angeladex · 10 months
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MOSCHINO Pre-Fall 2022 (part 4) if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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angeladex · 11 months
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angeladex · 11 months
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im having a moment
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angeladex · 11 months
Tumblr is giving us a lot of different dashes but the thing is no one wants "for you" so what I propose instead is you give me the ability to make mini-dashes with specific subsets of people I follow. Let me follow 300 people but then sort them into category. Let me have one dash for all my aesthetic stuff, another for news, another for my weird feral friends. Am I the only one who wants this? Maybe. Give it to me anyway.
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angeladex · 1 year
I tried to resist. I'm in a place where I can read, and I want to read stuff I haven't read yet.
Why? Why am I reading Tom Sawyer again?
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angeladex · 1 year
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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angeladex · 1 year
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angeladex · 2 years
Nice lady at the park: wow your dog is so elegant!
My dog not 5 minutes later:
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angeladex · 2 years
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REblog if you are Asexual, support Asexuals, or spend most of your time actually thinking about Superheroes.
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angeladex · 2 years
Make Some Pocket Extenders for Your Pants
So I don’t know about you, but I’m often frustrated by the ridiculous smallness of girls’ pockets. At a bare minimum, I need to be able to shove my cellphone in there - come on, pants companies! So what I started doing was making myself pocket extenders. I’ve done this several times, for pants and shorts. It’s great.
I just got this pair of jeans, so I thought I’d show you how to do it. I kind of feel like it just hasn’t occurred to some of you that this is an option, so maybe now it will. All you need is your pants, some fabric (I just took a random piece from a scrap bin), a needle, and some thread (thread doesn’t even need to match the fabric since literally no one will see it).
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See? Ridiculous. Like, half a cellphone, or only 2.5″. Useless.
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 So turn those inside out to expose the pockets.
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Figure out how big you want your pockets to actually be. I kinda go by whatever looks like might be right. I didn’t really measure them. Fold the fabric in half, so you have a pocket, and then fold it in half again so you can have two equal ones.
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Try to get the edges to line up enough, pin it in place, then sew up the sides! Are your stitches crazy uneven and wonky looking? Doesn’t matter; nobody’s going to see it. These are in the inside of your pants. The only thing that matters is that it holds up. So I double-did the corners, since those tend to get the most stress.
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Cut open the bottom of the existing pockets.
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Pin it in place, then sew around, joining the new pocket to the old pocket. I did this by keeping my hand on the inside, so I wouldn’t accidentally sew through the other side. Again, I reinforced the corners, and didn’t worry about what it actually looks like. Then I turned it in side out to make sure the inside was all joined properly.
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Yay all done! And the pockets are so much bigger now!
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Whaaaat I can fit my entire phone and entire hand and probably something else now, are girls’ pockets even allowed to do that?! Heck yeah they are.
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angeladex · 2 years
I believe your exact words were "pics or it didn't happen" (though I admittedly wasn't the anon in that's ask)
So here it is, by printed and bound version of what has quickly become my favorite fanfiction - Salvage, by MuffinLance
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Still waiting on the last chapter obviously, (Currently praying to a tiny child god) but once it's done, the book is only a few short steps away from being finished. I am loving the outcome and can't wait to finish this project!
If you are curious about bookbinding or my specific process, please let me know. I spent maybe $10 in materials (minus printing, which was a whole other cost because I have to pay through my school...)
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angeladex · 2 years
people on this website be like “it’s actually school’s fault that i don’t know how to read because i wanted to write my essay on the divergent trilogy and that BITCH mrs. clarkson made us study 1984 instead. anyway here’s a 10 tweet thread of easily disproven misinformation about a 3 year old news story and btw, who is toni morrison?”
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angeladex · 2 years
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angeladex · 2 years
I didn't try to cheat or anything, I got the best poem. Oh yeah.
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angeladex · 3 years
Did I write today? Yes!
Did I once again start a new fic even though I promised myself I wouldn't before I finished something else?
...you all know the answer to that 😅
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angeladex · 3 years
There are also 2 sequels! All the more Howl to go around!
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#shit howl says in the book
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angeladex · 3 years
we are already living in the cyberpunk future and i know this because within a span of 3 days we went from this tweet:
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to thousands of people making phony images and replying to them with their passionate desire to have them as a tshirt to overload the bots with nonsense and junk and send out warnings to shoppers like this:
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and now we even have people replying to pictures of baby yoda with “i want this on a tshirt” knowing how ravenous disney is being with copyright in hopes to get the stores taken down altogether
i dont know what it is about stuff like this and the whole turn mei into a symbol of hk protesters thing but, its really reassuring for some reason
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