anolytics · 2 years
What is Data Annotation and it’s importance?
Data annotation is the process of labeling the data available in various formats like text, video or images. For supervised machine learning labeled data sets are required, so that machine can easily and clearly understand the input patterns.
Ref:click here
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anolytics · 2 years
Product Categorization, Its Significance for Your E-Commerce Business
Product categorization is an integral part of e-commerce when it comes to managing your product list for your business and helping your customers find what they wish to buy. Consider the buyers’ preferences as you set up the taxonomy that best suits your products.
Ref: Click here
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anolytics · 2 years
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As a result of artificial intelligence, the goal of precision agriculture can be achieved with increased harvest accuracy and quality. Using artificial intelligence, a computerized system can detect farm plant diseases, pests, and poor nutritional conditions. Herbicides can be applied locally based on the detection and targeting of weeds through AI sensors. However, AI in agriculture needs quality training data for automated agricultural equipment manufacturing and farming management & monitoring mechanisms. Anolytics claims to be a leading AI agriculture training data company with unparalleled data annotation & labeling expertise — it can play a substantial role in successfully developing and deploying AI in agricultural processes.
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anolytics · 2 years
Audio & Speech Data Annotation Services for AI
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We offer the most efficient solution to collect and annotate speech and audio data to develop further and train speech recognition models. We take care of all the heavy lifting so that you can focus on your core competency. We help product development teams in consumer audio and speech recognition products to improve the accuracy of their products by providing them with data sets containing highly accurate annotations of model-specific human speech.
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anolytics · 2 years
Data annotation to train AI for Security And surveillance
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Let Anolytics bring you its data annotation expertise to develop and employ quality training data in AI-based security and surveillance systems. Being a leading annotation expert, Anolytics claims to offer appropriately annotated datasets to implement in security and surveillance models. You can rely on Anolytics if you need data annotation experts to create training data for training AI algorithms of your security models.
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anolytics · 2 years
What AI Can Do for Radiologists Using X-rays, CTs, and Ultrasounds
VR and MR technology have been used in virtual and Augmented Reality (AR) immersive environments for years. These technologies enable real-time 3D mapping and the delivery of software-defined signals.This approach allows for low-cost, high-power devices that are small and inexpensive to be used in both virtual and augmented reality applications. It’s important to note that these technologies don’t require the presence of humans for practical use.
For more details :-https://bit.ly/3RndUKu
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anolytics · 3 years
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The Safety Framework in Autonomous Cars
the safety framework in autonomous vehicles has been a bone of contention for the automotive and tech giants, alike. Safe driving experiences are increasingly dependent on decisions by human drivers and comprehensive implementation has been done to make autonomous vehicles safe and secure for passengers. 
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anolytics · 3 years
Image Annotation for Computer Vision AI in Agriculture & Farming
Anolytics offers Training Data for AI in Agriculture with all types of image annotation service to make the objects recognition through computer vision. It is specialized in annotating the crops, vegetables and fruits in farm field. The images are annotated to train the AI or ML models work automatically making agriculture easier and productive. 
Read more - https://bit.ly/35bTsqo​
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anolytics · 3 years
Text Annotation Service for NLP in Machine Learning
The video showing the Text Annotation for Machine Learning. How texts are annotated with added metadata making the entire text document recognizable or comprehensible to machines. Anolytics provides the text annotation services for machine learning and NLP-based all types of AI models need huge amount of labeled datasets. Anolytics make every text comprehensible to machine learning based AI developments with high-quality data annotation services. 
Read more -  https://bit.ly/2MK3t4t​
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anolytics/​
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anolytics.ai/
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anolytics · 4 years
The video annotation services offered by Anolytics is available for wide-ranging AI development fields like autonomous vehicles, human activity or poses to recognize the facial expressions and detect the activities for machine learning. It is also providing live video annotation service using the most advance tools and techniques to annotated the moving objects with best level of accuracy while ensuring the safety of data at each stage of annotation and data delivery.
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anolytics · 4 years
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Robots were the first-known automated type machines people got to know. There are was a time when robots were developed for performing specific tasks. Yes such machines were earlier developed without any artificial intelligence (AI) to perform only repetitive tasks.
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anolytics · 4 years
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Understanding the issues with self-driving cars is very important for machine learning engineers to develop such an AI-enabled vehicle for successful driving. So, right here we also discuss the most critical problems with self-driving cars.
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anolytics · 4 years
How Image Annotation Helps in AI Development for Agriculture Sector?
Image annotation is becoming important for computer vision based all types of AI models developed through machine learning. In agriculture sector AI has set foot through various advance equipment system and techniques, making this field more productive and efficient.
Yes, robotics, drones and AI-enabled machines are dedicatedly used in agricultural sector for performing various tasks. Actually, all these machines works on computer vision based technology. And these AI-enabled machines are trained through training data sets generated through images annotation.
Image Annotation for AI and Machine Learning
Image annotation is the data labeling technique used to make the varied objects recognizable for machines. And in machine learning huge amount of such datasets are used through algorithms. Hence, image annotation plays an important role in model development.
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And computer vision based all types of AI model can be well-trained if high-quality datasets is used with right algorithm. Though, there are varied types of image annotation techniques and according to the model’s algorithm’s compatibility and other feasibility, images are annotated.
When image annotation is done for agriculture sector, there are many things (object of interest) are annotated as per the model requirement. From plants to fruit or land everything is annotated to make them recognizable or even comprehensible for machines so that they can actions accordingly. So, right here below we will discuss why and how image annotation in agriculture or farming.
Image Annotation for Robotics to Detect Crops
The crops, plants or floras need to be detectable to robots for picking the fruits and vegetables. For precise detection of such objects, precise annotation is also important, so image annotation using the bounding box technique can annotate the object making AI possible in agriculture.
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Image Annotation to Detect the Unwanted Crops
Along with useful plants, unwanted crops also grew while cultivating the fields in the agricultural sector. Weeds, wildflowers and other wild plants are highlighted with image annotation technique to make it identifiable, so that it can be removed by the machine for better growth and yield of the crop.
And when huge amount of annotated images are used to train the model, then robots become capable to detect such unwanted crops that are eating nutrition of the main crops.
Image Annotation to Monitor the Health of Crops
Crops matured, not matured or getting infected due to insects or fungus can be now monitored through AI-enabled devices like drones or robots. But again to make such things identifiable you need to use the image annotation technique. From semantic segmentation to other popular image annotation techniques, there are many procedures that help to monitor the health of the crop.
Image Annotation for Geo Sensing of Fields
The one of the most important yet crucial use of image annotation is identifying the soil condition and health of the field. Yes, image annotation can be used for geo sensing that helps to find out the condition of agricultural field and make the right decision of cultivation or harvesting. The semantic image segmentation helps to generate set of large data for deep learning in agro field.  
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Anolytics is the leading image annotation service provider in the industry. It is also offering the high-quality image annotation service for agricultural field. AI companies seeking for high-quality training data for the robots, drone and other autonomous machines can get the annotated images here with scalable solution to produce the large volume of AI training data sets at lowest cost.  
Apart from training data for agriculture, it is offering the set of data for other fields like automotive, retail, drones, autonomous vehicles, security cameras and computer vision based other AI models. The training data for AI here is developed in the highly secured environment to ensure the privacy & safety.  
Image Annotation for Live Stock Management
Animal husbandry is now easier and productive with AI-enabled machines. Yes, animals can be monitored through drones or AI-enabled machines keeping them in count and inside the campus. Again image annotation is the technique, used to make such animals recognizable in various scenarios. Bounding box and semantic image segmentation helps to make the animals recognizable with accuracy. 
Source : https://anolytics.home.blog/2020/09/03/what-is-the-role-of-image-annotation-in-agriculture-farming/
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anolytics · 4 years
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AI based models developed through machine learning for Ariel view need satellite imagery dataset to train the model for right detection. Anolytics provides satellite imagery data sets with annotated images to make the varied objects recognizable from the Ariel view or at sky level heights where autonomous flying objects fly to monitor various things from the atmosphere.
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anolytics · 4 years
How AI Enhances the Smart Home Security System with AI Cameras?
The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is promising for the various fields with golden opportunity to automate the systems and make things smarter. In security system, AI security cameras going to play amazing role with more advance security and monitoring system for home security.  
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AI for Home Security System  
AI is now used in home security system through AI cameras and video surveillance. And thanks to AI technology, cameras are now equipped with more advanced features to provide the more comprehensive detail of surroundings with more clear picture of the various objects.  
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Future Technology in AI Security Cameras  
Thanks to AI, such cameras now comes with multiple features like detection the objects and recognizing them, what category or group it belongs. Apart from that, AI security cameras can also detect objects in dark environment or during nights with night vision technology.
Also Read : How To Ensure Quality of Training Data for Your AI or Machine Learning Projects?
Furthermore, AI security cameras now comes with motion sensor technology, to stay on sleep mode when there is not object or movement at focused area and wakeup to record or capture the objects as it comes in front of the camera. These cameras are moveable and moves according to the movement of objects to record its activities and send it to the owner.
Future of Home Security System with AI Security Cameras:
Ultra-High-resolution Recording
Infrared Night Vision Technology
Motion Detection Alert System  
Live Recording & Processing
Multi Device Accessibility
High-capacity Memory Storage  
Two-ways Communication
Face Recognition System
Thermal Scanning of Humans
How AI Improve the Home Security System?
With the AI camera based security system, homes are becoming smarter. People living in the houses, can utilize the face recognition system to recognize the people coming in their doorstep. While opening the doors, they will get know the person if they know or not to ensure safety from unauthorized people.
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Similarly, using the auto motion detection system in AI cameras, the unknown creatures or unwanted activities can be easily detected while sitting inside the room. The 360 view of camera can be accessed through smartphones and other portable devices with live coverage and tow-way communication.
More Accurate Face Detection System in AI Camera
Similarly, to detect the human faces, landmark annotation is used to create the training data for machine learning in AIsecurity camera. This image annotation technique annotate the human faces meeting from one-to-another point measuring the face dimension and other attributes.
Multiple Language Voice Recognition System in AI Camera  
The new age of AI cameras are trained with two-ways talk-back system allowing the owner communicate with anyone through such cameras. And few cameras are built with virtual assistant system to answer various questions of people in their native languages.
And to train the voice recognition system, natural language processing with text annotation and audio annotation are used to train the AI camera model. When trained with huge quantity of language or speech based training data AI camera becomes capable enough to understand the human language and ready to answer their questions with relevant replying to different types of users.
How to Get Training Data for AI Camera for Home Security?
Anolytics is one the leading data annotation companies, providing the image annotation services for machine learning and AI based model developments. It is also providing the training data for AI security camera for object detection and recognition in various natural environments.
Anolytics is working with team of well-trained and highly skilled annotators to annotate the images and other data with next level of accuracy. It is also providing the data annotation services for machine learning and deep learning in AI for various fields including agriculture and healthcare etc.  
Ref. url : https://anolytics.home.blog/2020/06/10/how-ai-enhances-the-smart-home-security-system-with-ai-cameras/
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anolytics · 4 years
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Anolytics offers a great platform to get the high-quality training data sets for AI cameras in security surveillance system. Mainly using the bounding box image annotation to detect the various objects and recognize the suspicious actions,
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anolytics · 4 years
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Read this infographics about the training data sets for healthcare. What are the types of training data sets created to develop the AI model for healthcare sector. The types of training data and how these training data sets are created using the image annotation services to annotate the medical images to diagnosis the various diseases, helping machine learning algorithms learn from the training data sets and give the accurate results when used in real-life. Anolytics, provides medical image annotation services for healthcare with high level of accuracy for right predictions by the model.
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