#Fenrir copingkin
alterhumansafespace · 4 months
A fenrir kin! Nice to meet you. How did you discover that?
Asking because you are primarily a dragon (?) and it's quite hard for me to understand individuals who have more than 1 kintype unless they're related somewhat. To be honest it used to be I didn't understand at all but now I discovered I was a kelpie so...
It's directly related to being an incarnation of Loki for me. If it's not related I definitely have a hard time understanding so if you want to share I'd love to hear.
It’s a pleasure to meet you as well! Glad to talk to someone who’s an incarnation of Loki.
Being Fenrirkin is specifically a Copingkin I never really asked to have. Yes, I do love Norse mythology, but being a copingkin of Fenrir can be… well- a bit self destructive for me.
I had been reading a lot into the binding of Fenrir and other information on him. Parts of the story correlate uncannily. When I experience Fenrir shifts, the room felt too small and the intense desire to bite at my right hand was always prominent. I get a constant feeling of being suspicious of authority, sometimes this includes questioning and thinking I know better. But the hardest thing is the intense feeling of betrayal that comes during Fenrir shifts, especially of the ones who were treating you right.
The betrayal part comes from traumas I dealt with. The multitude of gods equating to my family always saying that each other are liars, and others who constantly betrayed my trust. Tyr can be substituted for three different people. My mother, my father or my ex. I tend to associate Tyr more with my ex due to closer similarities.
I wasn’t the best after the breakup and I did lash out viciously. The sword that is stated to hold Fenrir’s jaws open correlate to my need to scream or a need to explain to my ex how his betrayal hurt me, for how sorry I am for hurting him. The bindings are a creation of anger/rage and extreme guilt.
I have always felt a very close tie and extremely empathize with Fenrir’s story. It’s almost like a deeply rooted spiritual connection that isn’t easy to describe. My mental/perception shifts do not feel like that of a normal human. No, they’re intensified by a different sort of emotion that felt very nonhuman in nature.
As for explaining being a polykin with pretty different kintypes, it’s a bit confusing, but not impossible. My dragonself is much less destructive and almost guide like in how I behave. The pride I get when talking about strength are different levels. For my dragonself strength is something I take pride in, but I don’t feel like it’ll crumble at any moment. For my Fenrir self, if I have it questioned, I want to prove myself. This does end up that if someone I consider close to tells me that I am weak, I will break and will either shut down or lash out. Thankfully the lashing out is only internally, but it is destructive by nature.
There are specific behaviors that happen that do not correlate between my dragonself and Fenrir self. As my Fenrir self is much less shifty and is an involuntary identity that allows me to cope with betrayals.
Being a dragon comes with its own difficulties, but I tend to mentally know the difference between my Fenrir tendencies and my dragon tendencies. It all depends on how high, and how self destructive, my emotions get.
I do apologize if it’s a little incoherent. I tried my best to explain the best I could how I separated shifts and behaviors of my two animalistic kintypes. As well as explaining how I came to the conclusion.
I don’t consider myself as Fenrir Otherkin. Involuntarily identifying as and with Fenrir is purely a way of coping that I never asked for as stated above.
Hopefully this explains it enough for a general understanding
>Saiph 🐉
Edit: if you’d like further explanation or clarification, feel free to DM me or send another ask. I’m a very open person and I get good vibes from you
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tyr-the-fenrir · 2 months
Think I may have a new favorite greek myth inspired song. I can totally see why Cerberus fell asleep to Orpheus' Lyre, be it enchanted or not.
I do not know if it's a flicker, but this song really makes me feel like Orpheus to be completely honest. It could be that, or this is one of the very few songs that ground my Fenrir copingkin shifts. Heh- still a very big mythological dog being swooned by music either way.
Normally my shifts are negative to a very harsh degree. I believe that my copingkin identity is slowly turning into its own identity that isn't connected to me coping with trauma. It will still always be considered a copingkin to me, but those shifts have less to do with coping with trauma recently.
^For context: It was a very nasty breakup I dealt with that really manifested this identity more than normal. I had only figured out this identity around a month or two after reconciliation with my ex. We both hurt each other and are bettering ourselves for our own futures.
I'm a sappy guy and a hopeless romantic. I love to love people. Maybe to my detriment sometimes, but I care a lot about other people, despite being the personification of the untamed wilds.
Anyway, this has been me rambling. I hope everyone is doing well
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saiphthepolykin · 4 months
What it means to be a Fenrir copingkin to me is that my strength is something I take a lot of pride in. I deal with very negative and self destructive shifts in mood that feel otherworldly and not on the level of human rage. I bite at my right hand as hard as I can, I feel like screaming but understandable to. The phantom shifts of the sword in my jaws and gagged into silence. Constantly suspicious of authority/authority-like figures. A feeling like someone will betray you at any moment that you might not ever know.
It’s knowing I hurt the one person I thought I’d never hurt severely. Someone who was loyal to me even if their betrayal was for my own good. They were loyal to me and I, figuratively, ripped off their hand that treated me so well. It’s feeling my guilt and anger trapping me in the same chains that the Æsir tied Fenrir down with.
Though, the more positive side is that I don’t feel weak and helpless all the time. As stated I take great pride in my strength. I am gentle when needed, but I am also cruel and unforgiving to those who are deserving of such monstrous punishment.
This identity is something I didn’t ask for. It’s very much rooted in very negative shifts. I get very angry, very sad, and some of my thoughts change to those similar to the story of Fenrir during Ragnarök. I become self destructive due to trauma outside of my kin identities.
While yes there’s some positive things that come from this identity, the negatives remind me that nothing is always sunshine and rainbows.
Maybe someone can relate to this as well. Maybe it’ll be helpful to others
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bugsb1te · 4 months
May I request a mood board of Fenrir? It’s a copingkin of mine that seems to be pretty uncommon.
You’re free to pass on this request. I was mostly curious. I hope you’re doing alright
>Saiph 🐉
Tumblr media
✧˖*°࿐ •*⁀ 。˚ ೃ࿔₊• fenrir
𓂂 𓈒 ౨ৎ image source: pinterest
𓂂 𓈒 ౨ৎ req for: saiph
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alterhumansafespace · 4 months
Hello! I have a question, do you think you could explain emotional shifts, astral shifts, aura shifts, bi-locational shifts and spiritual shifts to me? I know about mental shifts, and i can assume what perception shifts are about, but i've never heard about this other types of shifts!
Thank you!
I’ll definitely be posting each separately in their own terms of the week posts, but I’ll give a rundown of each with examples of how I personally experience them.
Shift types:
Emotional- basically they happens to come from a heightened state of emotion, which can be any.
Example: My copingkin has these shifts when I feel rejected, heightening the feeling into betrayal due to the fact that I cope as Fenrir from Norse myth.
Astral- where your alterhuman self leaves your human body. Normally found in meditation and dissociation, and requires a belief in the astral plain.
Example 1: I get this a lot with my dragonself. I’m a very spiritual person by nature.
Example 2: You could think of wolf walkers if you’ve seen the movie/clips of the movie on TikTok for this type of shift as well.
Aura- This one requires a belief in auras, but it’s where you feel the form of your life energy turn/as your alterhuman identity.
Example: I feel these a lot actually as I sometimes intertwine some of my phantom shifts as my dragonself.
Fun Fact: This is how I actually was able to figure out my dragonself’s appearance and size, as well as my Fenrir copinglink. My aura’s size changed drastically.
Bi-locational- It’s you feeling your alterhuman self in their natural habitat in a different location. This can be felt through double sensory input or vivid daydreaming.
Example: I get these a lot with my dragonself, especially when I am looking out a car window or in a plane. This also happens when I’m up late at night.
Spiritual- These are undefined shifts that require you to believe that your alterhuman identity(ies) are to some level spiritual, like astral and aura shifts
Example: I do believe in past lives and reincarnation, but none of my identities are past lives. My best example is my otherkin identity. I believe it’s a connection of myself from somewhere else.
I do believe all of my identities are in some capacity both psychological and spiritual. My dragonkin identity just happens to be the best example of spiritual shifts.
As an added note, perception shifts are shifts in your perception of the outside world or self-image through your alterhuman identity. The Fenrir ones encompasses both outside world and self image.
There are other sorts of shifts as well that I don’t personally experience, like dream shifts due to the fact that I never remember my dreams.
Hopefully that helps you with a basic understanding of what these shifts are!
>Saiph 🐉
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tyr-the-fenrir · 1 month
TW: Prey Drive Talk
So, if you're a predatory animal of any sort (Therian/Otherkin/Theriomythic/etc.) and you want to feel like your 'type, I recommend "Animal Flow" by Ren. It does come with the downside of possibly triggering negative shifts related to prey drive instincts, so be highly warned. This song probably should only be played if you're wanting to invoke a shift, or if you're in a place that you feel safe enough to let those instincts run free.
I found myself shifty during this song personally as dragonkin/Fenrir copingkin. It just felt more animalistic compared to the normal sapient nature of my kintypes. Tapped into a new part of my alterhumanity a bit more than it normally comes out with. Hopefully other alterhumans with a prey drive can give their thoughts, and hopefully this helps with otherlinkers too.
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tyr-the-fenrir · 3 months
Hello! I'm Tyr, the runner of this blog! In person I don't go by that name, but it is the name of one of my fursonas, and this is my furry blog with some other things thrown in. Some things being something like my identity as an alterhuman, my queer identities/experiences, my hyperfixations, art of mine, and possibly me posting my commissioned art here.
Some things to know about me are...
Furry Fandom Things
I have two main 'sonas that are based off of my alterhuman identities. Comet, and Tyr. And I created a character today (the day I post this) named Ody, whose just a normal character based on a major hyperfixation of mine
While Comet isn't a fully correct interpretation of my identity, he was actually my first 'sona. He is representative of who I want to become. (The chibi piece was made as a vent piece). Comet is a sweetheart with a lot of love to give. He's very social and a little bit of a party animal, within reason.
Tyr, on the otherhand, is representative of me now. Tyr is a wolf, though art wise he is a Fenrir. He is a seclusive creature, unless it's with others he knows. He doesn't trust others easily and keeps to himself. When he does feel confident, he is a bit more sociable than normal.
Ody is still very new so I haven't figured out everything about him just yet. I plan on updating him as I work on his species, the Greepics.
Alterhuman Things
So I am alterhuman, I do not see myself as human in the sense of spiritually or mentally. That is how I experience the world and my identity in this community. I consider myself as Otherkin due to most of my identities falling under that umbrella.
My identities include:
Dragonkin (Otherkin)
Fenrir (Copingkin)
Julian Devorak (Fictionkin)
Anatolian Shepherd/Saint Bernard Mix (Copinglink)
Lucifer/Fallen Angel (Otherkith/Otherhearted)
Telemachus [Musical version primarily] (Otherlink/Copinglink/Otherheart/Otherkith)
All of these are different to me and how I experience the world around me. I do tend to have shifts, but that's only my experience.
Queer Things
Ok- so this may get lengthy as I find it very complicated to explain my identity as a queer person. I'll break it down by category.
I am a transgender demiboy. Now, I have been feeling more fluid recently, but I still feel connected to these terms. I am AFAB/ftm trans. I identify as masculine, but not fully. I do want to transition to a more masculine presenting form.
Romantic attraction:
I am Omniromantic and Demiromantic. I have to have a connection to a person before I start feeling romantic feelings towards someone. Though, I do not mind dating anyone. Personality is most important to me, but I do see gender.
Sexual Attraction:
I identify as Demisexual and Androsexual. Much like Demiromantic, except for sexual attraction, I need a connection before I start thinking in that way. As for Androsexual, I am attracted to Masculine peoples.
Relationship Style:
I'm ambiamorous, that little in between area of being monogamous and polyamorous. I do not mind either way.
I am more inclined to draw more cartoony than realistic. I enjoy more animalistic characters than humans as they're just easier for me. Though I have been slowly teaching myself more and more with humans. I do enjoy drawing fan art so I may be getting into that more and more. So I will be posting my art on here as time goes on.
I do commissions on the side primarily, but I do not have a reliable source of income so I do have them open to people I'm close with. They're not open to others right now as I am still needing to make a terms of service for people to look at so they know my rule when they commission me.
EPIC: The Musical is one of my biggest hyperfixations right now, and I plan on finishing The Odyssey. I love the songs and have been listening to it the entire time I've been typing this.
I also know a decent amount about Dungeons and Dragons. I absolutely love the game and have been playing for about 3 years now.
I did have a major The Arcana: A Mystic Romance hyperfixation. It's died down, but I do enjoy the media and the original game. Not too happy with Dorian, but I am not gonna hate to be completely honest. As long as people understand boundaries.
Dragons, and I enjoy consuming any sort of media about them. Wings of Fire being a big part of my childhood.
I'll probably add more as I either gain or remember my hyperfixations. It's midnight as I'm typing this
DNI (Do Not Interact)
I would like if these people stayed off my page as I'm just wanting to exist peacefully. This isn't in any order, they're all bad in my opinion and I don't want to interact
People with harmful ideologies
Those into any harmful paraphernalia
1- I will not respond to, or interact with, anyone who is in my DNI. I have that for a reason.
2- This page will be SFW. I will not post anything with NSFW/NSFT content. I don't want those topics in my inbox.
3- Please try to keep things positive. I really don't want to have someone randomly venting to me and I don't know how to help.
I will add to the rules if need be, but for now, that should be it.
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