antalamh-blog · 8 years
How do you feel about this whole Alisha situation?
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Jesus Christ
My ‘feelings’ below the cut.
Before I played Zestiria, I didn’t like Alisha. After I played Zestiria, I still didn’t like her. Now before everyone hops on my metaphorical dick about why I should like Alisha, I played Zesitira is English. I’m well aware the the English versions of Japanese games botch a lot of characters like they did to Elise in Xillia. Alisha just isn’t my kind of character. By now means do I hate her. She’s just not my thing. I understand that’s irrelevant to the conversation, but I wanted to get that out of the way before my ‘comments’.
First of all, I haven’t been on tumblr since noon EST. Which means i’m only just hearing about this conversation. As it was stated in other posts, Alisha is far from being important to the Hyland officials or whatever you want to call them. As Angii said, the draft age in the United States is still- to this day- 18 which is only one year older than Sorey. In addition to that, yes. It is horrible that Sorey with forced into it. But from what I saw and what other people have seen, being forced into this war was what built Alisha’s character in the beginning. For a character that is considered an important character, Alisha is in a very small amount of this game. This is one of the only situations we see first hand of how Alisha reacts to events. This one, in particular is very important. It’s how she reacts under stress and in horrible situations such as war.
It’s also important to remember Alisha’s profession. She is a knight. What do knights do? They fight. To put things simply, Alisha was trained to be prepared to fight in a war. Her being a princess is irrelevant to most because a lot of people would have to die or be deemed unfit to rule for her to even get close to being the ruler.
Now the person who started this conversation is someone I do not follow. I have never interacted with them. This is not a personal attack. I am not proving them wrong. I am not arguing with them. And by no means and I telling them how to think. But I will say this.
Tumblr is a public website. That means that anyone and everyone has the right to comment on a conversation. Anyone and everyone has the right to give their opinion. Tumblr is not the place to get uppity and offended when someone disagrees with you.
I’m being asked to comment so late into this whole program and because of this, I refuse to comment about it any further. This was my two-cents.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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So I figured out how I’m gonna do replies. I’ll play a song in one of my idol games, do one reply, play another song, and do another reply. That way I can keep myself entertained since I have horrible concentration when it comes to writing! Also, like this post for a starter since I’ve had a few new followers lately
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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So I kinda took a step back from this blog after vacation to just chill out and play idol games relentlessly. I also got back into playing Disgaea 5 since it’s super chill to just level grind in there.
I mentioned this before but I’m going to New York City for the better half of a week (starting August 7th) to visit some friends so I won’t be able to really do replies. But I will try to do all of my replies before I leave and get them queue’d up.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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I’m finally home from the mountains! Right now I’m super tired so I’m gonna maybe do drafts later or tomorrow.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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     “Highly unlikely. I’m not a ‘partying’ up kind of lady.”
So what if she got whatever these experience points were? Edna didn’t exactly care about any of that. Unless there was a one hundred percent chance that she could back home if she hit a certain level, Edna wasn’t going to bother with any events. The only tempting thing about this ‘beach bash’ or whatever was the reward of sunglasses. If she were to participate in something like this, someone would have to sweeten the deal just a bit more.
     “It depends on what you’ve got, though. My services       can be bought for the right price.”
@antalamh || beach event starter
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“…still a no?” The funny thing about Edna is that she was very terse? Kind of mean, but Elysia was determined by this point. They had started off not exactly working things out, considering that Edna refused to team up with her. Normally, she was inclined to let others be but this event was about making friends and even if you didn’t, well, she couldn’t say she didn’t try! 
Crossing her arms, frowning, she decided to change tactics. “Will a bribe work?”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
But it’s hard.
It’s the only response that popped into Edna’s head and her lips parted for the words to escape but she quickly caught them in her throat. The seraph didn’t want anyone to know she was having trouble finding her will to keep going. Eizen was such a big part of her life and for her to go on this journey while he was alone and maybe even afraid that he would never wake up from his nightmare was taking is toll on her. Sometimes she wondered if this was some nightmare of her own. Maybe she’d wake up soon.
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     “I just think about how lonely he is. That’s all. And       if it ends with his death, then his last memories       will be me abandoning him.”
The words were almost a growl. As if she were angry with the human for pulling the truth from her lips.
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           ❛    edna….  ❜    &  emerald irises   SOFTEN,  once hearing how the   EARTH  SERAPH   lacked   HOPE   within her words.  (  but she won’t give up  ——– she shall   ENCOURAGE   her friend to keep going, ———- to have   HOPE.  )      ❛    no, i can’t   PROMISE   that.   but i can   PROMISE   we will give our everything to   TRY   to.  but we won’t be   ABLE    to even   TRY   without you.  you see,  FATE  is a funny thing.  it could   HAPPEN   ———  who knows how close we   TRULY   are to already  ACHIEVING  that ——— but if we were to give up now,  we would   NEVER   know if we would have succeeded.   ❜    &  that is why, she shall   NEVER   give up   &   gives everything she’s got.      ❛    nor can we just   ABANDON   you.  you  ——– you’re our   FRIEND.  our   FAMILY   ———  &  if you, or someone you   CARE   of  is in trouble,  we will   HELP.    ❜   
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
In his hands is a figurative olive branch——a gorgeous black forest gateau cake slice with a single ruby red cherry and chilled cream, far from anything that might get him any of the girl's good graces (like he'd ever seem to be on her good side, though), but it remained a peace offering nonetheless... and perhaps a bit of a silent apology for earlier remarks.
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     “Wow, Meebo. You’re that big of a kiss-up?”
Everything the two said to each other was full of sarcasm and mock hostility but in reality, Edna held no ill feelings towards the other seraph. Of course, he started as just something to amuse herself with every brutal comment made and every pun she formed his name into. But it had grown to be all in good fun. But if he was going to feel sorry about some of the thing he said, then she would have no complaints it if meant she was going to get delicious treats like this slice of cake. Edna wasn’t above being bought with sweets.
     “I’ll think about forgiving you for what you said about me.      I’m still very torn up about. I even cried.”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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     “I really only care about the sunglasses reward.”
Edna wasn’t one for little accessories like those. All she had were what her brother had given her a long time about and so far she was content. But a part of her really wanted those sunglasses. It would definitely make travelling in the blazing sun slightly more tolerable. The umbrella shielded her skin but sometimes she needed something a little extra. 
So who better to team up with than Rose? She was certainly the most tolerable.
     “Maybe if we do it fast enough we can find Meebo and       show him how much better we look than him. And kill       all the monsters without partying up with him. That way       he’ll never get them.”
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                    ❛ hey there, shorty ! you ready to kick some monster butt ? ❜ it’s not as if rose particularly wants her friends to suffer the same circumstances she has, yet the assassin isn’t going to complain about the matter either — having allies here makes partying up & doing quests much easier ! ❛ the sunglasses reward looks cool, doesn’t it ? ❜
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
“Let every little fracture in me shatter out loud.”
Sleeping at Last song meme || not accepting
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     “Not even I would judge you for that.”
It was a strange case when someone got Edna to actually feel sorry for someone. Sorey wasn’t the kind of person who deserved this. To be used as a vessel for Maotelus was something she never thought she’d care about. But Sorey had- ironically enough- kept her grounded. He was the first human she ever trusted and would most likely be one of the last. What was the point of getting attached to human? It would only hurt that much more when something like this happened to them. She hated how much he meant to her after such a short amount of time. But there was something about Sorey that made her feel content. She really hoped this wasn’t Maotelus.
     “I don’t like getting sappy. But you know, you always let       as talk about what bothers us. Like when we had to kill       Eizen or when Dezel died. You can talk about thing too,       you know.”
It was embarrassing to reach out a helping hand to him. Not because he was a human- although less so now- but because she didn’t generally care to help others like this. But after everything he did for all of them and all the things he sacrificed for a world he loved with his whole heart even after seeing how ugly it could be, Sorey deserved it. He deserved a time to shatter as loud as he needed to. 
     “Don’t tell anyone I said that, by the way.”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
“But I put it out of my mind long enough to call it courage.”
Sleeping At Last song meme || not accepting
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     “Well. if you put it out of your mind, you’re hiding from it.”
It didn’t matter what you called it. To hide is to be afraid and since when does giving into fear equate to courage? Maybe it was another way for humans to cope with what they’ve done. It didn’t matter how long you hid from the past, it always had a way of finding you. This would be a long journey if the humans kept their hearts on their sleeves until they bled dry. Humans sympathize with one another. It’s just something in the nature of most. And those who can no longer do so are the one’s that shoved things out of their minds long enough to call it ‘courage’ or whatever they dared to label it as. Or at least, that’s how Edna saw things.
     “Put it out of your mind all you want, it’ll come back.       If you ask me, courage would be you confronting it.       But, hey. What do I know?”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
Centuries. Unacceptable. The people she had grown close to hadn’t seen her in centuries. What was she thinking keeping to herself for so long? There had been visitors, of course. But that was ages ago. it’s a wonder the malevolence hasn’t crept into her heart. Now she was returning to Ladylake which was within walking distance of the mountain. Edna wondered is she were more caring towards humans if she would feel the weight of responsibility for what happened to Alisha. There was no time for that sort of sadness. What’s done is done and Alisha was one of the seraphim along with Edna.
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     “Huh. I guess I’ve been away a lot longer than I thought.       Does everyone else already know? No one told me.”
Shifting the blame onto the shoulders of Zaveid and the others, maybe Edna could avoid guilt. She hated the feeling- the weight in brought to her already heavy heart. The guilt for what happened to Eizen was finally slipping away. But then something like this comes along.
     “Um. Sorry, I guess. That it happened.”
“Edna?” There a brief, fleeting moment when Alisha is genuinely surprised at how easily the smile on her lips comes and how the seraph’s name rolls off her tongue even in question. Had they met a few decades ago the light seraphim wouldn’t have been even able to place a name to the other before her.  Yet now… Brushing the thought aside the knight focused on the situation at hand.
“I believe that I have the hellions to thank for that..”  At least that was what had occurred to the best of her knowledge. While she was aware of who she was, thanks to a few well placed meetings with a certain shepherd, the circumstances of the knight’s death were muddled at best. However, if there was one thing Alisha was certain of was that her death had been for the sake of people, her people, and that was enough for her to not regret it. 
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“But, that was quite some time ago. More than just a few centuries ago I’m afraid.”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
Turning on her heel, she looked to the human standing beside her. Was he able to see her? Or maybe he could only hear her voice. Many times before Edna had heard of these rares humans who were tuned enough to hear the voices of those who remained unseen. But she had never encountered one for herself before. Either way, just the fact that he would bring up the human’s survival that was on the line annoyed the spirit to an extent. What did she care if they needed it to survive? There wasn’t a single human she could tolerate.
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     “What do I care if they needed it to survive... All it takes       is for them to be willing to harm spirits for their own gain.       No amount of new technology is gonna make up for it.”
She waved her hand in front of the human’s face with a tilted head. If she could be heard, maybe she could be seen as well. Not that it mattered either way. Since when do the humans on this continent listen to spirits?
     “Hey- can you see me?”
It was horrifying to think of, that a world creating items that harmed spirit’s existed. However, it was important to remember that these people had nothing compared to them. Was it a fault in their genes that led to no mana lobes? That they had to create things that would lead to downfall, the destruction of the one world so that another could thrive. It was terrible, but Elympios had another creation being made.
Hearing the voice beside him, he took a step back in shock but listened carefully to her words. “They don’t have anything left, its the only way they can survive.” He pointed out gently, and smiled softly. “But the’re creating a new kind, spyrites. They won’t harm spirits or their users if done correctly and it’ll aid those who are unwell. Surely that is something important?”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
(Zav) “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.”
Worried Starters || accepting
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The seraph blocked her eyes from the sudden sunlight as the other came into the room and pulled back the curtains. It had been days- maybe even weeks- since the last time the room had seen the light of day. Edna had no complaints, however. Staying in here was a lot better than going out there and pretending everything was alright. Someone thing about how it all ended disturbed her. She hated every second of it and it was just plain unfair. First, she lost her older brother. Edna thought things would never get worse. And then they lost Sorey- the first human she ever gave a damn about.
     “No clue. Probably not in weeks. Why are you      even here?”
Zaveid wasn’t even supposed to be here. Last time she checked, he had been banned from coming to mountains by her brother. Just because he’s dead doesn’t mean the rule still applies. Edna had half the mind to kick him out. But a part of her wanted the help.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
worried starters
trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
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Hey, guys! So tonight my friend is coming for dinner so we can talk about her dog-sitting my puppy, tomorrow I’m staying the night at my aunt’s house watching her dog, and then the next morning I leave for my vacation in the mountains! That being said, I won’t be around much. I think I’m gone for three nights. To those that play Guild Wars with me, I’ll probably won’t be playing. My twitter will stay active and I will be scrolling through tumblr on mobile. I’ll probably just like things. Most likely, I’ll be available on Skype most nights but not so much during the day. We’re staying in a hotel so I’ll have wi-fi but my mother wants us to spend a little less time on our laptops and more time hanging out as a family.
As an added note, I leave for New York in two weeks! So there’s some more inactivity... Ha... Although, that trip is me visiting a friend so Imight have more downtime in the evening to do some replies although it’ll mostly be spent probably doing some weeb shit idk.
But anyways, I’m gonna try to do my drafts today! I’ll get them queue’d up to post during my vacation. If anyone wants my skype, it’s shslcelestia. My name will be ‘tony bamanaboni’ and the icon is like... An alien ascending.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
I do not need your sympathy or your admiration.
Pacific Rim starters || accepting
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“Edna…” Though she wanted to deny them, Sorey’s sympathy was not pity, his admiration not unfounded. But he didn’t push back with contrary words when he knew that she was hurting and trying not to let it show. He could not know what kind of pain the seraph must be going through after the loss of her brother, but that she had stood at their side and carried what they had to do was incredible.
None of them were people who ran from difficult decisions.
So above it all, he knew that she would not take his apology; he wouldn’t ask for her forgiveness in this. He’d made a naive promise what seemed so long ago. He’d believed it too, with all his heart, that he could have saved Eizen. But now that he was older, wiser, and had come to the opposite conclusion it had been cruel to bolster then take away clung-to hope.
“Alright, we’re going to set up camp up just ahead. Can you keep watch for us here?” If someone was trying hard not to grieve in front of others, then perhaps leaving them was the only kindness he could offer.
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antalamh-blog · 8 years
starter meme - Pacific Rim edition
obv feel free to change pronouns/ect to fit your muse/situation!
Movement in the Breach! We're being deployed!
Don't get cocky.
Let's suit up and kick some ass!
We're Drift compatible
Oh, she loved me. Her boyfriend, not so much.
There are things you can't fight. Acts of god.
Worry about yourself, kiddo.
Kaiju signature, rising!
Five years, four months.
I'm guessing I wasn't your first choice.
I can't have anyone else in my head again.
Where would you rather die? Here? Or in a Jaeger?
Only my mother calls me doctor!
Trust me. You don't wanna.
We're not an army any more. We're the resistance.
Welcome to the Shatterdome.
I didn't know it was this bad.
See the Russians back there? They can get us anything.
Politics, promises, poetry-- these are lies.
Fortune favors the brave, dude.
I'd be a rock star!
Just like old times.
You a pilot?
I think you're unpredictable.
You have a habit of deviating from standard combat techniques.
I don't think you're the right person for this mission.
You make decisions. And you have to live with the consequences.
Vengeance is like an open wound.
He's more my copilot.
It's guys like you that brought down the Jaeger program.
Never knew whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass.
It's about a physical compatibility.
It's a dialogue, not a fight.
She's my copilot.
That's my room.
In which case, ha, I won.
A long time ago, I made you a promise.
You look good.
Prepare for neural handshake.
Remember, don't chase the rabbit.
The drift is silence.
I told you it would work.
I'm okay! Just... let me control it.
Stay with me. Stay in the now.
This is just a memory. None of this is real.
Are you looking for some Kaiju bone powder?
I want to come back from this mission. Because I quite like my life.
You're a Ranger, for christ's sake, why don't you start acting like one?
I know what she means to you.
One: don't you ever touch me again. Two: don't you ever touch me again.
You have no idea who the hell I am, or where I come from.
I do not need your sympathy or your admiration.
I should have warned you. First drifts are rough.
To let someone else in, to really connect... you have to trust them.
The Drift was strong.
You funnin' me, son?
I did it a little bit, yeah.
Get on your feet, old man!
Take these flare guns, and do something really stupid!
Let's check for a pulse.
This isn't a refuge, it's a buffet line!
The Kaiju wants the little dude!
They warned me that if I ever set foot into a Jaeger again, the toll would be too much.
I haven't exactly had a very good day, okay?
You would do that for me?
By Jove, we are going to own this thing for sure!
Getting back into that Jaeger will kill you!
I need you to protect me.
We are canceling the apocalypse!
You're an egotistical jerk with daddy issues.
When you drift with someone, you feel like there's nothing to talk about.
I just regret all the things I've never said.
All those years I spent living in the past... I never really thought about the future.
I never did have very good timing.
Move, you fascist!
You can always find me in the Drift.
If you have the shot, you take it!
Let's finish this.
All I have to do is fall. Anyone can fall.
You're squeezing me too tight. I couldn't breathe.
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