#aura shift
alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Hello! I have a question, do you think you could explain emotional shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts and spiritual shifts to me? I know about mental shifts, and i can assume what perception shifts are about, but i've never heard about this other types of shifts!
Thank you!
I’ll definitely be posting each separately in their own terms of the week posts, but I’ll give a rundown of each with examples of how I personally experience them.
Shift types:
Emotional- basically they happens to come from a heightened state of emotion, which can be any.
Example: My copingkin has these shifts when I feel rejected, heightening the feeling into betrayal due to the fact that I cope as Fenrir from Norse myth.
Astral- where your alterhuman self leaves your human body. Normally found in meditation and dissociation, and requires a belief in the astral plain.
Example 1: I get this a lot with my dragonself. I’m a very spiritual person by nature.
Example 2: You could think of wolf walkers if you’ve seen the movie/clips of the movie on TikTok for this type of shift as well.
Aura- This one requires a belief in auras, but it’s where you feel the form of your life energy turn/as your alterhuman identity.
Example: I feel these a lot actually as I sometimes intertwine some of my phantom shifts as my dragonself.
Fun Fact: This is how I actually was able to figure out my dragonself’s appearance and size, as well as my Fenrir copinglink. My aura’s size changed drastically.
Bi-locational- It’s you feeling your alterhuman self in their natural habitat in a different location. This can be felt through double sensory input or vivid daydreaming.
Example: I get these a lot with my dragonself, especially when I am looking out a car window or in a plane. This also happens when I’m up late at night.
Spiritual- These are undefined shifts that require you to believe that your alterhuman identity(ies) are to some level spiritual, like astral and aura shifts
Example: I do believe in past lives and reincarnation, but none of my identities are past lives. My best example is my otherkin identity. I believe it’s a connection of myself from somewhere else.
I do believe all of my identities are in some capacity both psychological and spiritual. My dragonkin identity just happens to be the best example of spiritual shifts.
As an added note, perception shifts are shifts in your perception of the outside world or self-image through your alterhuman identity. The Fenrir ones encompasses both outside world and self image.
There are other sorts of shifts as well that I don’t personally experience, like dream shifts due to the fact that I never remember my dreams.
Hopefully that helps you with a basic understanding of what these shifts are!
>Saiph 🐉
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heartnosekid · 5 months
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sparkly & iridescent for anon!
✨-💎-✨ / 🔮-✨-🔮 / ✨-💎-✨
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tellafairy · 8 days
i love the universe, i love my mind.
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sctumsempra · 6 months
idc what your opinions are on the morality and meat of his character snape has the best aesthetics out of anyone in the entire franchise
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meteor-moon · 2 months
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there was a boy with stars in his eyes
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canisalbus · 4 months
They weren't even that much Vasco bc wrong color but I want u to know today I saw a brown dog with short hair, droop ears and a general precious baby boy aura and thought of Him
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Shifting Shadow
Artist: Christopher Burdett TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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telomirage · 2 months
everybody just wants brnine to get some more sleep and maybe some multivitamins 😩
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peachsayshi · 1 year
overprotective geto hits different because the man usually brushes off situations with a condescending smile. it’s the moments where he reacts, where he shows that he is visibly pissed off, that can send tremors down your spine.  
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batbaffle · 5 months
golden age alfred is a such a legend. he walked in and hired himself as bruce's butler, then accidentally found the secret tunnel to the bat hangar
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orathearsonman · 6 months
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yeah so it’s been like 8million bajillion years since my last art post. here are some birthday drawings i did for my friend (first) and older brother (second) :)
i printed both of them out and they look very nice if i do say so myself!! the characters are lemon (with little almond and chicken on his shoulder) and the imposing Mistbane, Ruler of Thornfeld
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meistoshi · 5 months
hmmmm.. storm sorcerer & swap monk for a nature domain cleric class.....
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yonpote · 1 month
honestly i think the tarot readings i did earlier this year oughtta count in the weird conspiracy theory phan realm. i still believe my reading was kinda close if not perfectly accurate but its definitely a wild thing to have done :)
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dr-lizortecho · 1 month
feeling emotions about Michelle’s “I raised a kind son” line- because it’s about claiming that connection, the realization of who Kyle has become against all odds, and she doesn’t even fully know to what extent she was the major player in all of that, in fending of Jesse Manes and the Valenti legacy with her bare hands, purely based on a mother’s instinct
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thefandomexpert · 1 year
i am once again thinking about how fucking funny a wh40k/ffxiv crossover would be
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sentient-rift · 3 months
Hey, Mxy, is it true that genies like the Thunderbolt are the evolved version of imps like you?
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"You mean them Weather Genie Pokemon guys? I ain't no Pokemon, but I am a shape-shifter, so if I wanted to, I could technically evolve into one of them..."
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"But isn't that the same as saying that Ditto can evolve into any Pokemon they want by using Transform?"
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"Okay, ya got a point there... What was your nickname again? Tesuya?"
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"It's Atsura, actually."
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"Right... I wonder if the whole evolving into a genie Pokemon has anything to do with..."
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"This form!"
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"What's that form?"
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"Oh, just a little form I took on in my latest adventure with Superman. Some call it my 'Genie Form,' others call it my 'Supreme Kai' form. Both are appropriate."
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"I saw you cause a lot of trouble in that form from one of the dimensional rifts. You even called yourself a chaos god... So why are you suddenly helping us save the Multiverse? Who's side are you on, anyway?"
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"All will be revealed in due time, my friends, but I'll leave you with this; I have a debt I intend to repay, and helping you save the Multiverse is my way of repaying it."
To be continued...
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