#emotional shift
alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Hello! I have a question, do you think you could explain emotional shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts and spiritual shifts to me? I know about mental shifts, and i can assume what perception shifts are about, but i've never heard about this other types of shifts!
Thank you!
I’ll definitely be posting each separately in their own terms of the week posts, but I’ll give a rundown of each with examples of how I personally experience them.
Shift types:
Emotional- basically they happens to come from a heightened state of emotion, which can be any.
Example: My copingkin has these shifts when I feel rejected, heightening the feeling into betrayal due to the fact that I cope as Fenrir from Norse myth.
Astral- where your alterhuman self leaves your human body. Normally found in meditation and dissociation, and requires a belief in the astral plain.
Example 1: I get this a lot with my dragonself. I’m a very spiritual person by nature.
Example 2: You could think of wolf walkers if you’ve seen the movie/clips of the movie on TikTok for this type of shift as well.
Aura- This one requires a belief in auras, but it’s where you feel the form of your life energy turn/as your alterhuman identity.
Example: I feel these a lot actually as I sometimes intertwine some of my phantom shifts as my dragonself.
Fun Fact: This is how I actually was able to figure out my dragonself’s appearance and size, as well as my Fenrir copinglink. My aura’s size changed drastically.
Bi-locational- It’s you feeling your alterhuman self in their natural habitat in a different location. This can be felt through double sensory input or vivid daydreaming.
Example: I get these a lot with my dragonself, especially when I am looking out a car window or in a plane. This also happens when I’m up late at night.
Spiritual- These are undefined shifts that require you to believe that your alterhuman identity(ies) are to some level spiritual, like astral and aura shifts
Example: I do believe in past lives and reincarnation, but none of my identities are past lives. My best example is my otherkin identity. I believe it’s a connection of myself from somewhere else.
I do believe all of my identities are in some capacity both psychological and spiritual. My dragonkin identity just happens to be the best example of spiritual shifts.
As an added note, perception shifts are shifts in your perception of the outside world or self-image through your alterhuman identity. The Fenrir ones encompasses both outside world and self image.
There are other sorts of shifts as well that I don’t personally experience, like dream shifts due to the fact that I never remember my dreams.
Hopefully that helps you with a basic understanding of what these shifts are!
>Saiph 🐉
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saiphthepolykin · 4 months
What it means to be a Fenrir copingkin to me is that my strength is something I take a lot of pride in. I deal with very negative and self destructive shifts in mood that feel otherworldly and not on the level of human rage. I bite at my right hand as hard as I can, I feel like screaming but understandable to. The phantom shifts of the sword in my jaws and gagged into silence. Constantly suspicious of authority/authority-like figures. A feeling like someone will betray you at any moment that you might not ever know.
It’s knowing I hurt the one person I thought I’d never hurt severely. Someone who was loyal to me even if their betrayal was for my own good. They were loyal to me and I, figuratively, ripped off their hand that treated me so well. It’s feeling my guilt and anger trapping me in the same chains that the Æsir tied Fenrir down with.
Though, the more positive side is that I don’t feel weak and helpless all the time. As stated I take great pride in my strength. I am gentle when needed, but I am also cruel and unforgiving to those who are deserving of such monstrous punishment.
This identity is something I didn’t ask for. It’s very much rooted in very negative shifts. I get very angry, very sad, and some of my thoughts change to those similar to the story of Fenrir during Ragnarök. I become self destructive due to trauma outside of my kin identities.
While yes there’s some positive things that come from this identity, the negatives remind me that nothing is always sunshine and rainbows.
Maybe someone can relate to this as well. Maybe it’ll be helpful to others
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mw-draws · 6 months
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i can feel this game slowly digging it’s claws back into my brain
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Thank you. I'm sorry.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jin guangyao#lan wangij#jin ling#LWJ shifting into fight mode was so damn cool. He is always ready to start throwing hands.#It's in a way that befits someone with a bit more bloodlust that his calm demeanor lets on - but nearly always in defense of someone.#What a great synergy with his personal philosophies! see that he is a Genuinely Noble Guy time and time again!#Is is also way more hilarious and unhinged than most people give him credit for? Also yes.#Nothing and no one ever said he did not or would not rip off JGY's hat mid-fight. I think LWJ needs to snatch more wigs LITERALLY.#Yes I'm delaying the part where I have to address the emotional turmoil of Jin Ling stabbing wwx. It gutted me terribly.#What is worse that realizing that someone you respected has done horrible things#than discovering someone who did horrible things being a kind and trustworthy person?#What is more horrifying that realizing other people are extremely complex and cannot be categorized into black and white?#When people hurt us or our loved ones we very much want to make them out to be irredeemable monsters. But they are not.#It is not actually such a terrible fate to just be a person. To be forgiven and forgive is possible. To change is possible.#This lesson is hard. It is something you have to actively challenge yourself to do. Black and white is the innate path to go down.#And its *why* I love Jin Ling so much. He is the character who fights the longest and hardest to challenge social and personal beliefs#He gets a pass for stabbing wwx for being so deliciously conflicted and tormented by it.#And with wrists THAT limp I can't imagine the wound was particularly deep
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kalofi · 3 months
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rest your head close to my heart
never to part, baby of mine
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jamethinks · 3 months
Yor has always been sensitive to touch. She’s not a big fan of hand holding or random hugs, she really enjoyed her personal space. The only people who could regularly break that barrier are Anya, Yuri and Bond. But recently, Twilight has noticed a change in her. She grabs his hand more often, not in a panic just casual. She wipes his face or ruffles his hair. When they sit next to each other she would sometimes put her hand on his thigh while reaching for the remote.
It was all small touches. Harmless and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. But Twilight couldn’t help but wonder what had changed the she went form locking her hands behind back to swinging them casually, unaffected by the occasional brushes.
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Literally insane how Danny Phantom DCU crossover has more fics on AO3 than many smaller fandoms. This makes my best friend very mad when I point it out. It is also hilarious the number of people writing fics for the crossover fandom who have consumed neither source material and just know what they’ve read in fanfic. The people who built this fandom from the ground up really went ‘let’s make an entirely new media that people will consume and build upon and enjoy that has more plot and analysis of Danny Phantom than the actual tv show’. Truly the goncherov of fanfiction. West doesn’t exist. Red Huntress never had a name. There was a single episode about an ‘ice core’ that was never mentioned again and now ghost cores have almost consistent usage. Anyway I just appreciate the beautiful fandom that is to Danny phantom and DC comics what heathers the Musical is to Heathers the movie.
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arihi · 4 months
Okay here’s the post I talked about from that last reblog!
This also goes beyond ultimatums and conversations - people will twist themselves into knots justifying behaviors and actions all on their own without any input from the important outside source. A misguided sense of noble self-sacrifice when not ever mentioned out loud is just, plainly, unwarranted and stupid. Bearing with something you don’t want to do for another person is not automatically a favor they owe you later down the line, especially if they didn’t know you were doing that. “I went to these things even though I didn’t want to and you don’t even appreciate it even though I never mentioned it” make it make sense!
As someone who does sometimes go to events or do things I don’t necessarily want to do when invited, that’s automatically on me and that’s a choice I make based on my energy levels. A lot of the time I go because I know I don’t want to in the moment but will probably enjoy myself later. Even if I don’t? That’s not on the other person, that’s not a future argument I win. People who make little balance ledgers of this stuff must be exhausted. We have got to stop blaming and trying to hold other people accountable for our sometimes admittedly rough feelings. You need to engage in emotional regulation and own up to your own mistakes that make you feel like shit instead of putting it on others ‘for putting you in the place to make that decision’.
It’s not noble self-sacrifice to remain quiet as discontent bubbles up without communicating it. It’s just boxing with shadows, and you are not going to win.
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shannonsketches · 4 months
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thinking about gohan and vegeta and how their bond is underrated
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the difference in their reactions to each other 😭
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Gohan being the first one to step between Vegeta and Certain Death, twice, without an ounce of hesitation, and Vegeta saving him back despite his feelings about battle intervention.
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Vegeta knowing Gohan's the best of all of them
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Vegeta and Gohan both born prodigies assigned an unfair amount of responsibility to be Great and be a Saiyan Messiah(tm) way too young by a stubborn and proud if not (relatively) well-meaning father who didn't see any other option and I just think Gohan doesn't get enough credit as like. The first serious muscle behind Geets' personal growth.
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byemambo · 26 days
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4MINUTES (2024) | 1.06
Bonus: he looked so so so pretty in this episode despite what occurred
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I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers ships that really come from a place of mutual hatred. They WANT each other dead. It is personal. Be it because of revenge or even just an instant feeling of dislike. It does not matter. Their hatred is obsessive and even self-destructive.
But over time, the hatred starts to wane, replaced by mutual respect even, but the obsession remains. They have sunken their claws too deep into each other's flesh, there is no separating them anymore, and their bites start to turn into rough kisses. The bruises they leave on each other are no longer borne of the desire to hurt. Instead, they are created of the desire to love and they love in the only way they know how to, violently and all consuming.
Nothing will stand in their way now.
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furiousgoldfish · 4 months
Attempting to dismiss abuse and 'not take it personally', doesn't take away from how it affects you; it makes it worse. If you're approaching each insult, degradation, threat and disrespect as if it was 'not meant seriously' and 'they only said it because they were upset/trying to help', that doesn't mean that you are now not suffering insults, degradation, threats and disrespect. You are. But you get convinced that it is on you to rationalize it, not take it seriously, dismiss it, believe it was not done personally, to try to see it from the abuser's side, to imagine what made them do it. Which means in practice, you are taking abuse and then on top of it accepting that it is your fault if it ever gets to you, if it ever hurts you or gets you upset, or scared, or threatened, or despised, or if it makes you feel worthless and ashamed.
And nobody is rationalizing it on purpose, rather we're shamed by the abusers for taking anything personally, for being affected by anything hurtful they do to us, they make us believe that any reaction we have is our fault, because we failed to dismiss it and endure it and recover from it instantly. They make us responsible for what they do to us, and how it affects us. Being shamed for 'failing to rationalize abuse' is a part of abuse.
Abuse is always personal, it's done to a person whose well being is not prioritized and valued, which is exactly why the abused person feels worthless and ashamed, they can tell they're not prioritized or valued in any way. But if then on top of it you're convinced that your perception is wrong, that you're faulty for being hurt by this, for protesting this, now you can't even vocalize what is wrong, out of fear for being shamed for having a reaction. Your attempts to dismiss and rationalize it don't mitigate the effects of it, you are still being disrespected, threatened, degraded, but now you're also too ashamed to protest, to say it's bothering you, to speak out and acknowledge that you are a person whose life experience matters, who doesn't just exist to take on others malice, sadism and hatred.
You can end up feeling even more alone, because you have to hide your reactions, and act like nothing is wrong. You still feel scared and anxious about all of the threats, you still feel humiliated, offended and upset by all of their insults and degradation, you still feel your personhood wither away because you are obviously not treated as a person, and you can feel it, but you can never say it. You can't believe your own senses and assume that you're wrong for feeling it, rather than the abusers being wrong for mistreating you. You're filled with anxiety of 'What if they're right? What if I am all of those things they keep saying about me? What if one day they act on their threats? What if my life is without value? What if something is deeply wrong with me and I shouldn't even exist?' regardless of whether you take these things personally or not. This is what abuse does to an individual who is powerless to fight back.
You can take all abuse personally. Anyone making you feel like this, forcing you to have these thoughts about yourself, is not treating you like a living, breathing, feeling human being, and your instincts are right to tell you that this is wrong, that you're being treated badly. There's no actual reason or justification for anyone to do this to you. Hurting you will not make anyone better, will not fix anyone's problems or make anyone's life better. The mere urge of another person to do this to you is abnormal and suggests something is wrong with their sense of right and wrong.
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yourmoonie · 1 month
I know you just had a post about this, but how do I feel it real? I feel like no matter what I can’t switch my state and idk😔
Look at it as a way of knowing something is yours
When planning your birthday celebration, you are aware that it will occur because you have already envisioned it in your mind. You are not attempting to force yourself to "FEEL" your birthday party; rather, you are simply aware of it.
"I know I will become rich" "I can feel it coming" "I know it's mine" "i have decided that it is mine"
All of these are your "inner assumptions".
And if I simplify it, then "feel it real" is basically you making decisions + assumptions and sticking to them.
You don't "Persist" until it happens, you Persist as it happens.
Feelings ≠ emotions
Emotions are just byproducts
So "feel it real" in other words means "I have decided what I want and I believe that it is my end/ final destination and I will not accept less than what I deserve"
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courtesanofdeath · 10 months
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first-class-feral · 1 month
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i made a brad dourif drake meme generator
has this been done
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anotherwrld · 8 months
I think the most healing aspect of reya’s four day shifting detox has not only been renewing my belief in the fact that shifting is real, but also healing the younger versions of myself that became “too attached” or “too obsessive” over “fictional” media.
truly believing in shifting has given me not only part of that childlike wonder for what’s yet unknown back, but the assurance that I’m not crazy for always having been so connected to things that aren’t of the 3D plane. back then, I was a kid who found comfort in the “fictional” and was shamed for having characters of comfort. and now? that little girl gets to go places she once only ever dreamed of.
that little girl wasn’t crazy or overtly obsessive. she was right. she always has been.
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