arrxwed · 6 years
((hmmMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmm i would really like to come back to this blog but idk how))
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arrxwed · 7 years
And maybe that’s all a ghost is, in the end. Regret, grown legs, gone walking.
Archivist Wasp, page 183. (via sherpawhale)
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arrxwed · 7 years
starter for @revclverheld
He came at night.
These travel arraignments were common for The Bureau, yet Agent Shimada was uncharacteristically thankful. He had not been to this part of the United States yet in his career, nor had he ever really wanted to. From what his coworkers had told him, this area was hot, excruciatingly so, and dry. None of this sounded pleasant to Hanzo; even years after leaving home, his body was used to humid, rainy atmosphere that enveloped his youth. Needless to say, anything too far from that sounded like a sweat-soaked nightmare. Hence, the night travel gave Hanzo a few more hours to contemplate and accept what was about to happen.
The tales did not disappointment. Hours after his initial arrival, Hanzo felt his brow soaking in his own fluids as he trekked through the near-abandoned town, keeping his head down as he walked. Occasionally, he would peer upward at the buildings at either of his sides, making mental notes of where he was in his journey. The location was well-known to the agents who had been stalking the case: a local saloon, often crowded with degenerates, and unwelcome to strangers. However, it was not overly perilous - after all, they did not reside here. Just somebody who may know them, maybe.
The rickety old building came over the horizon at last, its exterior making the rest of the ghost town look like an advanced city in comparison. Hanzo could practically see the residue of its regulars clinging to the walls as smoke billowed out of every door and window. This caused the agent to wrinkle his nose. No doubt the tobacco was cheap. Taking a breath, Hanzo approached the swinging doors and thrust them open, announcing his arrival without grace nor caution.
Immediately, every single eye in the room gravitated toward him, none appearing friendly. All sound ceased to exist within the space; patrons stopped chattering, glasses refused to clink, and a nearby record player seemingly had its needle pulled. All at once, Hanzo realized there was more to it than just being a stranger. With his slick black eyes, pale skin and small, lean frame, the agent was a foreign stranger. While this fact proved innocuous in prior missions - immigration was become steadily common these days, anyway - Hanzo felt it was his greatest shortcoming in this task thus far.
And yet, for every hardened and tan gaze, Hanzo retorted with an equally matched yet even-tempered stare.
Taking advantage of the quiet, the agent dared to be the first to speak. “I’m looking for the Deadlock Gang.”
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arrxwed · 7 years
starter for @sxmbra-xnlineThe sake burned the back of Hanzo’s throat like fire, cleansing his cells of any prior negativity. The bar he arranged their meeting at was dark and questionable, perhaps too frightening for the average curiosity seeker to enter frivolously.  While one would probably be safe if they kept to themselves, the piercing glares of seedy characters were near impossible to ignore.
It was just the way Hanzo liked it.
Looking down into his glass, the dragon master swirled his beverage gently, savoring the flavor of his last sip as he did so. He did not go to bars often while on the road. Not many met his high standard of cleanliness, mood, or cover - and when they did, a fine sake never seemed to be on the menu. Thankfully, this location passed with flying colors. After all, there was only so much of her the archer could tolerate without alcohol in his system.
As if on cue, Hanzo felt the hairs on his arm stand up as a gentle surge of electricity jumped between his bones. He sighed through-out the duration of this feeling: it was low and airy, vaguely similar to the sighs his father would exhale when one of his sons did something disappointing.
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“Perhaps one day you will learn to use the front door like a normal person.” the last few words had an unforgiving bite to them. Hanzo did not bother to move his head as the sounds of whirring computers buzzed behind him. At this point, the jingle was akin to a familiar footfall.
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arrxwed · 7 years
Put a Pokemon in my muse’s askbox and they will either catch it or let it go; but they can only catch 6 total!
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arrxwed · 7 years
{{ Please reblog this if you’re a mun who’s open for angst plotting. Death, pain, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, illness, misery, fighting, screaming, tears, hate, disgust, trauma, graphic gore, etc; I’m in need of threads. Thank you. }}
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arrxwed · 7 years
[[ does anybody want a quick starter or should i go back to being dead ]]
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arrxwed · 7 years
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Unlock non-crappily-resized version right here. It’s only a $1 and you’ll be supporting/feeding me! :D
(Unlock nsfw followup here)
I share WIPs, concepts, nsfw and all fan comics first on my Patreon!
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arrxwed · 7 years
HEADCANON PROMPT MEME: Send in a character and a number from this list and I will write a headcanon based on the word
Best Friend
Worst Enemy
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arrxwed · 7 years
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Happy munday, here's a picture of me hiding from my responsibilities in a stinky bathroom
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arrxwed · 7 years
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Especially if it’s something you’re too shy or afraid to ask off-anon. 
(Admin note: If you reblog this from someone, try to send them something, even if it’s just a basic question. The mun will really appreciate it.)
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arrxwed · 7 years
olddragonlord -> arrxwed
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arrxwed · 7 years
[[ work is complete and utter hell today plz send me good vibes so I don't cry all over the place ]]
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arrxwed · 7 years
olddragonlord -> arrxwed
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arrxwed · 7 years
the salty af munday meme
Because, like it or not, we're not all balls of sunshine all the time. We can be pure salt when we want to be.☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz♚ How many people don't like you?⚜ How many people do you not like?✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama? ☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?☼ How long do you stay mad?☀ What's your rp pet peeve?☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn't have?☂ Have you ever been forgiven when you knew you shouldn't have been?☢ What fads/trends are you so over?☣ Have you ever rp'd with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?♨ Have you ever made a public call out post?❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?✿ What do you think about public call out posts?✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?✦ Thoughts on duplicates following you?✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?❦ Has someone been jealous of you?❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone? ✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
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arrxwed · 7 years
Dragon type, obviously
{{Give me a pokemon type and I’ll name a pokemon of that type that I can see my muse training || open }}
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Shatei | Flygon | Ground/Dragon | MaleSteel Wing | Aerial Ace | Protect | Sandstorm
When Hanzo thinks about his past, there is nothing more painful to him than the thought of his brother, Genji. Fresh faced and careless, Genji was the second son of Sojiro Shimada and acted like it. He had loved Pokemon in the way other loved babies; every creature was significantly more fun than humans, and often far more willing to help the young Shimada get into trouble. It was a trait that his father had loved deeply, yet his associates despised. Instead of punishment, Sojiro doted on his younger son, and gave him the nickname Spearow .
While Hanzo loved his brother, he fed off the annoyances of his father’s associates with ease. His first memories consisted of being trained by his father to one day rule over the Shimada syndicate: it was his birthright, and as such he was expected to always act with the foresight of a future leader. However, should anything happen, Genji was assumed next in line until Hanzo produced kin on his own. Which meant that, while his attitude was pivotal, both Shimadas needed to act in accordance to family tradition.
On the day of his father’s murder, Hanzo fled the stronghold without second thought. It was not until much later than he had considered the fate of Genji. Was was stopping Team Rocket from killing him, too? Genji would have undoubtedly tried to protect his father. Besides, he had always hated the family business; the younger Shimada would have proven disastrous for the Rocket takeover. Thus, Hanzo immediately assumed his brother dead, and never once considered going back to find the truth for himself.
Now alone in the world, Hanzo spent most of his young adult life traveling the corners of the world, attempting to find his purpose. It was during these travels that the Shimada found himself in a desert storm, sand whipping across his toughened face Regardless of his protective gear, obtained piece by piece over the years, even Hanzo felt himself grow weak and helpless to the disaster. At some point, he blacked out, accepting that his journey to self-discovery had ended.
It felt like years later that Hanzo awoke, still within the confines of the desert. Upon blinking the sand out of his eyes, the weary traveler found himself within the mouth of a cavern, sunlight filling the rocky enclosure without a sign of the storm in slight. A curious Flygon peered over him, unblinking and non threatened.
It had saved Hanzo’s life.
Immediately, Hanzo took in the dragon’s bright green coloration and inquisitive nature. Somehow, he felt that the being was no ordinary Pokemon. While far from superstitious, Hanzo could not help but wonder if the creature was sent by the soul of his brother, and if there were greater forces behind his miraculous survival.
Since that day, Shatei has never left Hanzo’s side. Often acting as his trainer’s primary form of transportation, the Flygon consistently meets his expectations as a guardian, and gladly fights in Hanzo’s roster when called upon.
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arrxwed · 7 years
olddragonlord -> arrxwed
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