animeximaginesx · 7 years
The King (5) (NSFW)
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T’Challa x Reader
Summary: Sugar Daddy Art Collector T’Challa
Warnings: Smut
A/N: A day early! Hopefully I’ll have that Nat Pride fic out for you guys tomorrow! Also, look at those thighs. LOOK AT THEM!
He stepped behind you, the cold gold chain caressing your throat as he did so. He clasped the necklace closed and leaned down to kiss your neck as his strong hands drifted over your shoulders giving them a small squeeze.
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
Not standing up for Billy in any way, but I just wanted to point out that it has been confirmed that Billy IS abused by his dad. So that goes along on the same level as Henry in a way. Although Henry is my bby boy and billy is a trashy dickwaf but ya know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me: *watching stranger things*
Me: man I fucking love Henry. I wish he was in this show and beat the shit out of billy.
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
House Sitting (smut)
REQUEST:  jealous!henry where you’re dating him and he sees patrick hitting on you and looking at you in a way that rubs him the wrong way 🎈
“So where are you guys going?”
“A family reunion in the middle of nowhere.” Patrick shrugs, scraping the remains of a fly off his ruler and into a worn out pencil box. It was a disgusting hobby to watch and you flinch away when he pushes the box near your face to give you a ‘better peek inside’.
“How long will you be gone?”
“All of spring break.”
“Got anyone watching the house?”
“I don’t know.” He groans, swatting a hand in the air. You constant questions were becoming a nuisance. “You looking for a job?”
“Yeah kinda.” You answered honestly, looking down. You were becoming strap for cash seeing how schoolwork has made it near impossible to get hold a job—no it wasn’t just that. You could find time for a job if you really wanted one but that would take away all your free time with Henry and… well, you had your priorities.
He traces the lines of your curves with his eyes and you feel nervous under his intent focus, squirming a little to straighten up in your seat. Patrick only averts his gaze when he feels another pair of eyes watching from the distance. In the background, almost a blur, Henry Bowers keeps watch of his girlfriend. If looks could kill…
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
Anonymous asked: Can we have some headcanons for ardyn? How he flirt/get the attention of the girl who’s best buds with the chocobors? How would he get her to go out with him?
Anonymous asked: any chance of ardyn putting down moves on a friend of the chocobros or dating headcannons first ?
The boys have found him unsettling since you met in Galdin Quay, but you can’t help but think about how handsome he is. He’s a little eccentric, a little older, and a lot flamboyant, but it honestly just adds to his charm. 
And lucky you, it turns out Ardyn is just as interested in you as you are in him.
But without the approval of your friends, you’re feeling more than slightly hesitant. So what does he do?
He showers you with affection. Sometimes you feel a little neglected traveling with the bros. They all love you and you love them, but their focus tends to be scattered. The extra attention from Ardyn is greatly appreciated
Ardyn never begs you to be with him like a younger man might, and he’s not mean or bitter when you reject him. He’s so understanding that you find yourself falling for him more each time you have to shoot him down
Even when you’re nowhere near him, little gifts manage to find you. A bouquet of flowers for you at the front desk of a hotel, simple yet elegant jewelry, an outfit that conveniently appears when your clothes are a little battered… You keep these a secret, because you know that if anyone knew it would just creep them out more
Whenever you all cross paths with the chancellor, he manages to isolate you to talk. The mix of compliments, fascinating anecdotes, and playful flirting have you absolutely swooning
But still, you find yourself hesitant to date him. He didn’t have your friends’ approval when he was a mystery, but knowing who he is has solidified their distrust. You think that maybe you shouldn’t trust him, either
Until you break into an Imperial Base to retrieve the Regalia and Ardyn is kind enough to let you go without any fuss. The Empire wants Noctis, but here Ardyn is letting you all leave unharmed. If he really is a bad guy, he wouldn’t have let you go, right?
So the next time you meet him, you decide to tell him you’re interested in being with him. He’s patient when you propose keeping it a secret
“We’ll be like Romeo and Juliet,” he says with a smile
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
Ardyn Headcanons
A little silly, but I think Ardyn probably tells a lot of dad jokes. Partially because he’s just goofy like that (Remember the “warm welcome” joke he made before the Ifrit fight). But also because in all the years he’s been alive, dad jokes are the only thing that are pretty much unchanged. It’s how he can relate to every generation that passes
He’s cripplingly lonely. While some people don’t mind him much, an overwhelming number of them find him off-putting. He chalks it up to the daemons, but a small part of him knows it’s because he’s so out of touch
And even though he’s lonely, he can’t really bring himself to like most people. Over the years, the smallest flaws in humanity have become magnified
Despite everything, he can’t bring himself to hate children or animals
Because of the daemons in his body, he’s sensitive to the sunlight. That’s why he wears so many layers
Practices smiling in the mirror
He feels as if there are two versions of himself; Ardyn Izunia and Ardyn Lucis Caelum. They’re constantly at war with each other
Ardyn Lucis Caelum is the version of himself before everything. He’s locked away deep inside, miserable and guilt-ridden because of all the heinous things that he’s done (and the heinous things that have been done to him)
Ardyn Izunia is the aftermath of everything. A cold, heartless monster. More daemon than man
Ardyn actively tries to forget his past. He feels imprisoned by his memories
And in a way, he is.
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
SugarDaddy!Ardyn x Reader Imagine:
Ardyn buys the reader a super elegant, super sexy night dress to wear in bed for him. Obviously, it’s going to be from the most expensive lingerie store he can find, because he can and because he’s a sweet sugar daddy who loves droppin’ that gil for his little pussy cat.
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
Dating Rin Okumura would include:
Him loving cooking for you and trying out new recipes on you
Often coming back to his dorm after cram school because you know he gets pretty lonely with Yukio working late
Him being pretty flustered when he first spoke to you
Being even more flustered when he tried to ask you out for the first time and his tail was nervously swishing behind him
After you said yes he grinned widely and his tail thrashed about like an excited puppy
Going on small, simple dates like to the park or the movies 
Him feeling guilty because he doesn’t have a lot of money to take you on a date somewhere nice
Even though you insist its fine, it still bothers him so he saves up what he can and at the end of every month takes you out somewhere really special
him doing a small task for Mephisto and he gives Rin a half years pass free to Mepphyland and he takes you on a date there
Him using his demon strength to win you a huge plush at the games
Naming it Rinny, and him finding it adorable
Rin bragging about how he wants to go on all the big rides and then feeling noxious when he does
After you come of the ride he feels dizzy and you let him rest his head on your lap
After coming out the drowsiness Rin freaks out and blushes when he realised his head was in your lap
Attempting to help him study in both regular and cram school
Study dates turning out into cute, playful make-out sessions
Your first kiss was a month after you’d been dating and he tried to cook you a nice meal for your one month anniversary but he was so nervous he accidentally burnt it all
he felt so bad although you found it quite funny and adorable, and you cheered him up by kissing him
Rin was extremely surprised but extremely happy
Ordering pizza after that and watching movies with Kuro on your lap
Yukio walking in on you too kissing 
“Nii-san, please refrain from kissing my students, and please give me warning if your going to be having guests over.”
Despite this, you and Yukio getting along rather well
He likes you because your a some-what hard working student and do well on the tests as well as the psychical work
And you help keep his brothers human side in check
Shima picking on you too but is actually extremely jealous
Mephisto making comments sometimes about you two
“My little bro’s first love! So adorable! Treat him well!”
He then looks at Rin and says “And you treat her well!”
Rin making a comment on how he doesn’t need dating advice from a clown
Rin being extremely protective of you
You being protective of him as well, but feel as if you don’t know how to protect him as well as he does with you, as he’s the son of Satan
Being the only one who didn’t really care that he was Satan’s son
Knowing that Rin is a good person from the start
Asking him if you can touch his tail, and after he agrees being amazed at how soft it is.
During breaks you visit him at his monastery and meet the priests he tells you all about
Them being very friendly and welcoming you into the family
Them telling you embarrassing stories and showing you baby pictures of Rin
Of course he is very embarrassed and flames up in defence 
You kiss his cheek and tell him its okay
Going to visit his fathers grave with him and just sitting by the grave as Rin talks to his dad, and introducing you to each other and he tells his dad all about you.
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If you want another blue exorcist character like this please let me know, I’d be happy to do it for you !!
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
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animeximaginesx · 7 years
they’re cuuuteeeee!! just let me inagine my otp doing thing during match lol
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
Could I possibly bug you for some more romantic headcanons for Sinbad? (some fluff, some nsfw, whatever else comes to mind?) I've been thirsty as fuck for this dude and I feel like a lot of blogs are abandoned/inactive/not taking asks. :( Thank you in advance! You can do Muu and Kouen too if you want, so I don't sound like complete Sinbad trash (even though I am hahaha) *climbs back into dumpster home*
Of course, doll!
I’m gonna skip out on the NSFW rn because I’m around my family and that could get embarrassing pretttyyy quick. o///o|||Sinbad
It would take a while before he’s actually committed to a relationship.
Sorta like having a ‘test’ period before him and his s/o get serious.
Basically he understands that most people are after him because he’s the freaking king of Sindria, has loads of money, and is attractive.
I mean, I honestly feel like he hasn’t really bothered because he doesn’t really trust anyone enough to love him for just him and not his money.
(Don’t be mad! I try to be gender-neutral, but this next one is imo)
Because of that I’ve always headcanoned him as heterosexual, demiromantic.sorry SinJu or SinJa shippers :’) 
(I ship sinja myself)
Okay but like imagine cuddling and his hair just tickling your face.
While he wouldn’t necessarily go out constantly and boast about his s/o to the whole kingdom, he does make sure everyone knows who they are and he includes them in Sindria’s big festivals.
Imagine being called ‘my queen/king’
Okay, this one’s kinda sad 
But like if Sindria were ever under a State of Emergency or being attacked, etc. He would definitely have like a team prepared to help get his s/o out of the kingdom. Whether his s/o wanted to fight or not, he wouldn’t let you because you just mean that much to him.
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
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(part 2) fanart of @cousaten‘s haikyuu witch AU! ♡ (you can find her inktober works here) 
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
Ask box
Reminder that the ask box is open.
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
New animes!
Also be sure to check out the updated list! I’ve deleted and added a few. ^^
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
Shame me.
I’m actually going to delete the rest of the asks, but I’ll reopen the box for anyone to send requests in. ^^
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
nsfw and relationship headcanons for sesshomaru (Inuyasha) please!
Wow, sorry for the super long, unannounced hiatus. My life’s been super crazy with personal drama. I’d love to say I’m back for sure, but it’s not 100% certain. Anyways, here’s a super late reply!|||Relationship
He wouldn’t change too much
I mean in the manner of his everyday life
of course, if someone insults his s/o it’s all hell
like could you imagine Rin as Sess’ and his s/o’s almost daughter?
I think that’s super cute
The pelt thingy he wears (i haven’t watched inuyasha in foreverrr) would be used as a blanket for the both of you
Not fond of PDA
nsfw under cut
He barks when he cums
That’s a joke
Actually he’s pretty quiet
Just a few grunts here and there. maybe.
I can see him keeping eye contact for the majority of the time
Like he orders you to look him in the eyes
It lets you know he’s the alpha and you’re the omega
that especially applies if the s/o is any other sort of race
actually that applies mostly to humans more than anything
anyways – he’s actually pretty gentle
like rough and intimidating on the outside, but in the actual act takes good care of your body.
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animeximaginesx · 9 years
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