helped you out of your bra, marveling at your exposed chest in front of him.
"What?" You asked. "You haven't seen tits before?"
"I uhm... I can't say I have."
This information came as a shock to you. Vash had never seen another woman naked before. You figured with how he'd been acting around other women- and the stories you've heard- that he'd at least have some experience under his belt.
"It's okay, Vash. Let's get you out of those clothes." You begin undoing the buttons on his jacket before he grabs you arm and stops you.
"Are you... Mayfly, I'm not exactly as beautiful as you.." He stammered.
"Vash, I've helped treat your wounds before. I know you have a lot of scars. I still think you're stunning regardless."
"If you're sure," He let go of your arm and allowed you to continue undoing his jacket buttons. Once they were all undone, you pulled the jacket off of him, and to your surprise, he was wearing nothing underneath.
"Vash..." You let his name escape your lips as you fully take in the sight of him. There were more scars than you had thought. Some were new, some were old, and some were patched together roughly with pieces of metal, yet he still looked like an absolute meal. He looked away from you, afraid to see your reaction. You traced some of the larger scars gently with your fingers.
"How could anyone ever do this to you?" You mused softly.
He wasn't sure how to answer. You kept tracing the scars on his chest, slowly making your way down towards his abdomen. As you went, you spoke soft praises to him. His cock throbbed, exposed to the cool air of your room. It looked tempting but you just kept your fingers moving across his warm skin. His soft groans made your core ache with need.
"Mayfly... Please," He begged.
"What is it, Vash?"
He grabbed your arm softly and positioned it at his weeping length. You grasped his cock in your hand, eliciting a sharp gasp from the man in front of you. Slowly, you began pumping your hand up and down on his length. He grasped the bedsheets and cried out soft sounds of pleasure as you continued. Taking it a step further, you leaned down and took his tip into your mouth.
He grasped at your hair, trying to pull your mouth down further around his cock. You chuckled around him, obliging as you sank your mouth down until his tip touched the back of your throat. You pleasured him with your tongue as you slowly began to move your head away from his cock and then closer once again. You continued at a slow and steady rhythm which Vash didn't like. He began to move your head back and forth at a faster pace, his grip so painfully tight on your head as he face-fucked you.
You hummed around his cock, feeling him getting close. His whines and whimpers were like music to your ears as you continued to please him.
"Oh... Yes, Mayfly! Please don't stop! 'M so close..." His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he released his load into your throat.
He spasmed hard as you swallowed every drop of come that he shot into your mouth. Smirking, you pulled away, making sure not to waste a leave a single drop of his seed.
Looking back up at him, he panted heavily as he tried to recompose himself.
"You... You did s'good~" He praised.
You stood up and stretched your aching legs. As you did, you felt a large amount of slick coat your panties. You were so needy for him. Not breaking eye contact, you slipped your pants and panties right off. He looked at you with greedy eyes.
He stared at you in shock as you straddled him. You crawled up until your aching core was over his face. Sitting up, you straddled his face.
"Make me feel good, baby," You commanded.
You could tell that he was a little confused but a few moments later he began to lick at your folds. A soft moan escaped your lips as he licked your clit. He focused all of his attention on the swollen mound of flesh. Licking, sucking, anything he could to make his mayfly feel good.
"Vash!" You moaned, grinding your core against him. He kept going as you let out soft sounds of pleasure. You could feel the tension rising in your abdomen but you knew you weren't ready to come just yet.
He grasped at your ass as he continued, the continued stimulation bringing you closer to your peak. His lips suctioned around your clit as his tongue gently pressed against your flesh and you came hard. You rested your body against the wall as you twitched and came on Vash's face.
After you came down, you got off of his face. You lay next to him for a few moments before he pulled you in for another kiss. The two of you spent several minutes entwined in one another, lips only parting for the occasional gasp of air. It was ecstasy to be in his arms and you had a feeling that he felt the same way.
"I really need you," He murmured into your ear, sending shivers down to your core.
"Then take me."
He crawled on top of you and positioned himself between your spread legs. You bucked your hips up towards him in anticipation before he pushed himself inside of you. You let out a loud gasp as his tip bullied its way into your aching cunt. He rested each hand in a fist on opposite sides of your head and looked down at you with the most loving gaze.
"I love you so much, Mayfly." He whispered.
You wasted no time responding, "I love you too, Vash."
He pushed himself in deeper at a painfully slow pace. Even though he'd love nothing more than to slam into you and take you fast and hard, he wanted to savor every moment he spent inside of you.
Once he bottomed out, he reached one of his hands to brush your cheek, whispering softly, "Are you okay, my sweet mayfly?"
"Couldn't be better," You replied with a smile.
The look that he gave you was sweet, filled with love and desire. He slowly began to move inside of you, pulling himself all the way out of you before pushing himself back into you. He continued at a slow pace for a while before you coaxed him to go a little faster.
Once he started pounding into you, it was as though he couldn't stop. With each thrust, he brushed his tip against your cervix which drove you wild. You looked up into his eyes and saw that animalistic glint in them once again. He was losing himself.
He pulled himself out of you. As you sat there missing his touch, he commanded, "Get on your hands and knees, love. I have an idea."
You did as he asked and he immediately slammed into your tight hole. Loving this new angle, he had much better access to your core. The sound of skin slapping skin resumed and you groaned as you stared at the wall in front of you. That familiar tension began to rise in your stomach once again and you knew that you were nearing your second orgasm. Vash must've been close too, as his pace grew sloppier and his breathing became rampant.
"M-Mayfly, I'm gonna cum-" He cut himself off with a loud moan. You felt him fill up your insides with his hot seed and shortly after, your orgasm hit you as well.
You clenched around him, milking every last ounce of cum from his cock. The two of you stayed in that position for a moment while you both regained your breath.
"That was so good~" You praised. Although you couldn't see his face, you could tell that he looked down at you with the most loving gaze. He pulled himself out of your core and collapsed on the bed next to you, where you proceeded to lie down as well. Vash cradled you in his arms, his warmth was inviting, and you soon found yourself drifting off to sleep.
There would definitely be a discussion in the morning about why Vash had decided to distance himself from you, as well as where the two of you would go from there. But for now, you were just happy to be in Vash's arms as the two of you fell asleep.
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aliendigest · 1 year
Welcome to My Corner of the Internet! (Fic Masterlist)
Heyo, I'm Alien and welcome to my writing blog! I'll try to keep this list as up-to-date as possible. Most of my works go directly onto my AO3 but I will try to cross-post them onto here as well. Hope you enjoy! :3
Current Fandoms: Trigun and Stardew Valley (Stardew Blog: @simpdewvalley)
Trigun (Vash the Stampede x Reader)
A Simple Kiss (SFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Vulnerability (SFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Astronomy (Light NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr || Song
A Night Alone With Vash (NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Plant Boyfriend (NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr
It's the Thought That Counts Reader's POV (NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr || Original
It's the Thought That Counts Reader's POV Part 2 (NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr || Original
Stardew Valley
The Mines (Sam x Reader NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Stalker (Yandere! Sam x Reader NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Snow (Sambastian SFW) AO3 || Tumblr
Original Works
Kink Exploration (OC Kae x Reader NSFW) AO3 || Tumblr
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aliendigest · 1 year
A Night Alone With Vash (Vash the Stampede x f!Reader Smut) NSFW
Under 18 DNI
Cw- Porn without plot, face fucking, oral sex, vaginal sex, neck kissing, hotel sex, light dom/sub
Wc- 1,609
Summary- you and Vash get some much needed time alone together
If you'd prefer to read this on AO3, click here
The hotel room door had barely slammed shut before he was all over you. Darkness enveloped the room as he pinned you against the wall. You run your hands through his spikey blond hair as your lips met his. The kiss was filled with tension and lust. You weren't sure how the two of you maintained your composure throughout the day but luckily now you could finally release the tension that had been building for months. He cupped your face as he slipped his tongue between your lips. Both yours and his breathing became heavy as he lifted you off of the ground and held your legs against him.
You pulled away briefly and whisper, "Vash..."
He leaned in and whispered his response into your ear, "Yes, Mayfly?"
"I really need you."
His response was playful, as usual, "Then that's what you'll get."
Vash wasted no time before carrying you over to the bed, he set you down on the soft sheets before climbing on top of you. His lips met yours once again and you find your hands fiddling with the belts on his waist. He groaned into the kiss and reached down to help you take them off, tossing them off to the side. Next you worked on unbuttoning his oversized jacket.
He pushed your hand away and broke the kiss, "You haven't seen me without clothes, have you?"
You nodded, "You're so beautiful, Vash. Please."
He looked around reluctantly thinking for a moment before helping you unbutton his jacket, "Just... It's a lot, y'know?"
"I love you, Vash," You confessed. "No matter what your body looks like."
Vash looked at you in shock, "D-Do you really mean it? That you love me?"
"Of course," Your reply was confident. He pulled you in for a tight hug.
"I love you too, Mayfly. I love you so much!"
You melted before getting back to work. Once you slid his jacket off, it fell to the floor with a thud. Vash bit his lip and looked at you, taking a strand of your hair into his gloved hand. You stare at him with an intense gaze. All he was wearing were a skin tight black long sleeve shirt and black pants. His outline from this angle was enticing and you felt your body heat up as he touched your face, softly brushing your hair away from your eyes. The way that his blue eyes gazed back at you told you all that you needed to know. This man really loved you. He loved you more than he had ever loved anyone else. You thought that the way he risked his life day in and day out to protect you was enough to show his love but... Right now, the look in his eyes couldn't be matched.
He pulled away from you and took his glove off, setting it onto the bedside table. He looked back over at you and asked, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"
You nod and he takes that as his cue to start lifting his shirt up, slowly exposing a large amount of scarred skin. Immediately you find yourself tracing the scars and imperfections on his skin.
"I wasn't lying, Vash," You told him, "You're incredibly beautiful."
Red dusted his cheeks as he discarded the shirt to the floor, "You really think so, Mayfly?"
"I don't just think so. I know so," You stated confidently. Wrapping your arms around him, you reached down and tugged at the waistband of his pants. Vash moaned softly and you can feel his warm breath on your face. He shifted his weight so that the knee between your legs bore most of his weight. It was a matter of seconds before your shirt was off and Vash was fiddling with your bra. You leaned into his touch. It was cold in the hotel room and his touch was as warm as his gaze. After a few moments of fiddling with your bra, he took it off and threw it haphazardly onto the floor. Exposed, you reached up to cover your breasts. Vash clicked his tongue and moved your hands back to your sides.
"You're stunning, Mayfly," He murmured.
"I-" Vash cut you off with a passionate kiss. As your lips connected with his, his hands moved down and in one swift movement, your pants and underwear were on the floor. Now the only piece of cloth that separated the two of you were his pants. Vash knew this and broke the kiss for a moment to strip before climbing back on top of you and reuniting your lips. This kiss didn't last as long, as he began to suck on your neck, leaving gentle kisses until he found your sweet spot. Once your neck was covered in several marks, his kisses went lower and lower until he reached a nipple. Taking the bud into his mouth, he gently sucked, leading to the sounds escaping your mouth growing more and more desperate. As he pleasured one of your nipples, he fidgeted with the other with his free hand. The cold metal of his prosthetic against your sensitive skin sent you reeling, heat pooling at your core. He hummed against your nipple before pulling away with a pop.
"Oh, Mayfly..." He groaned.
"Vash, please," The words escaped your desperate lips as he trailed his hand down your stomach and against where you wanted him most.
He stroked the sensitive skin before replying with, "What do you want me to do?"
"Fuck me, Vash. Please." You begged.
"Now, Now, Mayfly," He murmured against your neck, "We're still warming up."
You looked down and noticed his twitching cock. Taking some initiative, you reached down and stroked him gently, earning a moan in response. Smirking, you flip your positions so that you're on top and move your head between his thick thighs. Your breath on his thick, delicious cock was almost enough to send him over the edge. Your soft wet tongue touched his tip before you wrapped your mouth around him. His moans filled the room as you began to move your head up and down on his shaft. Vash gripped your hair with his hands and moved your head back and forth, gently face-fucking you. You were eager to please him, swirling your tongue in circles as he moved your head back and forth. Precum leaked from his tip and you lapped it up hungrily. It tasted salty and a little bitter, but you savored the taste. It wasn't long before he shot his seed into your mouth, crying out your name as he did so. You swallowed all of his liquid before pulling away.
"Y-You're so good to me," He muttered, giving you the most loving gaze he possibly could. The moonlight shone in through the windows of the hotel room, highlighting his blond hair and crystal clear blue eyes full of love and lust.
You moved up to kiss his lips softly. As you pulled away, you murmured, "You deserve it, Vash."
"I don't know about that," He chuckled humbly, moving an arm up to scratch behind his neck awkwardly.
"I do," You stated enthusiastically.
He cups your cheek and brings you in for another kiss. This time, during the kiss, he flipped your positions again. Now on your back, you let out a soft mewl of submission. He smirked into the kiss and spread your legs apart before rubbing your clit. You moan and he pulled away.
"Are you ready for this?" He asked, stroking your cheek with his cold metal hand.
"Fuck yes," You moaned.
"Such a naughty girl," He teased. Without giving you any time to respond, he lined himself up at your entrance and pushed in. You gasped at the feeling of him fully sheathed in your core. Vash gave you a few seconds to adjust before he began to move at a rapid pace, leaving you breathless. Moans escaped both of your lips as he continued, his length brushing gently against your cervix with each thrust. By this point, both of your faces were a deep shade of crimson. You reached up and grasped your hands tightly into his blond hair, pulling him down for another kiss. Immediately, you slide your tongue between his lips, causing him to suck gently on the appendage. The kiss continued for a few moments, saliva trailing between the two of you as he pulls away. "You're so tight, Mayfly. It feels wonderful." He murmured into your neck. All you could muster was his name in response.
It wasn't long before you felt a knot building in your core. You were close. You shifted your hips, desperate for release. His length twitched inside you, indicating that he was close as well. A few seconds later, Vash released his seed deep inside of you. The feeling of his orgasm sent you over the edge and you found yourself coming all over his length.
"V-Vash~!" You moaned.
He continues to move as you ride out your orgasm. Once you come down, he kisses you on the cheek before pulling out. His come mixed with your fluids leak out onto the bed below. Neither of you pay that any mind as he laid down on the bed beside you.
"That was amazing," He sighed.
"Y-Yeah," You muttered as you curled up next to him, laying your head on his chest.
He immediately started playing with your hair, "I love you, Mayfly."
"I love you too."
Several minutes passed before he leaned down and kissed the top of your head, "So," He asked, "Round two?"
It was going to be a long night.
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aliendigest · 1 year
Plant Boyfriend (Vash the Stampede x f! Reader Smut) NSFW
Under 18 DNI
cw- porn without plot, shameless smut, pegging, bottom Vash
wc- 2,475
summary- Vash is so peggable it hurts
If you'd prefer to read this work on AO3, click here
You weren't sure what had managed to convince you to go to the saloon with your humanoid boyfriend, but somehow you found yourself sitting next to him on a barstool. In your hand was your favorite drink and a beer rested on the table in front of Vash. The bar was crowded, people seemed to be filling up every space possible. However, no one else seemed to exist as the two of you bantered. You felt your face heat up a little more whenever he cracked a joke or ran his hands through his spiked blond hair. Although the two of you had been dating for a couple of months now, he still found new ways to give you butterflies in your stomach. Like when he told you how good you looked that night, or when he rested his hand thoughtlessly on your thigh. You were in love, and you could tell by the way that he returned your gaze that the feeling was mutual.
The night flew by quickly, the saloon was closing soon and you and Vash headed back to your hotel room, both swaying as you walked. Warm from the alcohol, you pressed your body close to your lover's. Vash tightly grasped your waist as he walked. Once you had made it to the hotel room, Vash shut the door and brought you in for a sloppy hot kiss. You kissed back, your hands resting on his shoulders as the two of you made out.
You pulled away, "I want to try something new tonight."
"What's that, Mayfly?" He asked inquisitively.
You eyed your bag before looking back at Vash, "I think it's best we kept it a secret."
Pulling Vash in for another kiss, your hands expertly worked on taking off his jacket, then his shirt, and soon enough he was before you in nothing more than his boxers.
"Hey now, this isn't fair! Why am I the only one naked?" He whined, his complaints drawing out a smile from your lips. Oh, how tonight was bound to be different. It was time for you to take control.
"Ah, ah, ah~" You teased, he looked at you with doe eyes. When did you get so confident? "Be patient Vash, you want to know what I'm going to do to you tonight, right?"
"Y-Yes," He mumbled. For someone so infamous, it was painfully easy to reduce Vash to a mumbling mess.
"Then be good. Get on the bed." You commanded. Vash wasted no time complying with your demands. He laid on his back, bulge poking up from his underwear. You licked your lips at the sight before grabbing a piece of cloth you had stored in your pocket earlier. In a quick motion, you wrapped the cloth around Vash's eyes.
"Uh, Mayfly?" He asked. You didn't answer, instead stripping out of your clothes and reaching into your bag to pull out a harness. You had bought this harness a few days ago when Vash wasn't looking, excited to surprise him with it. You quickly slid the harness on and attached the silicone appendage to the O-ring.
Still oblivious, Vash called out your name. You hushed him before reaching into your bag once more to find a bottle of lube. Smirking, you got on the bed next to Vash and helped him out of his underwear before discarding them on the floor.
"Okay," You started. "This might be a little cold and will hurt at first, but I promise it'll feel good."
Vash bit his lip nervously, "Wh-What?"
You didn't respond and instead put a little lube on your fingers, the cold liquid ran down your digits in a couple of small drops. Using your free hand, you pull Vash's legs apart and get between them. Before he could say anything more, you plunged one of your fingers deep inside his entrance.
"Ma-Mayfly!!" He nearly screamed.
"Shh, I promise it'll feel good. Just let it adjust." You reassured. He tried to look at you but was met with a blanket of darkness from the blindfold. Whimpering, Vash grasped at the bedsheets. Eventually, you felt him start to adjust and moved your finger in and out slowly.
"Fuck!" He moaned. Who'd have known the Humanoid Typhoon was so vulgar? You continued at a quick pace, adding another finger when you felt that he was ready. His moans were high-pitched and girlish, indicating that he was close. You removed your hand and he let out a soft whimper, begging for your touch once again.
"You did so good, Vash. Ready for me to move on?" You asked.
"Move on? What are you talking ab-" He was unable to finish his sentence before you poured a generous amount of cold lube on his entrance. He gasped in shock. Before he could say anything else, you positioned the strap-on at his entrance and pushed in gently, stopping at any sign of resistance.
Watching him writhe in pain as you filled him up was a sight to see. Once you were fully sheathed, you once again let him adjust. The pain in his moans was enough for arousal to pool at your core.
You leaned down and gave Vash a sweet kiss, which he returned lovingly. "You're doing such a good job, Vash, taking this cock like the little whore you are."
"Ah!~" Was all he could muster in response, his face bright red. After a few moments, he began to move his hips, desperate for more stimulation. Willing to oblige, you pulled yourself almost completely out of his asshole before swiftly thrusting back in. Vash cried out your name as you continued at a steady pace. His moans mixed with the erotic sloshing of the toy filled the room.
"Please! More!" Vash whimpered. You increased the pace, thrusting roughly into his tight hole. He loved it, as he wrapped his legs around your waist, desperate not to let you go. The bed creaked below you as you thrust harder and harder. His moans grew higher in pitch, indicating that he was close once again. You looked down at him, his bright red face covered in tears and beads of sweat. Leaning down, you kissed away his salty tears and wiped the sweat from his brow. You pulled yourself back and decided that what you were giving him wasn't enough stimulation, so you grasped his cock with one of your hands and started pumping it up and down. This caused Vash to cry out in delight. Very quickly after you started stimulating his length, he came, streaks of white fluid lining his stomach.
You pulled out but were far from done with dominating Vash tonight. Looking down at his come, you take a little bit onto your finger and trace it against his lips.
"Taste it," You commanded. It took a moment for him to process what was going on but he eventually opened his mouth and licked his lips. His salty liquid coated his tongue and you leaned down for a kiss.
"Good boy," You murmured.
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aliendigest · 1 year
Vulnerability (Vash the Stampede x GN! Reader Drabble) SFW
Cw- tooth-rotting fluff, comfort, self-indulgent, non-sexual intimacy
wc- 518
summary- "You know, your hair is so much softer after you wash it."
If you'd prefer to read this on my AO3, click here
Steam poured out of the adjacent bathroom as you lazed around on the bed. The hotel room was warmed by the shower being taken in the next room. You push your wet hair out of the way and curl up under the covers. The day of travel wore on you and there was nothing you wanted more than to fall asleep next to your lover. The clean linens were soft against your skin, the smooth texture bringing you euphoria.
Vash stepped out of the bathroom wearing light pants and a towel covering his hair. He smiled at the sight of you wrapped up in the bedsheets. Once he felt his hair was dry enough, he threw the towel back into the bathroom and sat on the bed next to you. His hair was down, a sight unfamiliar to you.
"Don't you look cozy," He chuckled.
You sit up and rest your back against the headboard, blankets still covering your lap. "I am really cozy. It's bound to get even cozier with you here."
"You're such a sweetie," He rubs the back of his neck with his cybernetic arm. "Tell me how did I get so lucky?"
"You tell me, Mr. Humanoid Typhoon."
He didn't respond, instead moving to sit in front of you, leaning his back against your chest. The pressure felt comforting. You reach your hands up to his hair and begin massaging his scalp. He let out soft sighs of contentment. "You know, your hair is so much softer after you wash it."
"You think so?" He asked.
"I know so. It's so soft. I could run my fingers through it forever," You could hardly contain the small smile that graced your lips.
You continued playing with Vash's hair for a few more minutes before you felt his breathing slow. You let your mind wander. The man in front of you was the most caring person that you'd ever met. You didn't care that he was wanted, you'd follow him to the ends of the planet.
When you stopped, his drowsy voice broke the silence, "Mmm, why'd you stop?"
You thought for a moment before responding. "I thought you were asleep, love."
"No," He murmured, his voice childlike. You couldn't hold back a grin. Whenever he showed this side of himself and let you take care of him it gave you butterflies. You resumed playing with his hair, watching the suns set from the window. His bare skin against your body was intoxicating. Moments like these were hard to come by with Vash but you appreciated every second of it.
You weren't sure how long the two of you sat there, completely entranced in one another's touch. It felt like an eternity and a few seconds at the same time. You noticed quickly that Vash had fallen asleep for real this time, as every vocal prompt you gave was met with silence. Darkness soon flooded your room as neither of you had turned any lights on before sunset. Eventually, you found yourself drifting off into a peaceful slumber as well, content and close with your lover.
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aliendigest · 1 year
It's the Thought That Counts (Reader's POV)
Under 18 DNI
This was based off this fanfic by @jelly-doughnut-drabbles. I highly recommend checking out the original (and all of her works).
Cw- smut, weird dildo science, sex toys, masturbation, handjobs, blowiobs, fantasies
Wc- ~2700 words
Summary- Vash gets you a surprise gift that makes you fall for him even harder
You stared off into the desert as the sand steamer rolled through the arid wasteland. Despite not having much to look at, something had entranced you for a little longer than it should've. Your eyes drifted down to the tracks the steamer left in its wake. The small pattern painted its path, subtly growing smaller the further it got. Once you returned back to reality, you noticed that Vash was no longer at your side. That wasn't anything abnormal. It was typical for Vash to get distracted and run off. Maybe he went to get some donuts? You smirked.
It didn't take much looking for you to spot Vash. He stood out in his red coat, his light blonde hair rustling in the slight breeze. He seemed to be talking to a merchant in the distance. You sighed and watched him from afar. Although you'd never admit it, Vash was everything you could ever want. He seemed so sure of himself- most of the time anyway. He was the most beautiful person (or plant) that you had ever laid eyes on. Then there was you. You weren't anything out of the ordinary. You were nothing more than the scared girl who had followed Vash onto his next adventure when he departed from your hometown. What did he even keep you around for? He had been traveling solo for over a hundred years, what made you different? Despite those thoughts occurring frequently, you decided not to dwell. After all, there wasn't a single thing on this desolate planet that even came close to his beauty and you were just happy to enjoy it.
Peeling your eyes off of the Humanoid Typhoon, you decided to look at some of the wares from the merchant stalls in front of you. There was plenty to look at, such as knick-knacks, food, or tools, but nothing caught your eye. After some light conversation with a couple of vendors, you looked back at where Vash was before. He was gone. You shrugged and kept searching. A few moments later, you found him wandering around not too far from where he was before.
"Hey! Almost thought I lost ya, Vash."
You were relieved that you were able to find him so quickly with how large the sand steamer was. He seemed startled by your sudden presence. It was as if something was on his mind. It took a couple of seconds for you to notice the black box in his hands. It looked simple with a sophisticated pattern.
"What's that?" Your curiosity got the best of you as you pointed to the box.
"Well... It's a gift. For you," He stammered. Your heart lept out of its chest. Vash was thinking of you?
"Awh, Vash. You really shouldn't have," You felt the blood slowly creep up into your face. Okay, maybe you were in a bit deeper than you had previously let on. Taking the box from his arms, you couldn't help but grin. It meant a lot for him to get you something. You almost didn't notice as your hand brushed against his. In that moment, everyone else disappeared. It felt as though you and Vash were the only passengers on that sand steamer. Time almost stopped. "It's so pretty," You thought out loud.
You carefully opened the box and nearly dropped it once you saw what was inside. A blush pink colored silicone dildo. It was beautiful, yet realistic. Your face immediately turned a dark crimson. He got you a... What? Why? Were your feelings for him That obvious? Embarrassed, you wanted to run away. You knew that you had to face him eventually. Might as well be now.
"Uh... Thanks?"
Vash immediately snatched the box from your hands and hid it behind his back. The poor blonde looked so embarrassed. At this point, you were more confused than anything. "I'm really really sorry. That must have made you so uncomfortable! I didn't mean it, I promise," His words sounded sincere, but he just kept rambling, "There was this woman at a stall over there and she gave it to me and asked me to give it to you. I had no idea what was inside!"
In your mind, the pieces started to come together. Of course, Vash didn't purposefully get you a dildo. He didn't have feelings for you! This had to be some sort of prank that the lady at the stall over there was trying to play on the two of you. Typical Vash fell for it. You just wondered why he didn't open the box before giving it to you. In what world did that make sense? Your eyes shifted over to the stall where he was pointing. Eyeing her wares, you quickly spotted the same lady that Vash was talking to earlier. She gave you a big smile and waved before returning to whatever task she had been doing previously.
You couldn't help but laugh, "I think she was playing a joke on you, Vash."
"I guess she was. God, I'm so so sorry," He visibly relaxed as he spoke.
You couldn't hide your feelings as you gazed at him. His soft blue eyes looked at you with fading worry and the sparkle soon returned to them. There were no other words for it. He was stunning.
"It's okay, Vash. I know you didn't mean to make me uncomfortable," You reached your hand out as he spoke and he stared blankly into your palms. "Besides, I'm not such a prude that I'd refuse such a gift. After all, it's the thought that counts."
He didn't respond but instead kept staring at your hands. Gaining a little more confidence, you leaned down and met his gaze. Once your eyes met, he jumped back a little bit. Were you too close?
"Come on. It's a gift from you and I want to keep it!"
He anxiously looked away as he placed the box back into your hands.
"Thanks, Vash," You spoke, but the words didn't seem to register with him. A few moments pass before you repeat yourself, "Thanks for the present, Vash. I'll treasure it always."
The rest of the evening was a haze. You and Vash looked at several more stalls before eventually calling it a night and returning to your rooms. Although you would've preferred to share a room with Vash, the rooms on the sand steamer were quite cramped and you appreciated having a small space to yourself. After saying goodbye to Vash, you closed the door to your room and sighed. If only there was a window to look out at the beautiful night sky. It was comforting to you when you were able to look up at the two bright moons.
Instead, you shifted your gaze to the metal walls that surrounded you. They were bare except for the occasional line of screws that kept them in place. What an eyesore. You thought to yourself as you plopped onto the bed. You let your mind begin to wander to the events that had happened previously. Poor Vash, getting pranked again. Eyeing the box that rested on the side table beside you, a small wave of arousal interrupted your senses. If only Vash knew what he did to you. There would be no way he kept you around if he knew the dirty thoughts that went through your mind every time you saw him.
This time, you gave in to those thoughts.
Reaching over, you pried the box open with one hand and grabbed the toy that was inside. It was smooth, with the occasional ridges that simulated veins. You grasped the shaft of the toy and squeeze hard. The silicone of the toy squished around your pressure. Moving your hand in fluid motion, you began to jerk off the toy, imagining it was your blonde companion. You could almost imagine his soft whimpers and cries as you pleasured the pink penis. A few strokes later, you moved your focus to the tip of the cock. Swirling your finger around the tip, you could almost imagine the precum leaking from him.
"M-Mayfly! Y-yes please." You imagined him beg. How hot would that be? Situated between his delicious thighs, hardened cock in your hands, pleasuring the plant you desired to call your own. Not to mention the nickname. In the past, he'd talk to you about wanting to find his mayfly of love. Oh, how you desperately wanted to become his mayfly. You continued to play with his tip, imagining his precum staining your finger. How you desired to taste him. You craved his taste as you mindlessly went back to stroking the toy. Pulling away, another fantasy filled your head. This one was of Vash fully naked in front of you, spread out on a chair. In your head, you knelt down in front of him, taking his tip into your mouth.
"Ah~" He'd moan. Your lips wrapped tightly around him as you began to take more of him into your hot mouth. Your tongue pressed hard against the shaft of the toy, once again imagining it to be Vash. You imagined his cock twitching as he quickly released, imagining swallowing his load as you continued to suck. Even after he'd cum, you knew you were far from done. You wanted to pleasure that plant until he was shooting blanks inside of you. You pushed the cock deeper into your mouth until it touched the back of your throat, which caused you to swallow around the toy. In your mind, his hands would grasp at your hair, pulling you closer until your nose nuzzled into his blonde hairs.
"D-Don't push yourself," He'd whimper. As much as you didn't want to listen, you knew he was probably right. You backed his cock out of your mouth, about half of the toy still enveloped in your mouth. Swirling your tongue, you wrapped your free hand around the lower part of the shaft. You lazily swirled your tongue around him as you sucked the toy vigorously.
In your mind, Vash's thighs and legs twitched as you continued to overstimulate the poor plant's cock. You could almost taste his salty release as your tongue swam around what you wished to be Vash's swollen cock. The ache in your core only grew more prominent. Mind clouded with lust, you reached your free hand down under your pants and soaked panties and began to stroke yourself. Your puffy mound of flesh shooting sparks up to your core. You hum softly against the pink silicone.
Thoughts of Vash fill your mind again. Imagining his fingers stroking you. As much as you hated to admit it, you've had multiple fantasies about your companion pleasuring you with his gloved digits, the scent of your juices following him around long after you part. Your soaked fingers moved down to your entrance and you gasped around the toy.
"Enough, Mayfly! Please stop! Please! It hurts! I can't take it!" Moving your hand back out of your pants, you take the toy out of your mouth and set back on the table for a moment. The thought of you overstimulating Vash to ruin filled your mind. There was nothing more you wanted to see in this world than him overstimulated, begging for you to stop. You smirked. With both hands, you push both pants and panties off of you and discard them onto the floor beside you.
After pausing for just a moment, you reached back over and grabbed the dildo that rested on the side table. Without wasting any more time, you moved it down to your core, barely dipping the tip against your entrance. The thought of Vash on top of you, teasing you with his aching tip. You held your hand against your mouth with your free hand. No one can hear you, especially not Vash, who's just across the hall. You begin to slide the toy up and down your slit, gasping with pleasure when it brushes against your sensitive clit. Images of him wettening himself with your sticky juices before he dives in filled your mind's eye. You carry on, lubricating the dildo a few more times before sliding it in.
You didn't slide the toy in all of the way, imagining that Vash would take his sweet time with you. He was so sweet and caring, and you hoped that those tendencies would carry over into the bedroom. You could almost feel his embrace, it had to be so warm and comforting. Unable to keep it in any longer, you let out a soft moan, "Vash!"
He would look down at you with the most sensual eyes, clouded with desire.
"Vaaash! Vashhhh~" You kept moaning. He'd be so gentle with you, holding you as if you were glass. Imagining his touch was almost enough to make you come undone. Your mind wandered a little bit, Vash would be so sweet during sex. If he did something you didn't like, you could see him apologizing over and over until he knew that you were past it. He would stop at nothing to make sure that you were treated right. He'd want the best for his little Mayfly after all.
Pushing the toy in deeper, you cried out softly. The toy, Vash, felt so good. You lay still for a moment, allowing your tight hole to adjust around him. Staring blankly at the ceiling of your room, you found yourself daydreaming about Vash some more. Thinking about how he'd be sensual at first but inevitably give in to his need and go faster, harder. You wanted him to ravage you, leaving you a sobbing mess.
Those thoughts push you to start thrusting the toy in and out of you at a slow and steady pace, overwhelming you with pleasure each time the dildo hits your cervix. Soft moans escape your lips as your slick drips off of the toy and onto your fingers. Slowly, you start to pick up the pace, as if Vash was slowly releasing every bit of his composure.
Pleasure radiated from your core as you fucked yourself with vigor. You fantasized about his incoherent babbles. The thought of him losing himself on top of you made the knot in your stomach grow. In your headspace, this would be the part where he'd lift your legs onto his scar-ridden shoulders, allowing for better access.
You nearly came on the spot when you heard him speak again, his tone so desperate and loving. "Th-Thats it! That's it, Mayfly! Come! Come all over me baby!"
A few moments later, your release hit you hard. Your mind foggy from the lust conjured up a scene of Vash confessing his desperate pining.
"Want you! Want you! Oh God, I love you! I can't stop thinking about you I love you so much I'm going insane!"
You rode out your high imagining Vash coming deep inside of you. Your sultry daydream almost realistic enough that you felt the toy twitching inside of you. As you came down from your high, you slid the toy out of you and set it back in its box on the side table, shutting the box tightly. You knew that you should probably clean it, but decided to worry about that in the morning.
Rolling onto your back, you once again let yourself get caught in fantasies of Vash. This time, it wasn't sexual. Meditating on how he'd give you the best aftercare you'd ever experience. He'd clean you up and proceed to give you the most loving cuddles. You ached to feel the pressure of his arms as they wrapped around you for the night. Oh, how you loved Vash. If only he knew how desperate you were to please him. 
Eventually, your mind shifted toward the events that had transpired earlier in the day. How you graciously accepted his gift in the first place and how it led you here, aching and longing for your partner's touch. One line in particular stuck out to you the most. 
"Thanks for the present, Vash. I'll treasure it always."
And treasure it you did. 
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aliendigest · 1 year
THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND (Vash the Stampede x F! Reader)
NSFW!!!!! Under 18 DNI 
Trigun Stampede Episode 12 Spoilers!! 
Summary: Vash goes to face his brother in July while you wait back for him at your motel, waiting anxiously for his return. After some concerning events, you’re happy he’s back safe, but at what cost? 
CW: smut, angst, hurt no comfort, Vash’s plant genitalia, oral sex, vaginal sex, not a happy ending.  
If you’d prefer to read this on AO3, click here
wc- 2140
"I made another mistake, thought I could change, Thought I could make it out."
It was long before the explosion that you had this gut-wrenching feeling that something was wrong. You knew that Vash was in danger, yet all you could do was watch helplessly from your designated motel room as your lover fought for his life. The city's outline glowed radiantly in the distance, although something seemed different. Along with its normal white hue, there was a vibrant purple. It felt tied to Vash somehow. The minutes had been ticking away slowly and you were certain that you were just losing your mind. Tapping away at the desk right in front of you, your other hand held up your head. Your body ached but you just couldn't place it.
Suddenly, there was a bright flash outside of the window. There were two bright streams of light that pointed toward the sky. At this point, you were nearly trembling from the anxiety building up within you. Something still felt wrong. Time crept on yet you remained staring at the window. There were two orbs in the sky, nearly in space. They almost appeared to be fighting. You knew that Vash was going to meet with his estranged brother and although you'd like to say you weren't expecting it- you knew what Nai was capable of. The stories you'd heard about Vash and Nai growing up were enough to terrify you. Maybe that's what compelled you to stay back at the motel. You knew being Vash's lover made you the perfect target and potential hostage for Nai to use against him.
As you were staring, you noticed one light fade and the other began to fall back toward the ground. Terrified, you begin imagining worst-case scenarios. Was Vash dead? Please no, he couldn't be dead. This was Vash the Stampede we're talking about. There's just no possible way he's dead. Your panicked thoughts were interrupted by a large crash that shook the ground. You braced yourself and tried to look out the window. You couldn't see anything anymore. A large cloud of dust and sand hid everything from your view. There was no telling if the city- or Vash- was okay.
You stood up and began to pace, one of your hands reaching up to cover your mouth. All you could do was wait for the rest of the group to return and break the news. You believed in Vash, but you also remembered Nai's strength. It was possible, yet not probable that Vash survived. Your heart beat rapidly as your brain conjured up the worst scenarios possible. What would happen to you if Vash died? You had nowhere to go and no one to rely on. Would Wolfwood take you in? Definitely not. And Meryl and Roberto? They're just reporters, why would they care about what happens to you?
The sound of the door opening interfered with your thoughts. Panicked, you looked up and saw Vash. There were several things different about him. His hair was disheveled and sticking up, which was unlike his normal style, and his red coat had somehow turned black. You had many questions but pushed them aside as you threw yourself into his arms.
"Mayfly..." was all he whispered, tears streaming down your face.
"Vash! I was so worried I'd never see you again." You grinned and held him close.
"About that," He murmured, pulling you even closer to him. His voice broke as he spoke."I can't stay long. I'll have to go soon. You can't follow me this time."
"But Vash," You pleaded as you began to cry. "You can't leave me. You're all I have."
"I'm sorry,"
"Why? Why are you leaving and why can't I come too?"
"I wish I could tell you, but just know that I'm doing it for your safety. You'll never be safe with me."
Tears were gushing down his face at this point. You began to speak but he cut you off with a long kiss. A kiss that filled you with an intense need. He wasn't gone yet and your body ached for him. Maybe making love one last time would bring you closure. You wrapped your arms around him and he lifted you up, not breaking the kiss. He carried you over to the bed and swiftly laid you down. When he pulled away from you, his eyes sent you a look of pain and lust.
"I miss the way you say my name"
"Can we?" He asked. "I just need you one more time."
You nodded and he cupped your face, kissing you once again. This time, he slid his tongue between your lips and greeted your tongue with great need. Your tongues clashed for what somehow felt like an eternity and a second at the same time. He tugged at your pants, trying to get them off of you. You lifted your hips and slid them and your panties down, exposing your lower half to him. He smiled softly into the kiss and slid one of his fingers across your slit. Moaning softly, you pushed his now-black jacket down his shoulders and discarded it onto the floor. Vash pulled away and slid his black undershirt over his head and tossed it to the side. You hungrily gaze at Vash's scar-ridden chest. There was always so much to look at and you found him incredibly beautiful. Vash stepped away from you for a moment and slid out of his pants and underwear, his erection springing free.
"Take your shirt off, love," He directed softly. You did as he asked eagerly. Your shirt hit the floor with a soft thud and he climbed back on top of you, pressing his lips against yours once again. Embracing the feeling of his warm skin against yours, tears streak your face as he kisses you. This would be the last time that he held you in his embrace like this. The pain tore your heart in half.
"The way you bend, The way you break"
You decided that it was best not to think about that and focused on what was happening right in front of you. Vash's soft lips caressed against yours sweetly as his fingertips ran across your body. He pulled away and left a trail of kisses down your neck, then between your breasts. Pausing for a moment as he suckled softly on your nipple, his cold prosthetic hand twisting and teasing your other one. Shortly after, he moved on leaving more kisses down your stomach and to your navel. Once he reached his destination, he looked into your eyes as he pressed his tongue against your clit. Vash moved his tongue slowly against you, his taste buds sending waves of pleasure through your body. He swirled his tongue around before moving down to taste every inch of your core. Soft moans escaped your lips and you tangle your hands into his blonde hair.
"Your makeup running down your face,"
"Vash," Your murmurs filled the otherwise silent motel room. He hushed you, sending vibrations through your body. You knew you wouldn't be able to keep up for long. Feeling a knot in your stomach, you ground against him, desperate for his tongue. He chuckled and inserted a finger into your pleading hole. As he pleasured you with his tongue, he thrusted his finger in and out of you. You cried out as more tears began to fall from your cheeks and onto the soft sheets below. Vash didn't notice your sorrow and added another finger, spreading you even more for him. You clenched around his fingers as you felt the knot in your stomach come undone and Vash smiled into you as he helped you ride out your high. Once you'd come down, he pulled away and removed his fingers.
"The way you fuck, The way you taste"
You looked down at him with bedroom eyes. He stared back as he licked your juices off of his fingers. He moved back up towards you and pulled you in for another passionate kiss. You kissed back with hunger, not minding the taste of yourself on his tongue. As the two of you continued kissing, he positioned himself at your entrance and wasted no time pushing himself into you. Still sensitive from your orgasm, you gasped into the kiss.
Vash let out a soft moan and thrusted his hips softly into you. By now, you were used to Vash's plant genitalia. It wasn't much different from a human cock. It was more like a tentacle, getting narrower closer to the tip and emitting a slimy lubricant substance as it erected. With each thrust, you could feel his tip hit your cervix ever so slightly, causing intense waves of pleasure. Your moans echoed through the room as he continued at a nearly inhuman pace. He silenced you with a kiss as his hands cupped your cheeks.
"You come and go in waves, Leaving me in your wake."
You had almost forgotten what was happening until you felt something wet hit your cheek. Looking up, you saw that Vash was crying. You wiped away his tears and reassured him that it would be alright. The pain in his eyes was enough to cause your heart to break again. This was your last time making love to Vash, and it seemed to hurt him as much as it hurt you to know that.
"Mayfly, I'm really going to miss you." He cried.
"Then stay. We can figure this out together," You whispered, his pace slowed as you spoke.
"I just can't. I'm not going to put you in any more danger."
You knew better than to plead with him. His mind was made up and there was nothing that you could do to change that. Deciding not to ruin the moment, you pulled Vash down for another kiss. He kissed back hungrily as more tears flowed down his cheeks. The two of you stayed like that for a few moments before Vash pulled away and flipped you so that you were on your hands and knees, facing away from him.
He pressed his hard cock against your hole once more and pounded you into the mattress like there was no tomorrow. You cried out in pleasure at his change of pace and gripped the sheets tightly. He grabbed your hips tightly and squeezed them with each thrust. Judging by the way he twitched inside of you, he was close. Despite that, he continued his violent thrusts causing you to see stars. Your mind went blank as you edged your second orgasm.
"I'm gonna fucking fill you," He muttered into your ear. That was the first and only time you'd heard Vash swear. It was unlike him to be so vulgar. Yet sure enough, he thrusted deep inside of you and came hard. Vash buried his head in your shoulder as you moaned, his orgasm triggering yours. Your body clenched around his length as you twitched beneath him. He thrusted a few more times before pulling out, your combined juices dripping out of you and onto the bed below. He led you to the bathroom to help you clean up and the two of you sat back down onto the bed.
"Vash, are you sure there's no other option? I really don't want you to leave like this." Tears began streaking your face as you knew the time was coming. It was time for Vash to leave. He grabbed his clothes off of the ground.
"I have to go before anyone finds me. I'm sorry, Mayfly." You collected your own clothes and the two of you get dressed quickly. Your heart ripped out of your chest when he pulled you in for one final hug.
"Vash..." His name left your lips as a whisper, your voice breaking.
"I'll always love you, Mayfly. Never forget that."
He pressed one final kiss against your cheek and opened the door. As quickly as he appeared, he vanished. You collapsed on the floor and sobbed. Vash was your everything and now he was gone. You were filled with so many different emotions. It was hard to make sense of it all. There was anger, fear, sadness. You weren't sure how to cope.
"You come and go in waves, Swallowing everything."
A couple of hours passed by and you just laid there, tears streaking your face and silent when you heard a knock at the door. It was the others. You got up and let them in. No one seemed to pay any mind to your puffy eyes or red face.
Meryl looked at you with panic as she spoke, "Vash is missing!"
"Yeah," You sounded unphased, numb from the pain. "I know."
"It wasn't hard to realize Love is the death of peace of mind."
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aliendigest · 1 year
A Simple Kiss (Vash the Stampede x GN! Reader Drabble)
Cw- Gentle kissing, tooth-rotting fluff, romance
Wc- 339
Summary- a short drabble where you kiss Vash.
If you'd prefer to read this on my AO3, click here
Tension arose in the air as you found yourself inches away from the lips of the humanoid typhoon. His doe eyes stared back at you in anticipation as the gap grew shorter and soon enough your lips connected. His lips were soft and sweet, the taste reminding you of home. He brought his metal arm up to cup your cheek as he moved his lips against yours, the soft friction bringing you ecstasy. Was this your first kiss with Vash? No, but somehow kissing him always felt like the first time. Time stood still, your mind blank except for thoughts of how far you wanted this kiss to go. In a perfect world, all the way. This wasn't a perfect world.
You pullws away from Vash and looked into his starry eyes. Within them you could see mini galaxies, each with their own story to tell. His cheeks were dusted red as his face spoke more louder than words ever could. The time away from his lips felt like an eternity but in reality was only a few seconds before the two of you were kissing once again. It was hard to recognize at first, but you loved the man in front of you. He touched you like you were glass and he never desired to shatter you. Your tongue licked at his bottom lip, asking for access to the cavern of his mouth. He was hesitant at first but eventually lets you in. Your tongues danced as you explored his mouth, tracing every little nook and imperfection. You tangled your hands into his blond hair as you tried to bring him even closer to you. His breathing got increasingly heavier the longer the kiss went on.
Eventually, the two of you part again. This time, you saw hearts in his stunning blue eyes. He was smitten. So in love with you that he could hardly think straight. You took his hand into your own and he brought it up and kissed it softly. This was what heaven felt like.
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aliendigest · 2 years
Kink Exploration (OC Kae x Reader)
My hands writhe in their cuffs attached to the rungs of the headboard. Although I couldn't see it, I could feel his gaze on my naked body. Suddenly, something cold prodded my entrance. Before I could say anything Kae shoved the vibrator deep inside me eliciting a sharp moan. After pressing the button to turn it on, he thrust the toy in and out of me at a brisk pace. My cries and moans filled the room as pleasure overwhelmed my senses. I squirm against my restraints. The pressure on my wrists and ankles would be sure to leave marks later. Not that we'd care though.
Drool escaped my lips as the ecstasy of the moment washed over me. I'd been secretly hoping that Kae would show me his dominant side and it seemed that tonight would be when those wishes came true. I didn't have to see to know that his lustful eyes would be sharp enough to kill. Fuck, he was so hot. I could just imagine him, naked except for his boxers with his messy blond hair, fucking me with this vibrator right now. l felt a buildup in my abdomen and before I could release, he pulled the toy out of me and turned it off before discarding it on the floor.
"We won't be needing that," He purred, "Don't say a word, or you'll be punished."
I nod. There was no use in disobeying Kae. He had all of the control right now. Even the control that I wasn't entirely comfortable giving anyone, was now completely in his hands. I wish I could wipe the smirk that I knew he had off that face but I knew that he was in control this time around. Feeling his burning gaze on my skin, I find myself wishing I knew what was stirring up inside that mind of his. "God, you have no idea how tempting you look right now. All spread out for me and oh so vulnerable," He murmured, his voice husky and dripping with lust. He quickly positioned his head between my thighs and lapped gently at my clit, letting out a low hum. I couldn't help but moan his name.
He pulled away and smacked me. Hard. The stinging pain on my cheek was bound to have left a red mark. "What did I tell you about talking? Stupid bitch. Don't make me repeat myself, or else."
I only nodded, afraid of what further consequences saying something would bring me. I heard shuffling around the room before the bed shifted under Kae's weight. Suddenly, I felt something painfully hot drop onto my bare, hard nipple. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming. I felt the painful liquid begin to harden, the pain quickly turning to pleasure. I moaned softly. I could feel Kae palming himself with his free hand as he poured more wax onto sensitive parts of my skin. Next, he poured wax onto my bruised collarbone. The hot liquid mixed with the sensitivity of previous hickies, causing me to feel a sweet mixture of both pain and pleasure. Kae purred at the sound of my moans as I continued to writhe against the cuffs holding me in place. "Fuck, you have no idea what things you do to me, (y/n)."
Except I did know what I did to him, because he did the same things to me too. As he spoke, I felt the hot wax drip slowly down my collarbone, forming a quickly drying trail of wax. I heard a soft clunk, which I assumed was Kae setting the candle down on the table next to the bed. Next, I felt a subtle shift on the bed and before I knew it, Kae was straddling my chest, his length painfully close to my face. When did he strip fully? I don't know.
He prodded my closed lips with his length. It was warm, yet hard and throbbing. "Suck." He commanded harshly. I open my lips and he thrusted into my mouth. Without giving me any time to prepare, Kae started fucking my face at a rapid pace. Tears stream down my face as I choke on his cock. The room filled with grunts and choking noises as he grabbed my face and forced me to deep throat him with every thrust. Struggling to breathe, I grasp at his ass and try to get his attention. However, it just sounds like music to his ears and he doesn't stop. I could feel his cock twitch in my mouth, indicating that his release was close. His thrusts became sloppier and a few seconds later I felt hot come drip down my throat. The salty taste and texture caused me to gag around Kae's cock and he let out a moan in response, clearly sensitive from his release. I eagerly swallow all of his come, wanting to do my best to please him.
Kae pulled out and I find myself gasping for air. As much as I wanted to say something, I bit my tongue because I feared what punishment he had in store for me if I broke his rules again. He got off of me and positioned his head back between my legs. "Such a good girl, taking all of your Master's come like that. I think you deserve a reward," He murmured against my core. I shivered. A few seconds later, I felt his soft tongue press against my clit. Soft moans escape my lips as he begins to gently flick my clit gently with his tongue. His warm breath tickles my skin and adds to the pleasure that he's currently giving me. My mind was going wild with dirty thoughts and an overwhelming amount of love that I felt for the man in front of me.
His lips leave my clit with a gentle smack before blowing softly on the warm skin. The cold air felt like ecstasy and more erotic noises leave my lips. Just as quickly as his lips left, they returned to suckling gently on my sensitive bundle of nerves. Licking just harsh enough to send waves of pleasure across my body. Kae's experienced tongue danced across my folds before stopping just before my core. Teasingly, he dipped the tip of his tongue in and wiggled it around. I whined and he began to plunge his tongue in and out of me. My body tensed up as he continued stimulating my clit with one of his hands. I felt a knot in my abdomen begin to buildup again and I found myself praying that this time Kae would let me come. Moving back up to my clit, he gently scraped his teeth against me. I shuddered and twitched. His tongue and teeth felt so good that I couldn't help but come. He hummed softly and continued to pleasure me as I rode out my orgasm, the first of many that night.
Pulling away, Kae licked my juices off of his lips. "You taste divine," He murmured before kissing me harshly. I could taste myself on his tongue as it entered my mouth, pressing roughly against my own. I pressed back, gently fighting for the dominance that I knew I would never win. Kae was much stronger than me. When he pulled away, he whispered softly, "I think it's time that we're both rewarded for tonight."
He positioned his hardened length at my entrance and pushed in softly. I groaned as I felt him fill me up. He sat still for a moment, letting me adjust to his size. Desperate for him to move, I bucked my hips. "Don't get impatient, (y/n)," He scorned. He continued to sit still, warming his cock inside my tight hole. This time, I stay still too, wanting to please my master. I knew that if I was good enough, he would reward me.
A few minutes pass by before Kae began to thrust into me roughly. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as esctasy filled my body. My mind went blank as he continued to thrust in and out of me. The bed creaked underneath us and with each thrust, my wrists ached in their cuffs. His hums and groans were almost enough to send me over the edge, but I didn't want to come again just yet. "Fuck, you're always so much tighter after you come," He moaned. I didn't say anything and he continued to fuck me. His cock pulsated as it plunged into my cunt, making a slight suction each time he pulled it out. Kae reached his hand down and prodded my ass with his middle finger. I squealed as his finger entered my ass. I felt so full with both his cock and fingers inside me. My moans filled the room, overshadowing his grunts of pleasure with wordless cries.
"Fuck, (y/n)!" He moaned loudly. I opened my eyes and blackness stared back at me. How badly I wanted to see the pleasure on Kae's face as he fucked me. Maybe if I was good enough, he would reward me with sight once again. His curses got louder as he began to close in on yet another orgasm. I bucked my hips with each thrust, desperate for him to hit my g-spot. As soon as he found it, he began to abuse the spot that he had just hit, loving the reaction that it gave me. Seconds later, he filled me with his hot come.
He didn't stop though, Kae kept at it for a few more minutes before I eventually came too. His moans were loud and feminine as I tightened my walls around his overstimulated cock. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and licked them clean. A few moments later, Kae pulled himself out, spilling his seed onto the bed below us. Panting, he leaned up and kissed me passionately. His lips were warm and loving. As I regained my thoughts, Kae pulled away and removed my blindfold and I opened my eyes. One thing that always drove me crazy was his post-sex hair, all wild and dripping with the occasional bead of sweat. "You may see but don't forget my big rule. No talking."
As desperate as I was to tell Kae how good he looked, or how much he meant to me, I bit my lip. Those words would mean nothing to him if I didn't obey his one command. So I patiently waited for Kae's next move. He laid down next to me and caught his breath before cuddling up close to me, leaving my wrists and ankles in their cuffs. "Don't you think that we're done here," He scorned, his voice just above a whisper, "I still have many things in store for tonight."
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