alluraagainstantis · 7 years
I’m gonna come out and say it: Reylo antis are getting close to being as bad as SU wankers. 
doing my civic duty
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Oh no! Looks like Stephen’s a filthy fucking Reyloser! Quick, flood his Twitter with demands for him to retire or else he gets it for being a Nazi-endorsing apologist! /sarcasm
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Adam Driver and Stephen Colbert playing with Rey and Kylo action figures on the show - 12/15/2017.
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Non-antis: Don’t harass and bully people no matter what they ship.
Antis: Well, yeah, I agree. But as long as the ship isn’t actually abusive or pedophi--
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Antis: Fuck you, Reylo Johnson! Retire, bitch! I hope you fucking die!  You’re not getting a single cent from me for your abuse apologist shit, you hear me????!!!!!!1111
Rian Johnson on his 24k gold-plated laptop, reading Anne’s post (maybe): 
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Positivity Friday Post #1
Kacxa currently owns my ass and deserves more love. Keith and Acxa would make such a beautiful and badass power couple and it’s such a crying shame the fandom is sleeping on it. 
Oh, well. At least Bex ships it. Bless you, Bex. You badass and awesome angel, you. 
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Antis: Gawd, being in this fandom is so exhausting. So much drama. 😞😞😞 So toxic. 😞😞😞
Everyone else: 
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Hey so keeping this on the down low, there's word going around that an.tis are creating a sha!adinc0rd to take usernames, likely to do something malicious. Just like everything else in this fandom, before joining anything you guys, see who runs things, ask yourself if you trust anyone giving you an invitation to anything, and please stay safe!!!
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Heya, peeps, ‘Lura’s back!
So yeah, I’ve been gone for a long while. And I’m really and sincerely sorry for the long absence, but lots of stuff happened in my life. I’m preparing for grad school (I start next week), I’m unemployed and been looking for jobs these past months, lots of family drama (one cousin got almost arrested and then was in a car accident, my uncle has been hospitalized a couple of times, my maternal cousin died suddenly, etc). But beside the RL stuff happening, I was incredibly reluctant to come back to this blog. Hell, I decided against coming back to tumblr and to this blog multiple times these past months and opted to do other things rather submerge myself in constant discourse and negativity.
Basically, I’m tired af. I’m bone tired of the discourse that is rampant on this site. I’m tired of logging onto tumblr dot com and being bombarded with news of some new fuckery that went down in some fandom like a voice actor getting harassed for supporting specific cartoon/video game characters kissing or a writer getting harassed because he/she dared to say something flattery about a character an anti dislikes/hates. I’m tired (and disheartened) of seeing some (keyword: some) people on the pro-shipping becoming jaded, petty, or mean because they want to get back at the sociopathic assholes that are antis and others possibly get caught in the pro-shipping and anti-shipping crossfire. I’m tired of seeing shippers in various fandoms who’ve witnessed their ships and fellow shippers be attacked by antis yet turn around and unironically spout anti-esque comments towards their OTPs and/or nOTPs. I’m tired of coming to this site and wanting to unwind and enjoy shitposts metas, pretty edits and/or gifsets, only to get suck back into discourse and end up feeling angry and down in the dumps. I’m a positive person. I’m not trying nor want to make myself like a special snowflake or make it sound like I’m better than the blogs specifically focused on fandom discourse or venting. On the contrary, I feel like a pathetic weakling compared to the owners of discourse and salt blogs who been through hell (I mean like receiving death threats, receiving hate messages, etc) who continue to be active, while here I am, wanting to nope out and hide away when I gotten what is essentially the “red carpet” treatment (which is receiving little to no hateful messages or treatment) when it comes to antis.
Anyway, I digress. I’m a positive person.  I like focusing on things that I like and that make me happy. I can’t focus on things that make me mad or feel irritated for too long or every other day because I end up feeling drained and moody. I owe it to myself to care for my mental and emotional health rather than disregard both and constantly surround myself in stress from both IRL BS and fandom shit. So, what I ‘m saying is that I won’t be on this blog as much.  I’m not abandoning it as antis are still amok and about causing hell and havoc and deserve to be called out as many people as possible. Me straight up leaving is granting antis an albeit small victory (again, as this blog is drop in the bucket as far as pro-shipping blogs go and I sure as hell ain’t infamous amongst the pro-shipping circle) in that their vileness pushed another person to leave the discourse and leave them to harass and bully as they please. Also, because there are countless people who need another place (even a blog like this one) to vent their grievances and talk about the crap they’ve been through.
Yeah, I know. Me saying that this blog won’t be as active isn’t saying much since this blog hasn’t been active in 3 months (Jesus Christ). However, I hated how I was gone for that long and didn’t explain to you guys the reasons for my absence. I hate to sound dramatic and self-important but I feel like I owe you guys an explanation. So, I won’t be active as much, sadly. You can send me asks or messages and I will respond to them. And I will talk (and LOVE to talk) to certain posters via messages (you know who you are). But the activity on this blog will be limited to queued posts and possibly positivity posts on Friday since Friday is my favorite day of the week.
So, sorry again for the long absence. Sorry for this long rambling post and wasting your time. But thank you for reading and your patience. Muchos abrazos y besos.  Stay positive as possible.
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
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smmmmmooch that mermaid
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
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Oh, ‘kay. Fixed the post. Thanks for pointing that out. 
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Antis: Reylos are the real misogynists and sexists! They ship Rey with her abuser!
Also antis: *fantasize about Finn and Rey killing Kylo Ren in front of Leia, stan the guy who tortured his own daughter and choked a pregnant!Padme to death because hey, at least he didn’t kill their white boy fave, insult Rose and reduce to being an “Asian girl” and deem her being with Finn as an insult to his character, call Kylo, an emotional male character, “Kylie Ren” or “Crylo Ren” ignore that Kylo’s a Skywalker because of his mother, erase Rey’s role in Kylo’s narrative and state that the new trilogy is all about Kylo and Finn, insulted Claudia Gray and tried to boycott her book because she admitted she liked Reylo, but did jack shit to Mark Hamill who also supported Reylo , label all Reylo shippers as “pathetic horny fangirls”, etc*
Edit: I meant Claudia Gray, but point still stands.
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Aw, shit. I forgot there’s gonna a FFVII remake. To you and other FF vets, you’re in my prayers and stay the course and never give in. 
I can’t help but laugh when VLD fans act all shocked and horrified that there’s fans in their 20s and 30s. Like you do realize VLD is remade from an 80s show? That Voltron is a franchise spanning 30 years? That has has spinoffs, sequels and comics? Like my god
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Hey so keeping this on the down low, there's word going around that an.tis are creating a sha!adinc0rd to take usernames, likely to do something malicious. Just like everything else in this fandom, before joining anything you guys, see who runs things, ask yourself if you trust anyone giving you an invitation to anything, and please stay safe!!!
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
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Like, I’m not asking for Pidge (and to a lesser extent Allura) to be depicted as sweet lil’ gumdrop angels or expect them to act nice 24/7. Nor am I saying fuck morally-gray and/or unlikable characters. My problems with the mean!Pidge (and to lesser extent, mean!Allura) interpretations are that they push for the ideas that female-on-male mistreatment/abuse is okay and that a female character can only be strong if she spouts off insults all the time and treats her friends (especially her male ones) like dirt. Being mean is not empowering nor the sign of a strong person. It’s actually the opposite. There is a reason why the phrase “Hurt people hurt people” exists.  
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Please don’t give them ideas.
I can’t help but laugh when VLD fans act all shocked and horrified that there’s fans in their 20s and 30s. Like you do realize VLD is remade from an 80s show? That Voltron is a franchise spanning 30 years? That has has spinoffs, sequels and comics? Like my god
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Pidge: *apologized to Allura for making a really nasty comment about being a survivor of a genocide, felt bad about being cold to Lance and Hunk pre-Voltron, smiled at Keith in the aftermath  the Fall of Castle of Lions, almost had a breakdown at the possibility of her never reuniting with her team, was ready to tear that Beta Traz guard a new ass for hurting Lance, tearfully said goodbye to Hunk before leaving for the Beta Traz mission, etc*
Fandom: Pidge is a mean-ass gremlin who can’t stand her friends 90% of the time and would gladly drop-kick them into an active volcano for the shits and giggles and LMAO, her treating her friends like crap is so funny!  
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alluraagainstantis · 7 years
Pidge: *was shown in her flashbacks to be comfortable in a dress, was upset upon cutting her hair, and never complained and still doesn’t complain about looking/dressing girly*
Fandom:  Pidge is a total tomboy who pulls out a crucifix and holy water if so much as she sense something Feminine™ in close proximity of her presence.
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