angelnumber1 · 5 months
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angelnumber1 · 6 months
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angelnumber1 · 6 months
The revelation that not one, not a party of brave souls, but a veritable army of chosen ones had awakened frightened the masses.
From the grand kings upon their thrones to the children who knew nothing but felt the fear of their parents, all had no choice but to prepare for what could only be called the end of everything good and just in the world.
At least that is what they thought.
It started many many years ago, a young creature, beaten and bruised from failing to live up to his species standards had slipped between the lines and found himself in a new world.
He declared that he would build a kingdom out of this new world that would fit his image, and the world christened him as a new evil with the birth of the next generation of heroes.
Upon this revelation the people prepared best they could, some abandoned the babes, to live without fear of monsters hunting them for the child.
Some children were stolen, with years of experiments their future.
Some raised for the purpose of defeating the evil, with no thought for any other future.
Many were given up, this slowly becoming tradition to be trained by the kings trusted men.
As the new generation of chosen children whittled down the creature continued his path.
He flew above the high walls and devoured kingdoms in an eternal night. It was the closest to his old home he could have.
He made deadly creatures with unnatural limbs without joints. Similar to the beasts that roamed the islands he was born to.
Thick vines, a putrid purple flowering fruit that would change the world to unfamiliar lands.
The creature, a male of his species, was born smaller than the rest. It was the beginning of an origin that many of the previous evils shared.
Unloved, unwanted, denied even an ounce of affection, he was to be a great villain vanquished by a greater good.
But then the creature learned runes, symbols, magic that would have been for a great battle yet one mistake led to a new ability.
He could change his form to resemble those under his rule.
It was a challenge dealing with a new body. It lacked his great raven wings, which spanned several men.
Few species of this new world had anything like his talons that could rend armor to scrap.
Yet he found a form to use. Human, gold hairs with emerald eyes, pleasing to most humans.
Perhaps any other would have befriended the hero, only for a great betrayal in the end.
But that is not this story.
The man decided to experiment with this form and joined a festival, honoring the living god of three generations. A goddess chosen shortly before he arrived in this world.
The people of these cities had an unusual tradition, a child would be chosen every ten years to serve as the representative of their gods.
Yet instead of a child a woman sat upon the altar.
Great fortune was brought during her time as a living god and upon the discovery that evil had once more arrived she was kept to ward away misfortunes.
She hadn’t talked to any other besides the holy woman that would attend to her, hasn’t walked on ground that hasn’t been anointed to keep her as pure as she were a child.
She hated this.
So when she felt the dark power of another she chose to hold her tongue.
When she knew someone was not as he seemed she chose to observe.
And when this man came to her chambers, contemplating her death she struck a conversation, a connection.
When he visited her once more and refrained from striking her down she invited him for another visit, and another, again and again until the man invited her instead.
“I cannot, if it even was to be known that a man had even taken a single step in my chambers I would be taken for a dozen rituals for purity and the chambers left a smoldering wreck.”
“Then if I were to take you, and you were to take me? We know each other better than ourselves, let us say the vows of marriage, we can love and live freely.”
The woman laughed bitterly, “the traditions have changed, once that would lead to my hair cut, the silks torn from my body and a declaration that I was to never return! But now…”
“What would they do my love? Whatever may happen I will risk my all to protect you.”
“I have great power my beloved angel, they would take me and give it to the next chosen victim.”
“But not even the great evil can steal or give power! This must be false.”
“I wish it was so yet they have forced me time and time again to bleed upon those stones, nurturing their chosen champions.”
“…They would end you then, is that what you mean my love.”
She stood strong, gazing at the painting meant to mimic a window. “Indeed, and then a child would bleed instead.”
He walked over to her clasping her hands in his, “do you trust me?”
“You needn’t ask, I would have given you everything long ago.”
“Then is there anything you would want to keep my heart?”
“It all has been ruined by memories of them.”
“Then we shall leave at this very moment.”
And with that the man changed, fingers to talons, hair to feathered fur, a monster in all ways.
Yet he was still hers, she saw the man underneath and took the hand held out to her.
With a simple spell he rendered every protection null and burst through the temple walls.
Once they reached the outside he lit the buildings aflame, enough to illuminate the night sky yet he refrained from harming the people. He would wait for those who hurt his love.
“Hear my words foolish faithful! Your goddess of mercy and peace is lost to you! And it is no fault but your own!”
The screams silenced upon his claims, staring wordlessly at the god in his arms.
“Oh my angel you need not waste breath on them, let me speak instead.”
The woman devised a way to end the cruelty she was apart of.
“With your own hands you have killed the vessel meant to house your great gods! Now this body is home to a paragon of your deaths! Never again shall a living god be graced the presence of your divine now they shall house the past evil thought vanquished!”
And with that they left.
“Dearest you certainly like dramatics.”
The woman laughed, “But hadn’t you started it my angel?”
“I suppose my love.”
“So what will we do about the champions? They are destined to defeat you?”
“Why don’t I die then? I have no need for a kingdom with you in my arms.”
“Then shall we live reborn as a lady and her husband?”
“Indeed we shall”
There are actually hundreds of “chosen ones” born when one is needed. This is usually because the big bad endeavors to kill them all. However, this time all of the “chosen ones” survive to adulthood, and now no one really knows what to do about it.
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angelnumber1 · 7 months
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You can only reblog this today.
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angelnumber1 · 7 months
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fairy red panda
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angelnumber1 · 8 months
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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angelnumber1 · 10 months
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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angelnumber1 · 11 months
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
Mind control aftermath and recovery.
So do I recover from death by mind control or?
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
Glaze is out!
Tired of having your artwork used for AI training but find watermarks dismaying and ineffective?
Well check this out! Software that makes your Art look messed up to training AIs and unusable in a data set but nearly unchanged to human eyes.
I just learned about this. It's in Beta. Please read all the information before using.
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
; )
The GIW fuck up, Amity is blown up and the Ghost Zone is seriously destabilised.
Danny ends up having to literally hold up the Infinite Realms to make sure that what is literally the lining between dimensions doesn't collapse on itself. Stuck halfway through the portal while putting all of his focus into his task, he stays in the ruins of his haunt for 3 years before the Justice League Dark finally manages to break through the barrier the Ancients set up to conceal him.
The entire JL have been itching to investigate what happened to the town without anyway to get in. To say that they didn't expect the ghost of a teenager playing the role of Atlas would be an understatement. Now they must find a way to relieve him of his burden.
(Danny hasn't aged in all the time he's been there due to his trauma, which is made worse by the fact that time moves differently for him due to the Zone's instability. He has no idea how long it's been, but the bone-deep exhaustion he feels suggests it's anywhere between decades or centuries.)
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
It depends on what route we take.
It could either be his rouges gallery and whichever of his friends and family become ghost helping to support him but becoming unable to communicate
Or it would be a combined effort of most likely captain Marvel, possibly someone helping from the other side in the realms and whoever you want to be there
In the drabble I wrote it would be his rouges, friends and family who became ghosts supporting him as much as they can but after doing that they basically get put in a coma or for extra angst they could be dead-dead.
It really depends on what you think and if anyone wants to use this for their own fic if they write one.
I definitely favor Captain Marvel helping though.
The GIW fuck up, Amity is blown up and the Ghost Zone is seriously destabilised.
Danny ends up having to literally hold up the Infinite Realms to make sure that what is literally the lining between dimensions doesn't collapse on itself. Stuck halfway through the portal while putting all of his focus into his task, he stays in the ruins of his haunt for 3 years before the Justice League Dark finally manages to break through the barrier the Ancients set up to conceal him.
The entire JL have been itching to investigate what happened to the town without anyway to get in. To say that they didn't expect the ghost of a teenager playing the role of Atlas would be an understatement. Now they must find a way to relieve him of his burden.
(Danny hasn't aged in all the time he's been there due to his trauma, which is made worse by the fact that time moves differently for him due to the Zone's instability. He has no idea how long it's been, but the bone-deep exhaustion he feels suggests it's anywhere between decades or centuries.)
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
The infinite realms is theoretically a lot ‘heavier’ than what Atlas would have to hold.
It would make sense if this was a Ghost King Danny AU as well as maybe having some assistance from other ancients and maybe his rouges as well?
It fills in some plot holes too as his rouges and allies would have tried to help him or find help.
Or you could add in some extra angst where the only reason he’s able to hold up the infinite realms is because everyone sacrificed themselves to create pillars to help hold and contain the realms
Whether or not they died to create the pillars or are more in a suspended animation is up to you.
Just imagine Danny desperately moving and grasping the fabric of time and space fully incapable of diverting even an ounce of attention to anything else.
Even though Amity was destroyed and he could never have a normal life again with the rest of the GIW knowing where he was and what he looked like.
Even though his loved ones may never become ghosts or might not even remember him as ghosts.
Even though all his loved ones are dead and those who already were may have been destroyed by the explosion.
He can’t mourn.
He doesn’t even think he’s strong enough to last long but he has to.
Just long enough for someone, anyone to notice.
He can feel his core buckling and straining under the pressure, his form is slowly destabilizing.
Just a little longer.
He can do this.
He never wanted to be a hero.
He never wanted to be the only one that could protect his town.
But he was.
And he’s the only one that can stop the realms from destroying earth and itself in the process.
Just a little longer.
As the pressure of the realms alleviate and form into something easier to hold.
As his very being mourns.
As his sense of time and identity withers.
He can keep holding the realms up.
He never wanted this.
But who else could do this?
Just a little longer until someone comes.
Just a little longer and he won’t have to do this anymore.
He’s tired.
The GIW fuck up, Amity is blown up and the Ghost Zone is seriously destabilised.
Danny ends up having to literally hold up the Infinite Realms to make sure that what is literally the lining between dimensions doesn't collapse on itself. Stuck halfway through the portal while putting all of his focus into his task, he stays in the ruins of his haunt for 3 years before the Justice League Dark finally manages to break through the barrier the Ancients set up to conceal him.
The entire JL have been itching to investigate what happened to the town without anyway to get in. To say that they didn't expect the ghost of a teenager playing the role of Atlas would be an understatement. Now they must find a way to relieve him of his burden.
(Danny hasn't aged in all the time he's been there due to his trauma, which is made worse by the fact that time moves differently for him due to the Zone's instability. He has no idea how long it's been, but the bone-deep exhaustion he feels suggests it's anywhere between decades or centuries.)
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
I was just reading some Star Wars posts and immediately locked on to this part where the dark side is compared to sand and realized that if anyone had ever compared the dark side of the force to sand as a joke to Anakin he would probably immediately hate it and when told the dark side would save Padme he’d immediately have a crisis and barge in on Obi-Wan about, “I DONT WANT TO SAVE MY WIFE WITH SAND OBI-WAN” “Anakin what-“ “SAND MASTER! SAND! ITS HORRIBLE AND GETS EVERYWHERE AND YOU CANT GET RID OF IT AND WHAT IF IT GETS ON MY SECRET CHILD OBI-WAN! I DONT WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE BORN WITH SAND ON THEM!”
And he just steamrolls over every attempt Obi-Wan makes to interrupt because SAND and he wants to save his secret wife who’s pregnant with their secret child but SAND and he doesn’t know how to deal with this type of (dark side) SAND and he doesn’t realize he told Obi-Wan about his secret wife until Obi-Wan is fighting the Chancellor.
Of course Obi-Wan came to a different conclusion than both what was actually happening and whatever sand meant.
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
I use tumblr for like twenty minutes and my phones hot enough to cook eggs
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angelnumber1 · 1 year
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I was scrolling kinda fast so I thought I saw this instead and thought somber didn’t make sense till I looked again.
if you're still on the subway boss request chuck them in the rondez view I think being on a ferris wheel would fill their hearts with whimsy
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a little bit more somber than the request was but somehow we ended up here anyway
(sorry used this ask as an excuse to draw clouds again)
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