arkhailcreations · 3 months
Was gonna write something new for pride but honestly can't think of anything better to say than this. Sorry for the hiatus been busy with moving, will release new material soon.
At time of writing it has been just over a year since I started HRT and began my journey to become myself. But before that came a long and arduous journey, for over a year before that I had been closeted and before that came many years of denial. Growing up it had been instilled in me that feeling like the opposite gender was always something deeply wrong, something to be dreaded and treated with at best, pity and disgust and at worst vitriol and hatred. I was made to think that the act of being trans was sinful and that if I were trans, I would lose everything. As time went on I tried to live "normally" but by rejecting part of myself I turned my life into a living hell. In 2021 I finally realized that I couldn't pretend to be someone I'm not forever and if I was to have a future I would have to be honest with myself and do things that might be hard. The process that came after was slow and difficult but in time I found that most people in my life came to accept me for who I am and many were more supportive than I could have possibly imagined. And those that weren't were never really my friends anyway. If you, the reader find repulsion and anger in my identity I challenge you to look within yourself, for I was like you once, you might not be trans but can you truly claim to be your authentic self? Don't ever let yourself be shaped by other peoples ideas of who you should be, not your friends or family, not any church or god, not a movement or an idea. Identity belongs to you and you alone. Be who you are and let the rest come naturally, If anyone doesn't like it then they never deserved you in the first place. Be unfiltered, be unrestrained and undeterred by what others think, be your authentic self, Be Visible. -A.M
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arkhailcreations · 4 months
Insatiable - Prologue
War never changes. Three years ago the brotherhood of steel came here seeking an enemy and the foe they found proved to be too great.
Three years ago a mother emerged from vault 111, confused, scared, but overall, enraged. The path the wasteland took her down was long and dark and her integrity did not survive.
For by the time she arrived in the institute and found the truth, she had found a love for the wasteland. But not for its people or for the small bastions of civilization that dotted it, but for the chaos and lawlessness.
She followed along with the institutes directives, soon she had amassed a large band of allies and combined with her skills and the institutes full technologic might they led a full assault on the prydwen.
Its said not a soul of the brotherhoods ranks at the Boston airport on that day survived the ensuing massacre.
Elder Maxson was dead, the prydwen was captured and though last minute attempts were made to prevent liberty prime from coming into the institutes possession these proved futile.
Many of the sole survivors allies were disillusioned with her by the sheer brutality of the attack.
But it was too late, with the brotherhood gone no force could stand in the institutes way and they could rule the commonwealth with impunity.
No one knows what happened to the railroad, some say the institute snuffed them out but there are rumors that they continue to operate from an Island to the north.
Similarly Preston Garvey and the rest of the survivors from concord disappeared from sanctuary hills without a trace and with them so too did the last remnant of the commonwealth minutemen.
Soon the sole survivor of vault 111 found herself as director of the institute but she found that the intricacies of managing such an organization left her bored and she vanished.
Weeks later from the east came a horde of raiders from Nuka World, who came to lay claim to vast swathes of land within the commonwealth, forcing many settlements to pay tribute to them.
It soon came to light that the leader of these raiders was none other than The director of the institute herself and with their help she would now lead the institute to a new war.
For to the south the brotherhood of steel still remained in the capital wasteland. And with her raider army and institute technology they too would be eradicated.
Though their annihilation was not as total as it had been in the commonwealth the brotherhood was defeated and just as it had plundered its technology and industry from the enclave so too would its technology and industry be passed on now to the institute.
The Nuka-world raiders were transformed into a tool of the institutes conquest, they were gifted the captured prydwen and a fleet of vertibirds as well as a substantial arsenal of power armor and energy weapons.
As the institute thrived and grew both underground and in new surface installations across the east coast the sole survivor set out with her raider horde on an expedition west to search for any powers that might pose a threat to the institutes expansion.
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Fallout is property of Bethesda Softworks. Fallout Insatiable is a fan work by Arkhail creations and is not affiliated with or authorized by Bethesda, Zenimax media or Microsoft.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
Kondura Space Program - Introduction
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Welcome to the Kondura Space Center, Home of The space program of the Imperial Republic of Kondura. Since the programs beginning 40 years ago the KSP has been a prevailing force of exploration Across the vast expanse of the cosmos. From the sands of duna to the icy crust of Neidons moons,Throughout our history we have defined ourselves by reaching where no one else could, faster, more efficiently and more well equipped than any that stood alongside us. And so we are the uncontested masters of spacetravel. Our mission continues now to the outer edges of the solar system and beyond, With new technology and greater strength than ever before. Thank you for joining us and enjoy the ride.
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-A.M, Arkhail Creations.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
At time of writing it has been just over a year since I started HRT and began my journey to become myself. But before that came a long and arduous journey, for over a year before that I had been closeted and before that came many years of denial. Growing up it had been instilled in me that feeling like the opposite gender was always something deeply wrong, something to be dreaded and treated with at best, pity and disgust and at worst vitriol and hatred. I was made to think that the act of being trans was sinful and that if I were trans, I would lose everything. As time went on I tried to live "normally" but by rejecting part of myself I turned my life into a living hell. In 2021 I finally realized that I couldn't pretend to be someone I'm not forever and if I was to have a future I would have to be honest with myself and do things that might be hard. The process that came after was slow and difficult but in time I found that most people in my life came to accept me for who I am and many were more supportive than I could have possibly imagined. And those that weren't were never really my friends anyway. If you, the reader find repulsion and anger in my identity I challenge you to look within yourself, for I was like you once, you might not be trans but can you truly claim to be your authentic self? Don't ever let yourself be shaped by other peoples ideas of who you should be, not your friends or family, not any church or god, not a movement or an idea. Identity belongs to you and you alone. Be who you are and let the rest come naturally, If anyone doesn't like it then they never deserved you in the first place. Be unfiltered, be unrestrained and undeterred by what others think, be your authentic self, Be Visible. -A.M
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 8/8, The Painted Palace (3/3)
The End
More to come...
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 7/8, The Painted Palace (2/3)
Hallway to living quarters
Hallway outside study
Writing area
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 6/8, The Painted Palace (1/3)
Main Hall
Throne Room
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 5/8, Rail depot
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 4/8, Industrial district
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 3/8, Military Academy
Outer gate
Main Entrance
View from outside the city
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
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Vesivayla 2/8, Market district.
Central square and stables
Noble House
Market Stalls
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
Vesivayla, The city of new beginnings.
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arkhailcreations · 6 months
Better late than never...
Welcome to Arkhail Creations, A curated collection of stories and memories from places far and wide. I will be the main contributor to this blog, You may call me "A.M" (she/her) I am primarily a writer but I also play games and draw occasionally. The primary purpose of Arkhail Creations will be to share stories in all forms they come in, From stories and screenshots from games, to original works of fiction, to real life travel stories and photography. My fellow contributors and I are excited to finally stop procrastinating and share with you the works we've built up over these past years and many more new ones yet to come. Stay tuned.
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arkhailcreations · 9 months
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