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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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Best Left Forgotten is finished
The last chapter of BLF is up and I just wanted to thank all of you for reading and responding and loving this story as much as I have. It has meant the world to me to have people who enjoyed the story.
I hope the ending is all you hoped it would be.
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23​ @mogaruke​
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters@flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284@darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters@sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon@deans-baby-momma​ @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun@catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93@capandbuckylvr​ @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23@20gayneen @dolphincliffs @daydreamingintheimpalareturns @amotleyworld​
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 18: Waiting
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count: 1594
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: Oh wow guys! One year later and my first fic is finished… Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has read and shared and followed the story. An ENORMOUS thank you to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and helping through an amazing year of this story. You are the best ;)
...I hope you like it.
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 17?
You blink your eyes open slowly and the first thing that registers is a horrible pain in your head. Your vision is blurry around the edges. You suddenly remember why you are here and you push through. You manage to make it to your feet in time to watch Sam lay down the photos and say something to Dean. You can tell immediately that your hearing isn’t right. All you hear is the high pitched ringing of complete silence. You hear Sam’s statement as a mumble passing through a tunnel. You are so dizzy but you have to save Dean. You remember it all now. The blood, the pain, the terror. That thing hurt you because you were a threat to it. None of it matters now because that was not Dean. But this man, standing in front of you, this still is. You can feel it deep in your very being. And you have to save his soul, because… It’s part of you. If he is lost, so are you.
You stumble down to the bar where those two boys, who you love more than anything, are about to make a horrible decision. You have to stop them, even if it kills you.
“Dean!” You call out as he raises the scythe up to… oh my god… Kill Sam.
Dean looks up at you suddenly and his eyes shift from a blank stare to recognition. He lowers the scythe as you stumble forward. You clutch your head as you fall over your own feet. Your vision blacks out and suddenly you have been scooped up, just before you hit the floor. After a moment, your vision comes back and you see Dean staring down at you.
“I knew you’d catch me.” You smile up at him through the pounding in your head.
“I thought you were gone, I thought I killed you… again, after all this time.” Dean closes his eyes, “This is why I have to go, why I have to let you and Sam go. I’m a monster.”
Every word pierces your chest a little bit more. “Dean, a monster would’ve let me fall and killed Sam. Killing Sam, me, the pieces of yourself that remind you who you are, your family? That will turn you into a monster. Don’t give up on yourself.” You know how important this part is. It takes all of your strength, but you reach up and kiss his cheek. “I forgive you. I love you.”
Dean’s face crumples at your words and he lets out a choked sob. You see pain, shame, and relief flood his face through the tears. He kisses your forehead and lets out a shaky breath.
The old man walks forward, past Sam. “Dean, if you can’t do it, I’ll do it for you.” Suddenly the scythe blade bursts out of his chest. The man looks down, stunned, and disintegrates into a pile of sand. He is gone within seconds and behind him stands a very surprised Sam holding the scythe. He seems almost frozen in place, mouth open, eyes wide.
“Are you okay?” Dean asks Sam, worriedly.
“Yeah. I think I just killed death.” Sam mutters back, “What about you?”
Dean looks back at you, terror in his eyes. You smile back at him through the pounding in your head. You feel the left side of your face go numb.
“Y/N?” Dean panics and lowers you to the floor. Sam runs over and cradles your head. He’s already dialing Cas, but you know that it is too late.
“Cas!? Help! It’s Y/N!” Sam begs. You pull the phone from his hand weekly and he lets you.
“I love you Cas. Thank you for everything,” You hang up the phone just as Cas tries to protest the resignation in your voice. “Sam, you’ll always be my best friend.” You stop for a moment to clutch Dean’s hand as a spasm of pain radiates from your head down your spine. It won’t be long now. You feel yourself relaxing into the pain as it turns to numbness. “Make sure Dean lives a long life, I can wait.” You turn to look at Dean for a long moment. You look into his eyes and see your Dean. Your protector. You smile and feel warmth and peace spread from your chest as you realize the truth in your next words, “I love you and I forgive you. You are not that monster. You are a hero. My hero. Every minute of my life that I spent with you was heaven on Earth. That’s all there is to say. This isn’t goodbye forever, it’s goodbye for now.”
Dean seems stunned with tears streaming down his face. He seems confused for a moment, unable to accept the finality of your words. He gazes down at you with eyes full of love and a plea. A plea for you to stay. A plea you wish so badly you had the power to give in to. “Y/N, there’s nothing but pain waiting for me. Monsters don’t go to heaven.” Dean looks down in shame. His face is twisted with sob.
With all of your remaining strength, you cup his head and lift his eyes to look into yours. “Dean, I k-”
You start to choke on blood and your words won’t come. Every breath burns as you breathe blood, unable to find air. Dean sits you up, desperately trying to help you breathe. The edges of your vision start to go black as you convulse in his arms, struggling to breathe.
 And the world fades to black.
 The last sounds you register are Dean screaming and Sam sobbing.
You open your eyes in the bunker, on the couch. You wait for the pain, the headache, the hole in your stomach… and they don’t come. Cas must’ve healed you. Relief is the first real thing you feel. You hop up and start looking for the boys. There’s something very important you need to tell Dean. He needs to understand that you aren’t going anywhere. They’re nowhere to be found and Dean’s door is locked. Odd. You reach into your pocket for your phone… It’s not there. Worry begins to creep in when Castiel walks through the door.
“Cas!” You run and hug him, “Where are the boys? Did Dean get the mark off?” You smile at Cas.
“Y/N,” Cas looks at you carefully. “You’re in heaven. I came to make sure you were okay.”
You’re quiet for a moment as you remember the last few moments of your life. You made this choice. The choking and the blood. You steady yourself and take a deep breath. “I’m fine. Is Dean… I mean… the mark? And Sam?”
“Sam and Dean are fine. The mark is gone but it released the darkness.” Cas sighs, “We have to deal with that next, I suppose.”
“Good,” you smile, knowing that Sam and Dean are right where they should be: on another quest to save the world, “Tell the boys I love them and I believe in them. And tell Dean I will wait patiently.”
“They love you, Y/N. We all do. We miss you. We gave you a hunter’s funeral.” Cas looks down.
You pull his face up to look you in the eye, “Thank you for everything Cas. You gave me more time than I ever would have had before I met you. This is not your fault. I love you.” You feel warm and safe here. This is perfect.
Cas, feeling your happiness, smiles. “Goodbye for now, Y/N.”
You watch him leave and your smile drops the tiniest amount as you feel the familiar ache in the center of your chest. Almost perfect.
30 years later
You sit patiently in the living room watching one of Dean’s favorite Kung Fu movies for the 100,000th time. Your chest aches every moment you spend watching them, but they remind you that he is coming back. The door to the bunker, which has remained closed for almost 25 years, creeps open. You hop off of the couch and tense up with your angel blade, preparing for a fight or for another angel coming to ruin your happiness to get back at the boys. You aren’t afraid, only determined to kick ass. You tense up, preparing for a fight as the door creaks open and a shadowy figure steps into the shadows.
An elderly man with familiar green eyes steps into the light.
You drop your blade and feel your chest light on fire. A burning yearning for his touch. You can’t help the joy that spreads across your entire being.
He is an old man with grey streaks in his hair and deep wrinkles under his eyes. His face lights up when he sees you. You watch as he races down the stairs and by the time he reaches the bottom, he is the Dean you remember with dark hair and emerald green eyes. He holds his arms out and you run to him and jump into his arms. The moment you touch, You take his face in both of your hands and kiss him deeply. He carries you over to the couch and falls onto his back. You both lay there and you bury your face into the crook of his arm, stretching out on top of him. You smell the familiar scent of musky pine, flannel, and whiskey. You breathe it in, inhaling it like you will never smell it again.
You feel whole.
It’s finally perfect.
“I’ve been waiting,” you murmur.
The End
If you would like to be tagged in future posts, please add yourself here! (Message me to add you if you have issues with the doc)
IMPORTANT NOTE for my BLF tags: Anyone who has changed their handle, please update it! Also, this tag list is disappearing by the end of September. If you would like to be added to a specific category, change that in the google doc as well! Thanks for reading!!! <3
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23  @mogaruke
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon @deans-baby-momma​ @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93 @capandbuckylvr​ @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs @daydreamingintheimpalareturns  @amotleyworld​
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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Happy Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day! Thank you for writing such awesome fics!!
Awwww... thanks so much 😊
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 17: Screaming
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count:688
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 16?
You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your back. It burns inside your back and you realize this is the worst pain you have ever felt. You look up at Dean in desperation and yell out for help. The only response you get is black eyes and and that twisted grin. A sick bastardization of Dean’s cocky smile. You stumble back from him and reach around to your back. You feel a handle and you pull the 12 inch knife out of your back and drop it as you fall back against the wall and slide down thinking, “I knew that smile would kill me someday.” You were so close. So close to saving him. You fall over and start to choke on your own blood. Panic sets in as you smother from the inside. He must’ve hit your lungs. You have to sit up. If you don’t, you’re going to die here at the hands of the love of your life. Dean. How could he-? You begin to hyperventilate and cough up some blood.
You have to hold on. You don’t want to die and Dean will never forgive himself if you do. You only have to hold out for Cas. Cas is coming. Fight. Cas is coming. You push through the heavy darkness you feel pressing in, the need to sleep… just for a minute…
Dean laughs dementedly and walks over to where you lay, slumped. “Oh no, Y/N. You aren’t allowed to die yet.” He yanks you up to a standing position by your hair and you let out a scream of pain as your lungs find air once more. He looks you in the eye. “See, the knife? That was for Sam. The hammer? That’s for you.”
Your head lolls and you see a blurry image of Dean rearing back with his right hand and holding you with his left. You don’t really understand what is happening, you just know you have to live.
A splitting pain shoots across your head and you fight to stay conscious. You just have to live. You just have to live. You hear someone laughing, someone screaming, and someone sobbing.
It occurs to you that you are the one screaming.
Everything goes black. You fall to the ground and try to open your eyes. They are open. You have been blinded by Dean.
You change your mind about staying alive. You decide you want to die.
Please, please, let me die, let me die.
You feel your skull
You embrace the darkness.
  Sam’s Perspective, present day:
I run over to Y/N as she falls. I trip over chairs and tables, desperately trying to reach her in time. It seems like she almost falls in slow motion toward the concrete floor. It’s still not slow enough for me to catch her.
“Y/N, Y/N!”
I shake her. She doesn’t move. I am terrified about what comes next. What’s left to remember? I  recall it all too clearly. She starts to choke. Y/N’s body convulses as she struggles to breathe. I desperately thrust her jaw and try to clear her airway but there’s nothing there. She’s choking on imaginary blood. I risk a desperate look back at Dean. He stands, motionless, with a blank look on his face.
  Until the screaming starts.
  Y/N’s head snaps sharply to the right and her ear piercing screams fill the space. Her eyes fly open as Dean makes it to her side. His face is twisted in pain in a way I have never seen before and he cradles her as her head jerks to the left. Tears stream down both of their faces as she stares through him, screaming and seeing nothing, no one. I turn away, unable to watch the final blow as my chest aches so badly I wonder if I am having a heart attack.
The silence is deafening.
I sink to my knees and put my head in my hands. I have failed her and I have failed Dean. Behind me, Dean screams in pain.
“Dean you know what must be done. It’s why you called Sam here. Better she die this way than you have to do it.” Death places a hand on Dean’s shoulder.
Dean lays Y/N gingerly on the floor and brushes the hair out of her face, cupping her cheek softly as he allows a few tears to escape him. He stands, takes death’s scythe, and walks over to me. I have nothing left in me to fight. I lay two photos at Dean’s feet.
“Take these. And one day, when you find your way back... Let these be your guide. They can help you remember what it was to be good...what it was to love.” I stare at his now dry, emotionless expression. I just want it to be over now. He stares down at the photos, one of me, him, and our mom and one of him and Y/N cleaning up a broken mug.
Part 18
If you would like to be tagged in future posts, please add yourself here! (Message me to add you if you have issues with the doc)
IMPORTANT NOTE for my BLF tags: Anyone who has changed their handle, please update it! Also, this tag list will be disappearing when the story ends. If you would like to be added to a specific category, change that in the google doc as well! Thanks for reading!!! <3
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23  @mogaruke
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon @deans-baby-momma​ @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93 @capandbuckylvr​ @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs @daydreamingintheimpalareturns  @amotleyworld
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!) 
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My lovely readers. I know it has been a while since I posted a chapter, so I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on. I GRADUATED COLLEGE! I moved from school to my dad’s house and then a couple weeks later, I drove over 1000 miles across the country for a summer job.
These are my excuses, but honestly, I had some issues with deciding how to end this story. It is my first one and it’s hard to let go of your baby. I HAVE FINISHED the story. There will be 18 parts in total. I am ading some finishing touches to the last two parts as I type this. 17 Will be out later tonight and 18 will be out by the end of next week. 
Thanks for all the feedback and the love! I hope the ending is everything you hoped it would be...
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23  @mogaruke  @weirdochick56​
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11@emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz@thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester@alyeskandragon @deans-baby-momma​ @polina-93 @somebadeeee@formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93@capandbuckylvr​ @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura@analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs@daydreamingintheimpalareturns  @amotleyworld
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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Not everyone is going to understand your story the way you intend it. Not everyone is going to enjoy it the way that you meant it to be enjoyed. You won’t please everyone, so do what you can to please yourself.
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Happy Friday! Just wanted to send you some love 💕 and hope you have a great day!!
Thanks dolphincliffs! have some back 💕💖💗 and my day was great Friday! Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!
The next chapter should be up sometime sooooonnnn c:
0 notes
Another great chapter! That would be so disconcerting to wake up in hospital!! At least Dean brought her in! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Thanks dolphin cliffs! Sorry I'm just now seeing this. You're lovely! 💜💖❤
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 16: Lost
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count: 2075
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 15?
It didn’t take long for Sam and Cas to sneak you out of the hospital. You were frankly surprised at how simple it was. You changed into the street clothes Sam had brought you, kept your head down, and walked right out. And now you are standing awkwardly in front of Rowena and Crowley.
Sam is bickering with Cas about leaving him here to finish the spell. “Cas, finding Dean won’t matter unless we can remove the mark!” Sam insists.
You smirk as Crowley rolls his eyes so hard the whites of them are the only things that show.
“What about the consequences?” Cas protests, “Dean said-”
“Dean guessed!” You interject angrily. “Think about the consequences of not doing it. I won’t let him go, I can’t. You know that Cas.” Your voice is barely a whisper by the end. You swallow the things you can’t speak out loud.
“We’ll have to watch him murder until he turns into a demon again. Do you want that?” Sam tries to guilt Cas.
Cas looks torn. He opens his mouth to speak and then closes it.
There’s a moment of silence between you three. Cas looks at Sam and then you. You notice the slight twitch in his mouth. His tell. A crack in his resolve.
You don’t have time for this, you need to find Dean, “Cas.”
He turns to you.
You grab his hand. “Cas. Please.” You look into his eyes desperately and for just a moment you let the fear consume you.. All of the things you can’t bear to say about what watching Dean murder the world will do to you washes over you. How it will tear your very self in half.
You aren’t sure what he sees there, but his expression shifts to a pained one as he looks into your desperate eyes. You get the feeling he knows something that you don’t. After a moment, his frown unfurls and relaxes to an even smile. “Okay, Y/N.” He looks down for a moment. Then he looks up with a small smile. “I owe you one anyway. You did save my life back there.” He pulls you into a rare, tight hug.
“Thank you, Cas.” You mummer as you close your eyes and hold him tight. You linger a moment too long and savor the warmth. You have accepted that this may be the last time you see him. If you fail to save Dean, you are certain that, one way or another, you will not make it out alive. You expect fear and sadness to wash over you, but instead you feel love for Cas, for your whole family. As if your heart is taking its last beats to love them as much as possible. You feel your resolve strengthen.
You stare silently out the window as tall pine trees fly by. On any other day, you would be riding with the windows down, taking in the warm smell of pine needles baking in the sun. You don’t really see them though and the moments pass without a second thought from you about your favorite part of summer. You’re too busy playing over the memory that came to you after the gunshot. Dean got out. How did you and Sam get him back? As much as your brain screams out to you that you don’t want to know, you have a sneaking suspicion that if you want to save Dean, you are going to have to know. He’s just a little lost right now. Like you were when you woke up without your memories, without the knowledge of how complete you were after you met him. He’s lost his heart, his soul, his very being, and it’s your job to find him.
You turn to look at Sam. He is staring straight ahead, eyes full of determination. Even if you don’t make it, you will make sure Sam gets out. But you need to know something first. Before you walk into all of this mess.
“Sam. I need to know what happened after we shut the power off.” You say evenly, gauging his reaction.
Sam’s head snaps to you. And he almost runs the car off the road. You grab the dashboard in a panic to brace for impact. Sam yanks the car back onto the road. You sigh in relief and your muscles unclench as he begins to slow down. He pulls off at a gas station and turns to look at you. “What?!” Sam stares daggers into you. Shock and disbelief all over his face.
“I remembered the last injection while I was out from surgery. The last thing I remember is turning the power off.” You look him in the eye. You finally allow the pain, conflict, and confusion that has ruled your life to take over your face. You are desperate. “Sam, I need to know. Before I walk into this. How did I lose my memory?”
Sam studies you closely. “I love you Y/N. I don’t want you to hate me.” Sam looks down in shame, “but if I tell you, I’m afraid of what will happen to you. You might pass out and I need you awake. I need you to help me save Dean.” He looks back up, begging you with his eyes.
You look down at your hands and pick dirt out from under your nails as you think for a moment. He’s right. Cas said remembering the trauma could have unexpected effects. So now you have to decide what’s more important: saving Dean or knowing the truth?
Dean is a part of you. Nothing you remember will change that.
You glance over at a very anxious Sam. “Okay, Sam. Let’s find Dean.”
Sam lets out a breath and you see his shoulders relax slightly. “Thank you, Y/N.” Sam pulls the car back out on to the road and begins speeding towards the tip that Rudy gave you. “Let’s find my brother and bring him home.”
You stare out the window thinking about Rudy. The girl that Dean “saved” may never recover from the trauma of him just letting his hunter friend bite the dust. Poor Rudy. He wasn’t the smartest, but he didn’t deserve to die like that.
 Something black catches your attention and you turn to look at it.
“Over there! It’s Baby!” You point to a dingy motel room in excitement.
Sam squints at the car, seemingly unconvinced but decides to pull in. He looks over at you, nervous. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” You say steadily. You feel so sure of this moment. You are going to save the love of your life or die trying.
You both draw your guns as you approach the door. You knock as your stomach does somersaults. A mix of fear and nerves chewing at your stomach.
“Dean, it’s me and Sam. We’re coming in.” One swift kick to the door is all it takes for you to kick it in.
You slowly step into the dim room and fumble for the light switch as Sam covers you. You finally grasp it and are blinded for a moment as you flick it on.
The room is destroyed. Every piece of furniture has been smashed and glass litters the floor. Dean is nowhere in sight. You lower your gun and walk to the bathroom. The destruction in this room consists only of the demolished mirror. You walk over to the sink and pick up a triangular shard. You see an odd angle picture of your own face. What would make someone smash a mirror like that? You run your finger over the reflective surface of the shard and intense self-loathing fills your chest. That’s what. You remember how Dean just let Rudy die. This is a good sign. A sign that Dean still knows who he is. He still knows right from wrong.
“Y/N!” Sam calls from the bed.
You run over to the bed where a stunned Sam stands, staring at it and follow his  gaze down to the bed. There’s a note scribbled in Dean’s messy handwriting on a piece of notepad:
“Y/N, I love you. Always.
Sam, she’s all yours.”
The keys to baby lay on the note.
Sam looks up at you with hopelessness and desperation in his eyes. You want to save Sam from all this but you ca-
Sam peeks around the corner and motions for you to look. You peek around him and see nothing. You lean back and see a hammer coming at your face. You dodge it and Sam shoves you away from Dean. You get a good look at him and see that he has a hammer in one hand and a knife in the other. Sam and Dean are locked in a wrestling match. You are frozen in place. Half of you doesn’t want to hurt Dean and the other half wants to save Sam. You can’t comprehend Dean hurting Sam… It’s Dean’s eternal responsibility to protect his little brother at all costs. It just doesn’t make sense. You simply.. can’t move.
Dean lets out a sick laugh as he starts to get the upper hand on Sam. Sam turns to you and screams, “RUN! GET OUT! GET CAS! RUN!!!!”
His scream breaks your stupor and a primal survival instinct takes over. You take off, running for your life, adrenaline and pure fear coursing through your veins. You hear Sam’s pained screams echoing down the hall and they yank you out of your instinct driven need to flee. His pain cuts you all the way into the center of your chest and you stop in your tracks. He’s losing and you can’t leave him. He is your family. You take a deep breath. This is Dean. Dean would never hurt you. You just have to make him stop and look at you. You can do this. You ignore the urge to flee and take off towards the sick laughing and screaming.
“DEAN. STOP!” You scream as commandingly as possible as you come to a stop in front of them. In just a few minutes, he has beaten Sam so badly that his blood stains the wall, floor, and Deans t-shirt. Your brain rejects what lies in front of you: that Dean has beaten his little brother within an inch of his life. You push down the horror that you can’t afford to feel.
Dean stops in his tracks and turns to you.
“Sop Y/n… e’ll kill you.” Sam struggles to spit out along with some blood. He tries to get up, but his leg is definitely broken and he falls. You grit your teeth and fight back the urge to go to Sam. You focus all your energy on Dean.
“Dean, look at me and just breath. Please. Please look at me.” You look him in the eye. Your body is screaming in fear, but this is Dean, your other half, the person you cannot live without and who cannot live without you. And he would never hurt you.
Dean looks into your eyes… his eyes soften and his shoulders relax. The tight muscles in his face fall as the rage slips away. And suddenly he’s your Dean again and there is nothing to fear anymore. “Y/N?” Tears start to run down his face.
“It’s okay baby.” You coo at him and without deciding to, you walk to him.
He spreads his arms open and you fall into them. You fit perfectly. You were made to rest in these arms for forever. He holds you tight and you breathe in his scent.
You wake up in the backseat of Baby. You had some kind of dream. A dream about saving Dean. Dean! Not a dream, you correct yourself, a memory.
You jump out of the car and take in your surroundings hurriedly. You have no idea how much time has passed. What if you’re too late? You are outside an old bar and the lights are on inside. You hear Sam yell out from inside and without thinking you dash in the door. You register Sam and Dean beating the shit outta each other in front of a tall, solemn-looking man.
Dean and Sam haven’t noticed your entrance and you watch Dean launch a glass at Sam. Sam ducks as you yell out. “Dean!”
His eyes meet yours as the glass smashes into the side of your head
The world goes
Part 17 
If you would like to be tagged in future posts, please add yourself here! (Message me to add you if you have issues with the doc)
IMPORTANT NOTE for my BLF tags: Anyone who has changed their handle, please update it! Also, this tag list will be disappearing when the story ends. If you would like to be added to a specific category, change that in the google doc as well! Thanks for reading!!! <3
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23  @mogaruke
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon @deans-baby-momma @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93 @capandbuckylvr @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs @daydreamingintheimpalareturns
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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BLF Update!
So! I have officially graduated College! I survived! Yay!
I have also finished the story! Yay the second!
The rest of the chapters are in beta right now and being tweaked, but I have an important question to ask you guys. I am struggling with (and have written out) 2 different endings to this story. I know which one I feel is the ending to me, but I want to know how you guys feel about a “choose your own ending” option with 2 different endings? Is that something you would like to see or not?
If you would like to be tagged in future posts, please add yourself here! (Message me to add you if you have issues with the doc)
IMPORTANT NOTE for my BLF tags: Anyone who has changed their handle, please update it! Also, this tag list will be disappearing when the story ends. If you would like to be added to a specific category, change that in the google doc as well! Thanks for reading!!! <3 @weirdochick56
My Lovely Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23  @mogaruke 
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon @deans-baby-momma​ @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93 @capandbuckylvr​ @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs @daydreamingintheimpalareturns
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Demon!Dean x Reader, Sam, Castiel, other minor characters
Warnings: language, violence, lots of angst and a little fluff!
General Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Taglist is OPEN add yourself on the google doc!
Part 1: Shattered
Part 2: Caress
Part 3: Eyes
Part 4: Fear
Part 5: Always
Part 6: Deal
Part 7: Choice
Part 8: Nightmares
Part 9: Bloodbath 
Part 10: Silence 
Part 11: Safe 
Part 12: Betrayed
Part 13: Panic 
Part 14: Please 
Part 15: Missing
Part 16: Lost (Coming Soon)
Part 17: Screaming (Coming Soon)
Part 18: ?
Part 19: ?
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Sam Winchester + random tumblr text posts
more spn text posts
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Hey I think that's a completely valid opinion.
It occurred to me when I was cutting, actually. This isnt the punch though, it's the choking. If he thought for a split second that Jensen was actually choking, that could explain it.
(I'm an actor and that's actually just being a good scene partner during a fight. You're supposed to always be hyper aware of the victim and make sure that they're in control during any fight choreography. If that's the case, they shouldn't have used that take.)
That Cas moment from episode 300
So I have been lurking the #SPN300 and found some people pointing out the moment when Cas hesitates. I saw it too and decided to make this gif. Here’s what i got:
Context - Dean is begging Cas not to choke him. The moment Cas hesitates is the moment that Dean pushes his hand on Cas’s chest and says “stop, Cas”
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Here is that moment isolated:
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Eyes get wide and his cheeks relax, general look of confusion.
Here is the single frame:
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Isolated, it looks cruel and odd (but that’s just because we are so used to seeing Cas look kinder these days)
Do with this what you will Fam, just please credit if you use the image/gifs!
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 15: Missing
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count: 1476
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 14?
You hop up from the table in the library. Sam looks over from his book. “Is it time already?” He smiles.
“Yeah…” you grin from ear to ear. You don’t think you’ve ever felt this happy before. You turn to walk down the stairs and hear Sam following. You turn to face him. “Sam… could I maybe… have a few minutes alone with him? I… I know it’s not-”
Sam cuts you off “It’s fine, y/n, I get it. I’ll be down in a little bit, okay?” He smiles and sits down, picking up his book. You smile gratefully at Sam before turning and heading down the stairs. You practically run to the storage room where Dean is tied up and yank the door open.
Your stomach hits the floor.
The chair is empty. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
You bolt back up to the library. Sam jumps up when he sees the terror on your face.
“He got out!” you yell. Your arms shake at your side as a mixture of fear for Dean and for you and Sam swim in your head.
“Whattya mean ‘he got out’???” You see Sam’s brain moving a million miles an hour in his eyes and he turns to you suddenly. “Leave.” He tosses you the keys to baby. “GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE HE FINDS YOU.”
You quickly shift from panic to determination. “Stop Sam. We don’t have time to argue! I have a plan. We need to turn the power off..”
You inhale and sit up sharply. You hear a clatter to your right and look over to see a blonde, friendly-looking nurse picking up her blood pressure cuff and a few pens. You realize that you are laying in a hospital bed and hooked up to several machines. How the hell did you get here? You try to think hard about where you were last when- “Ah!” Your shoulder burns and stings sharply.
The nurse steadies herself and walks over to you. “How’s the pain?”
“Fine. How long have I been asleep? And who admitted me? When can I go?” The questions fall out of your mouth quickly. You are desperate to find Sam and Cas. At the thought of his name, the image of Dean plunging the angel blade down assaults your eyes. You feel a sharp pain in your chest. Oh God. Cas… Your eyes fill with tears and you feel sick at your stomach. There is no saving Dean now. You know that. If he would kill his best friend…
“Calm down, Sweetie.” She studies you for a minute, tears and all, “Do you need a sedative?”
“No,” you reply quickly. You wipe away the tears and attempt to put on your assertive face. “I need answers to my questions.” You flail for a moment, and then you steady yourself. “I… I need my emergency contact’s info so I can call my mom.” You look her in the eye and continue evenly. “I have a right to that, surely.”
The nurse’s attitude softens and she apologizes for being rude while pulling your chart from its perch on the wall. “You’ve been admitted for… three hours. You had two transfusions… Your emergency contact is listed as… Dean Smith.” She looks up nervously, hoping that you are satisfied.
Dean? You were stunned. Dean kicked you aside. He had just killed Cas. Why would he take you to a hospital? “Where are my things? I need my cell.”
The nurse opened a standing wardrobe sitting in the corner and pulled out a plastic bag labeled “PATIENT’S BELONGINGS” and handed them to you. “Do you have any more questions, ma’am?”
“I wanna be discharged,” you declare as you dig through your bags. “Immediately.” Shit. They cut your shirt.
“Ma’am you just had a transfusion, we need to observe you and do blood work. Not to mention that you were shot and just had surgery to remove the bullet. At the earliest, you may be able to go home tomorrow.” She eyes you cautiously.
You smile at the nurse and relax back into your bed. You are going to have to sneak out of here. You begin to discreetly check all the ways you could exit. Door and window are the only two options.. “Thank you, ma’am. I’m gonna call my family and take a nap.”
The nurse eyes you suspiciously for a moment and then leaves. The moment the door closes, you pull out your phone and dial Sam. It barely rings once before he answers.
Sam starts talking the moment he picks up. He is begging and sounds panicked and breathy. “Dean! Where is Y/N? You gotta take her to a hospital. She’s gonna bleed out. Please Dean do-”
“Sam! It’s me. I’m fine.” You interrupt him, hoping to ease his panic. “I’m at the Jewel County Hospital.”
Sam is silent for a moment. “Dean shot you… and then took you to a hospital? Is he there?”
You hear Sam start a car and begin to drive. “No.” You sigh, “He dropped me off apparently. Hey, I need you to bring me a shirt so I can sneak out of here. We HAVE to find him… He… He…” You swallow hard as the memory sears to the surface again. How are you going to tell Sam that his brother murdered their adopted brother, his own best friend? Probably the only innocent angel in existence, who saved your lives more than once. Who loved you three more than his own life. You swallow against the pain in your chest and stomach and let the words spill out as if they were dissolving your stomach from the inside out, “He killed Cas, Sam. He stabbed him. In the library with his own angel blade.” The tears come and all of the pain and fear you’ve been holding back comes out in sobs. You drop the phone and your tears turn to shame. You couldn’t save Cas. If you had been stronger, he would still be here. Sam is saying something, but the phone clatters to the ground and you bury your face in the pillow and just let it out. You can’t tell if it’s been minutes or an hour of tears when someone taps on your shoulder. You turn to see Sam sitting next to you.
“How’d you get here so fast?” You mutter. He can’t be reckless like this. Sam is all that’s left now. Your chest aches at this thought.
“I was at the bunker. Y/N, Cas is fine.”
You are stunned by this revelation. How is this even possible? “B-but I saw him die…”
Sam scoots over next to you and puts an arm around you. “No. I mean Dean beat the hell outta him, but he didn’t kill him.” Sam says softly. He grabs your hand and holds it tightly. “He’s out looking for you. I called him, he shou-”
Sam’s words are interrupted by the door swinging open. In walks your favorite trench-coated angel. Blood is splattered across the neck and chest of his coat, but there is no hole in his chest and his face looks perfect. His usually even face is colored with concern and fear.
You stare at him for a moment in shock before your face lights up. You launch yourself from the bed at him and wrap him in a hug so tight, you might worry he couldn’t breathe if he wasn’t an angel. You don’t know how or why, but your angel is here and alive and that means there is hope left. You begin to feel woozy from the sudden movement. Cas gingerly helps you back to the bed.
Cas smiles at you, “I’m glad to see that you are okay as well.”
“How?” Is all you can manage to say through the lightheadedness of both moving so fast and the joy of Cas’s return to the land of the living.
Cas’s smile falls. “Dean stabbed the books next to me, told me to keep you and Sam away from him, and then he left with you. I was terrified that he would hurt you… but I could not move for several minutes. I was almost unconscious. I started looking for you immediately after I got up.” Cas looks down, ashamed of his weakness.
You reach up and take his hand. When you do, you feel the warmth of Cas’s grace flow to your shoulder and heal it. “Thank you, Cas. For everything.” You look him in the eye and try to convey in those few words how much he means to you. You take Sam’s hand with your other one and look at him, and, for a moment, you appreciate this moment here with your family. There’s only one thing missing.
You glance from Cas to Sam. “How do we find Dean?”
Part 16
If you would like to be tagged in future posts, please add yourself here! (Message me to add you if you have issues with the doc)
IMPORTANT NOTE for my BLF tags: Anyone who has changed their handle, please update it! Also, this tag list will be disappearing when the story ends. If you would like to be added to a specific category, change that in the google doc as well! Thanks for reading!!! <3
My Lovely Forever Tag: @alexwinchester23
Best Left Forgotten Tags
@webcricket @musiclovinchic93 @spnfamily-thewinchesters @flipperjanga11 @emptywithout @closetspngirl @falloutgirlzz @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @myfavemoose-sammy @krob284 @darkswanordie @spookycowz @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @sandlee44 @supernatural-bellawinchester @alyeskandragon @mirandaaustin93 @polina-93 @somebadeeee @formulafun @catlover1899 @ashley-unicorn  @musiclovinchic93 @momma-loves-her-some-capnbucky  @misspygmypie  @witch-of-letters @love-nakamura @analisespn @klinenovakwinchester  @sasbb23 @20gayneen @dolphincliffs
(I can’t tag you? please check your settings so I can!)
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That Cas moment from episode 300
So I have been lurking the #SPN300 and found some people pointing out the moment when Cas hesitates. I saw it too and decided to make this gif. Here’s what i got:
Context - Dean is begging Cas not to choke him. The moment Cas hesitates is the moment that Dean pushes his hand on Cas’s chest and says “stop, Cas”
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Here is that moment isolated:
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Eyes get wide and his cheeks relax, general look of confusion.
Here is the single frame:
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Isolated, it looks cruel and odd (but that’s just because we are so used to seeing Cas look kinder these days)
Do with this what you will Fam, just please credit if you use the image/gifs!
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