armedanddangerous · 6 years
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he’s still sprinting, maybe he’ll never stop.
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“YA LIVE WITH A RUBY, DON’T YA?” she roars as she keeps following “YA SHOULD KNOW A HUG WHEN YA’RE GETTIN’ IT!”
The last part sounds more like a threat. Seems his Ruby education is severely lacking.
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armedanddangerous · 6 years
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The Ruby pauses- and then snarls.
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“Wha- YOU COWARD PIECE OF PEBBLE, COME BACK ‘ERE AND ACCEPT IT LIKE A GEM!!” she howls as she tears after him, outraged that he won’t accept her affection.
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armedanddangerous · 6 years
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sucking in a deep breath, steven prepared himself for what he was going to do, before he threw open his arms.
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“   hug me!  ”
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“COME ’ERE!!!!”
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armedanddangerous · 6 years
Hurricane Michael
On October 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael, a Category 4 storm, made landfall on the Florida Panhandle with 155 mph winds. It became the most powerful hurricane on record to hit the area. And because it was approaching so quickly, there was very little time for residents to prepare for its arrival.
Michael also swept through Georgia, Virginia, and the Carolinas. Coastline cities and towns in the Florida Panhandle that were in the hurricane’s direct line of path, such as Mexico Beach and Panama City, were destroyed. The death toll is at 18, but could rise as disaster relief workers clean up the debris and search for missing people. Those who evacuated the area don’t know when they’ll be able to return home. And those who stayed and survived the storm are without power, cell phone service, and very desperate for aid.
If you can, please donate to the American Red Cross. GoFundMe has an Official Hurricane Michael Relief fund page.
Here’s some more links to articles detailing how you can help out, mostly listing out a number of charities that you can donate to:
Lifehacker: How to Help People Affected by Hurricane Michael
Fast Company: How to Help Hurricane Michael Victims
Tallahasse Democrat: Need Help? Want to Help? Here’s a List
Please donate if you are able to, and spread this around so that everyone can be aware of this disaster and that the hurricane victims can get the help they need. Feel free to update this with any links to helpful charities. 
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
     The nuzzling touch to her shoulder was such a Ruby action that the soldier almost thought nothing of it- that was, until she remembered just who she was leaning against, and her nonchalance turned into mild confusion once more. She wasn’t sure she’d ever received a cheek-touch from A6Y before, and was reasonably sure that nobody else in their platoon had either. Perhaps it was the ever-changing atmosphere hanging over their heads nowadays, or even the strange lack of restrictions and common sense on this Diamond forsaken planet, but….this was different, and 4ND knew enough about her teammate to take notice of it. 
    Commenting about it was an entirely different thing though, and so the soldier opted to say nothing, preferring to keep the easy air of amiable nonchalance between the two of them as she turned her one-eyed gaze skywards once more. 
     “…..I barely remember these star systems. It’s been too long since I was here last. I thought ‘hey, I won’t ever come back here, so I don’t need to remember them!’ But I’m HERE now.” 
     Well, so much for amiable nonchalance. 
She knew that 4ND took notice, for she had felt that brief, second long pause; and her cheeks burned a tiny bit more, turning redder, and A6Y fought the urge to clear her throat or laugh boisterously, awkwardly- to stop that, she bit down on her lip hard, and sighed harshly through her nose. Her hands twitched- and she had to move them to her lap, as the desire to reach for the other Ruby’s hand bubbled up in her suddenly.
She wasn’t sure if it would be appreciated. Even now, the fact she felt so bold to nuzzle the other, left her slightly afraid- and yet, so giddy, too. Because 4ND didn’t pull away after the cheek-touch.
She actually leaned closer (or maybe that was just Ruby’s wishful thinking) and started talking to her.
...Oh stars, she is talking to her.
A6Y forced down a flash of panic- she’s not good at talking! What if she says something- something dumb, as usual, and 4ND will snort and leave-
“I never remember any star systems.” she addmitted gruffly before internally felt like punching herself.
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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Eyeball is a gray-ace lesbian, Army is a demiromantic pansexual, and the two are in a relationship!
(requested by @thighsformiles)
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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Army is gay!
(requested by @empyrisan)
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
     @armedanddangerous​ continued from [ x ] 
     “Mm?” Turning her head just far enough to glance at the younger ruby from the corner of her one eye, the soldier frowned, an expression borne from her brief bout of confusion as she made the association between her action and A6Y’s question a moment later. Then, she turned her head to face forwards once more, lifted her arms as high as she could physically manage, and stretched, leaning her weight back and forcing A6Y to lean forwards in response. 
     “I’m fine.” And she was, honestly. Well, as fine as she could be, given their current circumstances, but that was…. something she didn’t want to think about tonight. Homeworld and everything they’d ever learned to believe seemed very far away right now, and as she cast her single eye skyward, she tried not to think about how she couldn’t even see Homeworld’s galaxy from here. 
     Instead, she let her body relax, dropped her arms back down, and sighed through her nose as A6Y’s unrivalled heat bled through to meet her own. 
A6Y rubbed her nose absently, flushing deeper red from just being given that little glance- she thanked the stars that the shadows from the night sky hid that particular action from the other Ruby.
Still, though no answer came first, she couldn’t help but hold her breath back as 4ND stretched, afraid to disturb the rare peace the older Ruby held. Licking her lips softly, she turned her head again and stared with faint fascination as the other stretches- her eyes unable to tear away from watching broad shoulders move and wide back arch.
Swallowing she finally breathed out, closing her eyes and then just focusing- feeling for the faint warmth of fire that wasn’t hers and taking comfort from it. 4ND’s voice was set low and raspy as she finally spoke- and A6Y hummed absently in return. Then she hesitated- and turned her head again, tilting it- before gently, almost gingerly, nuzzling her cheek on 4ND’s shoulder.
It was a brief action- barefly a second long, but it made A6Y flush deeply and turn her face forward, determined to not look back for 4ND’s reaction.
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
It was a cool night, and though it was nowhere near enough to actually bother the ruby, the dip in temperature had prompted within her a very base instinct- and that was to be among her own kind. So, without much thought, the ruby did just that, sitting down behind the broader ruby and leaning her back against the other's for both warmth and support. She didn't ask what the other was doing, because frankly, she didn't really care.
A6Y had been... well, dozing off was the right word for it, she supposed. She had never slept before- or at least, not yet- but she thought she came pretty close this time. The night was cool indeed, but A6Y hardly felt any difference in temperature. Her inner fire naturally ran hotter than others, and that’s why she was content to just sit and listen to the gentle breeze, to the soft waves of the sea.
It was easy to pretend she wasn’t slightly bothered by the almost pile her squadmates created, with her Captain between their two youngest members. She looked up at the stars instead, welcoming their twinkling as a good distraction- that meant, however, that she never anticipated 4ND coming over and leaning against her like that.
Her first instinct was to tense up- she suppresed that urge however, and forced herself to take a deep calming breath, even as blush spread across her cheeks. This gesture meant nothing, probably- A6Y was just closer than the rest of their team, and she knew that forced to choose, 4ND would always go to her instead to their Captain.
She wondered if 4ND liked this closeness at least a little though. The shared heat and support. The question burned in her mouth but she was not sure how to ask her. 
“...You.. Okay, Ruby?” she whispered almost inaudibly to her.
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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More Happy Earth AU but with a third contender. 
And like always please don’t repost any of my stuff anywhere at all thanks pals
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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The Ruby Squad is a group of polyamorous lesbians!
(requested by @empyrisan)
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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Army is polyamorous and a butch pansexual!
(requested by @thehollowkidvg)
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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Just a doodle, I’m trying to experiment a little more with my style!– I wonder what happened to her after the trial?
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
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Appreciation post for Army! My favorite Ruby from Steven Universe ‘Hit the Diamond!’
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armedanddangerous · 7 years
Just a small psa that I may or may not disappear for a while over the next few days, it really depends.
I am just pretty sure I am about to hit that low phase of my depression and while I feel fine at this moment (thanks to my few lovely friends and especially my ultimate bro @arubysoldier ) I don’t know how long that will last.
I really don’t know- maybe I will be able to keep positive and busy and I will drag myself from the pit before I even fall to it, but most of you guys knows success varies.
Still, I love you all and I hope you all have a good month!
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