aquariusjunna · 1 year
I finally watched the Teen wolf movie
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i got some spoilers before it but didnt impact much my final analisys
I thought i would miss Stiles so much but the story goes like a long episode where Stilinski isnt there so  thats ok
I liked how they manage to include him in details like  in Lydia speech, his father mentioning him at FBI, his jeep almost like a character lol
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I liked Jackson addition to the group his kanima personality talking was funny sometimes
I didnt understand well how Alisson comeback if was nogitsune fault or nemeton wants her to be alive again
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But the way Scalisson comeback made sense to me haha
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Liam and the new kistune didnt have much screen time and i felt a little mad that this new kitsune has more habilities than Kimura (But how time has passed i think its ok)
When i heard about Parrish and Malia  i laughed and thought WHAT!!
But wacthing the movie made root for them so cute
Parrish puppy eyes again and Malia more mature (not so much)  will be a great couple
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Mason cop i screamed! So cute
Derek as a father was really sweet i didnt like his son personality (i felt like they were trying mimic sterek dynamic)
But after his loss i think he will become more like a hale
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Peter ,Chris and Melissa were cool together
I wasnt convinced about Lydia speech Why she would dream or have a premonition with herself?
But at least shows that she was heartbroken so she stills loves Stiles and is suffering about this breakup and probably Stiles is thinking in a way to resolve this
If a second movie one day exists
Was it
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
Some of my favorite stydia moments
I love their interactions and their first kiss
How i gonna get over this
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
Its over i finished Teen Wolf series 🥲
Now im gonna watch the movie 😄
Knowing that was supposed to exist a 7 season i felt that the ending was rushed
Actually all season 6
The first part about the Ghost riders
Where they did all to make us fall in love more to Stydia was too fast
And gave us crumbles of romance but ok
I thought after that we would have more cute scenes but none
Then we ran to second part Gerard army and again only crumbles of romance
I know that many things were happening that time but they could make a effort
Jackson and ethan had a beautiful kiss and we watched Malia trying to move on and open her heart to her father and Scott
But stydia only had touching fingers
At least i felt like they end up together and keep with that slow burn
Now im gonna see the movie and fill my soulf with fanfics lol
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
Ah i just discovered
JAckson and Ethan omg!
They are so handsome together
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
So good to be able to watch these series even when the hype is over
Is not the same feeling cause im alone but is like turn back in time
Teenwolf ships i liked and cared too much since im still watching and a few episodes to end
I cant help but of course its my utt choice
Though Stiles has always loved Lydia i think at first it wasnt trully love since they were teenagers so he had that crush but didnt know anything about her and she was busy pretendind to be popular and dumb
So as the story goes and things change i liked how they gave Stiles a different person to Love before Lydia so Her feeling to Him starts growing after affection and friendship (she started to care about him fisrt as friends then realized she loved him since That Prom date) and Him understand what he really liked about Lydia and not just her appearence (She was always in terrible condition )
Ps: Scoot was a stydia shipper so funny
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I think they were cute together
After Allison loss, was really sad and hard to move on but kira was confident yet soft
Their relationship had bad things like bad communication and a lot of troubles with their powers going on but i believe with time would be resolved
Since now they were like immortals
Scott was more mature and Kira was too silly sometimes i dont think they would end up forever but at least for a long time
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My problem with this was the way it started
They met at forest then again at Hospital and hook up while Stiles were possessed ?
Malia creates a bond with Stiles like an animal bond (Dog and owner) she wants to protect him and he cares about her but to me sometimes it looked like a child or someone with big power differences ( i mean like Tarzan and Jane what is good but in Teenwolf i guess it didnt have much time to develop the bond and story so this ship didnt got me much)
If wasnt this Stalia could be good cause she liked him first and was cute to see Stiles beeing loved and not just by his dad
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_________honor mention________
Parrish and Lydia
This is probably caused the actors has so good chemistry i don't know Parrish puppy eyes were so cute with Lydia my heart melts every time
He was older i dont know how much older
And even though lydia would have 18 i guess
It was still weird
But Parrish got my love ♡
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The og couple was good but clichê
So the hunt and thd hunter plot was cool but too toxic with lies and was giving me anxiety
But after all that happened if Scalisson comeback now
I would totally ship if she become a better person like her father
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________Derek and Melissa_____
It never happened but i think it could at least season 1 lol
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_________Argent and Melissa____
It was weird period
And cringe sometimes
But she was a young mom that wanted a hot bf so why dont
__________Danny and Jacson______
I loved their friendship
Cause Jacson was a bad boy and Danny a cool guy
But if turned out as couple i woulded like see too
__________issac alisson_________
Just like Stiles and Malia this story was rushed and no sense
And most of the times seems that she didnt care with him
So i just liked that the Argent father kinda adopted him but issaclisson
Was bad
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
my heart is always palpitating in love scenes
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
Im finally at that moment when Lydia realizes she likes Stiles too
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Omg i felt so happy
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aquariusjunna · 1 year
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aquariusjunna · 2 years
Adding to my nostalgic list i'm also starting to watch Teenwolf
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I just discovered Stiles ❤
#Teenwolf #stiles #stydia #Scottmcall
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aquariusjunna · 2 years
2023 best time to comeback to tumblr the Quality of gifs is so superior omg
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aquariusjunna · 2 years
Hello im in my nostalgic era i cant believe i just downloaded again Tumblr and i came back to my old account
So many memories
Well lets see what i'll find
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aquariusjunna · 5 years
O Despertar Reveluv * The Reveluv awakening
Kpop no mundo de 2019 uma sensação e me pego ouvindo um grupo quase que todos os dias , o fato é que eu já havia descoberto esse gênero anos atrás com Girls Generations mas não tinha dado muita bola, Red velvet conheci acredito que na mesma época em meados de 2014 e 2016 com ‘ I got a boy” e Roussian Roulette respectivamente . Ouvindo esporadicamente eu posso dizer que pertenço a esse “fandom” Reveluv , gosto do estilo musical das meninas e dos clipes irreverentes, é claro a industria é um assunto a parte e o modo como    alguns fãs coreanos endeusam os artistas está aberto á discussão , por ora é só ! Happiness!!
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aquariusjunna · 8 years
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aquariusjunna · 8 years
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just found
and well guy, you really looks like tom
i watched this movie Austenland and loved probably because the plot was simple and catchy, i'm trying deny ...JJ Feild you're officially on the list
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aquariusjunna · 9 years
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Tom Hiddleston & Jessica Chastain Throw the Worst Party Ever 
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best party 
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aquariusjunna · 9 years
credit to the facebook page here
look how Tom can act so deeply
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aquariusjunna · 9 years
jensen voice
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