anonymousketchup · 6 years
It's that time of year...
In a few days I'll have 2 6-year-olds.
I don't believe it.
I love my boys so much
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anonymousketchup · 6 years
Happy mothers day!
To my beautiful wife, mother of my children.
Thank you for taking care of me. and my boys.
Enjoy your day.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Little J learned how to ride a bike
They grow up so fast. My Julian can ride a bike without training wheels.
He picked out a purple bike.
I'm so proud.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Happy 6th Birthday, Trey!
I don't know what to write. You made me a dad.
You taught me kindness, joy and laughter. I love being your dad.
You're the bestest big brother ever.
-Love Mimi & Daddy
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Holy s**t, I made my wife a mom
It just hit me. I made my wife a mom. I gave her 2 babies.
I carried my oldest and she went through the process with me. She even felt him kick for the first time.
She has PCOS and she was told that she couldn't have kids. She told me used to be depressed that she would never get to have a family.
People even tell her that she looks like them.
Anyway, I'll keep this short. She's drinking wine and bringing out the baby pictures. Her baby is turning 6. Honestly, I don't believe it either.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
My family
My boys are biological half-brothers. In my case, I knew Little J before I adopted him. My sons are brothers and I wanted them to have the privilege of growing up together.
I'm a seahorse dad. I delivered my oldest son in February 2012. The boys' biological mother who they call Aunt C gave Little J's seahorse dad Uncle S some DNA, and in October 2012 Little J was born. That makes them 8 and half months apart.
Little complicated, I know. I'll give you colors.
Let's say that I am blue. Aunt C is yellow. And Uncle S is red. That would make my oldest son green, and my youngest son orange. With the yellow in common.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Snowed in..
What else do you do during a snow in?
The boys went sledding until they tired out. We ate chilli. My oldest, Trey, helped me cook it (that's our special time. Little J has been showing more interest in cooking)
I've been talking to my youngest a lot lately. I've been telling him about his biological father, another seahorse dad, who he's dubbed "tummy dad" (what can I say, he's 5).
He said I was regular dad. And is psyched to have 2 dads and a Mimi (my wife. Can't blame him. Everybody loves Mimi)
He wants to see tummy dad because he hasn't since he was 3. I have no problem with this. I've always treated this as an open adoption.
So, soon we'll be seeing Uncle Sandino aka "Tummy Dad" and I couldn't be more happy.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Update on the first born.
He is still boy kid #1. And wishes to be referred to as such. He woke me up at 3am to tell me. Dad life. Am I right?
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Dawn of the 6-year-old.
In give or take a month and a week, I'll have a 6-year-old. I don't believe it.
Big stuff is coming up; 1st grade, booster training, a big karate tournament.
Happy almost birthday, kiddo. He's really Eexcited. He wants a pink laser tag party.
(A boy who's not afraid of pink, I'm so winning as a father).
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
Last night I was talking to my oldest son. Nothing unusual there. We talk all the time.
I asked him if he was a girl. He started tearing up. He won't look me in the eye. He didn't answer yes or no. He instead asked if Nana (my mom) would be mad. (She hasn't fully accepted me yet)
I don't know if he's transgender or not, but I hope he finds a life of happiness.
More importantly, he has 2 parents who love and accept him. In particular a trans man, and an AFAB nonbinary mom.
I love you, little guy. I will always be your Dad. And I'll accept you either way.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
His Blood is on My Hands
Lately I've been exchanging words with a 17-year-old kid. I call him a kid because that's what he is. Technically he's one month away from his 18th birthday and the rest of his life, but I digress.
Anyway, I said some things I deeply regret. I used the words "rude" and "ugly". Not the worst words ever by themselves, but the weight of them could be the feather that breaks the camels back. (And we would never know.)
I just saw him post that he was feeling suicidal.
I'm not a perfect person. I didn't think about the words I chose. He's a child. He's someone's son. Like my 2 sons. I wouldn't want someone doing this to them. You should always encourage a kid. Especially a transgender kid.
His blood would be on his hands if anything happened to him. I'm just glad I realized before it was too late. We in the trans community have work to do.
I've had some really difficult things going on in my personal life, and I think I've been taking it out in him. This is under no circumstances an excuse, but I think if I can get to the cause of my behavior I can fix it.
I'm really sorry, man. I hope some day you can forgive me. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
I'm Little J's dad on paper. I know I shouldn't care about formalities. I've been his dad for the last 4 years. But it's great to have him in my arms forever.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
OK future parents
I’m sure that many of you guys will eventually become parents and spawn children of your very own.
Here is my #1 pet peeve:
When college student go off to college and talk about their first time doing laundry or making their bed. Or cook.
That is inappropriate. Parents need to prepare their children for lives away from them someday.
You need to teach your children basic life skills. So they can learn through trial and error.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
No you're wrong
My adoption hearing is next week. A man said to me today "I hope next week goes well. Hopefully you bring home a second son"
No. I already have 2 sons. I've had my youngest since he was 11 months old. He is my son. I picked him up and knew he was mine. I am the man who he called "Dada" with those first words. I stayed up with him through all those nights. I'll be there for his graduations, his wedding and hopefully when he has his own kids.
To make this short, I don't need a piece of paper to tell me who my son is. Because he's already mine. I have 2 sons. I grew one in my belly. And one in my heart.
All that's changing is his last name (hopefully things go my way on the 22nd).
To my baby boy, I want to thank you. You've taught me more than words can say. You've made me mature beyond my years. I'm grateful to be your father. I'm glad you chose me to be your dad. I look forward to watching you grow up.
Sometimes people with only biological kids don't get it. DNA doesn't make a family. Love does.
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
His little teefers!
Reason #101 to have another baby I guess
That little smile lights up a room. Go on, junior! Everything on a baby is small and cute. Even when they break stuff. What cute little distruction. And you can't even get mad. It's just so cute
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
and I’m fucking transgender
i’ve been out to you for 7 years. stop sheing me. stop hering me. it’s just fucking wrong. one day I won’t be around. 
I hope your cis kids take care of you in your old age
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anonymousketchup · 7 years
and mom, frumpy is not a compliment. It’s a part of the emotional abuse that we pass from generation to generation. It’s not a word that you should call your fucking child. stop it right now.
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