appulsprite 4 years
i went to animation school and did a music video with my classmates!
it's about a dystopian world in the year 3020. pls give a watch
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appulsprite 5 years
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as some of u might have noticed, i have been very quiet on here lately. somewhere around when the 17th december ban happened, tumblr marked my blog as a porn blog somehow? because as u know i am famous for all the copious amounts of porn i upload. mhmh, for sure..... i didn鈥檛 know about this until my friend told me appulsprite didn鈥檛 show up in searches anymore and my posts were invisible etc.聽
tumblr has been such a good art site for me. nowhere else has the same kind of customization when it comes to uploading pictures. i can arrange my posts in any way i like. i can move things around, make photosets, play with composition. it鈥檚 great. twitter and instagram sucks that way. either your drawings are hidden in a ghost box, or they all have to be boring squares, and all photosets have to be swiped to be seen.聽
but i鈥檓 tired of the rising level of bullshit there is to wade through on tumblr, and it seems everyone else feels the same way too. guess i鈥檒l seeya around if i find somewhere good to upload my stuff. bai
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appulsprite 5 years
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appulsprite 5 years
for the longest time i thought Zendaya was just the name of another new overwatch character
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appulsprite 5 years
i want to draw everything from that episode! the fusions and the new designs! but i'm feeling overwhelmed so here's this instead?????
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appulsprite 5 years
he want u to tell him your problem
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appulsprite 5 years
i'm doodling. give me ideas
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appulsprite 5 years
Do u still like Heathers? (yes I just went through most of your account lol) and what do u ship?
i absolutely still like heathers! my fanart isn鈥檛 representative of what i鈥檓 the most into necessarily. it鈥檚 more like, what is comfortable and fun to draw. steven universe for example is the easiest for me to draw, but it鈥檚 not what i鈥檓 the MOST into at the moment.
heathers ships? uhh, i ship almost anything (or nothing, depending on my mood.) veronica is shippable with almost everyone; JD, martha, mcnamara, h chandler, and duke i guess. also a lot of my shipping depends on the context. like, are they a bit older, is it a quick fling, is it a comfort thing, etc.
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appulsprite 5 years
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what i want them to look when reformed
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appulsprite 5 years
what happened to ur blog? when i search i cant find it. i have to go thru my following list to find u
what???? that's weird, i don't think i'm flagged. is anyone else having this problem?
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appulsprite 5 years
some stevos in outfits
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appulsprite 6 years
Wait, so Liza is just up for grabs?
yep! i love character design somuch and i end up making so many characters that i never use
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appulsprite 6 years
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original character, do steal. you can have her!
her name is liza.
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appulsprite 6 years
Hi! In light of tumblr's latest disasterpiece, do you have any other platforms you are on?
I鈥檒l probably not leave this shithole since it鈥檚 the only website I know that has good options for photosets and displays pictures in a way i want them to be displayed. that being said, i did make an intagram a while ago because ppl on insta kept fuckinnnnnnnnnn reuploading my art and i got annoyed.聽
but don鈥檛 follow it yet!聽it鈥檚 not finished and i will probably temporary-block everyone who follows it so i can do a mass-upload without ruining anyones feed.
reuploading everything is such hard work tho, because as it turns out, i鈥檝e uploaded a WHOLE bunch of things since starting tumblr. so who knows when that will even happen tbh
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appulsprite 6 years
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appulsprite 6 years
okay so far i鈥檝e got Paul, Cindy, Maria, Tiffany, Amy, Emily, Crystal, Jeff,聽 Eric, Alex aaand Milo. hell yeah聽
i鈥檓 enjoying this SO much pls send more i am beggind you
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appulsprite 6 years
Probably something that starts w a c
yea probably
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