annabird · 1 year
In the evening sun the dragonflies come to dance
Their wings flutter
Glittering like gold in the light
One of every color
Just before the day gives in to night
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annabird · 2 years
It hurts until it doesn’t
That swollen piece of skin
where a hang nail used to be
It hurts
until it slowly shrinks down and disappears
Day after day
Until It looks like it did Before you nervously chewed it off
So wrapped up in a panic,
you didn’t even realize you were biting,
Leaving no sign
as to ever stinging to the touch
A deep pulsating murmur
Loudly in your ears
It hurts until it doesn’t
That heavy sinking feeling
in the pit of your stomach
pulling you to depths unknown
Listening to echos under water
Or the ache in your heart
Until one day you are in the shower shaving your legs and you are singing for the first time since
It lingers in ways you didn’t know existed
a raised scar or prickling in your numb fingers
It is in heavy eyelids
that cannot hold back tears
Strong enough to keep your eyes opening each morning
Yet too weak to block the gates
a loyal visitor, though it travels often
The in between cant last forever
You will remember their smile
Or the sun reflecting in their eyes
Miss their laughter or gentle cry
That painful longing will become of you
A distant friend
And it will hurt again
until it doesn’t
A repeating cycle
Till the very end
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annabird · 2 years
Ezra was beautiful, not in the way of looks though those around him thought so, but in the way that he loved. He fought his coding with such revere and perseverance. He surprised me most of the time. Most of all he loved Shea, till his last breath.
In thinking of the future and all that came with my assignment. I made a decision, rather I had to intervene, an impulsive tick in the back of my throat that guided me with every step against my own kind. Utterly compulsive. When I would visit him, Shea would have just snuck in through the window, the curtains still swaying slightly.
Excitement secluded them, so engrossed they were too busy to bother closing the latch to the left. Their hands and feet rushed towards each other but their fingers lingered.
They would be laying together in an embrace only seen by young love and starry nights. Clinging to each other to escape their lives.
I would watch them sleep for hours, listening to their conversations under the crocheted bed covers that Ezras mother stitched together. I would leave when appropriate, a rustling of blankets and lips. I would miss them, so much so that an ache in my chest grew, dreading what was to come for him. For they both would lose their lives.
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annabird · 2 years
It wasn’t the call of the fall, it was the flight.
Enticing as it was, I was filled regrettably with emptiness.
Weightless, when I wanted to be fulfilled.
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annabird · 2 years
She wandered to the sea
Sea foam scattered on the sand
There she stood
She wavered none
Where tides crashed into land
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annabird · 2 years
“Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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annabird · 2 years
“But then it passed, as all things do.”
— Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed
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annabird · 2 years
I am, as the novelists say, in need of seaside air
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annabird · 3 years
He said my eyes were darker than the sea when it storms.
Swallowing him whole.
He knew like the waves greeting the shore,
he couldn't help
coming back for more.
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annabird · 3 years
Part 1: The rose and slug
You could have said no when I asked
For this dance
A hint in your eyes said
You’d be lost in my trance
Engulfed in all my flames
Playing inside my fire
I encouraged all of your darkness
But was your soul that I desired
I grew stronger as you wandered
Bringing ashes to your earth
And then you couldn’t put me out
No matter how deep it hurt
Are you thirsty now or just spent?
A fragile heart bound by cement
Searching for an answer
To fill emptiness inside
Asking all the wrong questions
Ignoring all your truths
Inhaling all the chaos
Reaching higher for the moon
Praying for forgiveness
Shaking as you cry
A little hit, of something quick
To escape the reason why
Lock the door
Quiet room
Hiding out
But I can always find you
Are you thirsty now?
Lying like you always do
You finally found the water
If only a rig and spoon.
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annabird · 3 years
She danced under moonlight
And cried with the clouds
Drank water from lilies
Her feet on the ground
Slept soundly in meadows
Rose with the dawn
Never took notice
All her shadows were gone
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annabird · 3 years
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♫ You can make the mountains ring Or make the angels cry Though the bird is on the wing And you may not know why… ♫
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annabird · 3 years
no, i don’t have a “dream job.” i want to spend my days reading and writing and lazing in the afternoon sun. i want to bake bread and brownies and apple crumble. i want to grow my own vegetables and plant a rainbow of flowers. i want to be with nature. i want to be at peace.
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annabird · 3 years
“You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want.”
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annabird · 4 years
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annabird · 4 years
How lovely it has been,
To orbit your soul
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annabird · 4 years
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