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Next one! Okay, in the beginning I didn't plan to make this a photography-blog but...well, first I didn't have a camera within my phone the time I started this blog and albeit I like to take photos I don't walk around with a camera. Secondly, I wasn't very productive besides writing. I planned to do a lettering but it didn't work out (someone tell me how to draw nice curves like for a 'c' without the help of a tablet/pen...these Bezier-curves in inkscape are ruining it. Or do I?) And so much other stuff besides art - or more precise: doing art myself. Like other art. Like video-games. I'm in love with Squadrons! Actually, I'm kinda addicted ^.^ But today was a nice day, I had a wonderful walk in the woods with sun shining through the leaves and finished 'Fredy Neptune', a great long poem from Les Murrays. So I feel kinda obliged to finish the day with some art...before playing Squadrons.
Have sunny days :-)
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I have no clue how I did this and where I made this photo, but I love it!
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And another one ;-)
I love the moment captured within the picture. This moment of ease, like if gravity vanished. The position of the arm in the middle, moving up, touching the invincible. The street lights, shortly captured, getting distant in the next moment. The closed eyelids. As if everything can be put into a glance, and here the view is turned inwards.
Starting last year, I discovered Burials Antidawn-EP. An atmospheric collection, which can be heared as one piece without disturbing transitions. I fell in love with it. The calmness. The euphoria. As if everything was in it. The state of dreaming, a dream itself. And ease. So it was a perfect fit and my mind connected both the music and the picture.
And the name. Antidawn. What a miracle. For me, it perfectly describes a fight, a hopeless try against the vanishing of the sheltered space of the night where normality is broken and an open space of possibilites is created. Like in the movie, where friendship, nascent love and breaking boundaries of behaviour together are combined, when they break into other peoples houses – which is on the one side breaking the law, but with a view from the protagonist less about stealing then getting into a hidden space, behaving as in a dream, where soleness is celebrated in a quiet and abandoned space. All of it threatened by dawn, ending with the first light.
I thought a long time to create a piece like the one before, but in my mind there was not a fit with letters and pictures, a feasible and fitting combination. In the end, I decided to do something different: Let the picture untouched, and the lettering too. I created a not-yet to abstract last one, and put it under the picture, which I cropped to the main part.
I am quiet satisfied in the end :-)
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I love to combine different art-pieces, connecting within art. When watching the film "Zwischen uns die Nacht"* I fell in love with it: Not only the camera but the story. Art is not necessarily connected to big places and big names (sorry, French cinema). It is a view to the small details, the small things in life: The myth of showmanship, which might have been bigger in earlier days before the rise of digital entertainment – but this might be my second cliché (after jibing about French cinema). The view to be a single mother with all its straits. And love.
There is another art piece I really like: "Archangel" from Burial – a song again connecting art by sampling. It is pure magic. Therefore I tried to sketch different ways of writing it, like I did more below with Promis3, mentioning again the connection of a name with all the emotions I link with it.
I then cut out the A and R out of one of my favourite pictures of "Zwischen uns die Nacht". The impact of the separation of the picture stunned me – on white background it is so strong. I then placed more or less abstract letters in between on white background, filled with the carrousel picture. But I was not satisfied. It disturbed the strong expression of the A/R-motive. On the other side I didn't want to cut the CHANGEL-part. I felt being at a dead-end.
I came back to it the last day of 2023. I had the idea in mind of using the merry-go-round picture to fill the space in between, as the picture has this lovely deep blue – I simply didn't want to use it as a whole background as it looks good but takes away the expression, at least a little bit, from the A/R-motif. I tried then to lay over different CHANGEL-cutouts, so the word-art filled with different pictures. I ended up with a strong picture of the main character dancing under the breaker. I cut it out in a way that a part of the lifted hand is included. As a last step I put down the transparency, something I already did before but a technique I forgot, albeit being so simple.
The endresult is a cut word like a ghost itself, touching the picture, leaving its trace – and I think the word ghost better fits with its association than the word "angel" into the context: Burials song is quite dark with a repeating "couldn't be alone", putting the "kissing you, loving you" in a sad, dark and longing context. When listening to it, I sometimes hear "could it be a loan?" As if for every luck we have to pay a price.
*ZDF Shooting Stars/Das kleine Fernsehspiel. Directed by Abini Gold, written by her and Khyana El Bitar, starring Laura Balzer and more
Legally streamable for free (ZDF is government-funded) under https://www.zdf.de/filme/das-kleine-fernsehspiel/zwischen-uns-die-nacht-102.html
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When I was young there were end-of-the-year reviews in the TV where celebrities commented events and moments of the passing year. So to get famous you have to do end-of-the-year reviews, I guess. Actually, I was so motivated I already started with 2025 but when I reached March I became aware that April didn't happen yet... so let's start with basic 2023.
Okay, more correctly two events in the end of the poem (Pseudo-poem? Text? Whatever) lead to the writing: Sending the song to the friend of mine and the folding of paper-planes...because these were moments so close to life that I wanted to write them down. With close to life I mean the approach of art to write what is and not with a biased and false view. Because life is sometimes longing for love but not experiencing it for a long time or ever. Because life is people playing while people in the same moment suffer and die. Doing morally questionable actions because the urge to do it is so strong. And remembering a supermarket with the same detail and memory as the ocean.
I was not feeling well most time of the year, but I am grateful and lucky for so many moments. Gifts in time. Most of them thanks to people I met, people I already knew and people I got to know. Not every moment made it in the text, but I tried to write down some of them.
Wish you all a happy new year!
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Dear Internet, I love you <3
To celebrate christmas and the end of the year I want to share with you one of my favourite memes :-)
Connecting the seductive motive of a famous scene of Gia Coppolas film "Palo Alto" (based on a book by James Franco) we today connect the fine arts with the putative low ones – pointing toward that there is indeed good and creative spam, fine non-sense and worth-while creativity. Because there is nothing more heart-warming than a good cup of spam.
Merry christmas and a happy new year :*
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On the seventh of October this year Hamas-Terrorists attacked Israeli civilians celebrating at a festival and in parallel citizens within jewish villages. There was no fight, there was only slaughter. Still, some people around the world celebrated it as a fight for freedom.
Celebrating cruelty is an easy way to escape the hardness of life, turning the view away from reality – death is not horrible anymore and justified instead. But reality is a extinguished life, a stopped future. Reality is palestinian people suffering. Reality is jewish people suffering. Reality is that the history of Jews was to be persecuted for no reasons. Reality is that the state Israel is a dream of being safe. Reality is that palestinian people have been expulled. Reality is that palestinian people suffer in the West Bank and in Gaza. Reality is that their suffering is enforced by radical movements like the Hamas, keeping them suffering to recruit new people. Reality is that all the money Hamas has for warfare is so huge that every Palestinian would be a millionair if it would be spend for the people. Reality is the rise of right-winged parties on both sides. Reality is that a full picture of the conflict is hard. Reality is that the full picture is black, covered with hate.
Reality hurts. Reality makes powerless. Finding a way out of impuissance is not always possible and if it is hard. And now Comedy? I don't know whether it is still comedy. Whether it is funny, and in particular: Does it has to be funny? I don't think so. I don't care. I care about language: Finding a language, being able to speak is finding a way out of powerlessness.
And while I mentioned hate so often and also in the set, I hope it becomes clear that many people on both sides want peace. And despite all what happened are open for each other.
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winter term already started (and bears hibernate) ⏰😐💥 PS.: Please let me pass, Mr. Bear 🙏
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By accident I discovered a set of Promis3 at HÖR Berlin and was stunned: Within art there is a lot of average stuff, similar to already done things (which doesn't mean that it's bad!). But once and then there is art which is...different. Outstanding. It is a great gift to do such art.
Art can be strongly connected to a name, as the name is associated with the art. One of the greatest examples is the channel HATE on youtube, which connects and presents many art-pieces, including great videos for the music from KAS:ST or Hadone. I connect all of it strongly to the channels name, which is itself art – choosing a word for one of the strongest emotions we can have, being opposite to the widespread used love, which is often even thought of the ultimate sense of life.
What I love in addition is the great art of writting it. It is unexpectedly hard to find a certain style of writing letters in a new, expressive and fitting way. It is a great challenge – but I love to try, albeit usually not being satisfied in the end. But it's all about the try :-)
After scribbling a little bit I finally had an idea what could be done – not perfect, but at least at the limit of what I could do (okay, that's just another way of writing I ran out of ideas). The draft went from hard letters to a more soft writing to a finally quiet abstract one. I also decided to use colours, as the style of Promis3 is so diverse – melodies, interrupted by another breaking in bass track. Not to mention the style of clothing, the different ways both sing and so on. However, I also made a black-grey-white design after, using the "classical colours" fitting to heavy-hitting techno.
Overall, I think we are getting into abstract minimalistic art here...
Check out their set:
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apprenticesofdeweyhigh · 10 months
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Don't listen to the naysayers
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apprenticesofdeweyhigh · 11 months
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A friend of mine started going to the gym. Don't do that...drive Inspired by the great humor of German Bodybuilder @markusruehl as well as his private servants @rosamunderuehl_ and @roswitaruehl (right photo from them). Check out their videos :-)
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Thinking that this is my frist triple feature *.* Sooo excited....let's get started!
The first part is the poem, which I wanted to present at a small open stage in my town. It is quite emotional, albeit I tried to use a minimalistic and reductive style, for several reasons – one of them is that the most beautiful sentences are the honest ones, deep down from our hearts. And these are often the simple ones. Still, I felt that I needed an opening before opening myself in such a way (some people don't need that, but I don't have that strength).
Several "stage-snippets" then came together: The visiting of a friend some time ago, a story in my mind which is not included in the set but somehow was a start... and the need for fixing my broken heart, the most important ingredient.
And yes: You can find it together with a small collage after the poem, inviting you on a journey from Vegas to the source of the Colorado River in the Never Summer Mountains to New York. To life.
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It's Meme-May, so it's Meme-time. Celebration!
I sent a friend the recordings of a whole lecture, so he didn't has to leave his home. I am proud to gave him the most beautiful day of his life. Then, I created the meme above and sent it to him because he loves Star Wars.
So please...don't
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My first encounter with TikTok was 2019 when famous Dr. WangWang started showing me pictures of beautiful girls he was friends with of out of nothing saying that "She is from Germany". Immediately my hope raised he could introduce me, suddenly buried when he continoued in his innocent and honest way "She is on TikTok". I was wondering about this ominous place where all these beautiful girls were to which Dr. WangWang was a friend.
When I grew up, youtube was in it's first years. Clips were uploaded in low quality (often 360p was standard), and the people who were creative didn't have the setup not only regarding the film-equipment, but also regarding the set in general. There wasn't much advertisement like today – opposite to the TV-shows. This was one reason I started watching youtube, to not be interrupted, to freely choose. Freedom – the scent of the Internet.
There was a spirit on the platform, the spirit of awakening – people were creative, doing silly or non-silly things for fun, becoming more and more professional. I remember the song-parodies or the Pokemon-in-Real-Life-Videos. Still, the force of money was acting and for some youtubers clicks in general became more important than creative ideas. The Algorithms promote that: Frequency is key, Clickbait was born. Pray to the red circle.
Often quality is reciproke to quantity. More videos in the same time is most likely equal to more videos in less quality. This is a trend I generally dislike. I think in life we should not try to achieve many things, but the important ones and do them well. Don't aim to write a book, try to write one good sentence. Don't try to make a lot of drawings, try to make a good one. With time, things can evolve to a book or to an Ouvre. It's all about the aim – which doesn't exlude the need of creating a lot of bad paintings and lousy sentences.
The effect of bad quality is accompanied by another important point: The cut down of length. The shorter the videos are, the higher the chance is that people still stay on the platform. If a video is bad you don't loose much time (or even skip). The void in between is important. Void is a chance to get aware of something, to change. To be bored is nothing which feels good, but it is a turning point, leading to ideas what we can do to change that. For some, it is even the source of creativity. The format of TikTok and similiar formats overcomes this gap by easily allowing a switch with a simple hand-move.
This leads to the effect of people staying on the platform, hoping for a good video. On a neuronal level, this can be considered as a dopamine-gamble: People hope to get a good video, if not they loose – but immediately can take another chance. Ending up wasting time, which sounds not so brutal as it is in fact.
The artwork above is exactly about this: It shows a reel of pictures of incomplete dopamine within the format of a short video. While sometimes almost reaching its full state, the molecule stays incomplete. Every picture stands for another video, another coin of time thrown in the slot-machine.
PS.: However, as always – this doesn't exclude good stuff on TikTok. I never dived deep into the platform as I want to avoid it, but I really like in example Charlie D'Amelios dance videos. They are awesome <3
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another kind of language
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Preparing a new Stand-Up-Set I wanted to go in the end a little deeper into perceptions of masculinity within social structures, especially with the current situation in Iran where people stand up against a system – a fight I have a lot of respect for.
Meme-culture is often (albeit not only) used for funny stuff – also on this channel. So I wanted to go beyond the funny part like within my comedy-gig and todays post is about that.
Leaving the field of jokes the last part of my set is starting from the perspective of hiding women through shrouds, aggreeing with it on purpose (pronouncing that this is the starting point, leaving all more important true reasons of maintaining power in a current system based on certain principles aside). Based on the idea of hiding women by shrouds, we can extend this hiding to an eradication of the female body. One reason given sometimes is the allure of the last. And yes: with this point I can aggree. A womens body can be alluring. It can be freigthening, because sexuality is something bigger than we are. Often sexuality is considered as something either dangerous or astnonishingly beautiful, a big promise. But it has a quite dark side, too, when we get lost or hurt by our longings. It might be rare, but then there is a gravitation which only allows to fall, but often the distance is so large we just fall.
In "Hate" Loyle Carner raps "I fear women/I fear love, religion/I fear drugs, the feeling/I fear us", queueing up the topic of sexuality into the big questions of humanity: The force of love, of spirtitual drive, of psychedelic experience as well as addiction and in the end the biggest incomprehension of all: The one about ourselfes, which embraces all thinkable questions. What Loyle does is expressing his fear, formulating it and therefore getting close to what we can call truth.
Truth is a big term and on purpose I wrote "what we can call truth", as within our perception truth is an estimation, a possible contradiction. It is a belief in something beyond, in a ground we can found our existence on, our thinking, the behaviour of our bodies. In the bible it says "The truth will make you free". What it liberates from are illusions. But while liberation might be associated with relief, truth is a burden too. Life can be unbelieveably beautiful, but it is at the same time point a force which entrains us. Loyle is able to look into the eye of life and within all his weakness he holds the gaze of it.
On the other side a system which discriminates women like in Iran is not able to do so. They execute force of a certain kind like physical as well as psychological violence, but are afraid of another force, the force of sexuality. This leads to a contradictory system, where women are slated and exploited, where sexuality is lived within rape and abuse of power.
Within their system but also in other societies all over the world, including most likely our own, maleness is associated with strength. But what is virility? I don't know what menhood is, what womenhood is, at least not with a view to the charackter and behaviour. But I see strength in human being kind, being strong in a way to live the life with all its hardness without seeking refugee in illusions.
While their strength results in weakness, Loyles weakness leads to strength.
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about the miracle of change...
...and a happy new year!
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