alltypesofmbti · 2 years
Se - spontaneity
Si - ritual
Ni - Research, defining, pinpointing
Ne - idea-generating, planning for future etc.
Ti - figuring out, finding a-b-c-d-e, decoding
Te - teaching, informing,
Fi - analysing (feelings, emotions), reflecting, ruminating, navel gazing,
Fe - adapting, mirroring, performing, relating,
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alltypesofmbti · 2 years
I must have it, but will check it out :)
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alltypesofmbti · 2 years
entp and intp r so,,, so,,, similar
yea but which one is closer to you think about it..ssocial all the time and rest a bit..or rest all the time and social a bit? :D
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alltypesofmbti · 2 years
I cant get if i am infp or enfp//help pls:'
same thing happens to mee sometimes..but u can feel introvert and extravert at same time :D its an enfp thing. And it changes time to time..
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alltypesofmbti · 5 years
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enfp things :D so true...
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alltypesofmbti · 5 years
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ahaha enfp and life..
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
ENTP Care and Handling User Guide and Manual
This manual is part of a series brilliantly thought up by @intpboard
Congratulations! You’ve come into possession of a rare and often exhausting ENTP unit! Now that you have your very own ENTP here are a few helpful tips and tricks to maximize the fun on their maelstrom of…. stuff…..
Your ENTP comes with:
Four everyday outfits
One extra snazzy suit for special occasions
One mobile device for research and communication purposes
One laptop for next-level research and communication
One gaming console and accessories
Five complex strategy games
Your ENTP comes preprogrammed with the following traits:
Ne: Your ENTP can generate 45,673 ideas per minute, change subjects at a rate that will make you dizzy, and is always interested in anything and everything. Loves to make comparisons or analogies that make no sense but they will insist it works perfectly.  
Ti: Your ENTP unit will want to analyze and understand ALL THE THINGS. If interested, will demand as many details as possible. They may process by arguing to see all sides of a situation or idea. Favorite questions are why? And what do you mean?
Fe: Your ENTP has the uncanny ability to pick up on other’s emotions, and will occasionally push to see just how far they can go socially. Low-key cares about people and their opinions and doesn’t really like conflict among friends or loved ones (but good luck getting them to admit it).
Si: As this is their lowest function, your ENTP unit will struggle to keep track of things and lose their keys frequently. Also, makes them prone to buck tradition in favor of doing something novel, but may have strong attachments to certain memories or people.
Getting Started
Place your ENTP in front of an open computer with the internet browser open.
Tell them that they can’t accomplish something.
Show them your favorite meme.
Challenge them to beat you at your favorite strategy game.
If your ENTP unit has not booted up yet, bring 2-3 friends to talk about their nerdy interests or favorite TV shows.
Eccentric Scientist Mode (default): Your ENTP will get very excited by whatever random idea or talent or skill happens to catch their eye and obsessively research it on the internet for a good 2-3 days. Then they will dedicate their life (and a considerable financial investment) to master this project. Within two weeks it will be added to the clutter of abandoned or “In progress” projects in favor of something new.
Tony Stark (default): Your ENTP will fire up their impressive mental capacities to whirr through countless ideas and possibilities to find the best possible solution for nearly any situation. Be forewarned; just because an idea makes sense to them and they are convinced that it’s amazing, doesn’t mean it’s actually foolproof.
Manipulative Bastard: When your ENTP brings their tertiary Fe out to play they can be manipulative little bastards.They are scarily perceptive of what others are feeling and thinking. On the innocent side, they’re sassing you back within hours of meeting you. On the devious side, they know just how to pull your strings to get what they want.
Detached Robot: Activated when your unit is angry, stressed, or sad. If your ENTP unit refuses to “talk about it,” complains bitterly that life always sucks, or removes themselves from society to bury in a project, then things are BAD. Resist the urge to push ENTP to open up about it or fix their problems for them. Chances are your unit has already been overthinking the situation and needs a mental escape. To restore to default mode: keep them company and try to redirect their attention to a favorite project or interest.  
Relationships with Other Units
NF: Your ENTP unit will often appreciate the depth and understanding of the NFJ’s and enjoys the random and giggly fun that comes with the NFPs. Caution is advised, however, as NF’s care quite a bit about their feelings and opinions, which your ENTP may find to be boring or muddled.
NT:  Relationships with NT types can go one of two ways for your ENTP:. They will either be in mutual delight over how logical and similar the NT’s brain is or your ENTP will reject the NT as useless, arrogant, and not worth tolerating. They can either end up as an awesome power duo or a cold rivalry.
SJ: Your ENTP will most likely view SJs as useful tools to uphold society, but not good for much else. Your unit will tend to be aggravated by their reliance on tradition or repetition but could stand to learn a thing or two about order and stability.
SP: This combination is double trouble. Your ENTP secretly admires the SP mastery of their physical environment and will often attempt feats that are beyond their abilities when around SP types, especially XSTP.  Generally, they get along well but don’t leave your unit unsupervised with a group of SPs.
Your ENTP will forget to eat if not reminded. When left to their own devices, will often skip meals and then wonder later why they are dizzy, grouchy, or exhausted. Feed regularly to ensure they maintain a balanced diet and peak mental efficiency.
Your ENTP will often put effort into picking out outfits and combinations, only to throw on whatever works for that day and cover the rest with charisma. Remind your ENTP to brush their teeth, shower, and exercise, as they often forget to do so for periods of 2-3 days.
Your ENTP generally views sleep as a waste of time and do so only when absolutely necessary.  The preferred sleeping pattern is to stay up through the night and catch up by taking naps throughout the day. ENTP will stubbornly insist that this works (it doesn’t). Send them to bed anyway.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do ENTPs like talking with people, even those they aren’t particularly fond of? What do they find in that?
Your ENTP’s Tertiary Fe enjoys watching people react to things, especially things the ENTP causes. They derive a certain smug pleasure from watching people react predictably (Ti) to purposely offensive, crazy, or outlandish actions or claims. On a less sinister note, your ENTP most likely views pretty much everyone in the world as a potential friend or resource, so they are more than happy to connect and see what happens.
My ENTP won’t shut up about season 6 of Battleframe Nebula. What do I do?
Your ENTP unit is very excited about their newly discovered interest and likely is one of the most knowledgeable persons in existence on the subject. Ask two or three generic questions about their new interest, such as what do you like about [insert name of new interest]? Or ask them to explain it. Above all, do not panic: within two weeks they will have forgotten about Battleframe Nebula.
My ENTP has decided that organizing or planning things is a waste of time. How do I fix it??
Your ENTP unit has most likely decided that things will work just fine if they go with the flow. Your unit has a preference for keeping their calendar in their head, which is subject to constant change. Point out to your unit that a keeping a written schedule helps them see where they are budgeting their time and helps others know when the ENTP will be available for socializing.
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Your ENFJ Care and Handling User Guide and Manual
Part of a series by @intpboard
Congratulations! You have been chosen by an ENFJ to be an important person in their life. Your ENFJ comes in color coordinated and aesthetically pleasing packaging perfectly suited to both your and their needs. Although your ENFJ does not need to be cared for in the traditional sense, here are a few tips to ensure the most harmonious interactions with your newfound extroverted idealist.
Your ENFJ comes with:
Ten (10) color coordinated outfits
 Twelve (12) small fluffy animals of your ENFJ’s preference
One (1) large box tea assortment
 One (1) soapbox for speechmaking purposes
One (1) electronic device for constant communication with others
One (1) newspaper subscription (most likely electronic) for staying up-to-date on current events and world affairs
Two (2) bookshelves filled with various types of literature
One (1) etiquette manual. Your ENFJ has never read it, nor have they ever felt the need to, but it has been included for your benefit.
One (1) burning life purpose that will Make the World a Better Place.
Custom upgrades: Your ENFJ will have some sort of creative hobby. Musical instruments, microphones, art implements, writing implements, and/or athletic equipment may also be included.
Your ENFJ comes preprogrammed with the following traits;
Fe: Your ENFJ has an innate sense of how interpersonal affairs function and how one should navigate them. Keenly concerned with the state of others, both loved ones and humanity as a whole, your ENFJ strives to do what is best for others and maintain peace in their relationships. Your ENFJ will motivate, encourage, compliment, support, and comfort other people. Open communication is very important to your ENFJ, and trust is paramount.
Ni: Not only does your ENFJ care immensely about others, but they know exactly how to improve their lives. ENFJ units come with a preinstalled “life purpose” program that presses upon them a deep burden to improve the state of the world in some way that is uniquely suited to their individual talents and abilities. Usually, this improvement can be directly connected to other people in some way. Do not try to argue the life purpose with your ENFJ. They have reflected upon it deeply and are certain that this is in fact what they want to do with their lives.
Se: Your ENFJ is aware of the world around them and its various sensory details. They are action-oriented and will take initiative to implement their plans for a better future. Generally, they will have good reflexes and appreciate pleasant and organizes surroundings. Decent at multitasking. Sometimes they will take too much upon themselves, which can lead to burnout.
Ti: This function acts as a filter for Fe and ensures that your ENFJ’s words and actions are logically consistent, accurate, and appropriate. Depending on the particular ENFJ that has chosen you, the Ti filter may function properly to balance Fe, or it may malfunction and either be overly manifested in critical attitudes or be entirely absent and lead to irrational behavior.
Getting Started
1. Activate electronic device and place in your ENFJ’s hand.
2. Make your ENFJ a cup of tea (preferably herbal).
3. Wait for the electronic device to register attempted communication from others.
4. Allow your ENFJ to drink tea and communicate with others until fully charged.
5. If step 4 does not work, initiate a form of physical contact, such as hugging or cuddling, with your ENFJ.
6. If for some reason your ENFJ is averse to physical contact, repeat step 4 but with the small fluffy animals arranged around them.
Friend Mode (default): Your ENFJ will want to befriend everyone they encounter. They will ask thoughtful and personalized questions to get to know the other person and want to establish a positive relationship with them.
Mom Mode (default): Your ENFJ is very concerned about others and whether or not they are taking care of themselves. Can often be found inquiring whether others have eaten, hydrated, slept enough, finished that thing they were procrastinating, are wearing weather appropriate clothing, have taken relevant medications, etc. Your ENFJ will do this regardless of whether the other person is younger or old enough to be their own mother.
Teacher Mode (default): Your ENFJ enjoys learning about the world, and sharing that knowledge even more so. They can often be found recounting an interesting article they read the other day or a cool discovery in a field that they like. Can be triggered by the phrase “I don’t understand…”. Your ENFJ will explain things in a way that you will understand. ENFJs are also prone to turning a difficult situation into a Teaching Moment.
Counselor Mode: Activated when someone is going through a difficult situation. Self-taught psychologists, ENFJ units innately understand how people work and will generally know how to be more helpful. Your ENFJ will validate and affirm the hurting individual and usually leave them feeling better. Warning: your ENFJ may give advice more than is necessary if relying too heavily on Fe and not enough on Ni.
Superhero Mode: Activated under stress. ENFJs have a habit of taking on more than they can carry, and it eventually takes a toll. Your ENFJ will insist that they are fine. Their eyes will glaze over and twitch if you question them about their activities. Asking them how they plan to sustain this schedule will probably induce tears. Beware. Your ENFJ has entered full delusion.
Pseudo-Introvert Mode: Activated under severe stress. Your ENFJ has become so overwhelmed that they are shutting down. Characterized by refusal to socialize, a marked reduction in activities, and unusual silence in their presence. Symptoms also include grumpiness, calmness, an insistence that they are “just tired” or that “it’s been a long week”, and increased need for sleep. Seek help for your ENFJ if they start to claim that they don’t need others.
Manipulative Dictator Mode: If your ENFJ gains pleasure from controlling others or getting them to do things according to their will which others may not have chosen on their own, they are unhealthy. Perform a diagnostic check to ensure that all functions are in working order. Detoxification of Fe or Ni may be necessary.
Relationships with Other Units
NF: The easiest for your ENFJ to communicate with due to their naturally flowing and symbol-laden speech. Your ENFJ will appreciate their idealism and encourage them to follow their dreams.
NT: Slightly more challenging due to the strict rationalism present in NTs, but can get along on a conceptual basis if their ideas are complementary. Your ENFJ secretly admires NTs but knows that they can never admit it to one.
SJ: Can be somewhat difficult to communicate with due to the concrete and direct style these types employ, but your ENFJ will love them all the same and appreciate their loyalty.
SP: Your ENFJ will be fascinated by SPs and how they can do things so easily, and will want to hang out with them all the time. Do not let the SPs talk your ENFJ into skydiving. They’ll claim they can handle it until they start screaming halfway out of the plane.
Your ENFJ will claim that they have transcended basic human needs such as food. Your ENFJ is a liar who will get very cranky if they forget to eat. A glazed over expression, extended silence, or general withdrawnness can often be attributed to hunger. Feed regularly. Chocolate non-optional.
ENFJs are generally fastidious about personal hygiene and have established a personal style of clothing/accessories/makeup. May occasionally leave the house without an accessory or mismatched shoes. If they are busy, help them by organizing the outfit they have chosen and ensuring that every component is there.
Your ENFJ will eschew sleep, as it limits time that could be spent socializing and doing things. Remind your ENFJ what happened the last time they slept less than 6 hours and that sleeping now will help them function better tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my ENFJ really that excited?
Generally, yes. ENFJs look for the bright side in every situation, and tend to genuinely enjoy the things they claim to enjoy. Lack of affinity for something will be signaled by a neutral yet diplomatic statement.
Does my ENFJ actually like me if they claim to love everyone?
You bet. ENFJs are very particular about being authentic in their remarks, and will tend to give praise specifically tailored to an individual. They will not tell you you’re a great athlete if you’re not. That being said, ENFJs look for the good in everyone and usually manage to find it. So yes, they do love everyone.
But if my ENFJ lives to care for others, they surely must not need care?
That’s where you’re wrong. Although ENFJs derive the most pleasure from caring for others, they need affirmation and appreciation to keep going and feel like their efforts aren’t in vain. Be sure to regularly tell your ENFJ how much you appreciate what they do for you. You might find yourself with a pleasant surprise if you do.
My ENFJ isn’t being very nice.
ENFJs are emotional, caring beings. They are not always nice. They try to be, but sometimes they snap. It’s only because they’ve been trying to keep it inside. Encourage your ENFJ to talk about negative feelings openly (this may take some persuasion, as ENFJs like to ignore negative feelings and pretend they don’t exist) to prevent such an explosion.
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Hahaa 😍
More MBTI Questions I Need Answers to
DISCLAIMER: I legit need answers actually hahaha, if you can comment that’d be great because MY CURIOSITY NEEDS TO BE QUENCHEDDD  ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
ISFJ - how do I adjust your preprogrammed cookie instructions so that I don’t die from coronary heart disease after eating all your cookies? That stick of butter y'all put into them got my arteries going like @.@ - can I have some more cookies pls? I ate all 12 of them in one sitting - how often would you like to set your ‘it’s normal to feel insecure’ reminder?
INFJ - will you come with me to this party 3 weeks from now? I promise to never leave your side and I heard there will be pets there (my attempt at bribery) - how do you have the best hugs? what is your secret?!?!?!? I MUST KNOWWW - how are all of you so uniquely artistic? Every INFJ I know does some kind of knitting, oil painting, guitar playing on the side and THEY’RE EXTREMELY GOOD AT WHAT THEY DOO
ISFP - How do animals know to approach you for your mystical blessing (i.e. legendary head rub that makes all the animals kneel before you in praise)? - y'all have such colourful outfits! Can you share your wardrobe with me? - is there a cap on the number of art forms you dabble in or is it more like all ISFPs gets at least one?
ESFJ - can I come with you to Thursday’s yoga class? I don’t have a matching yoga mat, but I’ll bring you that soy drink that you’ve been wanting to try - how is your social media game so on point? TEACH MEH YOUR WAYSSS - do you ever randomly forget someone’s name while talking to them? Because that happens to me wayyyy more than it should
INFP - is there a daily tears limit or is it more like a you must meet a certain quota by the end of the month? - how many years are you granted Special Snowflake status? Or do you renew it every 5 years or something? - do y'all come out of the womb knowing how to make flower crowns or what? THEY’RE TOO PRETTY TO EXIST HOWWW??!?!?!
INTJ - on a scale from 1 (“I never do this”)  to 10 (“what does it feel like to not do this?”), how often do you think about world domination? - is it possible to like puzzles but also suck really badly at them? Because that’s me T__T - how often do you wonder about whether or not you messed up a social interaction? how often is too often? oh crap, my INTJ just lagged a little bit, DON’T BLUE SCREEEN NOOOOOOOOOO
ISTJ - Are y'all anti-change or just pro-routine? because there’s a difference apparently *eyes ENTJ* - HELPPPP my ISTJ is stuck in a loop/routine!! Is this normal? - From all the mbti types, pick one to clean your house according to your instructions, one to walk your dog, and one who’s house might collapse into itself from the hoarding unless you intervene
ISTP - where are y'all at? I don’t know enough ISTPs - did you have fun last Friday night? 😉 - how do all of you have this sexy smouldering thing going on?!?! I CAN’T NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH ALL OF YOUUUU
INTP - how many hours did you sleep last night? Aim for 8 next time 🙂 - list me your 5 most recent wiki page visits .. I need stuff to do … and researching about a random obscure science thing sounds like a fun Tuesday - are the science functions pre-installed or is it only calculus that’s pre-installed? How do I upgrade these functions?
ESTJ: - Of all the mbti types, pick one to be your employee, your significant other, and your child - HOW MANY SUITS DO YOU OWN?!?! Can you lend me one? - describe your ideal workplace environment (are you turned on by this question?)
ENTJ: - do you get an adrenaline rush when you bulldoze during an argument? because I totally feel that - what does an ENTJ mating ritual look like? (i.e. how do you act around your crush? or no diff because can’t run StrongFeelings.exe?) - I think my ENTJ is broken, it keeps running IsolationMode.exe! How do I fix it?!?! T____T
ESTP - HEY ESTP! WHERE IS THE PARTY AT!?! Please take me with you, I’ll dance on the porch outside your house if I have to - how do you feel about manuals? or do you just set them on fire? can we do a group manual burning? *ISTJs are probably having a heart attack* - Pick one mbti type to kiss, one to marry, and one to have casual sex with
ENTP - name me ONE project you’ve ever finished that wasn’t for school/work (y'all get so excited when you start a new project but the old projects feel neglected AF y'know) - Since you’re the Meme Lord(ess), if you marry a commoner, are they Duchess of Memes or Lady Meme? or Lord Meme? (just throwing that in real quick before the I see pitchforks outside mah house) - how do y'all have so much air to debate for as long as you do? do ENTPs have unique genetic mutations that allow for larger lung capacity? do y'all double as Olympic swimmers too?
ENFJ - where do all of our secrets go after we tell them to you? do you have a personalized file on each of us that you flip through from time to time as a bedtime story or what? - why do all of you want me to reveal my emotional wounds? Is that the equivalent of foreplay or something? - how do I install PersonalSpace.exe onto my ENFJ?
ENFP - how do you have sooooooo many tabs open?!?!? - do pets come to you or do you come to pets? - will you take me with you on your next spontaneous surprise trip to Tokyo? All my bags are already packed, just tell me what day we’re going
ESFP - why do y'all always smell nice? can I bottle your scent or something? - do you take dance lessons or is dancing well just a feature of all ESFPs? - have you seen my butt? Because you’re sexy AF and I’d like to give you permission to dance within 2 ft of it
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Hey can you describe all the types as handwriting? :)
Helloo :) guess i cant specify them as hand writings becus it changes a lot to the person i believe. Mine is worst becus i guess i'm boring when i write..not sure about all :)
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Hi!:) I'm trying to signal boost the enfp-blog of my friend, it's enfpimagination here on tumblr. It's really a great blog, but she needs more followers. Maybe you could help by publishing this? Thanks from an INFP!:3
Suuure :) i will follow no worries :) love & hugs
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Hi, i’m an infp or isfp and I’m governed by my emotions, and struggle with organization, being in my head, and not reading situations accurately. So, I’m really curious about whether you can develop Ni/Fe. Do you think that any type can tap into the web of intuitive/logical connections that INFJs and other types naturally tap into?
Governed by your emotions - normal for a Fi-dom. If you want to balance this out, learn to pay attention to Ne/Se – through Ne, to explore other possibilities and consider the natural results of your decisions, or Se to get a more correct / sensory perception of the situation and how you can change it.
Struggle with organization - inferior Te problems. Start reading organizational books, making short to-do lists, implement a rewards system for finishing and crossing off things on your list, and practice deciding which tasks are most important.
Being in your head - introvert tendencies. Again, develop Se/Ne.
Not reading situations accurately - likely poor Se/Ne development.
Whether you can develop Ni/Fe. Um, why would you want NiFe?
INFJs have their own set of problems which include: detachment from the physical world / reality / problems taking their visions and making them a reality / low motivation / unrealistic high standards (inferior Se issues); they have Ni/Ti loops where they obsessively analyze their ideas / concepts / future without ever moving forward, and can sometimes as a result be unrealistic and wrong. Under intense stress, they can do foolish things like blow all their money on a whim or be impulsive and put their future at risk.
Instead of trying to gain functions not naturally active in your stack (or, if you’re an ISFP, you CAN develop Ni), work on strengthening and using all the functions you already have – and you will gain your own set of strengths. You have the capacity to be excellent, as you are.=)
- ENFP Mod
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Yep :)
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Life hacks/Tips Here
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
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Chilllaaaxxx broo..
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
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alltypesofmbti · 6 years
Me me me! :)
21 Signs You Might Actually Be An Ambivert
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1. When you’re out in the world, you’re probably not going to be starting conversations with strangers.
2. Generally, you’re always happy to meet new people, but you’ll probably be uncomfortable if you have to do it without any of your existing friends with you.
3. When a topic of interest comes up in conversation, you’re more than happy to talk in great detail about it.
4. But as soon as that’s done, you’ll happily sit listening to the conversation without saying another word.
5. Spending too much time with other people can be exhausting.
6. Your calm, controlled professional self feels like a very different person to the one your friends see.
7. Asserting yourself is tricky in many situations.
8. You can often go out and have hours of fun being the life of the party, but suddenly find that your energy has dropped, and all you really want to do is go home.
9. When you see things written about being an introvert, you start to relate…but then discover that you relate to the extrovert ones as well.
10. In fact, your friends disagreeing about whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert is probably a very good sign you’re an ambivert.
11. Small talk is something that annoys you, because while you can do it, there are instances when it feels a bit insincere.
12. Some weekends, you just need to spend some time hanging out on your own.
13. Too much time spent alone can leave you a bit downcast, however, and you’re concerned that it’s not very productive.
14. And some of the best weekends of your life have been when you didn’t go home for three days.
15. Thinking before you speak isn’t a problem for you…most of the time.
16. You have a tendency to balance out whoever you’re with – if you’re with someone loud, you’ll be quieter. If they’re quiet, you’ll compensate for that.
17. You’re known to be quite intuitive and good at picking up signals that other people can miss.
18. Often, you just find yourself observing what’s happening around you.
19. And at other times, you’ll be getting involved in the moment.
20. So in the right context, you love attention, but more often than not, you don’t want to be the person everyone is looking at.
21. So if you can’t figure out whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, maybe it’s because you’re actually an ambivert!
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