I had an idea: What if you analyzed people based on their fics/other writing?
(no pressure, just curious if that’d work!)
i might consider doing it one day if i can force myself to read shit and like. actually analyze things for once jfjdbfjdbfnfbdk
(looks over to the dozens of things i have not responded to. yes it is a problem. i have brought this social debt upon myself--)
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analysis for @someone-stole-my-sock :333
you are like. PEAK silly guy. you just give me so many silly vibes. like the kind of guy that you'd casually walk by at an airport or a grocery store or literally anywhere and the first thought is just "oh he seems silly and chill lolz." you just have very good vibes and i needed to say that first. :333333
despite looking like a silly average guy, you are definitely a lot more of an enigma than you give off. you are very aware of situations and social balances. definitely has the vibes of light yagami (looks like an average, just generally smart, guy but has. like a whole basement underneath the silly mind-house). you're also much MORE silly than you give off (and by "silly" i mean autism). there's just a lot more hidden underneath you than what's originally thought.
it seems like you've healed a lot from past traumas, and that's really nice to see. you probably still struggle with general everyday things though. your self-awareness makes it hard for you to truly express yourself to others. there's also probably still lingering fears from past issues that hold you back just a smidge. like maybe you felt pretty damn lonely growing up and you've gotten better at handling things but it's still there. i feel like you might have depression/loneliness bouts every now and then too. overall though, you're definitely doing a lot better than before. and that's something to be proud of.
i feel like you yap in your mind a lot. idk why but u just kinda give me that vibe.
you collect a lotta random trinkets. it's just in ur nature and that is dope as fuck, good for you. maybe you had a fascination with swiss knives or something. or like knife types. you give me that vibe specifically.
i feel like there's a part of you that just yearns to be out in the wild????? like you probably dip at random times to just. frolick in the fields if you're allowed. definitely getting huge "soldier poet king" vibes ykykykyk (speaking of which, my guess for you would be king. that's my gut guess but could be very off). you got "harpy hare" etched in your dna and that is dope as fuck.  you get it you weird freaky creature. (/compliment /pos)
uhhhhhh that's all i can think of but u are very silly. very dope. i had a shit ton of fun scrolling thru ur posts. veryvery funky. :3333
sorry that it isn't very in-depth and if it's super inaccurate (i swear im usually better at this JFNDHDJ). my brain has not been in the right headspace at all but i wanted to at least write something so ggrrrgrgrgrg here it is. hopefully at least some part of it is accurate yayayayayy :))
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do not inspect my favourite characters too closely, i swear it will tell you nothing about me. i pinky promise
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poor, simpleminded fool. not only have you given me all the more reason to inspect them even further, but you have also just inadvertently admitted to having some extent of fear towards vulnerability. tell me, little child, when was the last time you were hugged? does your fear for being seen wholly and truly stem from being broken down in the past, or is it just another extension of the self-hatred frothing within you-- too scared to think that anybody who rips you apart won't turn away in disgusted shame? but ironically, is this post alone not a cry for help in it of itself? you want to be seen. you have been waiting to be seen.
let them see you, you touch-starved little shit.
do not inspect my favourite characters too closely, i swear it will tell you nothing about me. i pinky promise
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I've been curious for a whileee, what do you see when you hold up your magnifying glass to me 🔎👁️
a list of characters i relate to: MY MAIN MAN MIN-GI PARK
gravity rises! mabel - she is also literally me
madotsuki (yume nikki)
michael mell (bmc)
leafy (bfdi)
i don't kin them but they're a huge inspiration: lake (infinity train)
ANALYSIS #5: 06/11/24
My my... another amoeba wriggling under my microscope..? I suppose I have no choice but to poke at these little characters you've provided me...
Surprisingly, I feel a tad confident about this analysis. I'm familiar enough with each of these little goobers to feel like I've gotten a good grasp on what your own goober-ness looks like. But, nothing can be proven just yet. So why don't I depict what I think your background looks like first, hm?
There's one pattern that's abundantly clear throughout each of these characters: you have always managed to be the second option. The abandonment issues are undeniable, and a little concerning. Tell me, have you always felt like the "best friend"? The supporter? The healer or the cheerleader, maybe? Player two? It's like you've never been able to live solely for yourself. There's always somebody who needs your attention, but for some reason they never seem to give that same attention back to you. You're probably just used to it by now, though, the hurt never really eases each time it happens.... When is it your turn to be the main character? When will it be your story? Those questions have plagued you for as long as you can remember.
Adding onto this, I think you care deeply for people, to the point where you've likely been taken advantage of in many instances. You've probably had to learn to stand your ground, but even now you'll have to remind yourself what your limits are sometimes. You try to give your best to people, but sometimes people use it against you. Sometimes it drains you completely, until you have nothing to give. Sometimes you may accidentally hurt them, and the guilt is everlasting. Sometimes they just don't give you anything back. In fact, that seems to happen a lot, doesn't it? Why has it always seemed like people can never give the same back to you? What did you do wrong? The rejection sensitive dysphoria is really showing... And I'm assuming there's a sense of people pleasing buried inside you as well, am I right? It's sad to see. It's sad to watch your brilliance stripped from you like that. To watch you get dragged by people who can't recognize your value. You never deserved that. You still don't.
I feel like your parents play a part in this as well, or rather the emotional absence of them. I don't think they were physically absent, or particularly abusive in how abuse is typically depicted, but they don't seem to really be... there? I could be wrong, and looking too much into small details, but I think it's worth noting. Maybe they've given you expectations that you were simply never able to reach, and it caused small drifts. Maybe they were always just a bit pushy in general. And maybe they were just never good at handling emotions themselves, let alone handling the emotions that were in you. Random question, but have you ever felt trapped inside their home? Trapped by their own opinions, maybe? I can't be sure, but I can guess something along those lines has happened once or twice.
I think I could guess a few other things as well. Let's take a closer look at what's bouncing around in your head. I'm curious..
Ooouhh.... you cry a lot, or you have cried a lot. Either way, you might've been labeled as a "cry baby" or "sensitive" in your very-young years. Or you've probably ended up crying in bathrooms at events like prom. I can imagine it must've taught you how to get better at masking and hiding emotions, but they never go away. Except.. sometimes they do..? Sometimes it feels like a numb void, but even numbness carries a weight of sadness that is too heavy to be released in just tears. It's confusing. It's beenconfusing. And it's been unfair. And yet, it seems like you always believe "toughing it out" is what will solve this pain. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but whether I'm wrong about it or not, I think you should be reminded that you never deserved to be forgotten about. I know "toughing it out" feels like the only solution, and in a way, it kind of is, but that's not the point. It shouldn't be on you to alter yourself to fit the world's perceptions of what's "good human" and "bad human". Be human. All of it. Stop cutting parts of yourself to satisfy people who can't experience hunger.
I'd like to touch back on that thought of "people never give the same back to you". I feel like that's probably what caused you to shut out so many of your emotions. Maybe it's caused you to become more attached to your interests and hobbies. People can hurt you, but your favorite tv shows can't. Your favorite cartoons aren't going to comment on your lifestyle and insist that you're doing everything wrong. I think that's what's added to the daydreamer inside of you. Daydreaming and storytelling has become a safe haven for you. Characters have treated you more like a friend than almost everybody else. Maybe things have gotten better by now, but I don't think it's improved by much. Something feels like the issues you've had in your younger years have just been reshaped in your present life. The loneliness has been patched, but never fully filled. Maybe it never will be. But one day, the patches will be enough for you, and loneliness will simply be solitude. It's okay to be alone.
In fact, why don't I try and outline some of the best parts I can see in you? Loneliness becomes a lot easier to deal with when you realize just how great your own company already is.
You're a great supporter. Now, I know with everything else I've described, that can sound a little insulting, but I assure you it's not meant in that way. Yes, it does mean that you are able to greatly support others (which I'm sure you already probably know and might not like being defined as), but it also means you can greatly support yourself. Being good support does not define you as the supporting member. It means you can be a compassionate leader. It means you can keep getting up even when your legs are beat from being pushed around so many times. It means you have the ability to support you. Of course, don't take every challenge on alone, but know that you are far from useless when alone. One day you'll realize that being "the weak link" was always your strongest ability.
I feel like you're pretty sentimental too. It's probably because of how much you value the interests that have helped you at your lowest points, but either way, it's a valuable trait to have. The ability to care deeply for such small things shouldn't be overlooked. It shows your empathy for the world, and your appreciation for the things that most would turn a blind eye to. You care when others don't, and that is beyond important in a world that discourages any form of care. Maybe you've been told to not care so much, and maybe that's prevented you from expressing it outwardly, but if you can care, you should take advantage of it. Who knows, maybe you're the only person left who can care anymore. Don't let them take that away from you. It was never a weakness.
I also feel like you wouldn't back down from standing up for the things you care about. Even if it's through a more quiet method, you still stand up nonetheless. And in a way, quiet determination can be far more impactful and oftentimes it's necessary. You're smart. You know when to get loud and when to hold your cards close. It's unfair that you've had to learn that the hard way, but you understand it nonetheless and it gives you the opportunity to use it for the best. The world needs more people who are willing to care and fight for the right to keep caring. Prove that all your "mistakes" were worth something. Show them you were always worth something. You are the archangel hiding behind the shadows of your wings. Stop suppressing your own light.
Also, yer a little sillay. :3
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts here and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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saw your recent post in the sanders sides tag - here goes:
Some of these are more fun-to-watch than relates-to-me, but I figure listing ‘em all will give you more to work with.
Listed in alphabetical order, except as needed to group sources together.
Alastor, Hazbin Hotel (show)
- He’s charming, confident, very good in his chosen field, and also happens to be AroAce. He appreciates jokes, but can also be intimidating.
Cayde-6, Destiny (game)
- Quick wit, quick shot. Always fun to hear his dialogue during missions and strikes. The kinda guy you’d go to for a good story (or if you’re lookin’ for extra paperwork to do).
Crow, Destiny (game)
- Good guy, interesting situation (read: tragic backstory). Not exactly doomed-by-the-narrative, but…
The Doctor (10th), Doctor Who (show)
- Honestly, not sure why. He’s just fun to watch. (Also, he has a very distinct/memorable way of phrasing things)
Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation (show)
- Yes, I’m Autistic; How’d you guess? (/j) Honestly though, having a discussion with him about humanity/social behaviors/other things would be SO interesting!
Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (show)
- If Odo and I were in the same room, I don’t think there’d be much talking. But, in a two-introverts-who-got-dragged-to-the-same-party-and-are-avoiding-the-humans-together kind of way. Companionable silence.
Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series (show)
- He’s just cool. (also a HUGE childhood influence towards logical thinking)
Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly (show)
- Protective of his crew, “Has a conscience, and hates it,” no-nonsense, practical thinker, quick wit, stubborn.
Simon Tam, Firefly (show)
- Very good at what he does (doctor), smart, stands by what he believes in (“when you’re on my table, you’re safe”), and who he cares about (his sister).
River Tam, Firefly (show)
- …River is a mood. Specifically, a “leave me alone, I can’t talk now, my brain is full of bees” mood.
Seth, Lost Terminal (podcast)
- He’s an AI who used to live in a satellite, and made his way down to a post-collapse Earth so he could talk to people. He often mentions the intricacies and confusing nuances of human communication, his distrust of plants and salt, and the fact that humans are quite fond of bread and beer.
Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5 (show)
- “No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow.”
Michael Garibaldi, Babylon 5 (show)
- If any of the main cast could’ve broken the fourth wall, it would have been him. I don’t know what that says about his character, but it feels right.
Virgil Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- He’s the personification of (Thomas’) Anxiety, but he can be quite brave when he needs to be. When he’s under pressure/more anxious/needs to be listened to, he’ll act more abrasive, but he has a softer side (heh side) he shows when safe. He’s also the secondary brain cell holder of the main cast.
Logan Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- The brain cell (/pos). Also seems to be going through… gifted-kid-burnout-angst-stuff, for lack of a better term. Also nicknamed the Mom of the group, though someone pointed out that he didn’t choose that title for himself, which I thought was interesting.
Janus Sanders, Sanders Sides (YouTube series)
- I think you already saw him in another ask, so I’ll be brief: “You’re not stuck with an ‘evil snake boy.’ *pose* You’re just stuck with a snake boy.”
…After typing this all out, I’ve noticed that most of these fall into one of three categories:
~Autism~ TM (/pos)
Competent, might be an asshole
I don’t know what that means, but it’s kinda funny.
Have fun!
ANALYSIS #4: 06/11/24
It's about time I start getting around to all these new test subjects. I apologize for the wait, but I'm more than ready to see what you have in store for me here, #4.
I'm not familiar with the majority of these characters, so this could very much be a hit or miss analysis.... Your descriptions definitely aided me a lot, so thank you for that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this ends up being accurate at all...
Why don't we see if I got your backstory right first? It's where everything originates, after all.
You seem to be an observer in this game of life. I feel like you've spent a large part of your existence on the outskirts of everything, and the times you have joined the outside world were never completely of your own volition.... You don't feel like you particularly fit in as a "human", yet at the same time everything you feel is all too human. I can imagine it gets pretty overwhelming, and you've probably gotten a lot of heat for it in your younger years. Maybe you didn't have many friends growing up, and the ones you did have probably didn't live up to your expectations of what "friendship" was supposed to be. Maybe you've had friends that took advantage of you and it didn't even click until the damage was already done, or you stuck it out because.. that's what friendship's supposed to be about, right? Maybe you were just left out in general, always the second option unless they needed something out of you. Who knows. There could be a lot variations of what happened in your childhood regarding relationships, but I'm guessing they didn't always make much sense to you. It's probably why you stay on the outskirts so much. If the world won't let you experience humanity for yourself, you can at least watch humanity from afar.
I have a feeling your home life wasn't all that great? It wasn't particularly terrible-- you're grateful for what you were given-- but you wish there were things that were done differently. I think this also plays into the whole "disconnect from people" bit. Maybe they cared for you, but it was clear they didn't understand you, and it can be a little hard to be grateful when somebody's care is always... a little off? If that's the case, I bet it probably feels worse knowing that you can't really blame them for not understanding. Things are probably better now as you've grown, but there are things that still sting just a bit. Also for some reason I think you were homeschooled.... No reason why, it just came to mind, and I've learned trusting my gut makes my analyses more accurate. I'd like to see if that ends up being true.
Another thing that my gut keeps telling me is that the tism is strong in this one. You've already confirmed that, but I specifically feel like (i'm assuming you're diagnosed based on how you phrased "yes, i'm autistic") you were either diagnosed at a pretty early age or you were late diagnosed (probably because of icky-ew gendered stereotypes in medical fields) and it explained a whole hell of a lot of your childhood, to the point where you're surprised you weren't diagnosed way earlier in life. Heavily leaning to the latter, by the way, but the first still has a 5 to 15% chance of standing. Either way, it depicts why you'd feel such a heavy disconnect from the people around you. It's as if everyone was given a script to life, meanwhile you're forced to improv it the whole way through. Do you see life as a game? How much time have you dedicated to perfecting your skills, believing that perfecting them would be the key to winning these petty social games? Are you sure you're not still lost? Just some food for thought.
Anyways, with that all in mind, let's see what really goes on inside that head of yours...
You still resent the world in a way, don't you? I can't shake the thought that there's still a resentment buried inside you that's been bubbling for a while. Maybe it's lessened a bit, but you can still feel it resurface every now and then. It's as if sometimes a reminder will come your way and it's another crack added to that bottle you've been storing all your emotions in. Like another poke at the confines will unleash everything you've been working on trying to maintain. I don't think it's spilled over yet, but I think we both know it's certainly not far from tipping over. You surprise even yourself with how much you've managed so far.
Part of you has lost your vulnerability. I'm not sure when or how, but I think it goes back to that disconnect from people. I don't think you've met anybody who's completely understood you yet, which has probably led to constant misunderstanding from everyone else. That kind of persistent detachment is bound to make anyone lose parts of themselves. If that's what happened, I'm sorry they took that part away from you. You deserved to be yourself without being shot down over and over, you still deserve that. It really is a shame that the world is too blind to see the beautiful depth in your soul. Complexity is never a flaw. Complexity is rarely even "complex". The world just needs to learn how to appreciate you at your core, and I truly hope they're able to see that in you soon. 
In fact, why don't I detail some of the complex beauty that I can pinpoint? If the world can't see it, then it only makes sense if I spell it out for them.
You're very attentive. You also seem to have some pretty good wit. That not only makes you a really great analyst, but I think it'd make you a pretty great comforter too. You're able to analyze and recognize patterns in people, and you seem to still hold a great appreciation for people despite how isolated people have made you feel. Despite always feeling like an outcast, there's still a part of you that cares. Those are qualities that truly great comforters have. However, with how confusing relationships with other people can be sometimes, I can also see why that would hinder your ability for it and turn you away. Nevertheless, the foundation is still strong. You're still strong. Use that to your advantage. Take back the life that you deserved. Show them that you are not the painting they've made of you.
I just feel like you're really funny for some reason, and probably pretty chill while still being able to stand your own ground and opinions. That's a highly respectable mix of traits to have, at least in my eyes. You also for some reason remind me of that main guy from Magnus Archives. I've never listened to Magnus Archives though. All of the information I know about that podcast has come from random clips I've stumbled upon and rants from my friends who are into it. But from the information I have on him, I view him as a weird little autistic guy who's always a little tired, a little witty, maybe a little too obsessed with analyzing sometimes, also probably on the aroace spectrum. However, he's also a hard worker who-- when he cares about people-- he really cares about them, and if he likes you then you could probably drag him just about anywhere (even if he grumbles the whole way through). Now I have zero clue if any of that is true to his character, but I feel like it could maybe fit yours, and I at least think people like that are a pretty special find. 
Also, you're just a wee little guy. A little snake boi even.
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts here and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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the burnout has ended baby.
we're back on the grind.....
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silly analysis for @just-a-living-meat-thing :3
now lemme drop the silly list ya gave me YIPEEEEE:
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ANYWAYS, here's the analysis i could gather so far with just this list of characters and thru scrollin thru ur silly lil blog. hopefully it ends up being accurate, but if not, hopefully i'll get another chance to try again lolllll:
you are indeed a very silly guy. that is apparent. you get very passionate about the silly little things you're into and i have a large feeling that either you're already diagnosed with ADHD + autism or you've been questioning it for a pretty long ass time. if somehow it's none of those two, then you should probably look into it. you're definitely some flavor of neurodivergent, that's all i know. 
i feel like you've definitely dealt with some mental shit in the past but overall you've been pretty alright decently (i only say that because each time i analyze people who remind me of you, i try to see if i can pick out any specific things weighing them down and it always ends up being stuff that they've dealt with in the past but aren't so worried about anymore). however, i do feel like you probably still have a bit of a problem with bottling shit up. you're getting better at it and it's definitely a lot better than how it probably used to be, but every now and then the mental breakdowns seem a little too close for comfort.
you're probably a very sentimental person, but most people probably don't know that about you since you've never really found anybody to exactly share that side of you with. maybe there's a few people who have gotten glimpses of it, and maybe there's even one person who has seen that full side of you, but for the most part it stays hidden. most likely you keep it that way because you understand most people aren't gonna be as sentimental as you are, but i feel like part of you is also partially keeping it stored away because it's been wasted on somebody who didn't entirely appreciate it before. that might be why you know most people wouldn't reciprocate it to begin with.
i feel like every now and then you probably get the reclusive urge to just pull away from the people you care about. i only say that because i also relate to all of the characters you've listed and i absolutely do that a lot of the time. it might just be because you're tired and can't deal with people, or because it's that cynical depressive mindset that makes it hard to believe anybody actually cares about you. if that's the case, i'm gonna slap you right now and tell you "nuh-uh" because even though i do that exact same shit and i have a hard time believing it myself, you're wrong and you're stupid now sit down and keep being you you little shit.
you are mongoose. i will not explain that. you just seem mongoose to me. which is a compliment. go be mongoose.
okay i'm gonna leave it there because i feel like that's the majority of what i can think of right now, so hopefully it's at least a little accurate and maybe ya get something out of it. my bad if my grammar is shit, my brain thinks faster than my hands type and i'm in too much of a speedrun-y mood to go back and proof read all this. anyways thank u for sitting under my microscope and letting me analyze you, it is very much appreciated. i will gladly do it again. :333333
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i love how absurd death note is because i feel like its absurdity emphasizes the humanity behind each character.
i have no idea how to explain it, it just makes sense to me.
maybe i'll make an analysis of how it applies to each character if someone yells at me enough but for now you just gotta feel the vibe. please tell me you feel the vibe.
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right let’s have a looksy how accurate you are. analyse me
WOOOO 2nd analyzation in a day. yipeeee for procrastinating projects and scrolling thru tumblr blogs instead :333
anyways here's the most i could pinpoint out of going thru ur silly posts. i feel more confident in this analyzation because i feel like i had a lot to work with, but i'm still not too sure. hopefully you enjoy it either way tho mate:
mmmmm the gifted kid burnout feels strong in this one. if you were a character in a show, i feel like you'd be one of the really smart ones with a strong sense of justice but also a shit load of trauma. if you've seen Vox Machina, for some reason you kinda give me Percival de Rolo vibes. you would def be one hell of a fighter to take down. however, we sadly live in a world where you cannot swing swords around and cast spells, so instead you're stuck with mainly just your intelligence. all of those traits i mentioned before get put into things like social justice, academics, and your own hobbies & interests rather than fighting monsters and taking down governments (you totally would though if you could, and you'd probably succeed). this can give you a lot of pros in life but also a lot of cons. i'll rattle off some cons that i feel might affect you a bit:
oh lordy boy do you fall hard when it comes to failures and successes. like i'm talking icarus levels hard. you definitely feel like the type who would dedicate yourself to something and then crumble like all hell if something doesn't end up going as planned. like wowie you are in need of some therapy my guy. maybe you're better at handling failures now, but i feel like it hurt you a lot more when you were younger, and there are probably still some things that could send you spiraling if you lose your grasp on them.
i feel like you get stuck in indecision a lot. you always wanna make sure you're making the best and most optimal choice, which it's great to always consider the big picture, but sometimes you get too caught up in the details. you probably need somebody who can force you to take a step back just to get your head back in line. i feel like your partner does that a lot for you (i always see random posts that mention your partner and it is so damn silly to see. i love it when the silly romancers are doing romance things). without that step back, you can end up losing yourself, and it would not be pretty if you went completely apeshit.
also uh autism? that's not really a con but it's also not entirely a pro so i'm just gonna put it here anyways. you are very autism. you are indeed a little yippee creature. the autism is speaking and that autism is you.
now here are some pros i can think of:
attentive as all hell. you notice a lot of little things and it's a great advantage to have. and i also think it's kinda funny because i feel like there are a lot of huge things that will fly over your head (which same) but you're at least really good at noticing the small silly things.
plus it makes you a really good friend to have. your sense of justice and your willingness to fight for what you stand for can make you really loyal and a great protector. you probably also help your friends out a lot in subjects they don't understand which is always great to have. or you just give them random facts and y'know what fuck yeah you tell em those random facts you little tism dude. we might have no idea what you're saying but we fuck with it anyways.
also you're a nerd and nerds are always cool so you get a star from me.
this is getting pretty long and i can't really think of anything else so that's all for now. if you wanna have a more in-depth analyzation, you can always send me a character/kin list on my other blog @analyzing-people-like-hell. i'm not sure how accurate this was but it was really fun to do anyways and your posts were very fun to rummage thru lolllll. hopefully you get something cool out of this B)
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you only just followed me but i saw your bio, so:
analyse me lol
finally got around to doing this. man, i really gotta get back on my analyzation grind. anyways this is the most i was able to think of. not sure how accurate it'll end up being, but hopefully i'm able to get some things right lolll. and if not, hopefully you at least enjoyed reading through it:
autism. that is the very first thing that strikes me when scrolling through your blog to analyze stuff and i just needed to get that out of the way as soon as possible. the autism is undeniable. and if you're not autistic it's some sort of flavor of neurodivergent. i'm putting my bets on autism though.
you're a very honest and straightforward person. you're very clear about your boundaries and what you're trying to express when talking about things. it's incredibly respectable and a really good trait to have, but i feel like sometimes you question yourself for it. it's hard to describe but i'll try touching more on it later.
i feel like you're not a very talkative person in real life. considering you have a lot of deltarune posts, a large part of me feels like you relate to kris. you also just give off those vibes of someone who's a little monotone, not extremely talkative, but can definitely ramble about the things you're interested in. i also feel like the story arc of kris is something you probably relate to. i haven't analyzed kris enough to feel solid in describing their trauma but i know something in that is something you relate to. especially with the conflict of identity and knowing who you are. i have no idea how to describe that in kris terms but i know it's there. 
rolling along with the deltarune ball, there's a whole lotta noelle in there too (which based btw, noelle is awesome). it makes me wonder if you relate to her too. maybe it's the overall anxiety she has, but i feel like it also ties into the idea of identity, losing yourself, or not completely knowing who you are. it's weird to describe because i feel like you do have a solid sense of who you are, it's just that every now and then you probably have some sort of moral crisis or existential crisis and it can send you spiraling if you think about it for too long. you seem like somebody who lives life the way that you want to, but there is still a slight underlying fear of both yourself and the world.
oh i just know you've questioned your gender a few times. maybe you haven't particularly dwelled on it for a long time, but i feel like you've def had that "maybe i'm not entirely cis" thought pop in your head every now and then.
this is honestly a tougher analyzation for me to pinpoint, but it's not because i can't tell anything about you, it's more like i could point at a character and go "that one's you" but i have no idea how to back it up lmaoooo. so here's some characters that i feel fit you but i have no idea why: Kris from Deltarune (duh), steve minecraft (idk why either), L from Death Note, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, both Danny Saunders and Reuven Malter from The Chosen (1987 movie specifically), and also a weird mix Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Maud Pie from MLP:FiM.
hopefully this provides something insightful and is at least semi-accurate. my bad if it's not, but either way it was super fun to look through so thank you B))
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here's your friendly reminder that we know barely anything about todd + neil + the rest of the poets. todd is a good poet, neil likes to act. charlie likes music. meeks and pitts are vaguely nerdy.
so if you're ever worried about characterizing them wrong, keep in mind that you pretty much can't. we know next to nothing about them. don't let the fandom's perception of the character clog up your personal view.
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would love to be analyzed if you would like~
okay this is pretty rushed because i wanted to get it done the moment i could, so here we are. sorry if this isn't accurate. i usually ask for a list of characters and post this stuff on my analysis blog @analyzing-people-like-hell but i'm just basing this off of skimming through your blog for a while. so i've got no clue how accurate this really is. hopefully you get sumn out of it tho lollll:
you are deeply attached to your favorite media. it was there for you when nobody else was. you don't just watch media, you make a home in it. and when people don't understand your media, they don't understand you. it's your life, and even if it seems stupid to others, you intend on keeping it close to your heart anyways.
something about you says not neurotypical. idk what flavor of neurodivergent you could be but it is not neurotypical. or, other option, you're depressed/anxious as hell. either you're mentally ill or you're mentally ill and a little goofy. who knows.
the more i try to look through your posts, the more i'm leaning towards the whole thing with anxiety. maybe i'm just biased because of the kuromi pfp (which based btw). i feel like if you were ever into my little pony you totally related to fluttershy. but for some reason i'm also getting a slight mix of rarity and twilight. leaning towards fluttershy though.
you should watch dead poets society. something about you screams "i'm into that poetic old-timey romantic deep shit", so if you are i'd totally recommend dps. i have a feeling you'd relate a whole lot to todd anderson. 
betrayal/abandonment/trust issues. idk why but i get that gut feeling. people have def hurt you before. idk how, idk why, but it's happened and the effects have stayed for a long ass time.
you really do just want to be loved. you want to be held and embraced while you're curled up into a ball. you yearn to have the movie life that you watch constantly. to feel like the main character just once. to be truly and unconditionally cared for by just one person. is it selfish? maybe. but you want it. after everything you've been through, it's all that you want. this world is cruel and relentless. can you be blamed for wanting a break from it all? is it really that selfish to yearn for freedom?  
i honestly can't think of anything more. i tried my best with it. if you want, i'm totally willing to try again on my other blog and with a list of characters. i'd def be able to go more in depth in that case lolll. hopefully this was at least a little interesting to read tho B)
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fine, I'll bite. Analyze me
okay i was not expecting this for a lot of reasons but i'm intrigued now so i'll bite back.
i usually do these analyzations on my other blog actually, @analyzing-people-like-hell, and i usually ask for a few characters just to make sure i'm going on the right track, but i think i can work with just skimming through your posts.
i doubt it's all that accurate because of the lack of information, but it's somethin', so hopefully it's at least entertaining to some extent:
toxic yaoi called they want their lawlight back.
you definitely kin either L or Light. i'm leaning towards L more just because of what you seem like, but i feel like you'd at least semi-relate to Light to some extent, and both can give a lot of insight. for one, you're definitely not a people person. the thought of engaging with most of the frivolous activities you see people do not only bores you, but it might even disgust you as well. or maybe you just lack the social skills to deal with people so you tend to avoid them all together. either way, it does make people keen on viewing you as more of an asshole type. you probably are a bit of an asshole, but your nature ensures that you get the job done, so it's not like anybody can complain.
i don't know what your parents did but i can just smell the parental issues from you. for whatever reason, you find them inadequate and maybe even failures of guardians. it's hard to pinpoint why you'd feel that way, but my guesses are that they were probably just negligent in general. they probably didn't treat you with respect, or just didn't treat you with any care in general. i can imagine they get needlessly pissy with you a lot and blame/push their problems onto you. who knows, either way they don't seem very nice, and they're maybe even a lot worse than what i'm assuming.
despite not being much of a people person, you seem pretty emotionally-intelligent. you spend so much time with yourself that it's easy for you to control your emotions and stay pretty level-headed in situations that would normally fracture others. it gives you an advantage when getting to know people. you understand yourself enough to keep yourself safe, but it also helps you understand where other people might be coming from. there was also this one reblog i found when skimming through your posts: "when you want to be heartless but you know that's not how you are" that does make me question a lot of my initial guesses. maybe you just want to appear like somebody who couldn't care less about what people think, but deep down you still do. you want to give the world the same kind of pain it dealt you, but you just can't. despite all the rage festering inside you, you can't seem to stop caring. (which honestly fucking relatable i can't blame you there man.)
also you're definitely emo. and somewhere on the gay agenda. there's definitely something you regret from 2020 specifically. idk what, but it's probably there.
that's all i can really think of right now. my bad if this is completely off, but it's the best i could come up with. i'd def be willing to try again given a list of characters if you wanted. i'm gonna go work on my spanish presentation now. adiós, you emo disaster. thank you for giving me more procrastination time.
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Gavin vs Nines:
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ANALYSIS #3: 03/09/24
A new critter has entered the ring, a very goober-ish one indeed. Yours was a bit tricky to pinpoint, especially with my unfamiliarity of the characters you've chosen, but I think I've done a decent enough job for now. Hopefully you're able to find something that resonates.
What were those characters you picked anyways?
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Ahh, you're a very eccentric little fellow, aren't you? You seem quite fun, but the fun ones are always the most concerning. Why don't we try looking at your background first?
Loneliness is a feeling you know all too well. You've been backstabbed, abandoned, forgotten. Almost everything associated with the idea of being alone is something you're able to understand. Though, you're weird in a sense. You have friends, you're able to make conversations with people, but it never seems to last, does it? You're always the second option. The temporary friend. A tutorial guide, even. Left to built paths for others but never being given your own. You yearn to have the lasting relationships that come so naturally for others. All you really want is to be seen. By anybody. Somebody. Just one person would be enough.
And by gods, what in the seven hells is going on with your parents.
I might not have much proof for this one (other than Scaramouche, I suppose), but I have a specific feeling that one of your parents has abandoned you, either literally or mentally, and the other simply can't take care of you properly because of all the slack they're picking up from the other. They both either can't or don't pay attention to you. They never seem to fully support you or understand your needs. They're usually too consumed with their own lives or their own problems to recognize yours. Either that, or they attempt to but are too unstable to really give you what you what you need. They compare you to others. They expect you to follow in their footsteps but they don't even tell you how you're supposed to do that, let alone consider if that's something you want. You're left in the dust and then expected to find your way back home alone, but the truth is that you don't even know what home is. Home is where the heart is, but your heart has been kicked around so many times it can't tell left from right anymore. You just wanna know what home feels like. Why is home so much to ask for?
People tend to push you to the side. Most likely because you don't think the way they think. You're not the most logical person in a room, or at least not in the way people expect you to be. You're more experienced in emotions, feelings, and desires, not economics. You do have many skills, but you're never given the opportunity to prove yourself. These skills would be great in the real world, but the real world doesn't see the value in them without proof, which is the same proof they're preventing you from having. They even have the audacity to judge you for not having said proof. That's why you stay on the outskirts of life. You sit cheering on the sidelines while desperately hoping that one day you'll be able to join their games. That one day they'll realize you do deserve to be on the big screen. You swear you do. Why won't they let you play? Why don't you deserve that attention? What are you doing wrong? It consumes you.
I am afraid I can't do much to mend the empty tears in your heart, but I can try to identify the main ailments. Let's see what really keeps your mind pacing.
You don't entirely feel human. You love people, you love making connections, but it's like there's something wrong with you. Like God cursed you to be indefinitely incompatible with the world. You try to embrace your differences. Confidence is always key, isn't it? It has to be. Because if it isn't, you won't have anything. Because if it isn't, all you will be left with is the intrusive fact that you will always be disconnected from the people you long to be next to. You know it, we both do. You're stuck in a loop of your own isolation and it is driving you mad by the second.
Despite being so in tune with your feelings, you have a lot of trouble verbalizing those emotions. You tend to have trouble knowing yourself in general, which is ironic considering how you're also unapologetically yourself. It's a weird mix to have, and it's confusing to even yourself. This confusion bleeds out into the rest of your daily life. You might accidentally make promises you can't keep. You're probably not the best at planning because of it. You also might need a lot of personal space to figure out your own thoughts. It's all just so confusing. You wish things wouldn't be so frustrating anymore.
What makes this worse is that you're actively ignoring the problems that you can recognize. It is inarguably evident. I can't blame you really, since ignoring them is all you're really able to do with what you've been given in life, but at some point you will need to confront them. You can only stay in a house engulfed in flames for so long. One day you will lose control, and all that will be left is an empty rage. And that's assuming you aren't already burning as we speak.
I'm afraid I can't even think of much more to add. The world has drowned you and in retaliation you are flaming. It hurts you, but you will do anything to make sure it hurts the world more, to make sure it feels the exact same pain it's given you. There's not much to add to such a self-explanatory tragedy.
I don't have a solution to aid something like this, but maybe showing you your own best traits would help restore your faith in humanity, even if it's only for a second. 
You see the beauty in things that go overlooked by most. You have a genuine appreciation for the smallest things in life, and you want to do what you can to keep those things at their best. Not everybody is willing to take the time to notice these kinds of details, and then to make sure those details stay noticed and remembered? That's the kind of "Tender Loving Care" that can only be given through people like you. It's an important value, and you should make sure you remember that as well.
You bring out the best in people by being yourself. You help people let loose, and frankly everybody needs a little more of that in their lives. You're smart though. You know when to take a step back, you know your boundaries and stop when needed. You're empathetic and observant, and it makes you one of the greatest protectors anybody could have. People should be honored to have you on their side, because you'd go as far as you could to make sure the people you truly care about aren't left behind like you were.
Despite all the shit you've been put through, you do love the world. You want to live. You want to have fun. You want time know people. You're adventurous, you live in the moment, and you'll be damned if you don't try to make all your suffering worth it. Your passion shows throughout every aspect of you. Do not let go of that. It is what keeps you fighting and the world needs more fighters, especially in this decade. Just make sure you don't die a martyr. As honorable as it is, we cannot lose the few warriors we have. And you are one of the most priceless and irreplaceable warriors we have. Do not let the world take that away from you.
Also you'd be an awesome rockstar B}
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts here and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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