angelacolsin · 4 years
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Alexander McQueen Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear Collection
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Book Sale for Self Isolation!
I definitely haven’t been active around these parts lately if only because my life has been going through some changes recently and I’ve been trying to cope and reestablish my footing and so on.  But!  I had to crawl out of hiding to let everyone know smashwords is doing a sitewide promotion due to the outbreak of coronavirus and the difficulty people could encounter going through a few weeks of self isolation.
From March 20 - April 20, books are going to be on sale there, from free books to books marked down substantially in price.  This includes my own books, which I’m making available to everyone for free.
So if anyone is bored, needs something to pass their time while they’re self isolating, or even if you’re just scared and looking for a distraction, you can find my books on smashwords here.  There are 9 books in all, so there are plenty of stories to occupy your time, and hopefully some you might find genuinely interesting, though that’s not the point.
I just want everyone to stay safe and be comfortable while they’re doing it.  So whether my books are of interest or not, check this sale out anyway!  You might some something else for free that turns out to be a new favorite book!  <3
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angelacolsin · 5 years
So I decided to forgo doing a lot of work on my original series of books for now in favor of editing a fan fiction I wrote about ten years ago, and I feel good about this.
News at 11 XD
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Finally finished reading The Highlander’s Christmas Bride, and though it was a decently enjoyable read, there was a point toward the end where I wanted to just toss the book aside.  It just felt like a particularly important event had been kind of shoehorned in for plot convenience, and it was so random I wasn’t even sure I’d read it right at first.  So I’m hovering somewhere between 3 and 4 stars on this one, though I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever write a full review.
But I will say for those of you wondering, don’t bother only picking this book up around Christmas.  It’s not a particularly holiday focused story.  I mean it takes place around Christmas, and there are some holiday parties our couple attends, but those are just kind of a side note in the setting and not really the theme of the story.
Also, this book is good for people who like stories with few/vague sex scenes involved!  :)
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Hoping to finish reading The Highlander’s Christmas Bride this weekend, but I’m not holding my breath or anything.  I’ve just kind of lost interest, which is a long story I’ll explain later.  I really just came by to say it actually sucks that I lost interest, because this isn’t a bad book.  In fact, I think a lot of you gals that follow me would like it!  So yeah, I’m not sure why I’ve lost interest, but it’s like I’m just bored with it =\
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Mantra of the hour:  Come on, advil!
My shoulder is aching so bad right now I can feel it down to my elbow.  It’s not as bad as the time it was hurting into the palm of my hand, but yeah, doesn’t feel good all the same D:
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angelacolsin · 5 years
So, I just peaked ahead, and The Highlander’s Christmas Bride lives up to the trope of every Scottish historical having a character named Agnus XD
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Holy shit, this heroine has a fucking hatpin yall, it’s go time!
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angelacolsin · 5 years
While I’m on the topic of personal updates, I also forgot to mention that I had an epiphany concerning the major, overarching plot of my book series a few days ago.  Made me feel good that I could still come up with stuff even though I’ve been feeling so lousy here lately XD <3
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angelacolsin · 5 years
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Currently Reading:  The Highlander’s Christmas Bride by Vanessa Kelly
It’s been a long time since I actually read anything new (I usually stick to the tried and true, or at least the tried and generally good stories).  I’m also not even sure if I’ll finish reading this before Christmas considering I’m a slow reader just because of dyslexia, let alone with OCD now added to the mix making it hard for me to physically turn a page from time to time.
But with my struggles writing, I’ve picked up some books to read over the past few months and naturally, due to the Christmas season incoming, I thought a seasonal romance might be enjoyable, and bought this a few days ago.  Things are going pretty good, too!  Only three chapters in and we’re already coming across a bit of excitement!
I’ll try to update later if anyone cares to know how this story goes down!  Maybe I’ll even do a review :)
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Update time!  Well, a short update anyway!
So I can’t actually say things are going great in my personal life now, but as far as recovering from the turmoil of quitting smoking goes, I’m steadily regaining my ability to focus and it’s really helping me to get a grip.  I still haven’t been to a doctor yet, but I’m actually going to have insurance starting in January, so hopefully that’ll help me get back on Prozac or something that will keep the symptoms of OCD from being so severe!
I’ve definitely become a hermit as well, but I’m hoping that, if things continue the way they’re going now, I’ll actually be more active around these parts in the near future!  I don’t have much original content to post as of yet, but maybe it would be best to start by just reblogging stuff anyway?  Less pressure LoL XD
As for actually writing, I can’t say I’ve been completely active there either, and instead, I’d sort of taken a sabbatical, which means I’d write at least a sentence every day, but never forced myself to do more just because I wanted to make sure I didn’t ruin my confidence by making myself do something I honestly wasn’t ready to do.
So here’s hoping things continue to improve!  Thanks everyone for continuing to follow me and I’m really sorry it’s taking me so long to get back into the swing of things :P
Updates and Stuff
So, 2019 is just a little more than halfway over, and it’s been a hard year for me.  Like very hard.  So hard it brings to mind the phrase “my nips are diamond.”  Well, basically.
I recall making a post a while back saying that I’d come here soon and kind of layout what I’ve been going through in a bit more detail, though I’m still not comfortable talking about all of it in public as it were.  With that said, the basic jist of everything which I’m sure I’ve mentioned before is that I quit smoking in late August of last year (I still can’t believe I’m almost at the year mark already!) and I never quite realized what kind of effect smoking actually had on me.
But let me tell ya, quitting really brought it all to light, and it goes a lot deeper than one might guess.  So to begin … 
Keep reading
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angelacolsin · 5 years
Reblogging this for three reasons:
It’s cute AF
Pfft, I’ll take some money
I find it crazy/funny in that “OMG WHAT IS ENGLISH!?” kind of way that money and bunny rhyme.  Like why isn’t it Boney?  Or Munny?  Why isn’t the word funny “Foney"?  But we see those words and read them completely differently XD
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angelacolsin · 5 years
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La Bourjoisie 2019 Haute Couture Collection
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angelacolsin · 5 years
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Put yours in the tags.
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angelacolsin · 5 years
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don’t let your creativity die from the lack of support
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angelacolsin · 5 years
4, 8, 12, 18, 28, 56, 95
Sorry I’m so late about answering this, it’s been a hectic week.  My birthday was Sunday and my friend was flying to Florida and everything else just sort of fell by the wayside.  Anyway!  Here goes ... :D
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
You know what?  I actually don’t know.  I haven’t listened to much music lately!
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Not today, thankfully!
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
Nope, but I should ... :\
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
No, actually LoL Now I feel like all I’m saying is no, no, no XD
(28) What Makes You Happy?
A lot of stuff?  Uh ... writing, graphic design, Tim Tams ... you know, just basic things LoL :D
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Tim Tams.  LOL!  Actually, I’m just craving food in general, I haven’t eaten yet today =|
(95) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Ugh, this is a hard question for someone with an anxiety disorder...It just depends on the reason I’m upset and so on but generally speaking, rainy dreary days and storms soothe me a lot of times!  :D
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angelacolsin · 5 years
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