angrydebater · 3 years
ALL THE YOUNG DUDES. Remus coming out. (All parts)
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angrydebater · 3 years
if you listen to another one bites the dust by queen and don't think about james potter singing it before quiddicth matches, even though the song was released in 1980, don't talk to me.
don't talk to me also because i'm emotional right now, i'm thinking about james potter
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angrydebater · 3 years
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Sirius Black
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angrydebater · 3 years
"Good evening everybody! I'm the best man or-better-the hottest of the marauders. I've known James since we were just eleven years old kids, being stupid on the hogwarts express. He is the family that i've always longed for. A brother, or, to be more precise, a mother. He welcomed in his house a runaway from a pureblood supremacist family, who's a reckelss disaster, a scrawny 6 feet tall nerd who's afraid of his own shadow, and shy baker kid who's always anxious for something, and gave us the best summers we've ever had. The perfect person to start a family with it's him. And the perfect person to do that with James, is Lily.
I vivdly remember the day James and Lily first met. It was the first of september of 1971 and he saw her flaming locks flying around when she passed in front of our carriage. James actually said:" i'm gonna marry that one." Yes james I guess you did. After that, so many years passed in which james tried to "woo" her -yes that's the excact word he used-. And i think the most hilarious memories I have of this 7 years are actually the disastruos attempts of James to woo her.
With the help of my other fellow marauders i tried to recollect the most embarassing ones. To the adults in this room i shall say: prepare yourselves for some revelations.
Let's set ourselves into the year 1974. The mind behind all of our glorious pranks, mr. Moony, was studying in the hogwarts library with the now mrs. Lily Potter. James of course had to intterrupt their concentration trying to invite the redhead to a date in Hogsmeade. he wanted to lean himself against the bookshelves to look more cool. Unfortunately, because of the distraction provided from the beauty of the former Miss Evans, he actually fell into the bookshelves making them fall behind as well. I'll leave to your imagination Madam Pince's reaction.
A year later, a certain drunk captain of the gryffindor quidditch team -yes Minnie and Euphemia "drunk",- during a party for the victory of the cup, grabbed his broom and fled in the common room, and throughout the window. I wasn't sober either so I couldn't pick him up, but our saviour Lily took a broom (even though she isn't able to fly) escaped and brought him down in the fields. I will also leave to your imagination lily's reaction.
But the best is yet to come. We were all in cornwall for the summer, and James was trying to astonish Lily with his muscles . He was in the ocean, swimming proudly, -too proudly i dare say- with Lily. But he was too much occupied with the "Oi Evans!" -which everybody in this room has heard at least once in their life-. So he couldn't see a big wave coming down on him in time for him to jump. Lily didn't see that too because she was too occupied admiring James' pectorals -don't worry Lily we undestand you, we all have been through that-. So she nearly drowned and James too in an heroic attempt to save her. When they both emerged from the water he had an enormous jellyfish attached to his back. then lily did a wandless wingardium leviosa and saved James again.
It is with this story, that describes perfectly your relationship- with james that wants to protect lily but failes miserabily, and lily that in the end protects herself-, that i wish you a long life full of hilarious stories that I will be able to tell. To the Potters, guardians of the outcasts, parents of the marauders, but most important the best brother and sister i could ever imagine."
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angrydebater · 3 years
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This have been done a hundred thousand times but.. I wanted to do it too 😃  
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angrydebater · 3 years
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so happy together!!!
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angrydebater · 3 years
how do i tell my parents that i wanna smoke but not in a pre-made cigs way, but in a watching my 70s gay werewolf boyfriend rolling one and then stealing it from his lips while we sit near the window listening to t.rex?
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angrydebater · 3 years
do i think that sirius black doesn't like to read? yes. do i think that sirius black hates politics? yes. do i think that sirius black would secretly read feminist essays and then angry debate while drunk at gryffindor's parties? also yes.
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angrydebater · 3 years
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and they called it puppy love
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angrydebater · 3 years
Heyyy, I was wondering if you knew any fics where Sirius and Remus raise Harry? Like a what might’ve happened au thank you ❤️ (you’ve probably answered this somewhere already but I’m new here so I’m so sorry lol xx)
here are some wolfstar raising harry fics! hope u enjoy nonnie
a store of happiness by coyotesuspect
the maddest house by busaikko
stealing harry by copperbadge 
scenes from another life by helene 
going on fifteen by curley_green
also, blogs like @wolfstarwarehouse have full lists of au’s, including more raising harry fics :)
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angrydebater · 3 years
Just like Slughorn, Albus Dumbledore collects people. Only, instead of focusing on those with influence, he looks to the outcasts.
The expelled half-giant. The young werewolf. The repentant Death Eater.
He protects them and gives them a second chance. All he asks in return is their loyalty.
And, if on occasion he requests that they undertake a certain task, invoking their debt of gratitude - well, that is no more than he is owed.
He once thought to add a certain disowned Black to his collection, but quickly realised his mistake.
Sirius is not an outcast, but a rebel. He knowingly chose his path, and chooses what price he is willing to pay for it. He refuses to be used.
So Albus Dumbledore abandons him.
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angrydebater · 3 years
some of you may think that i'm joking, but i'm actually not. i'm being SIRIUS.
to me nothing happened 25 years ago, to me sirius is not dead. and neither is remus.
they are living at Hogwarts because remus is head of the gryffindor house (he is the charms teacher and harry the dada one), sirius helps george in hogsmeade where the latter has opened a franchise of "weasleys' wizard wheezies" shop.
and they get to become the cool gay uncles finally with the new generation. y'know because they didn't had that chance when harry was young.
and now they live happily gay after.
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angrydebater · 3 years
give me Sirius who lost his virginity pretty young because he's hot and popular and he can
give me Sirius who sleeps with a different girl every weekend, but treats them with the utmost respect and doesn't ever mislead them
give me Sirius who sleeps around not because he hates himself or it's a way of punishing himself, but because he's young and it makes him feel good
give me Sirius who realises he likes boys/boys and girls not because he feels physically sick seeing a naked girl, but because he can't stop staring at Messr Moony and his pretty eyes
give me Sirius who we don't call a slut or a man whore just because he does as he pleases with his own body
give me Sirius who we don't see as used goods when he decides to commit to Remus, because he's a human being and not a second hand car!
give me Sirius who loves Remus just as deeply as he would if he had never even kissed anyone because that isn't how emotions fucking work
stop projecting harmful ideas about promiscuity onto Sirius!
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angrydebater · 3 years
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golden trio ot3 ❤️
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angrydebater · 3 years
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i’ll worship like a dog...
pestoprongs on all socials!
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angrydebater · 3 years
people thinking that sirius black is punk really don't know sirius black. remus lupin is punk not sirius. i'm mean:
•first of all liking queen is not punk
•partying with dancing queen from abba is not punk
•singing with mary mcdonald bad girls from donna summer is not punk (and if the whole 31 october 1981 thing didn't happen he would have loved it's raining men from the weather girls in 1982)
•being a simp for your werewolf boyfriend is not punk
•trying so hard in failing school just to annoy his parents more, but ending up having good grades is not punk
•having tea appontments with mcgonagall every now and then is not punk
•spending hours in the bathroom styiling is already perfect hair is not punk
•thinking that david bowie is a wizard is not punk
•dressing up as frank 'n' furter from the rocky horror picture show is not punk
i'm sorry but that's the way it is and you can not tell me this things didn't happen.
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angrydebater · 3 years
just some sirius black headcanons
•they have 30 different pair of black leather boots
•"pads their all the same, just pick one we're already late." "moony you don't understand BLACK LACES AND YELLOW LACES ARE DIFFERENT."
• is a music nerd
•everybody thinks that they only listen to queen or led zeppelin (totally different genres but they can't just listen to one genre)
•well of course they love this kind of music, but they dance to ABBA and Donna Summer in the common room whenever somebody gives them a little bit of alchohol (and at home with moony when doing chores)
•they're not punk. definetly not punk. tries to hide it but inevitably fails (remus is the punk of the group fight me on this)
•they love to create trouble, and annoy people
•attention whore
•they smoke, but only during parties or when they're drinking tea. remus though is a chimney
•bottom. just big power bottom energy
• tries to copy the cool way remus fights, but ends up crying of frustation in the end
• the thing they hate most in the world is losing an argument (and severus snape ofc)
• when they're drunk they either want to kiss everyone or start arguing about politics and philosophy theories, there's no middle ground
• cuddles whore
• favourite place in the world: record stores (and moony's thighs)
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