amyleemuses · 8 years
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Queen of Darkness || instagram: amyleeart
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amyleemuses · 8 years
In the Night
In the night When no one sees us When the Gods are asleep And dreaming When sin runs rampant And the mob’s restless gaze Runs short
In the night Breathless whispers Hurried words Rushed actions Running towards our infinity Hope that we’ll get there Before the sun rises
In the night You grab my hand I grab yours, sure of your course Sure of your truth Sure of our love Our infinity grows closer As does our condemnation
In the break of dawn, We hide So close, so far So full of hope and loss As the masses retake the streets That were ours, only moments ago We tremble in fear
In the daylight We must put on our mask Blend and hope That the Gods have mercy For we, the sinners, Have committed a capital crime A crime the mob will punish
In the daylight We hide.
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amyleemuses · 8 years
Salvation in Thirds
The tension Rising like the crescendo Played by a sea of violins Hanging by a thread, my love They threaten to drop the guillotine--
It was me--
My sweet Seraphim, I apologize, in advance Our affair was not to last Hanging by a thread, my wings melting Like Dedalus, we flew too close to the sun
It was me, All along--
My dear Seraphim, They will send you away, To make you just like them, They will clip your wings, As they rip mine clean-- never will it be my regret
It was me, All along, She was coerced--
My lovely Seraphim, When you are like them, Will you recall, The moments in Helios’ glory when we Bathed in a sea of Aphrodites’ blessings?
It was me All along, She was coerced She was forced--
My lost Seraphim, Will you, like them, Forsake me and all that we had, At the first chance? Were we as doomed as the Tower itself? To fall into ruin, Into a lightless sea? 
It was me All along, She was coerced She was forced I am guilty.
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amyleemuses · 8 years
Fire in my mind You are my tantalizing sickness, Transport me from this place Upon your fiery wings, My dearest Seraphim Take my mind on a journey To Sapphic islands and back, Inspire my deepest sickness to break free Climb into my deepest mysteries –Never leave Seraphim you do fly, Beating your wings in the confines of my mind Leaving burns that feed this Masochistic thirst of mine Each dusky look, Each hope of escape you fell, Like a sick tree That you are putting Out of it’s misery My dearest Seraphim You do consume– your wings they Beat, beat, beat, beat and Leave a plume upon my soul It burns upon my memory, Ensuring you will never be forgotten As you flutter around my heart Stab it with your gaze Pull it close to you and rip it free Seraphim
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amyleemuses · 8 years
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Sanctifying Lies [part of my Literary Visions series]
[inspired by Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible]
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amyleemuses · 8 years
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Untitled[part of my Literary Visions series]
[inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]
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amyleemuses · 8 years
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The Face of Equality [part of my Literary Visions series]
[inspired by George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm]
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amyleemuses · 8 years
Working through/My Religion
I get asked all the time Do you go to Church? Do you believe in God?  Do you believe in an afterlife?
I get scorned when the answer  Doesn’t sound quite right  To those questioning ears So then what do you believe in?  Are you a heathen, Who believes in nothing? 
Therein lies the contradiction Believing in one thing over another, isn’t disbelief 
Because I believe and I hope  and I dream about so many  other things  I believe in the ground beneath my feet,  The sky above me  The sun that sustains us all
I believe in the cold morning air,  and the tepid nights  and the muggy, rainy days 
I believe in the smile of the person across from me I believe in the words my lover speaks  I believe in the good of the world, 
Even as everything seems to point the other way
So do I believe in an all supreme being? 
Because there is too much perfection,  Too much grandeur,  For one person alone 
Do I believe in Hell?  There is too much bad in this world  For it to continue in the next 
Do I believe in an afterlife? I haven’t gotten there yet
I believe in the small miracles that keep me breathing I believe in small acts of good will I believe in staring straight forward, no glances back  To those who have done me ill 
I believe in humanity,  And all the good we’ve done 
The evil?  Yes, it exists and so I must believe in it But 
I believe in the sun that takes away the darkness The compassion that overcomes the spite The charity that leaves the giver poor  The hope that keeps us all alive
I do not profess my faith  Because I have too much for one entity I believe in the world, In you, and me 
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amyleemuses · 9 years
My teas gone cold/I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all/morning raindrops on my window and I can’t see at all  -Thank you by Dido
I lay my forehead against the window in my room. The sky is dark and the sun is nowhere to be found. Days like this make me wonder if it ever existed at all or if it was a shared hallucination caused by something in our atmosphere. 
I stare up at the ceiling and let my mind drift. The light comes in from the window and makes the room around me glow strangely. 
Drops of rain start to hit my window and the sound is soft, soothing almost. I close my eyes and just let the sound take me away from here. In that moment I am gone, far away. I am not in my room listening to the rain, but rather in a sea of pitter-patters. The small breeze in my room caresses my face and refreshes me. The rain intensifies. What was a small drizzle is now a storm. 
I wander through that storm, shivering as though I were exposed. But I’m not. At that same moment that I’m in the rain, I am laying down. I am safe but cold. I shiver although at the same time I am warm. In this strange world, I am at the same time myself and the water that surrounds me. 
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amyleemuses · 9 years
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[inspired by Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth]
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amyleemuses · 9 years
Beauty in a Moment
I paint lines across your body, zigzagging back and forth because the patterns looks so beautiful in this light. You smile softly, holding still, eyes on mine and mine on yours-
One of my strokes falters and the line dips just so, into a natural dimple on your skin and you giggle at the sensation
I smile as I watch, absolute beauty in every glance I take
Dark tendrils falling over your face, deep pink lips pursed in laughter, light eyes closed as you struggle to hold still and not ruin any more of my lines
I turn you as i drag my brush up your hip and then down, down
You grin mischievously and I begin to paint swirls on your thigh, twirling in and out, watching as the lines on your body move with each breath
There’s a gust of wind from the open window and you break into goosebumps,
I dot every single one I can catch before they subside.
Warm sunlight dapples the room with it’s brilliance and I can’t help but smile when I see a couple of spotlights on your shoulder,
I take the tip of my brush and outline them, pausing at your neck.
I paint lines across your body, Because my art could otherwise do no justice to beauty.
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amyleemuses · 9 years
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Proof of Sanity [part of my Literary Visions series]
[inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, The Tell Tale Heart]
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amyleemuses · 9 years
The Metamorphosis
I was a girl before all else, Trembling in fear before a world that I knew didn’t accept me Except that I could change right? I could become someone the world would love and laud As much as they did their big corporate CEO’s and Head Doctors and All the other jobs that are “worthwhile” and “pay well” But more on that later
I was a girl before I became Brainy
Brainy worked extra hard to know everything, Read a lot, worked on her spelling and learned to really hold a pen Brainy was very very very smart, Too smart, And Brainy became Victim when she couldn’t defend herself With only her words
Victim was quiet and timid, Very careful to not step on the toes of those who pulled her strings Victim was a very good puppet, speaking when willed Moving when pulled Living when allowed Victim became Lonely when she got tired of it all And snipped her strings one by one
Lonely was quiet, but not by choice She simply had no one to listen to her anymore Her former puppet masters made sure So Lonely fell back on old habits, reading and escaping While picking up a few new ones Like drawing and writing She made her own world,
And all was okay for a while- Until Lonely became Alone
Alone was different from Lonely Lonely didn’t have anyone to speak to Alone refused to speak Lonely was quiet because she was sad
Alone was quiet because she was angry Alone kept to herself because she was scared of being hurt by anyone else Alone was miserable alone, Until she wasn’t anymore, And then she was In-Love
In-Love was kind and thoughtful and caring Doting and loving and full of hope With the smartest, handsomest boy alive On her side, she was unstoppable Or so she thought Because there were still traces of Alone left inside Pieces and parts that never quite got resolved
So In-Love became Confused and then Confused Quickly became Unsettled Unsettled became Withdrawn And then Withdrawn became Alone again When the Perfect Boy suddenly became imperfect In all the wrong ways
This version of Alone was different though She was reserved and quiet and also withdrawn She wasn’t angry or scared or hurt, just done Alone had become Numb
Numb whiled away hour after hour, Thinking of why she was even still here Who would miss her, Who, after all, held her dear?
Numb no longer exists, Or at least she’s not the dominant emotion at hand Because I pulled myself up and out Learned what it meant to be human again, And not an afterthought
In this world where I am told that I am impractical I am wrong
I am an idiot, a squanderer, For following my passion, my heart --
In a world that never accepted me from the start Why should I bother worrying now?
I was a girl before I became Brainy Because I wanted to change, But that change wasn’t what I wanted at all And it never helped me
I was a girl before I became Something Else To please the world
I am a girl, nothing less and nothing else.
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