#I can do both
chrissy-kaos · 10 months
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You need to get yourself a girlfriend that can do both.. 😜
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kindaorangey · 1 year
can we edit clips of across the spiderverse to make it look like the plot is about coming out
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prommytheus · 9 months
i love apollo and i love his ominous implying that he’s going to take advantage of his sick leave go do something deeply illegal to solve (and avenge) clay’s murder, but the way that got executed ingame was that he didn’t do anything. they. they cut off his plot thread entirely. because they needed to write him out so that nick could take the spotlight. even though it’s apollo’s trilogy. “it’s your story now apollo” MY ASS jkaksjdkjd
i think phoenix returning to law is fun and has a lot of potential, im very fond of his cute lil suit and his dlc case. but the final case? the final fucking case??? phoenix should have just weirdgirled. or better yet- peaced out of the main plot to go on a rage fueled excursion to the space center to FUCKING KILL AURA for holding his fucking daughter hostage. also miles im glad you’re back but wh. why are you prosecuting this case. why would aura choose you of all people. how much do you know anyway
….i dont really have a closing argument for this. i guess my point is that i fucking love aa5 because it introduces so many cool concepts, characters, and plot threads—
—and i also fucking hate aa5 because it drops all of them without hesitation to put those red and blue fuckers back behind the benches and then kill a man for shock value.
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pink-onyx-au · 1 year
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Episode 4: Life, Death, Love, Birth
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torn between the competing desires to act out for attention and the equally compelling need to just sit quietly and eat a sandwich
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so, the guy in the ace flag colors
(ace flag made with colors picked from Aaravos turnaround model)
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✨Reproduces through asexual reproduction✨
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Aaravos really be out here spawning the caterpillar from his own mouth like he's budding, huh.
mlem mlem plop
Step 1: spit out a bug Step 2: bug receives primal radiation to begin growth Step 3: pod Step 4: open pod
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Leaves me to wonder, from a scientific perspective: if Sir Sparklepuff is indeed a clone/bud of Aaravos, maybe Sir Sparklepuff actually has Aaravos's true form. Ahaha, god that would be wild.
(But don't you think it's a little sus that these godlike beings just so happen to look exactly like elves, even though they're thousands of years older? I do. I don't trust that beauty. Something's up. Maybe it's benign, or some kind of "become an aspect of what you're worshipped for" or something. But if you could bend reality then why would you keep looking like elves 24/7? And you know I'm asking seriously because I'd be an elf for like 2479 years first before I tried any other shape. So: if god, why elf?)
Anyway, this asexual reproduction is the funniest thing in the whole show to me. Aaravos is the sluttiest slut who ever slutted, but he doesn't understand sex at all... unless he does, but with his Startouch brain, sex is just the same as everything else.
Which is extremely, extremely asexual of him.
Y'all can pry genius idiot asexual Aaravos from my cold dead hands. I'm keeping him forever.
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amandamadeathing · 1 month
It's a scientific fact that racing needs to be paired with Motley Crüe's "Kickstart My Heart," thus I made this AMV edit to Tech riot racing in "Faster." Enjoy!
Is anyone else ever secretly upset the next episode after "Faster" is not titled "More Intense" or is it just me?
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tejasvkris · 3 months
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I can do both
I can mansplain, manipulate and malewife my way thru a situation
I can also girlboss gatekeep and gaslight my way thru situations.
But I will not do so because
other people deserve to be treated nicely
because we don't know their situation and how our interaction with them will affect their life
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bri-sonat · 1 year
so i made some phasma gifs for the collab masterlist gif, and i decided to post them here for everyone’s enjoyment. there aren’t enough phasma gifs. also, more gifs for all the phasma lovers and writers out there. enjoy!
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om-is-ok · 1 year
Hum, kab?
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it-be-sid · 2 years
Starting something new to stay active on here:
“Find Meta Knight Monday”
Name says it all, I post a picture with my mini MK perched somewhere in it, and you try to spot him.
Let’s start with this one.
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workingonit-currently · 6 months
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Summer: Anyone else gay and angry on this fine Monday morning?
Raven: I’m bi and annoyed, does that count?
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astrum-aetherium · 8 months
Us with Henry 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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yup. bone-shattering truth. enough said. thank you for this marvelous contribution
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sirenemarie · 1 year
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Ya girls a blondie now ;)
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 8 months
i just watched Scream (1996) for the first time and please hear me so clearly when i say there is nothing funnier to me than a pair of unhinged, unhealthily codependent, bisexual best friends who commit brutal acts of violence together, enact an entire scheme with silly villainous dialogue, and mutually stab each other to commit to the bit, all to simply fumble the bag just so fucking hard at the end.
absolute losers - completely unmatched.
im obsessed with them.
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